blob: ce262d386f588b71c7f613a9b663c3d8265b75d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.src.serialization.elements_test;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element_handle.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart'
show Namespace, TypeProvider;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/resynthesize.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_elements.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../../generated/resolver_test.dart';
import '../../reflective_tests.dart';
main() {
groupSep = ' | ';
class ResynthTest extends ResolverTestCase {
Set<Source> otherLibrarySources = new Set<Source>();
bool shouldCompareConstValues = false;
* Determine the analysis options that should be used for this test.
AnalysisOptionsImpl get options =>
new AnalysisOptionsImpl()..enableGenericMethods = true;
void addLibrary(String uri) {
void addLibrarySource(String filePath, String contents) {
otherLibrarySources.add(addNamedSource(filePath, contents));
void checkLibrary(String text, {bool allowErrors: false}) {
Source source = addSource(text);
LibraryElementImpl original = resolve2(source);
LibraryElementImpl resynthesized = resynthesizeLibraryElement(
encodeLibrary(original, allowErrors: allowErrors),
checkLibraryElements(original, resynthesized);
void checkLibraryElements(
LibraryElementImpl original, LibraryElementImpl resynthesized) {
compareElements(resynthesized, original, '(library)');
expect(resynthesized.displayName, original.displayName);
expect(original.enclosingElement, isNull);
expect(resynthesized.enclosingElement, isNull);
expect(resynthesized.hasExtUri, original.hasExtUri);
for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
expect(resynthesized.imports.length, original.imports.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.imports.length; i++) {
compareImportElements(resynthesized.imports[i], original.imports[i],
'import ${original.imports[i].uri}');
expect(resynthesized.exports.length, original.exports.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.exports.length; i++) {
compareExportElements(resynthesized.exports[i], original.exports[i],
'export ${original.exports[i].uri}');
expect(resynthesized.nameLength, original.nameLength);
compareNamespaces(resynthesized.publicNamespace, original.publicNamespace,
'(public namespace)');
compareNamespaces(resynthesized.exportNamespace, original.exportNamespace,
'(export namespace)');
if (original.entryPoint == null) {
expect(resynthesized.entryPoint, isNull);
} else {
expect(resynthesized.entryPoint, isNotNull);
resynthesized.entryPoint, original.entryPoint, '(entry point)');
// The libraries `dart:core` and `dart:async` cannot create their
// `loadLibrary` functions until after both are created.
if ( != 'dart.core' && != 'dart.async') {
resynthesized.loadLibraryFunction as ExecutableElementImpl,
original.loadLibraryFunction as ExecutableElementImpl,
// TODO(paulberry): test metadata.
* Verify that the [resynthesizer] didn't do any unnecessary work when
* resynthesizing [library].
void checkMinimalResynthesisWork(
_TestSummaryResynthesizer resynthesizer, LibraryElement library) {
// Check that no other summaries needed to be resynthesized to resynthesize
// the library element.
expect(resynthesizer.resynthesisCount, 1);
// Check that the only linked summary consulted was that for [uri].
expect(resynthesizer.linkedSummariesRequested, hasLength(1));
// Check that the only unlinked summaries consulted were those for the
// library in question.
