blob: cacaec724499b2a48715db7c4ad686ed897e1445 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A simple mocking/spy library.
* ## Installing ##
* Use [pub][] to install this package. Add the following to your `pubspec.yaml`
* file.
* dependencies:
* mock: any
* Then run `pub install`.
* For more information, see the
* [mock package on](
* ## Using ##
* To create a mock objects for some class T, create a new class using:
* class MockT extends Mock implements T {};
* Then specify the [Behavior] of the Mock for different methods using
* [when] (to select the method and parameters) and then the [Action]s
* for the [Behavior] by calling [thenReturn], [alwaysReturn], [thenThrow],
* [alwaysThrow], [thenCall] or [alwaysCall].
* [thenReturn], [thenThrow] and [thenCall] are one-shot so you would
* typically call these more than once to specify a sequence of actions;
* this can be done with chained calls, e.g.:
* m.when(callsTo('foo')).
* thenReturn(0).thenReturn(1).thenReturn(2);
* [thenCall] and [alwaysCall] allow you to proxy mocked methods, chaining
* to some other implementation. This provides a way to implement 'spies'.
* For getters and setters, use "get foo" and "set foo"-style arguments
* to [callsTo].
* You can disable logging for a particular [Behavior] easily:
* m.when(callsTo('bar')).logging = false;
* You can then use the mock object. Once you are done, to verify the
* behavior, use [getLogs] to extract a relevant subset of method call
* logs and apply [Matchers] to these through calling [verify].
* A Mock can be given a name when constructed. In this case instead of
* keeping its own log, it uses a shared log. This can be useful to get an
* audit trail of interleaved behavior. It is the responsibility of the user
* to ensure that mock names, if used, are unique.
* Limitations:
* * only positional parameters are supported (up to 10);
* * to mock getters you will need to include parentheses in the call
* (e.g. m.length() will work but not m.length).
* Here is a simple example:
* class MockList extends Mock implements List {};
* List m = new MockList();
* m.when(callsTo('add', anything)).alwaysReturn(0);
* m.add('foo');
* m.add('bar');
* getLogs(m, callsTo('add', anything)).verify(happenedExactly(2));
* getLogs(m, callsTo('add', 'foo')).verify(happenedOnce);
* getLogs(m, callsTo('add', 'isNull)).verify(neverHappened);
* Note that we don't need to provide argument matchers for all arguments,
* but we do need to provide arguments for all matchers. So this is allowed:
* m.when(callsTo('add')).alwaysReturn(0);
* m.add(1, 2);
* But this is not allowed and will throw an exception:
* m.when(callsTo('add', anything, anything)).alwaysReturn(0);
* m.add(1);
* Here is a way to implement a 'spy', which is where we log the call
* but then hand it off to some other function, which is the same
* method in a real instance of the class being mocked:
* class Foo {
* bar(a, b, c) => a + b + c;
* }
* class MockFoo extends Mock implements Foo {
* Foo real;
* MockFoo() {
* real = new Foo();
* this.when(callsTo('bar')).alwaysCall(;
* }
* }
* [pub]:
library mock;
import 'dart:mirrors' show MirrorSystem;
import 'matcher.dart';
* The error formatter for mocking is a bit different from the default one
* for unit testing; instead of the third argument being a 'reason'
* it is instead a [signature] describing the method signature filter
* that was used to select the logs that were verified.
String _mockingErrorFormatter(actual, Matcher matcher, String signature,
MatchState matchState, bool verbose) {
var description = new StringDescription();
description.add('Expected ${signature} ').addDescriptionOf(matcher).
add('\n but: ');
matcher.describeMismatch(actual, description, matchState, verbose).add('.');
return description.toString();
* The failure handler for the [expect()] calls that occur in [verify()]
* methods in the mock objects. This calls the real failure handler used
* by the unit test library after formatting the error message with
* the custom formatter.
class _MockFailureHandler implements FailureHandler {
FailureHandler proxy;
void fail(String reason) {;
void failMatch(actual, Matcher matcher, String reason,
MatchState matchState, bool verbose) {, matcher, reason,
matchState, verbose));
_MockFailureHandler _mockFailureHandler = null;
/** Sentinel value for representing no argument. */
class _Sentinel {
const _Sentinel();
const _noArg = const _Sentinel();
/** The ways in which a call to a mock method can be handled. */
class Action {
/** Do nothing (void method) */
static const IGNORE = const Action._('IGNORE');
/** Return a supplied value. */
static const RETURN = const Action._('RETURN');
/** Throw a supplied value. */
static const THROW = const Action._('THROW');
/** Call a supplied function. */
static const PROXY = const Action._('PROXY');
const Action._(;
final String name;
* The behavior of a method call in the mock library is specified
* with [Responder]s. A [Responder] has a [value] to throw
* or return (depending on the type of [action]),
* and can either be one-shot, multi-shot, or infinitely repeating,
* depending on the value of [count (1, greater than 1, or 0 respectively).
class Responder {
var value;
Action action;
int count;
Responder(this.value, [this.count = 1, this.action = Action.RETURN]);
* A [CallMatcher] is a special matcher used to match method calls (i.e.
