blob: 25abec68a6008dc54e0b373068a38660345ac29d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
[ $compiler == dartc ]
# VM adds fields failedAssertion, url, line and column to AssertionError.
# Issue 10144.
standalone/assert_test: Fail
# Uses mirrors which is are not fully implemented.
standalone/package/package_isolate_test: Fail
# Static type errors by design.
standalone/io/directory_invalid_arguments_test: Fail
standalone/io/file_fuzz_test: Fail
standalone/io/file_constructor_test: Fail
standalone/io/process_invalid_arguments_test: Fail
standalone/io/secure_socket_argument_test: Fail
standalone/io/stdout_bad_argument_test: Fail
standalone/io/raw_secure_server_socket_argument_test: Fail
# Test runner does not use the latest VM.
standalone/io/test_runner_test: Skip
standalone/io/skipping_dart2js_compilations_test: Skip
# Implicit downcast.
standalone/typed_data_view_test: Fail
# Tests using fake "part" and/or "part of" directive.
standalone/crypto/base64_test: Fail
standalone/typed_data_test: Fail
standalone/io/http_date_test: Fail
standalone/io/http_headers_test: Fail
standalone/io/http_parser_test: Fail
standalone/io/web_socket_protocol_processor_test: Fail
standalone/io/url_encoding_test: Fail
[ $compiler == dartanalyzer ]
standalone/io/process_exit_negative_test: fail
[ $compiler == dart2analyzer ]
standalone/io/process_exit_negative_test: fail