blob: 28b7ce26d204cb0e03ca7a317549e2b9ccd14c58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.collection;
* A [LinkedHashSet] is a hash-table based [Set] implementation.
* The `LinkedHashSet` also keep track of the order that elements were inserted
* in, and iteration happens in first-to-last insertion order.
* The elements of a `LinkedHashSet` must have consistent [Object.operator==]
* and [Object.hashCode] implementations. This means that the `==` operator
* must define a stable equivalence relation on the elements (reflexive,
* anti-symmetric, transitive, and consistent over time), and that `hashCode`
* must be the same for objects that are considered equal by `==`.
* The set allows `null` as an element.
* Most simple operations on `HashSet` are done in constant time: [add],
* [contains], [remove], and [length].
class LinkedHashSet<E> extends _HashSetBase<E> {
external LinkedHashSet();
factory LinkedHashSet.from(Iterable<E> iterable) {
return new LinkedHashSet<E>()..addAll(iterable);
// Iterable.
/** Return an iterator that iterates over elements in insertion order. */
external Iterator<E> get iterator;
external int get length;
external bool get isEmpty;
external bool get isNotEmpty;
external bool contains(Object object);
/** Perform an operation on each element in insertion order. */
external void forEach(void action(E element));
external E get first;
external E get last;
E get single {
if (length == 1) return first;
var message = (length == 0) ? "No Elements" : "Too many elements";
throw new StateError(message);
// Collection.
external void add(E element);
external void addAll(Iterable<E> objects);
external bool remove(Object object);
external void removeAll(Iterable objectsToRemove);
external void removeWhere(bool test(E element));
external void retainWhere(bool test(E element));
external void clear();
// Set.
Set<E> _newSet() => new LinkedHashSet<E>();