Set<String> expectedCompilationUnitUris = library.units
.map((CompilationUnitElement unit) => unit.source.uri.toString())
for (String requestedUri in resynthesizer.unlinkedSummariesRequested) {
expect(expectedCompilationUnitUris, contains(requestedUri));
void compareClassElements(
ClassElementImpl resynthesized, ClassElementImpl original, String desc) {
compareElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.fields.length, original.fields.length,
reason: '$desc fields.length');
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.fields.length; i++) {
String name = original.fields[i].name;
resynthesized.fields[i], original.fields[i], '$desc.field $name');
resynthesized.supertype, original.supertype, '$desc supertype');
expect(resynthesized.interfaces.length, original.interfaces.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.interfaces.length; i++) {
compareTypes(resynthesized.interfaces[i], original.interfaces[i],
'$desc interface ${original.interfaces[i].name}');
expect(resynthesized.mixins.length, original.mixins.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.mixins.length; i++) {
compareTypes(resynthesized.mixins[i], original.mixins[i],
'$desc mixin ${original.mixins[i].name}');
expect(resynthesized.typeParameters.length, original.typeParameters.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.typeParameters.length; i++) {
'$desc type parameter ${original.typeParameters[i].name}');
expect(resynthesized.constructors.length, original.constructors.length,
reason: '$desc constructors.length');
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.constructors.length; i++) {
'$desc constructor ${original.constructors[i].name}');
expect(resynthesized.accessors.length, original.accessors.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.accessors.length; i++) {
'$desc accessor ${original.accessors[i].name}');
expect(resynthesized.methods.length, original.methods.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.methods.length; i++) {
compareMethodElements(resynthesized.methods[i], original.methods[i],
compareTypes(resynthesized.type, original.type, desc);
void compareCompilationUnitElements(CompilationUnitElementImpl resynthesized,
CompilationUnitElementImpl original) {
String desc = 'Compilation unit ${original.source.uri}';
compareUriReferencedElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.source, original.source);
expect(resynthesized.librarySource, original.librarySource);
expect(resynthesized.types.length, original.types.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.types.length; i++) {
resynthesized.types[i], original.types[i], original.types[i].name);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.topLevelVariables.length; i++) {
'variable ${original.topLevelVariables[i].name}');
expect(resynthesized.functions.length, original.functions.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.functions.length; i++) {
compareFunctionElements(resynthesized.functions[i], original.functions[i],
'function ${original.functions[i].name}');
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.functionTypeAliases.length; i++) {
expect(resynthesized.enums.length, original.enums.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.enums.length; i++) {
resynthesized.enums[i], original.enums[i], original.enums[i].name);
expect(resynthesized.accessors.length, original.accessors.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.accessors.length; i++) {
if (original.accessors[i].isGetter) {
original.accessors[i], 'getter ${original.accessors[i].name}');
} else {
original.accessors[i], 'setter ${original.accessors[i].name}');
// TODO(paulberry): test metadata and offsetToElementMap.
void compareConstantExpressions(Expression r, Expression o, String desc) {
void compareLists(List<Object> rItems, List<Object> oItems) {
if (rItems == null && oItems == null) {
expect(rItems != null && oItems != null, isTrue);
expect(rItems, hasLength(oItems.length));
for (int i = 0; i < oItems.length; i++) {
Object rItem = rItems[i];
Object oItem = oItems[i];
if (rItem is Expression && oItem is Expression) {
compareConstantExpressions(rItem, oItem, desc);
} else if (rItem is TypeName && oItem is TypeName) {
compareConstantExpressions(,, desc);
} else if (rItem is InterpolationString &&
oItem is InterpolationString) {
expect(rItem.value, oItem.value);
} else if (rItem is InterpolationExpression &&
oItem is InterpolationExpression) {
compareConstantExpressions(rItem.expression, oItem.expression, desc);
} else if (rItem is MapLiteralEntry && oItem is MapLiteralEntry) {
compareConstantExpressions(rItem.key, oItem.key, desc);
compareConstantExpressions(rItem.value, oItem.value, desc);
} else {
fail('$desc Incompatible item types: '
'${rItem.runtimeType} vs. ${oItem.runtimeType}');
if (o == null) {
expect(r, isNull, reason: desc);
} else {
expect(r, isNotNull, reason: desc);
// ConstantAstCloner does not copy static types, and constant values
// computer does not use static types. So, we don't set them during
// resynthesis and should not check them here.
if (o is ParenthesizedExpression) {
// We don't resynthesize parenthesis, so just ignore it.
compareConstantExpressions(r, o.expression, desc);
} else if (o is SimpleIdentifier && r is SimpleIdentifier) {
compareElements(r.staticElement, o.staticElement, desc);
} else if (o is PrefixedIdentifier && r is SimpleIdentifier) {
// We don't resynthesize prefixed identifiers.
// We use simple identifiers with correct elements.
compareConstantExpressions(r, o.identifier, desc);
} else if (o is PropertyAccess && r is SimpleIdentifier) {
// We don't resynthesize property access.