* a method name and set of arguments). It is not a [Matcher] like the
* unit test [Matcher], but instead represents a method name and a
* collection of [Matcher]s, one per argument, that will be applied
* to the parameters to decide if the method call is a match.
class CallMatcher {
Matcher nameFilter;
List<Matcher> argMatchers;
* Constructor for [CallMatcher]. [name] can be null to
* match anything, or a literal [String], a predicate [Function],
* or a [Matcher]. The various arguments can be scalar values or
* [Matcher]s.
arg0 = _noArg,
arg1 = _noArg,
arg2 = _noArg,
arg3 = _noArg,
arg4 = _noArg,
arg5 = _noArg,
arg6 = _noArg,
arg7 = _noArg,
arg8 = _noArg,
arg9 = _noArg]) {
if (name == null) {
nameFilter = anything;
} else {
nameFilter = wrapMatcher(name);
argMatchers = new List<Matcher>();
if (identical(arg0, _noArg)) return;
if (identical(arg1, _noArg)) return;
if (identical(arg2, _noArg)) return;
if (identical(arg3, _noArg)) return;
if (identical(arg4, _noArg)) return;
if (identical(arg5, _noArg)) return;
if (identical(arg6, _noArg)) return;
if (identical(arg7, _noArg)) return;
if (identical(arg8, _noArg)) return;
if (identical(arg9, _noArg)) return;
* We keep our behavior specifications in a Map, which is keyed
* by the [CallMatcher]. To make the keys unique and to get a
* descriptive value for the [CallMatcher] we have this override
* of [toString()].
String toString() {
Description d = new StringDescription();
// If the nameFilter was a simple string - i.e. just a method name -
// strip the quotes to make this more natural in appearance.
if (d.toString()[0] == "'") {
d.replace(d.toString().substring(1, d.toString().length - 1));
for (var i = 0; i < argMatchers.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) d.add(', ');
return d.toString();
* Given a [method] name and list of [arguments], return true
* if it matches this [CallMatcher.
bool matches(String method, List arguments) {
var matchState = new MatchState();
if (!nameFilter.matches(method, matchState)) {
return false;
var numArgs = (arguments == null) ? 0 : arguments.length;
if (numArgs < argMatchers.length) {
throw new Exception("Less arguments than matchers for $method.");
for (var i = 0; i < argMatchers.length; i++) {
if (!argMatchers[i].matches(arguments[i], matchState)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns a [CallMatcher] for the specified signature. [method] can be
* null to match anything, or a literal [String], a predicate [Function],
* or a [Matcher]. The various arguments can be scalar values or [Matcher]s.
* To match getters and setters, use "get " and "set " prefixes on the names.
* For example, for a property "foo", you could use "get foo" and "set foo"
* as literal string arguments to callsTo to match the getter and setter
* of "foo".
CallMatcher callsTo([method,
arg0 = _noArg,
arg1 = _noArg,
arg2 = _noArg,
arg3 = _noArg,
arg4 = _noArg,
arg5 = _noArg,
arg6 = _noArg,
arg7 = _noArg,
arg8 = _noArg,
arg9 = _noArg]) {
return new CallMatcher(method, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);
* A [Behavior] represents how a [Mock] will respond to one particular
* type of method call.
class Behavior {
CallMatcher matcher; // The method call matcher.
List<Responder> actions; // The values to return/throw or proxies to call.
bool logging = true;
Behavior (this.matcher) {
actions = new List<Responder>();
* Adds a [Responder] that returns a [value] for [count] calls
* (1 by default).
Behavior thenReturn(value, [count = 1]) {
actions.add(new Responder(value, count, Action.RETURN));
return this; // For chaining calls.
/** Adds a [Responder] that repeatedly returns a [value]. */
Behavior alwaysReturn(value) {
return thenReturn(value, 0);
* Adds a [Responder] that throws [value] [count]
* times (1 by default).
Behavior thenThrow(value, [count = 1]) {
actions.add(new Responder(value, count, Action.THROW));
return this; // For chaining calls.
/** Adds a [Responder] that throws [value] endlessly. */
Behavior alwaysThrow(value) {
return thenThrow(value, 0);
* [thenCall] creates a proxy Responder, that is called [count]
* times (1 by default; 0 is used for unlimited calls, and is
* exposed as [alwaysCall]). [value] is the function that will
* be called with the same arguments that were passed to the
* mock. Proxies can be used to wrap real objects or to define
* more complex return/throw behavior. You could even (if you
* wanted) use proxies to emulate the behavior of thenReturn;
* e.g.:
* m.when(callsTo('foo')).thenReturn(0)
* is equivalent to:
* m.when(callsTo('foo')).thenCall(() => 0)
Behavior thenCall(value, [count = 1]) {
actions.add(new Responder(value, count, Action.PROXY));
return this; // For chaining calls.
