blob: 6434d69ba2d7c79aed11223940e1835abfa50c08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:observatory_2/service_io.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'service_test_common.dart';
import 'test_helper.dart';
import 'dart:async';
const int LINE_A = 23;
const int LINE_B = 25;
int value = 0;
int incValue(int amount) {
value += amount;
return amount;
Future testMain() async {
incValue(incValue(1)); // line A.
incValue(incValue(1)); // line B.
var tests = <IsolateTest>[
// Test future breakpoints.
(Isolate isolate) async {
var rootLib = isolate.rootLibrary;
await rootLib.load();
var script = rootLib.scripts[0];
// Future breakpoint.
var futureBpt1 = await isolate.addBreakpoint(script, LINE_A);
expect(futureBpt1.number, equals(1));
expect(futureBpt1.resolved, isFalse);
expect(await futureBpt1.location.getLine(), equals(LINE_A));
expect(await futureBpt1.location.getColumn(), equals(null));
// Future breakpoint with specific column.
var futureBpt2 = await isolate.addBreakpoint(script, LINE_A, 3);
expect(futureBpt2.number, equals(2));
expect(futureBpt2.resolved, isFalse);
expect(await futureBpt2.location.getLine(), equals(LINE_A));
expect(await futureBpt2.location.getColumn(), equals(3));
int resolvedCount =
await resumeAndCountResolvedBreakpointsUntilPause(isolate);
// After resolution the breakpoints have assigned line & column.
expect(resolvedCount, equals(2));
expect(futureBpt1.resolved, isTrue);
expect(await futureBpt1.location.getLine(), equals(LINE_A));
expect(await futureBpt1.location.getColumn(), equals(12));
expect(futureBpt2.resolved, isTrue);
expect(await futureBpt2.location.getLine(), equals(LINE_A));
expect(await futureBpt2.location.getColumn(), equals(3));
// The first breakpoint hits before value is modified.
Instance result = await rootLib.evaluate('value');
expect(result.valueAsString, equals('0'));
await hasStoppedAtBreakpoint(isolate);
// The second breakpoint hits after value has been modified once.
result = await rootLib.evaluate('value');
expect(result.valueAsString, equals('1'));
// Remove the breakpoints.
(await isolate.removeBreakpoint(futureBpt1)).type, equals('Success'));
(await isolate.removeBreakpoint(futureBpt2)).type, equals('Success'));
// Test resolution of column breakpoints.
(Isolate isolate) async {
var script = isolate.rootLibrary.scripts[0];
// Try all columns, including some columns that are too big.
for (int col = 1; col <= 50; col++) {
var bpt = await isolate.addBreakpoint(script, LINE_A, col);
expect(bpt.resolved, isTrue);
int resolvedLine = await bpt.location.getLine();
int resolvedCol = await bpt.location.getColumn();
print('$LINE_A:${col} -> ${resolvedLine}:${resolvedCol}');
if (col <= 12) {
expect(resolvedLine, equals(LINE_A));
expect(resolvedCol, equals(3));
} else if (col <= 36) {
expect(resolvedLine, equals(LINE_A));
expect(resolvedCol, equals(12));
} else {
expect(resolvedLine, equals(LINE_B));
expect(resolvedCol, equals(12));
expect((await isolate.removeBreakpoint(bpt)).type, equals('Success'));
// Make sure that a zero column is an error.
var caughtException = false;
try {
await isolate.addBreakpoint(script, 20, 0);
expect(false, isTrue, reason: 'Unreachable');
} on ServerRpcException catch (e) {
caughtException = true;
expect(e.code, equals(ServerRpcException.kInvalidParams));
expect(e.message, "addBreakpoint: invalid 'column' parameter: 0");
expect(caughtException, isTrue);
Future<int> resumeAndCountResolvedBreakpointsUntilPause(Isolate isolate) async {
var stream = await isolate.vm.getEventStream(VM.kDebugStream);
Completer completer = new Completer();
var subscription;
int resolvedCount = 0;
subscription = stream.listen((ServiceEvent event) async {
if (event.kind == ServiceEvent.kBreakpointResolved) {
if (event.kind == ServiceEvent.kPauseBreakpoint) {
await isolate.resume();
await completer.future;
return resolvedCount;
main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests,
testeeConcurrent: testMain, pause_on_start: true);