// We use simple identifiers with correct elements.
compareConstantExpressions(r, o.propertyName, desc);
} else if (o is NullLiteral) {
expect(r, new isInstanceOf<NullLiteral>(), reason: desc);
} else if (o is BooleanLiteral && r is BooleanLiteral) {
expect(r.value, o.value, reason: desc);
} else if (o is IntegerLiteral && r is IntegerLiteral) {
expect(r.value, o.value, reason: desc);
} else if (o is DoubleLiteral && r is DoubleLiteral) {
expect(r.value, o.value, reason: desc);
} else if (o is StringInterpolation && r is StringInterpolation) {
compareLists(r.elements, o.elements);
} else if (o is StringLiteral && r is StringLiteral) {
// We don't keep all the tokens of AdjacentStrings.
// So, we can compare only their values.
expect(r.stringValue, o.stringValue, reason: desc);
} else if (o is SymbolLiteral && r is SymbolLiteral) {
// We don't keep all the tokens of symbol literals.
// So, we can compare only their values.
expect( => t.lexeme).join('.'), => t.lexeme).join('.'),
reason: desc);
} else if (o is NamedExpression && r is NamedExpression) {
expect(,, reason: desc);
compareConstantExpressions(r.expression, o.expression, desc);
} else if (o is BinaryExpression && r is BinaryExpression) {
expect(r.operator.lexeme, o.operator.lexeme, reason: desc);
compareConstantExpressions(r.leftOperand, o.leftOperand, desc);
compareConstantExpressions(r.rightOperand, o.rightOperand, desc);
} else if (o is PrefixExpression && r is PrefixExpression) {
expect(r.operator.lexeme, o.operator.lexeme, reason: desc);
compareConstantExpressions(r.operand, o.operand, desc);
} else if (o is ConditionalExpression && r is ConditionalExpression) {
compareConstantExpressions(r.condition, o.condition, desc);
compareConstantExpressions(r.thenExpression, o.thenExpression, desc);
compareConstantExpressions(r.elseExpression, o.elseExpression, desc);
} else if (o is ListLiteral && r is ListLiteral) {
compareLists(r.typeArguments?.arguments, o.typeArguments?.arguments);
compareLists(r.elements, o.elements);
} else if (o is MapLiteral && r is MapLiteral) {
compareLists(r.typeArguments?.arguments, o.typeArguments?.arguments);
compareLists(r.entries, o.entries);
} else if (o is InstanceCreationExpression &&
r is InstanceCreationExpression) {
compareElements(r.staticElement, o.staticElement, desc);
ConstructorName oConstructor = o.constructorName;
ConstructorName rConstructor = r.constructorName;
expect(oConstructor, isNotNull, reason: desc);
expect(rConstructor, isNotNull, reason: desc);
rConstructor.staticElement, oConstructor.staticElement, desc);
TypeName oType = oConstructor.type;
TypeName rType = rConstructor.type;
expect(oType, isNotNull, reason: desc);
expect(rType, isNotNull, reason: desc);
compareConstantExpressions(,, desc);
compareConstantExpressions(,, desc);
compareLists(r.argumentList.arguments, o.argumentList.arguments);
} else if (o is ConstructorName && r is ConstructorName) {
fail('Not implemented for ${r.runtimeType} vs. ${o.runtimeType}');
} else {
fail('Not implemented for ${r.runtimeType} vs. ${o.runtimeType}');
void compareConstructorElements(ConstructorElementImpl resynthesized,
ConstructorElementImpl original, String desc) {
compareExecutableElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
// TODO(paulberry): test redirectedConstructor and constantInitializers
void compareElements(Element resynthesized, Element original, String desc) {
expect(resynthesized, isNotNull);
expect(resynthesized.kind, original.kind);
expect(resynthesized.location, original.location, reason: desc);
expect(resynthesized.nameOffset, original.nameOffset, reason: desc);
expect(resynthesized.documentationComment, original.documentationComment,
reason: desc);
expect(resynthesized.docRange, original.docRange, reason: desc);
// Modifiers are a pain to test via handles. So just test them via the
// actual element.