/** Creates a repeating proxy call. */
Behavior alwaysCall(value) {
return thenCall(value, 0);
/** Returns true if a method call matches the [Behavior]. */
bool matches(String method, List args) => matcher.matches(method, args);
/** Returns the [matcher]'s representation. */
String toString() => matcher.toString();
* Every call to a [Mock] object method is logged. The logs are
* kept in instances of [LogEntry].
class LogEntry {
/** The time of the event. */
DateTime time;
/** The mock object name, if any. */
final String mockName;
/** The method name. */
final String methodName;
/** The parameters. */
final List args;
/** The behavior that resulted. */
final Action action;
/** The value that was returned (if no throw). */
final value;
LogEntry(this.mockName, this.methodName,
this.args, this.action, [this.value]) {
time = new;
String _pad2(int val) => (val >= 10 ? '$val' : '0$val');
String toString([DateTime baseTime]) {
Description d = new StringDescription();
if (baseTime == null) {
// Show absolute time.
'${_pad2(time.second)}.${time.millisecond}> ');
} else {
// Show relative time.
int delta = time.millisecondsSinceEpoch - baseTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
int secs = delta ~/ 1000;
int msecs = delta % 1000;
d.add('$secs.$msecs> ');
d.add('${_qualifiedName(mockName, methodName)}(');
if (args != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) d.add(', ');
d.add(') ${action == Action.THROW ? "threw" : "returned"} ');
return d.toString();
/** Utility function for optionally qualified method names */
String _qualifiedName(owner, String method) {
if (owner == null || identical(owner, anything)) {
return method;
} else if (owner is Matcher) {
Description d = new StringDescription();
return d.toString();
} else {
return '$owner.$method';
* [StepValidator]s are used by [stepwiseValidate] in [LogEntryList], which
* iterates through the list and call the [StepValidator] function with the
* log [List] and position. The [StepValidator] should return the number of
* positions to advance upon success, or zero upon failure. When zero is
* returned an error is reported.
typedef int StepValidator(List<LogEntry> logs, int pos);
* We do verification on a list of [LogEntry]s. To allow chaining
* of calls to verify, we encapsulate such a list in the [LogEntryList]
* class.
class LogEntryList {
String filter;
List<LogEntry> logs;
LogEntryList([this.filter]) {
logs = new List<LogEntry>();
/** Add a [LogEntry] to the log. */
add(LogEntry entry) => logs.add(entry);
/** Get the first entry, or null if no entries. */
get first => (logs == null || logs.length == 0) ? null : logs[0];
/** Get the last entry, or null if no entries. */
get last => (logs == null || logs.length == 0) ? null : logs.last;
/** Creates a LogEntry predicate function from the argument. */
Function _makePredicate(arg) {
if (arg == null) {
return (e) => true;
} else if (arg is CallMatcher) {
return (e) => arg.matches(e.methodName, e.args);
} else if (arg is Function) {
return arg;
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid argument to _makePredicate.");
* Create a new [LogEntryList] consisting of [LogEntry]s from
* this list that match the specified [mockNameFilter] and [logFilter].
* [mockNameFilter] can be null, a [String], a predicate [Function],
* or a [Matcher]. If [mockNameFilter] is null, this is the same as
* [anything].
* If [logFilter] is null, all entries in the log will be returned.
* Otherwise [logFilter] should be a [CallMatcher] or predicate function
* that takes a [LogEntry] and returns a bool.
* If [destructive] is true, the log entries are removed from the
* original list.
LogEntryList getMatches([mockNameFilter,
Matcher actionMatcher,
bool destructive = false]) {
if (mockNameFilter == null) {
mockNameFilter = anything;
} else {
mockNameFilter = wrapMatcher(mockNameFilter);
Function entryFilter = _makePredicate(logFilter);
String filterName = _qualifiedName(mockNameFilter, logFilter.toString());
LogEntryList rtn = new LogEntryList(filterName);
MatchState matchState = new MatchState();
for (var i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
LogEntry entry = logs[i];
if (mockNameFilter.matches(entry.mockName, matchState) &&
entryFilter(entry)) {
if (actionMatcher == null ||
actionMatcher.matches(entry, matchState)) {
if (destructive) {
int startIndex = i--;
logs.removeRange(startIndex, startIndex + 1);
return rtn;
/** Apply a unit test [Matcher] to the [LogEntryList]. */
LogEntryList verify(Matcher matcher) {
if (_mockFailureHandler == null) {
_mockFailureHandler =
new _MockFailureHandler(getOrCreateExpectFailureHandler());
expect(logs, matcher, reason:filter, failureHandler: _mockFailureHandler);
return this;
* Iterate through the list and call the [validator] function with the
* log [List] and position. The [validator] should return the number of
* positions to advance upon success, or zero upon failure. When zero is
* returned an error is reported. [reason] can be used to provide a
* more descriptive failure message. If a failure occurred false will be
* returned (unless the failure handler itself threw an exception);
* otherwise true is returned.
