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// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of;
/// Information about the environment in which the current program is running.
/// Platform provides information such as the operating system,
/// the hostname of the computer, the value of environment variables,
/// the path to the running program,
/// and other global properties of the program being run.
/// ## Get the URI of the current Dart script
/// Use the [script] getter to get the URI to the currently running
/// Dart script.
/// ```dart
/// import 'dart:io' show Platform;
/// void main() {
/// // Get the URI of the script being run.
/// var uri = Platform.script;
/// // Convert the URI to a path.
/// var path = uri.toFilePath();
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Get the value of an environment variable
/// The [environment] getter returns a the names and values of environment
/// variables in a [Map] that contains key-value pairs of strings. The Map is
/// unmodifiable. This sample shows how to get the value of the `PATH`
/// environment variable.
/// ```dart
/// import 'dart:io' show Platform;
/// void main() {
/// Map<String, String> envVars = Platform.environment;
/// print(envVars['PATH']);
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Determine the OS
/// You can get the name of the operating system as a string with the
/// [operatingSystem] getter. You can also use one of the static boolean
/// getters: [isMacOS], [isLinux], and [isWindows].
/// ```dart
/// import 'dart:io' show Platform, stdout;
/// void main() {
/// // Get the operating system as a string.
/// String os = Platform.operatingSystem;
/// // Or, use a predicate getter.
/// if (Platform.isMacOS) {
/// print('is a Mac');
/// } else {
/// print('is not a Mac');
/// }
/// }
/// ```
class Platform {
static final _numberOfProcessors = _Platform.numberOfProcessors;
static final _pathSeparator = _Platform.pathSeparator;
static final _operatingSystem = _Platform.operatingSystem;
static final _operatingSystemVersion = _Platform.operatingSystemVersion;
static final _localHostname = _Platform.localHostname;
static final _version = _Platform.version;
/// The number of individual execution units of the machine.
static int get numberOfProcessors => _numberOfProcessors;
/// The path separator used by the operating system to separate
/// components in file paths.
static String get pathSeparator => _pathSeparator;
/// Get the name of the current locale.
static String get localeName => _Platform.localeName();
/// A string representing the operating system or platform.
static String get operatingSystem => _operatingSystem;
/// A string representing the version of the operating system or platform.
static String get operatingSystemVersion => _operatingSystemVersion;
/// The local hostname for the system.
static String get localHostname => _localHostname;
/// Whether the operating system is a version of
/// [Linux](
/// This value is `false` if the operating system is a specialized
/// version of Linux that identifies itself by a different name,
/// for example Android (see [isAndroid]).
static final bool isLinux = (_operatingSystem == "linux");
/// Whether the operating system is a version of
/// [macOS](
static final bool isMacOS = (_operatingSystem == "macos");
/// Whether the operating system is a version of
/// [Microsoft Windows](
static final bool isWindows = (_operatingSystem == "windows");
/// Whether the operating system is a version of
/// [Android](
static final bool isAndroid = (_operatingSystem == "android");
/// Whether the operating system is a version of
/// [iOS](
static final bool isIOS = (_operatingSystem == "ios");
/// Whether the operating system is a version of
/// [Fuchsia](
static final bool isFuchsia = (_operatingSystem == "fuchsia");
/// The environment for this process as a map from string key to string value.
/// The map is unmodifiable,
/// and its content is retrieved from the operating system on its first use.
/// Environment variables on Windows are case-insensitive,
/// so on Windows the map is case-insensitive and will convert
/// all keys to upper case.
/// On other platforms, keys can be distinguished by case.
static Map<String, String> get environment => _Platform.environment;
/// The path of the executable used to run the script in this isolate.
/// The literal path used to identify the script.
/// This path might be relative or just be a name from which the executable
/// was found by searching the system path.
/// Use [resolvedExecutable] to get an absolute path to the executable.
static String get executable => _Platform.executable;
/// The path of the executable used to run the script in this
/// isolate after it has been resolved by the OS.
/// This is the absolute path, with all symlinks resolved, to the
/// executable used to run the script.
static String get resolvedExecutable => _Platform.resolvedExecutable;
/// The absolute URI of the script being run in this isolate.
/// If the script argument on the command line is relative,
/// it is resolved to an absolute URI before fetching the script, and
/// that absolute URI is returned.
/// URI resolution only does string manipulation on the script path, and this
/// may be different from the file system's path resolution behavior. For
/// example, a symbolic link immediately followed by '..' will not be
/// looked up.
/// If the executable environment does not support [script],
/// the URI is empty.
static Uri get script => _Platform.script;
/// The flags passed to the executable used to run the script in this isolate.
/// These are the command-line flags to the executable that precedes
/// the script name.
/// Provides a new list every time the value is read.
static List<String> get executableArguments => _Platform.executableArguments;
/// This returns `null`, as `packages/` directories are no longer supported.
@Deprecated('packages/ directory resolution is not supported in Dart 2')
static String? get packageRoot => null; // TODO(mfairhurst): remove this
/// The `--packages` flag passed to the executable used to run the script
/// in this isolate.
/// If present, it specifies a file describing how Dart packages are looked up.
/// Is `null` if there is no `--packages` flag.
static String? get packageConfig => _Platform.packageConfig;
/// The version of the current Dart runtime.
/// The value is a [semantic versioning](
/// string representing the version of the current Dart runtime,
/// possibly followed by whitespace and other version and
/// build details.
static String get version => _version;