blob: fd7d82b3c908b280ab965c7a70e0d77f4c66e73c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/decorated_type.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/transitional_api.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/unit_propagation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Representation of a single node in the nullability inference graph.
/// Initially, this is just a wrapper over constraint variables, and the
/// nullability inference graph is encoded into the wrapped constraint
/// variables. Over time this will be replaced by a first class representation
/// of the nullability inference graph.
class NullabilityNode {
/// [NullabilityNode] used for types that are known a priori to be nullable
/// (e.g. the type of the `null` literal).
static final always = NullabilityNode._(ConstraintVariable.always);
/// [NullabilityNode] used for types that are known a priori to be
/// non-nullable (e.g. the type of an integer literal).
static final never = NullabilityNode._(null);
/// [ConstraintVariable] whose value will be set to `true` if this type needs
/// to be nullable.
/// If `null`, that means that an external constraint (outside the code being
/// migrated) forces this type to be non-nullable.
final ConstraintVariable nullable;
ConstraintVariable _nonNullIntent;
bool _isPossiblyOptional = false;
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a conditional
/// expression which is nullable iff both [a] and [b] are nullable.
/// The constraint variable contained in the new node is created using the
/// [joinNullabilities] callback. TODO(paulberry): this should become
/// unnecessary once constraint solving is performed directly using
/// [NullabilityNode] objects.
ConditionalExpression conditionalExpression,
NullabilityNode a,
NullabilityNode b,
ConstraintVariable Function(
ConditionalExpression, ConstraintVariable, ConstraintVariable)
: this._(
joinNullabilities(conditionalExpression, a.nullable, b.nullable));
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a variable
/// whose type is `dynamic` due to type inference.
/// TODO(paulberry): this should go away; we should decorate the actual
/// inferred type rather than assuming `dynamic`.
NullabilityNode.forInferredDynamicType() : this._(ConstraintVariable.always);
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a type
/// substitution where [outerNode] is the nullability node for the type
/// variable being eliminated by the substitution, and [innerNode] is the
/// nullability node for the type being substituted in its place.
/// [innerNode] may be `null`. TODO(paulberry): when?
/// Additional constraints are recorded in [constraints] as necessary to make
/// the new nullability node behave consistently with the old nodes.
/// TODO(paulberry): this should become unnecessary once constraint solving is
/// performed directly using [NullabilityNode] objects.
NullabilityNode.forSubstitution(Constraints constraints,
NullabilityNode innerNode, NullabilityNode outerNode)
: this._(ConstraintVariable.or(
constraints, innerNode?.nullable, outerNode.nullable));
/// Creates a [NullabilityNode] representing the nullability of a type
/// annotation appearing explicitly in the user's program.
NullabilityNode.forTypeAnnotation(int endOffset, {@required bool always})
: this._(always ? ConstraintVariable.always : TypeIsNullable(endOffset));
/// Gets a string that can be appended to a type name during debugging to help
/// annotate the nullability of that type.
String get debugSuffix => nullable == null ? '' : '?($nullable)';
/// Indicates whether this node is always nullable, by construction.
bool get isAlwaysNullable => identical(nullable, ConstraintVariable.always);
/// After constraint solving, this getter can be used to query whether the
/// type associated with this node should be considered nullable.
bool get isNullable => nullable.value;
/// Indicates whether this node is associated with a named parameter for which
/// nullability migration needs to decide whether it is optional or required.
bool get isPossiblyOptional => _isPossiblyOptional;
/// [ConstraintVariable] whose value will be set to `true` if the usage of
/// this type suggests that it is intended to be non-null (because of the
/// presence of a statement or expression that would unconditionally lead to
/// an exception being thrown in the case of a `null` value at runtime).
ConstraintVariable get nonNullIntent => _nonNullIntent;
/// Records the fact that an invocation was made to a function with named
/// parameters, and the named parameter associated with this node was not
/// supplied.
void recordNamedParameterNotSupplied(
Constraints constraints, List<NullabilityNode> guards) {
if (isPossiblyOptional) {
_recordConstraints(constraints, guards, const [], nullable);
void recordNonNullIntent(
Constraints constraints, List<NullabilityNode> guards) {
_recordConstraints(constraints, guards, const [], nonNullIntent);
/// Tracks that the possibility that this nullability node might demonstrate
/// non-null intent, based on the fact that it corresponds to a formal
/// parameter declaration at location [offset].
/// TODO(paulberry): consider eliminating this method altogether, and simply
/// allowing all nullability nodes to track non-null intent if necessary.
void trackNonNullIntent(int offset) {
assert(_nonNullIntent == null);
_nonNullIntent = NonNullIntent(offset);
/// Tracks the possibility that this node is associated with a named parameter
/// for which nullability migration needs to decide whether it is optional or
/// required.
void trackPossiblyOptional() {
_isPossiblyOptional = true;
/// Connect the nullability nodes [sourceNode] and [destinationNode]
/// appopriately to account for an assignment in the source code being
/// analyzed. Any constraints generated are recorded in [constraints].
/// If [checkNotNull] is non-null, then it tracks the expression that may
/// require null-checking.
/// [inConditionalControlFlow] indicates whether the assignment being analyzed
/// is reachable conditionally or unconditionally from the entry point of the
/// function; this affects how non-null intent is back-propagated.
static void recordAssignment(
NullabilityNode sourceNode,
NullabilityNode destinationNode,
CheckExpression checkNotNull,
List<NullabilityNode> guards,
Constraints constraints,
bool inConditionalControlFlow) {
var additionalConditions = <ConstraintVariable>[];
if (sourceNode.nullable != null) {
var destinationNonNullIntent = destinationNode.nonNullIntent;
// nullable_src => nullable_dst | check_expr
constraints, destinationNode.nullable, checkNotNull));
if (checkNotNull != null) {
// nullable_src & nonNullIntent_dst => check_expr
if (destinationNonNullIntent != null) {
constraints, guards, additionalConditions, checkNotNull);
var sourceNonNullIntent = sourceNode.nonNullIntent;
if (!inConditionalControlFlow && sourceNonNullIntent != null) {
if (destinationNode.nullable == null) {
// The destination type can never be nullable so this demonstrates
// non-null intent.
constraints, guards, additionalConditions, sourceNonNullIntent);
} else if (destinationNonNullIntent != null) {
// Propagate non-null intent from the destination to the source.
constraints, guards, additionalConditions, sourceNonNullIntent);
static void _recordConstraints(
Constraints constraints,
List<NullabilityNode> guards,
List<ConstraintVariable> additionalConditions,
ConstraintVariable consequence) {
var conditions = => node.nullable).toList();
constraints.record(conditions, consequence);