* The use case here is to perform more complex validations; for example
* we may want to assert that the return value from some function is
* later used as a parameter to a following function. If we filter the logs
* to include just these two functions we can write a simple validator to
* do this check.
bool stepwiseValidate(StepValidator validator, [String reason = '']) {
if (_mockFailureHandler == null) {
_mockFailureHandler =
new _MockFailureHandler(getOrCreateExpectFailureHandler());
var i = 0;
while (i < logs.length) {
var n = validator(logs, i);
if (n == 0) {
if (reason.length > 0) {
reason = ': $reason';
}"Stepwise validation failed at $filter "
"position $i$reason");
return false;
} else {
i += n;
return true;
* Turn the logs into human-readable text. If [baseTime] is specified
* then each entry is prefixed with the offset from that time in
* milliseconds; otherwise the time of day is used.
String toString([DateTime baseTime]) {
String s = '';
for (var e in logs) {
s = '$s${e.toString(baseTime)}\n';
return s;
* Find the first log entry that satisfies [logFilter] and
* return its position. A search [start] position can be provided
* to allow for repeated searches. [logFilter] can be a [CallMatcher],
* or a predicate function that takes a [LogEntry] argument and returns
* a bool. If [logFilter] is null, it will match any [LogEntry].
* If no entry is found, then [failureReturnValue] is returned.
* After each check the position is updated by [skip], so using
* [skip] of -1 allows backward searches, using a [skip] of 2 can
* be used to check pairs of adjacent entries, and so on.
int findLogEntry(logFilter, [int start = 0, int failureReturnValue = -1,
skip = 1]) {
logFilter = _makePredicate(logFilter);
int pos = start;
while (pos >= 0 && pos < logs.length) {
if (logFilter(logs[pos])) {
return pos;
pos += skip;
return failureReturnValue;
* Returns log events that happened up to the first one that
* satisfies [logFilter]. If [inPlace] is true, then returns
* this LogEntryList after removing the from the first satisfier;
* onwards otherwise a new list is created. [description]
* is used to create a new name for the resulting list.
* [defaultPosition] is used as the index of the matching item in
* the case that no match is found.
LogEntryList _head(logFilter, bool inPlace,
String description, int defaultPosition) {
if (filter != null) {
description = '$filter $description';
int pos = findLogEntry(logFilter, 0, defaultPosition);
if (inPlace) {
if (pos < logs.length) {
logs.removeRange(pos, logs.length);
filter = description;
return this;
} else {
LogEntryList newList = new LogEntryList(description);
for (var i = 0; i < pos; i++) {
return newList;
* Returns log events that happened from the first one that
* satisfies [logFilter]. If [inPlace] is true, then returns
* this LogEntryList after removing the entries up to the first
* satisfier; otherwise a new list is created. [description]
* is used to create a new name for the resulting list.
* [defaultPosition] is used as the index of the matching item in
* the case that no match is found.
LogEntryList _tail(logFilter, bool inPlace,
String description, int defaultPosition) {
if (filter != null) {
description = '$filter $description';
int pos = findLogEntry(logFilter, 0, defaultPosition);
if (inPlace) {
if (pos > 0) {
logs.removeRange(0, pos);
filter = description;
return this;
} else {
LogEntryList newList = new LogEntryList(description);
while (pos < logs.length) {
return newList;
* Returns log events that happened after [when]. If [inPlace]
* is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened up to [when]; otherwise a new
* list is created.
LogEntryList after(DateTime when, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
_tail((e) => e.time.isAfter(when), inPlace, 'after $when', logs.length);
* Returns log events that happened from [when] onwards. If
* [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after
* removing the entries that happened before [when]; otherwise
* a new list is created.
LogEntryList from(DateTime when, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
_tail((e) => !e.time.isBefore(when), inPlace, 'from $when', logs.length);
* Returns log events that happened until [when]. If [inPlace]
* is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened after [when]; otherwise a new
* list is created.
LogEntryList until(DateTime when, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
_head((e) => e.time.isAfter(when), inPlace, 'until $when', logs.length);
* Returns log events that happened before [when]. If [inPlace]
* is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened from [when] onwards; otherwise a new
* list is created.
LogEntryList before(DateTime when, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
_head((e) => !e.time.isBefore(when),
'before $when',
* Returns log events that happened after [logEntry]'s time.
* If [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after
* removing the entries that happened up to [when]; otherwise a new
* list is created. If [logEntry] is null the current time is used.
LogEntryList afterEntry(LogEntry logEntry, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
after(logEntry == null ? new : logEntry.time);
* Returns log events that happened from [logEntry]'s time onwards.
* If [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after
* removing the entries that happened before [when]; otherwise
* a new list is created. If [logEntry] is null the current time is used.
LogEntryList fromEntry(LogEntry logEntry, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
from(logEntry == null ? new : logEntry.time);
* Returns log events that happened until [logEntry]'s time. If
* [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened after [when]; otherwise a new
* list is created. If [logEntry] is null the epoch time is used.