ElementImpl actualResynthesized = getActualElement(resynthesized, desc);
ElementImpl actualOriginal = getActualElement(original, desc);
for (Modifier modifier in Modifier.values) {
bool got = actualResynthesized.hasModifier(modifier);
bool want = actualOriginal.hasModifier(modifier);
expect(got, want,
reason: 'Mismatch in $desc.$modifier: got $got, want $want');
void compareExecutableElements(ExecutableElement resynthesized,
ExecutableElement original, String desc) {
compareElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.parameters.length, original.parameters.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.parameters.length; i++) {
'$desc parameter ${original.parameters[i].name}');
resynthesized.returnType, original.returnType, '$desc return type');
compareTypes(resynthesized.type, original.type, desc);
expect(resynthesized.typeParameters.length, original.typeParameters.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.typeParameters.length; i++) {
'$desc type parameter ${original.typeParameters[i].name}');
void compareExportElements(ExportElementImpl resynthesized,
ExportElementImpl original, String desc) {
compareUriReferencedElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.combinators.length, original.combinators.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.combinators.length; i++) {
resynthesized.combinators[i], original.combinators[i]);
void compareFieldElements(
FieldElementImpl resynthesized, FieldElementImpl original, String desc) {
comparePropertyInducingElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
// TODO(paulberry): test evaluationResult
void compareFunctionElements(
FunctionElement resynthesized, FunctionElement original, String desc) {
compareExecutableElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
void compareFunctionTypeAliasElements(
FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl resynthesized,
FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl original,
String desc) {
compareElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.parameters.length, original.parameters.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.parameters.length; i++) {
'$desc parameter ${original.parameters[i].name}');
resynthesized.returnType, original.returnType, '$desc return type');
compareTypes(resynthesized.type, original.type, desc);
expect(resynthesized.typeParameters.length, original.typeParameters.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.typeParameters.length; i++) {
'$desc type parameter ${original.typeParameters[i].name}');
void compareImportElements(ImportElementImpl resynthesized,
ImportElementImpl original, String desc) {
compareUriReferencedElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.prefixOffset, original.prefixOffset);
if (original.prefix == null) {
expect(resynthesized.prefix, isNull);
} else {
resynthesized.prefix, original.prefix,;
expect(resynthesized.combinators.length, original.combinators.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.combinators.length; i++) {
resynthesized.combinators[i], original.combinators[i]);
void compareMethodElements(MethodElementImpl resynthesized,
MethodElementImpl original, String desc) {
// TODO(paulberry): do we need to deal with
// MultiplyInheritedMethodElementImpl?
compareExecutableElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
void compareNamespaceCombinators(
NamespaceCombinator resynthesized, NamespaceCombinator original) {
if (original is ShowElementCombinatorImpl &&
resynthesized is ShowElementCombinatorImpl) {
expect(resynthesized.shownNames, original.shownNames);
} else if (original is HideElementCombinatorImpl &&
resynthesized is HideElementCombinatorImpl) {
expect(resynthesized.hiddenNames, original.hiddenNames);
} else if (resynthesized.runtimeType != original.runtimeType) {
'Type mismatch: expected ${original.runtimeType}, got ${resynthesized.runtimeType}');
} else {
fail('Unimplemented comparison for ${original.runtimeType}');
void compareNamespaces(
Namespace resynthesized, Namespace original, String desc) {
Map<String, Element> resynthesizedMap = resynthesized.definedNames;
Map<String, Element> originalMap = original.definedNames;
expect(resynthesizedMap.keys.toSet(), originalMap.keys.toSet(),
reason: desc);
for (String key in originalMap.keys) {
Element resynthesizedElement = resynthesizedMap[key];
Element originalElement = originalMap[key];
compareElements(resynthesizedElement, originalElement, key);
void compareParameterElements(ParameterElementImpl resynthesized,
ParameterElementImpl original, String desc) {
compareVariableElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.parameters.length, original.parameters.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.parameters.length; i++) {
'$desc parameter ${original.parameters[i].name}');
expect(resynthesized.parameterKind, original.parameterKind);
expect(resynthesized.isInitializingFormal, original.isInitializingFormal,
reason: desc);
expect(resynthesized is FieldFormalParameterElementImpl,
original is FieldFormalParameterElementImpl);
if (resynthesized is FieldFormalParameterElementImpl &&
original is FieldFormalParameterElementImpl) {
if (original.field == null) {
expect(resynthesized.field, isNull, reason: '$desc field');
} else {
expect(resynthesized.field, isNotNull, reason: '$desc field');
resynthesized.field, original.field, '$desc field');
void comparePrefixElements(PrefixElementImpl resynthesized,
PrefixElementImpl original, String desc) {
compareElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
// TODO(paulberry): test _importedLibraries.
