blob: 3b344909d61800df10b8c287bf40293e70de1492 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/class_table.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/freelist.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/raw_object.h"
#include "vm/visitor.h"
namespace dart {
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, print_class_table, false, "Print initial class table.");
: top_(kNumPredefinedCids), capacity_(0), table_(NULL) {
if (Dart::vm_isolate() == NULL) {
capacity_ = initial_capacity_;
table_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass**>(
calloc(capacity_, sizeof(RawClass*))); // NOLINT
} else {
// Duplicate the class table from the VM isolate.
ClassTable* vm_class_table = Dart::vm_isolate()->class_table();
capacity_ = vm_class_table->capacity_;
table_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass**>(
calloc(capacity_, sizeof(RawClass*))); // NOLINT
for (intptr_t i = kObjectCid; i < kInstanceCid; i++) {
table_[i] = vm_class_table->At(i);
table_[kFreeListElement] = vm_class_table->At(kFreeListElement);
table_[kNullCid] = vm_class_table->At(kNullCid);
table_[kDynamicCid] = vm_class_table->At(kDynamicCid);
table_[kVoidCid] = vm_class_table->At(kVoidCid);
ClassTable::~ClassTable() {
void ClassTable::Register(const Class& cls) {
intptr_t index =;
if (index != kIllegalCid) {
ASSERT(index > 0);
ASSERT(index < kNumPredefinedCids);
ASSERT(table_[index] == 0);
ASSERT(index < capacity_);
table_[index] = cls.raw();
// Add the vtable for this predefined class into the static vtable registry
// if it has not been setup yet.
cpp_vtable cls_vtable = cls.handle_vtable();
cpp_vtable table_entry = Object::builtin_vtables_[index];
ASSERT((table_entry == 0) || (table_entry == cls_vtable));
if (table_entry == 0) {
Object::builtin_vtables_[index] = cls_vtable;
} else {
if (top_ == capacity_) {
// Grow the capacity of the class table.
intptr_t new_capacity = capacity_ + capacity_increment_;
RawClass** new_table = reinterpret_cast<RawClass**>(
realloc(table_, new_capacity * sizeof(RawClass*))); // NOLINT
for (intptr_t i = capacity_; i < new_capacity; i++) {
new_table[i] = NULL;
capacity_ = new_capacity;
table_ = new_table;
ASSERT(top_ < capacity_);
table_[top_] = cls.raw();
top_++; // Increment next index.
void ClassTable::VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor) {
ASSERT(visitor != NULL);
visitor->VisitPointers(reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&table_[0]), top_);
void ClassTable::Print() {
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
String& name = String::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 1; i < top_; i++) {
cls = At(i);
if (cls.raw() != reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(0)) {
name = cls.Name();
OS::Print("%"Pd": %s\n", i, name.ToCString());
} // namespace dart