LogEntryList untilEntry(LogEntry logEntry, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
until(logEntry == null ?
new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0) : logEntry.time);
* Returns log events that happened before [logEntry]'s time. If
* [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened from [when] onwards; otherwise a new
* list is created. If [logEntry] is null the epoch time is used.
LogEntryList beforeEntry(LogEntry logEntry, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
before(logEntry == null ?
new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0) : logEntry.time);
* Returns log events that happened after the first event in [segment].
* If [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened earlier; otherwise a new list is created.
LogEntryList afterFirst(LogEntryList segment, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
afterEntry(segment.first, inPlace);
* Returns log events that happened after the last event in [segment].
* If [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened earlier; otherwise a new list is created.
LogEntryList afterLast(LogEntryList segment, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
afterEntry(segment.last, inPlace);
* Returns log events that happened from the time of the first event in
* [segment] onwards. If [inPlace] is true, then it returns this
* LogEntryList after removing the earlier entries; otherwise a new list
* is created.
LogEntryList fromFirst(LogEntryList segment, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
fromEntry(segment.first, inPlace);
* Returns log events that happened from the time of the last event in
* [segment] onwards. If [inPlace] is true, then it returns this
* LogEntryList after removing the earlier entries; otherwise a new list
* is created.
LogEntryList fromLast(LogEntryList segment, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
fromEntry(segment.last, inPlace);
* Returns log events that happened until the first event in [segment].
* If [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened later; otherwise a new list is created.
LogEntryList untilFirst(LogEntryList segment, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
untilEntry(segment.first, inPlace);
* Returns log events that happened until the last event in [segment].
* If [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened later; otherwise a new list is created.
LogEntryList untilLast(LogEntryList segment, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
untilEntry(segment.last, inPlace);
* Returns log events that happened before the first event in [segment].
* If [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened later; otherwise a new list is created.
LogEntryList beforeFirst(LogEntryList segment, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
beforeEntry(segment.first, inPlace);
* Returns log events that happened before the last event in [segment].
* If [inPlace] is true, then it returns this LogEntryList after removing
* the entries that happened later; otherwise a new list is created.
LogEntryList beforeLast(LogEntryList segment, [bool inPlace = false]) =>
beforeEntry(segment.last, inPlace);
* Iterate through the LogEntryList looking for matches to the entries
* in [keys]; for each match found the closest [distance] neighboring log
* entries that match [mockNameFilter] and [logFilter] will be included in
* the result. If [isPreceding] is true we use the neighbors that precede
* the matched entry; else we use the neighbors that followed.
* If [includeKeys] is true then the entries in [keys] that resulted in
* entries in the output list are themselves included in the output list. If
* [distance] is zero then all matches are included.
LogEntryList _neighboring(bool isPreceding,
LogEntryList keys,
int distance,
bool includeKeys) {
String filterName = 'Calls to '
'${_qualifiedName(mockNameFilter, logFilter.toString())} '
'${isPreceding?"preceding":"following"} ${keys.filter}';
LogEntryList rtn = new LogEntryList(filterName);
// Deal with the trivial case.
if (logs.length == 0 || keys.logs.length == 0) {
return rtn;
// Normalize the mockNameFilter and logFilter values.
if (mockNameFilter == null) {
mockNameFilter = anything;
} else {
mockNameFilter = wrapMatcher(mockNameFilter);
logFilter = _makePredicate(logFilter);
// The scratch list is used to hold matching entries when we
// are doing preceding neighbors. The remainingCount is used to
// keep track of how many matching entries we can still add in the
// current segment (0 if we are doing doing following neighbors, until
// we get our first key match).
List scratch = null;
int remainingCount = 0;
if (isPreceding) {
scratch = new List();
remainingCount = logs.length;
var keyIterator = keys.logs.iterator;
LogEntry keyEntry = keyIterator.current;
MatchState matchState = new MatchState();
for (LogEntry logEntry in logs) {
// If we have a log entry match, copy the saved matches from the
// scratch buffer into the return list, as well as the matching entry,
// if appropriate, and reset the scratch buffer. Continue processing
// from the next key entry.
if (keyEntry == logEntry) {
if (scratch != null) {
int numToCopy = scratch.length;
if (distance > 0 && distance < numToCopy) {
numToCopy = distance;
for (var i = scratch.length - numToCopy; i < scratch.length; i++) {
} else {
remainingCount = distance > 0 ? distance : logs.length;
if (includeKeys) {
if (keyIterator.moveNext()) {
keyEntry = keyIterator.current;
} else if (isPreceding) { // We're done.
} else if (remainingCount > 0 &&
mockNameFilter.matches(logEntry.mockName, matchState) &&
logFilter(logEntry)) {
if (scratch != null) {
} else {
return rtn;
* Iterate through the LogEntryList looking for matches to the entries
* in [keys]; for each match found the closest [distance] prior log entries
* that match [mocknameFilter] and [logFilter] will be included in the result.
