blob: e2302e3fdd6618b4e407e34b36b09d29b18694b3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dunit;
typedef void Test();
typedef TestResult SynchTest();
typedef Future<TestResult> AsynchTest();
class TestSuite {
TestSuite() : _tests = <SynchTest>[];
void registerTestClass(TestClass tests) {
void _registerTest(SynchTest test) {
void run() {
List<TestResult> runTests() {
List<TestResult> results = <TestResult>[];
for(Function test in _tests) {
return results;
void reportResults(List<TestResult> results) {
if(results.every((TestResult r) => r is PassedTest)) {
print("OK -- ALL TESTS PASS (${results.length} run)");
} else {
for(TestResult r in
results.where((TestResult r) => !(r is PassedTest))) {
int passedTests =
results.where((TestResult r) => r is PassedTest).length;
int failures =
results.where((TestResult r) => r is FailedTest).length;
int errors =
results.where((TestResult r) => r is TestError).length;
print("FAIL -- TESTS RUN: ${results.length}");
print(" PASSED: ${passedTests}");
print(" FAILED: ${failures}");
print(" ERRORS: ${errors}");
List<SynchTest> _tests;
abstract class TestResult {
String get testDescription;
class PassedTest implements TestResult {
const PassedTest(String this._testDescription);
String get testDescription => _testDescription;
final String _testDescription;
String toString() => _testDescription;
class _ExceptionResult {
const _ExceptionResult(String this._testDescription, var this._exception);
String get testDescription => _testDescription;
final String _testDescription;
Object get exception => _exception;
final _exception;
class FailedTest extends _ExceptionResult implements TestResult {
FailedTest(String testDescription, var exception) :
super(testDescription, exception);
String toString() => ">>> Test failure in ${_testDescription} " +
class TestError extends _ExceptionResult implements TestResult {
TestError(String testDescription, var exception, var this.stacktrace) :
super(testDescription, exception);
String toString() => ">>> Test error caught in " +
"${_testDescription} with:\n${exception}\n$stacktrace\n";
var stacktrace;
class TestClass {
void register(String description, Function test, TestSuite suite) {
suite._registerTest(() {
try {
return new PassedTest(description);
} on ExpectException catch (x) {
return new FailedTest(description, x);
} catch (x, stacktrace) {
return new TestError(description, x, stacktrace);
void registerTests(TestSuite suite);
void setUp() {}
void tearDown() {}