void comparePropertyAccessorElements(
PropertyAccessorElementImpl resynthesized,
PropertyAccessorElementImpl original,
String desc) {
// TODO(paulberry): do I need to worry about
// MultiplyInheritedPropertyAccessorElementImpl?
compareExecutableElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.variable, isNotNull);
expect(resynthesized.variable.location, original.variable.location);
void comparePropertyInducingElements(
PropertyInducingElementImpl resynthesized,
PropertyInducingElementImpl original,
String desc) {
compareVariableElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
compareTypes(resynthesized.propagatedType, original.propagatedType, desc);
if (original.getter == null) {
expect(resynthesized.getter, isNull);
} else {
expect(resynthesized.getter, isNotNull);
expect(resynthesized.getter.location, original.getter.location);
if (original.setter == null) {
expect(resynthesized.setter, isNull);
} else {
expect(resynthesized.setter, isNotNull);
expect(resynthesized.setter.location, original.setter.location);
void compareTopLevelVariableElements(
TopLevelVariableElementImpl resynthesized,
TopLevelVariableElementImpl original,
String desc) {
comparePropertyInducingElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
// TODO(paulberry): test evaluationResult
void compareTypeImpls(
TypeImpl resynthesized, TypeImpl original, String desc) {
expect(resynthesized.element.location, original.element.location,
reason: desc);
expect(,, reason: desc);
void compareTypeParameterElements(TypeParameterElementImpl resynthesized,
TypeParameterElementImpl original, String desc) {
compareElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
compareTypes(resynthesized.type, original.type, desc);
compareTypes(resynthesized.bound, original.bound, '$desc bound');
void compareTypes(DartType resynthesized, DartType original, String desc) {
if (original == null) {
expect(resynthesized, isNull, reason: desc);
} else if (resynthesized is InterfaceTypeImpl &&
original is InterfaceTypeImpl) {
compareTypeImpls(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.typeArguments.length, original.typeArguments.length);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.typeArguments.length; i++) {
compareTypes(resynthesized.typeArguments[i], original.typeArguments[i],
'$desc type argument ${original.typeArguments[i].name}');
} else if (resynthesized is TypeParameterTypeImpl &&
original is TypeParameterTypeImpl) {
compareTypeImpls(resynthesized, original, desc);
} else if (resynthesized is DynamicTypeImpl &&
original is DynamicTypeImpl) {
expect(resynthesized, same(original));
} else if (resynthesized is UndefinedTypeImpl &&
original is UndefinedTypeImpl) {
expect(resynthesized, same(original));
} else if (resynthesized is FunctionTypeImpl &&
original is FunctionTypeImpl) {
compareTypeImpls(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.isInstantiated, original.isInstantiated,
reason: desc);
if (original.element.isSynthetic &&
original.element is FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl &&
resynthesized.element is FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl) {
resynthesized.element, original.element, desc);
expect(resynthesized.typeArguments.length, original.typeArguments.length,
reason: desc);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.typeArguments.length; i++) {
compareTypes(resynthesized.typeArguments[i], original.typeArguments[i],
'$desc type argument ${original.typeArguments[i].name}');
if (original.typeParameters == null) {
expect(resynthesized.typeParameters, isNull, reason: desc);
} else {
expect(resynthesized.typeParameters, isNotNull, reason: desc);
resynthesized.typeParameters.length, original.typeParameters.length,
reason: desc);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.typeParameters.length; i++) {
original.typeParameters[i], '$desc type parameter $i');
expect(resynthesized.typeFormals.length, original.typeFormals.length,
reason: desc);
for (int i = 0; i < resynthesized.typeFormals.length; i++) {
original.typeFormals[i], '$desc bound type parameter $i');
} else if (resynthesized is VoidTypeImpl && original is VoidTypeImpl) {
expect(resynthesized, same(original));
} else if (resynthesized.runtimeType != original.runtimeType) {
'Type mismatch: expected ${original.runtimeType}, got ${resynthesized.runtimeType}');
} else {
fail('Unimplemented comparison for ${original.runtimeType}');
void compareUriReferencedElements(UriReferencedElementImpl resynthesized,
UriReferencedElementImpl original, String desc) {
compareElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
expect(resynthesized.uri, original.uri);
expect(resynthesized.uriOffset, original.uriOffset, reason: desc);
expect(resynthesized.uriEnd, original.uriEnd, reason: desc);
void compareVariableElements(VariableElementImpl resynthesized,
VariableElementImpl original, String desc) {
compareElements(resynthesized, original, desc);
compareTypes(resynthesized.type, original.type, desc);
// TODO(scheglov) implement and validate other constant variable types
if (shouldCompareConstValues &&
original is ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl) {
original.constantInitializer, desc);
// TODO(paulberry): test initializer
* Serialize the given [library] into a summary. Then create a
* [_TestSummaryResynthesizer] which can deserialize it, along with any
* references it makes to `dart:core`.