* If [includeKeys] is true then the entries in [keys] that resulted in
* entries in the output list are themselves included in the output list. If
* [distance] is zero then all matches are included.
* The idea here is that you could find log entries that are related to
* other logs entries in some temporal sense. For example, say we have a
* method commit() that returns -1 on failure. Before commit() gets called
* the value being committed is created by process(). We may want to find
* the calls to process() that preceded calls to commit() that failed.
* We could do this with:
* print(log.preceding(log.getLogs(callsTo('commit'), returning(-1)),
* logFilter: callsTo('process')).toString());
* We might want to include the details of the failing calls to commit()
* to see what parameters were passed in, in which case we would set
* [includeKeys].
* As another simple example, say we wanted to know the three method
* calls that immediately preceded each failing call to commit():
* print(log.preceding(log.getLogs(callsTo('commit'), returning(-1)),
* distance: 3).toString());
LogEntryList preceding(LogEntryList keys,
{mockNameFilter: null,
logFilter: null,
int distance: 1,
bool includeKeys: false}) =>
_neighboring(true, keys, mockNameFilter, logFilter,
distance, includeKeys);
* Iterate through the LogEntryList looking for matches to the entries
* in [keys]; for each match found the closest [distance] subsequent log
* entries that match [mocknameFilter] and [logFilter] will be included in
* the result. If [includeKeys] is true then the entries in [keys] that
* resulted in entries in the output list are themselves included in the
* output list. If [distance] is zero then all matches are included.
* See [preceding] for a usage example.
LogEntryList following(LogEntryList keys,
{mockNameFilter: null,
logFilter: null,
int distance: 1,
bool includeKeys: false}) =>
_neighboring(false, keys, mockNameFilter, logFilter,
distance, includeKeys);
* [_TimesMatcher]s are used to make assertions about the number of
* times a method was called.
class _TimesMatcher extends BaseMatcher {
final int min, max;
const _TimesMatcher(this.min, [this.max = -1]);
bool matches(logList, MatchState matchState) => logList.length >= min &&
(max < 0 || logList.length <= max);
Description describe(Description description) {
description.add('to be called ');
if (max < 0) {
description.add('at least $min');
} else if (max == min) {
} else if (min == 0) {
description.add('at most $max');
} else {
description.add('between $min and $max');
return description.add(' times');
Description describeMismatch(logList, Description mismatchDescription,
MatchState matchState, bool verbose) =>
mismatchDescription.add('was called ${logList.length} times');
/** [happenedExactly] matches an exact number of calls. */
Matcher happenedExactly(count) {
return new _TimesMatcher(count, count);
/** [happenedAtLeast] matches a minimum number of calls. */
Matcher happenedAtLeast(count) {
return new _TimesMatcher(count);
/** [happenedAtMost] matches a maximum number of calls. */
Matcher happenedAtMost(count) {
return new _TimesMatcher(0, count);
/** [neverHappened] matches zero calls. */
const Matcher neverHappened = const _TimesMatcher(0, 0);
/** [happenedOnce] matches exactly one call. */
const Matcher happenedOnce = const _TimesMatcher(1, 1);
/** [happenedAtLeastOnce] matches one or more calls. */
const Matcher happenedAtLeastOnce = const _TimesMatcher(1);
/** [happenedAtMostOnce] matches zero or one call. */
const Matcher happenedAtMostOnce = const _TimesMatcher(0, 1);
* [_ResultMatcher]s are used to make assertions about the results
* of method calls. These can be used as optional parameters to [getLogs].
class _ResultMatcher extends BaseMatcher {
final Action action;
final Matcher value;
const _ResultMatcher(this.action, this.value);
bool matches(item, MatchState matchState) {
if (item is! LogEntry) {
return false;
// normalize the action; _PROXY is like _RETURN.
Action eaction = item.action;
if (eaction == Action.PROXY) {
eaction = Action.RETURN;
return (eaction == action && value.matches(item.value, matchState));
Description describe(Description description) {
description.add(' to ');
if (action == Action.RETURN || action == Action.PROXY)
description.add('return ');
description.add('throw ');
return description.addDescriptionOf(value);
Description describeMismatch(item, Description mismatchDescription,
MatchState matchState, bool verbose) {
if (item.action == Action.RETURN || item.action == Action.PROXY) {
mismatchDescription.add('returned ');
} else {
mismatchDescription.add('threw ');
return mismatchDescription;
*[returning] matches log entries where the call to a method returned
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher returning(value) =>
new _ResultMatcher(Action.RETURN, wrapMatcher(value));
*[throwing] matches log entrues where the call to a method threw
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher throwing(value) =>
new _ResultMatcher(Action.THROW, wrapMatcher(value));
/** Special values for use with [_ResultSetMatcher] [frequency]. */
class _Frequency {
/** Every call/throw must match */
static const ALL = const _Frequency._('ALL');
/** At least one call/throw must match. */
static const SOME = const _Frequency._('SOME');
/** No calls/throws should match. */
static const NONE = const _Frequency._('NONE');
const _Frequency._(;
final String name;
* [_ResultSetMatcher]s are used to make assertions about the results
* of method calls. When filtering an execution log by calling
* [getLogs], a [LogEntrySet] of matching call logs is returned;
* [_ResultSetMatcher]s can then assert various things about this
* (sub)set of logs.
