blob: dc25771197127ee34ac9eff8154ff58b3e0c762e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of unittest;
* Hooks to configure the unittest library for different platforms. This class
* implements the API in a platform-independent way. Tests that want to take
* advantage of the platform can create a subclass and override methods from
* this class.
class Configuration {
// The VM won't shut down if a receive port is open. Use this to make sure
// we correctly wait for asynchronous tests.
ReceivePort _receivePort;
* Subclasses can override this with something useful for diagnostics.
* Particularly useful in cases where we have parent/child configurations
* such as layout tests.
final String name = 'Configuration';
* If true, then tests are started automatically (otherwise [runTests]
* must be called explicitly after the tests are set up.
final bool autoStart = true;
* Called as soon as the unittest framework becomes initialized. This is done
* even before tests are added to the test framework. It might be used to
* determine/debug errors that occur before the test harness starts executing.
* It is also used to tell the vm or browser that tests are going to be run
* asynchronously and that the process should wait until they are done.
void onInit() {
_receivePort = new ReceivePort();
/** Called as soon as the unittest framework starts running. */
void onStart() {}
* Called when each test starts. Useful to show intermediate progress on
* a test suite.
void onTestStart(TestCase testCase) {
assert(testCase != null);
* Called when each test is first completed. Useful to show intermediate
* progress on a test suite.
void onTestResult(TestCase testCase) {
assert(testCase != null);
* Called when an already completed test changes state; for example a test
* that was marked as passing may later be marked as being in error because
* it still had callbacks being invoked.
void onTestResultChanged(TestCase testCase) {
assert(testCase != null);
* Handles the logging of messages by a test case. The default in
* this base configuration is to call print();
void onLogMessage(TestCase testCase, String message) {
* Called with the result of all test cases. The default implementation prints
* the result summary using the built-in [print] command. Browser tests
* commonly override this to reformat the output.
* When [uncaughtError] is not null, it contains an error that occured outside
* of tests (e.g. setting up the test).
void onSummary(int passed, int failed, int errors, List<TestCase> results,
String uncaughtError) {
// Print each test's result.
for (final t in results) {
var resultString = "${t.result}".toUpperCase();
print('$resultString: ${t.description}');
if (t.message != '') {
if (t.stackTrace != null && t.stackTrace != '') {
// Show the summary.
if (passed == 0 && failed == 0 && errors == 0 && uncaughtError == null) {
print('No tests found.');
// This is considered a failure too.
} else if (failed == 0 && errors == 0 && uncaughtError == null) {
print('All $passed tests passed.');
} else {
if (uncaughtError != null) {
print('Top-level uncaught error: $uncaughtError');
print('$passed PASSED, $failed FAILED, $errors ERRORS');
* Called when the unittest framework is done running. [success] indicates
* whether all tests passed successfully.
void onDone(bool success) {
if (success) {
} else {
throw new Exception('Some tests failed.');
String _indent(String str) {
// TODO(nweiz): Use this simpler code once issue 2980 is fixed.
// return str.replaceAll(new RegExp("^", multiLine: true), " ");
return str.split("\n").map((line) => " $line").join("\n");
/** Handle errors that happen outside the tests. */
// TODO(vsm): figure out how to expose the stack trace here
// Currently e.message works in dartium, but not in dartc.
void handleExternalError(e, String message, [String stack = '']) =>
_reportTestError('$message\nCaught $e', stack);
_postMessage(String message) {
// In dart2js browser tests, the JavaScript-based test controller
// intercepts calls to print and listens for "secret" messages.