* Errors will lead to a test failure unless [allowErrors] is `true`.
_TestSummaryResynthesizer encodeLibrary(LibraryElementImpl library,
{bool allowErrors: false}) {
if (!allowErrors) {
return encodeLibraryElement(library);
* Convert the library element [library] into a summary, and then create a
* [_TestSummaryResynthesizer] which can deserialize it.
* Caller is responsible for checking the library for errors, and adding any
* dependent libraries using [addLibrary].
_TestSummaryResynthesizer encodeLibraryElement(LibraryElementImpl library) {
Map<String, UnlinkedUnit> unlinkedSummaries = <String, UnlinkedUnit>{};
LinkedLibrary getLinkedSummaryFor(LibraryElement lib) {
LibrarySerializationResult serialized = serializeLibrary(
lib, typeProvider, analysisContext.analysisOptions.strongMode);
for (int i = 0; i < serialized.unlinkedUnits.length; i++) {
unlinkedSummaries[serialized.unitUris[i]] =
new UnlinkedUnit.fromBuffer(serialized.unlinkedUnits[i].toBuffer());
return new LinkedLibrary.fromBuffer(serialized.linked.toBuffer());
Map<String, LinkedLibrary> linkedSummaries = <String, LinkedLibrary>{
library.source.uri.toString(): getLinkedSummaryFor(library)
for (Source source in otherLibrarySources) {
LibraryElement original = resolve2(source);
String uri = source.uri.toString();
linkedSummaries[uri] = getLinkedSummaryFor(original);
return new _TestSummaryResynthesizer(
fail_library_hasExtUri() {
checkLibrary('import "dart-ext:doesNotExist.dart";');
ElementImpl getActualElement(Element element, String desc) {
if (element is ElementHandle) {
return element.actualElement;
} else if (element is ElementImpl) {
return element;
} else {
fail('Unexpected type for resynthesized ($desc):'
' ${element.runtimeType}');
return null;
* Resynthesize the library element associated with [uri] using
* [resynthesizer], and verify that it only had to consult one summary in
* order to do so. [original] is consulted merely to verify that no
* unnecessary resynthesis work was performed.