* We could make this class use _ResultMatcher but it doesn't buy that
* match and adds some perf hit, so there is some duplication here.
class _ResultSetMatcher extends BaseMatcher {
final Action action;
final Matcher value;
final _Frequency frequency; // ALL, SOME, or NONE.
const _ResultSetMatcher(this.action, this.value, this.frequency);
bool matches(logList, MatchState matchState) {
for (LogEntry entry in logList) {
// normalize the action; PROXY is like RETURN.
Action eaction = entry.action;
if (eaction == Action.PROXY) {
eaction = Action.RETURN;
if (eaction == action && value.matches(entry.value, matchState)) {
if (frequency == _Frequency.NONE) {
matchState.state = {
'state' : matchState.state,
'entry' : entry
return false;
} else if (frequency == _Frequency.SOME) {
return true;
} else {
// Mismatch.
if (frequency == _Frequency.ALL) { // We need just one mismatch to fail.
matchState.state = {
'state' : matchState.state,
'entry' : entry
return false;
// If we get here, then if count is _ALL we got all matches and
// this is success; otherwise we got all mismatched which is
// success for count == _NONE and failure for count == _SOME.
return (frequency != _Frequency.SOME);
Description describe(Description description) {
description.add(' to ');
description.add(frequency == _Frequency.ALL ? 'alway ' :
(frequency == _Frequency.NONE ? 'never ' : 'sometimes '));
if (action == Action.RETURN || action == Action.PROXY)
description.add('return ');
description.add('throw ');
return description.addDescriptionOf(value);
Description describeMismatch(logList, Description mismatchDescription,
MatchState matchState, bool verbose) {
if (frequency != _Frequency.SOME) {
LogEntry entry = matchState.state['entry'];
if (entry.action == Action.RETURN || entry.action == Action.PROXY) {
} else {
mismatchDescription.add(' value that ');
value.describeMismatch(entry.value, mismatchDescription,
matchState.state['state'], verbose);
mismatchDescription.add(' at least once');
} else {
mismatchDescription.add('never did');
return mismatchDescription;
*[alwaysReturned] asserts that all matching calls to a method returned
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher alwaysReturned(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.RETURN, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.ALL);
*[sometimeReturned] asserts that at least one matching call to a method
* returned a value that matched [value].
Matcher sometimeReturned(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.RETURN, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.SOME);
*[neverReturned] asserts that no matching calls to a method returned
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher neverReturned(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.RETURN, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.NONE);
*[alwaysThrew] asserts that all matching calls to a method threw
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher alwaysThrew(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.THROW, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.ALL);
*[sometimeThrew] asserts that at least one matching call to a method threw
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher sometimeThrew(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.THROW, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.SOME);
*[neverThrew] asserts that no matching call to a method threw
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher neverThrew(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.THROW, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.NONE);
/** The shared log used for named mocks. */
LogEntryList sharedLog = null;
/** The base class for all mocked objects. */
class Mock {
/** The mock name. Needed if the log is shared; optional otherwise. */
final String name;
/** The set of [Behavior]s supported. */
Map<String,Behavior> _behaviors;
/** The [log] of calls made. Only used if [name] is null. */
LogEntryList log;
/** How to handle unknown method calls - swallow or throw. */
final bool _throwIfNoBehavior;
/** Whether to create an audit log or not. */
bool _logging;
bool get logging => _logging;
set logging(bool value) {
if (value && log == null) {
log = new LogEntryList();
_logging = value;
* Default constructor. Unknown method calls are allowed and logged,
* the mock has no name, and has its own log.
Mock() : _throwIfNoBehavior = false, log = null, name = null {
logging = true;
_behaviors = new Map<String,Behavior>();
* This constructor makes a mock that has a [name] and possibly uses
* a shared [log]. If [throwIfNoBehavior] is true, any calls to methods
* that have no defined behaviors will throw an exception; otherwise they
* will be allowed and logged (but will not do anything).
* If [enableLogging] is false, no logging will be done initially (whether
* or not a [log] is supplied), but [logging] can be set to true later.
throwIfNoBehavior: false,
enableLogging: true}) : _throwIfNoBehavior = throwIfNoBehavior {
if (log != null && name == null) {
throw new Exception("Mocks with shared logs must have a name.");
logging = enableLogging;
_behaviors = new Map<String,Behavior>();
* [when] is used to create a new or extend an existing [Behavior].
* A [CallMatcher] [filter] must be supplied, and the [Behavior]s for
* that signature are returned (being created first if needed).
* Typical use case:
* mock.when(callsTo(...)).alwaysReturn(...);
Behavior when(CallMatcher logFilter) {
String key = logFilter.toString();
if (!_behaviors.containsKey(key)) {
Behavior b = new Behavior(logFilter);
_behaviors[key] = b;
return b;
} else {
return _behaviors[key];
* This is the handler for method calls. We loop through the list
* of [Behavior]s, and find the first match that still has return
* values available, and then do the action specified by that
* return value. If we find no [Behavior] to apply an exception is
* thrown.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
var method = MirrorSystem.getName(invocation.memberName);
var args = invocation.positionalArguments;
if (invocation.isGetter) {
method = 'get $method';
} else if (invocation.isSetter) {
method = 'set $method';
// Remove the trailing '='.
if (method[method.length-1] == '=') {
method = method.substring(0, method.length - 1);
bool matchedMethodName = false;
MatchState matchState = new MatchState();
for (String k in _behaviors.keys) {
Behavior b = _behaviors[k];
if (b.matcher.nameFilter.matches(method, matchState)) {
matchedMethodName = true;
if (b.matches(method, args)) {
List actions = b.actions;
if (actions == null || actions.length == 0) {
continue; // No return values left in this Behavior.
// Get the first response.
Responder response = actions[0];
// If it is exhausted, remove it from the list.
// Note that for endlessly repeating values, we started the count at
// 0, so we get a potentially useful value here, which is the
// (negation of) the number of times we returned the value.
if (--response.count == 0) {
actions.removeRange(0, 1);
// Do the response.
Action action = response.action;
var value = response.value;
if (action == Action.RETURN) {
if (_logging && b.logging) {
log.add(new LogEntry(name, method, args, action, value));
return value;
} else if (action == Action.THROW) {
if (_logging && b.logging) {
log.add(new LogEntry(name, method, args, action, value));
throw value;
} else if (action == Action.PROXY) {
// TODO(gram): Replace all this with:
// var rtn = invocation.invokeOn(value);
// once that is supported.
var rtn;
switch (args.length) {
case 0:
rtn = value();
case 1:
rtn = value(args[0]);
case 2:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1]);
case 3:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
case 4:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
case 5:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
case 6:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
args[4], args[5]);
case 7:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
args[4], args[5], args[6]);
case 8:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]);
case 9:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8]);
case 9:
rtn = value(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9]);
throw new Exception(
"Cannot proxy calls with more than 10 parameters.");
if (_logging && b.logging) {
log.add(new LogEntry(name, method, args, action, rtn));
return rtn;
if (matchedMethodName) {
// User did specify behavior for this method, but all the
// actions are exhausted. This is considered an error.
throw new Exception('No more actions for method '
'${_qualifiedName(name, method)}.');
} else if (_throwIfNoBehavior) {
throw new Exception('No behavior specified for method '
'${_qualifiedName(name, method)}.');
// Otherwise user hasn't specified behavior for this method; we don't throw
// so we can underspecify.
if (_logging) {
log.add(new LogEntry(name, method, args, Action.IGNORE));
/** [verifyZeroInteractions] returns true if no calls were made */
bool verifyZeroInteractions() {
if (log == null) {
// This means we created the mock with logging off and have never turned
// it on, so it doesn't make sense to verify behavior on such a mock.
throw new
Exception("Can't verify behavior when logging was never enabled.");
return log.logs.length == 0;
* [getLogs] extracts all calls from the call log that match the
* [logFilter], and returns the matching list of [LogEntry]s. If
* [destructive] is false (the default) the matching calls are left
* in the log, else they are removed. Removal allows us to verify a
* set of interactions and then verify that there are no other
* interactions left. [actionMatcher] can be used to further
* restrict the returned logs based on the action the mock performed.
* [logFilter] can be a [CallMatcher] or a predicate function that
* takes a [LogEntry] and returns a bool.
* Typical usage:
* getLogs(callsTo(...)).verify(...);
LogEntryList getLogs([CallMatcher logFilter,
Matcher actionMatcher,
bool destructive = false]) {
if (log == null) {
// This means we created the mock with logging off and have never turned
// it on, so it doesn't make sense to get logs from such a mock.
throw new
Exception("Can't retrieve logs when logging was never enabled.");
} else {
return log.getMatches(name, logFilter, actionMatcher, destructive);
* Useful shorthand method that creates a [CallMatcher] from its arguments
* and then calls [getLogs].
LogEntryList calls(method,
[arg0 = _noArg,
arg1 = _noArg,
arg2 = _noArg,
arg3 = _noArg,
arg4 = _noArg,
arg5 = _noArg,
arg6 = _noArg,
arg7 = _noArg,
arg8 = _noArg,
arg9 = _noArg]) =>
getLogs(callsTo(method, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9));
/** Clear the behaviors for the Mock. */
void resetBehavior() => _behaviors.clear();
/** Clear the logs for the Mock. */
void clearLogs() {
if (log != null) {
if (name == null) { // This log is not shared.
} else { // This log may be shared.
log.logs = log.logs.where((e) => e.mockName != name).toList();
/** Clear both logs and behavior. */
void reset() {