LibraryElementImpl resynthesizeLibraryElement(
_TestSummaryResynthesizer resynthesizer,
String uri,
LibraryElement original) {
LibraryElementImpl resynthesized = resynthesizer.getLibraryElement(uri);
checkMinimalResynthesisWork(resynthesizer, original);
return resynthesized;
void setUp() {
test_class_abstract() {
checkLibrary('abstract class C {}');
test_class_alias() {
checkLibrary('class C = D with E, F; class D {} class E {} class F {}');
test_class_alias_abstract() {
checkLibrary('abstract class C = D with E; class D {} class E {}');
test_class_alias_documented() {
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
class C = D with E;
class D {}
class E {}''');
test_class_alias_with_forwarding_constructors() {
class Base {
factory Base.fact() => null;
factory Base.fact2() = Base.noArgs;
import "a.dart";
class M {}
class MixinApp = Base with M;
test_class_alias_with_forwarding_constructors_type_substitution() {
class Base<T> {
Base.ctor(T t, List<T> l);
class M {}
class MixinApp = Base with M;
test_class_alias_with_forwarding_constructors_type_substitution_complex() {
class Base<T> {
Base.ctor(T t, List<T> l);
class M {}
class MixinApp<U> = Base<List<U>> with M;
test_class_alias_with_mixin_members() {
class C = D with E;
class D {}
class E {
int get a => null;
void set b(int i) {}
void f() {}
int x;
test_class_constructor_const() {
checkLibrary('class C { const C(); }');
test_class_constructor_const_external() {
checkLibrary('class C { external const C(); }');
test_class_constructor_explicit_named() {
checkLibrary('class C {; }');
test_class_constructor_explicit_type_params() {
checkLibrary('class C<T, U> { C(); }');
test_class_constructor_explicit_unnamed() {
checkLibrary('class C { C(); }');
test_class_constructor_external() {
checkLibrary('class C { external C(); }');
test_class_constructor_factory() {
checkLibrary('class C { factory C() => null; }');
test_class_constructor_field_formal_dynamic_dynamic() {
checkLibrary('class C { dynamic x; C(dynamic this.x); }');
test_class_constructor_field_formal_dynamic_typed() {
checkLibrary('class C { dynamic x; C(int this.x); }');
test_class_constructor_field_formal_dynamic_untyped() {
checkLibrary('class C { dynamic x; C(this.x); }');
test_class_constructor_field_formal_multiple_matching_fields() {
// This is a compile-time error but it should still analyze consistently.
checkLibrary('class C { C(this.x); int x; String x; }', allowErrors: true);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_no_matching_field() {
// This is a compile-time error but it should still analyze consistently.
checkLibrary('class C { C(this.x); }', allowErrors: true);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_typed_dynamic() {
checkLibrary('class C { num x; C(dynamic this.x); }', allowErrors: true);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_typed_typed() {
checkLibrary('class C { num x; C(int this.x); }');
test_class_constructor_field_formal_typed_untyped() {
checkLibrary('class C { num x; C(this.x); }');
test_class_constructor_field_formal_untyped_dynamic() {
checkLibrary('class C { var x; C(dynamic this.x); }');
test_class_constructor_field_formal_untyped_typed() {
checkLibrary('class C { var x; C(int this.x); }');
test_class_constructor_field_formal_untyped_untyped() {
checkLibrary('class C { var x; C(this.x); }');
test_class_constructor_implicit() {
checkLibrary('class C {}');
test_class_constructor_implicit_type_params() {
checkLibrary('class C<T, U> {}');
test_class_constructor_params() {
checkLibrary('class C { C(x, y); }');
test_class_constructors() {
checkLibrary('class C {;; }');
test_class_documented() {
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
class C {}''');
test_class_documented_with_references() {
* Docs referring to [D] and [E]
class C {}
class D {}
class E {}''');
test_class_documented_with_windows_line_endings() {
checkLibrary('/**\r\n * Docs\r\n */\r\nclass C {}');
test_class_field_const() {
checkLibrary('class C { static const int i = 0; }');
test_class_field_implicit_type() {
checkLibrary('class C { var x; }');
test_class_field_static() {
checkLibrary('class C { static int i; }');
test_class_fields() {
checkLibrary('class C { int i; int j; }');
test_class_getter_abstract() {
checkLibrary('abstract class C { int get x; }');
test_class_getter_external() {
checkLibrary('class C { external int get x; }');
test_class_getter_implicit_return_type() {
checkLibrary('class C { get x => null; }');
test_class_getter_static() {
checkLibrary('class C { static int get x => null; }');
test_class_getters() {
checkLibrary('class C { int get x => null; get y => null; }');
test_class_implicitField_getterFirst() {
checkLibrary('class C { int get x => 0; void set x(int value) {} }');
test_class_implicitField_setterFirst() {
checkLibrary('class C { void set x(int value) {} int get x => 0; }');
test_class_interfaces() {
checkLibrary('class C implements D, E {} class D {} class E {}');
test_class_method_abstract() {
checkLibrary('abstract class C { f(); }');
test_class_method_external() {
checkLibrary('class C { external f(); }');
test_class_method_params() {
checkLibrary('class C { f(x, y) {} }');
test_class_method_static() {
checkLibrary('class C { static f() {} }');
test_class_methods() {
checkLibrary('class C { f() {} g() {} }');
test_class_mixins() {
checkLibrary('class C extends Object with D, E {} class D {} class E {}');
test_class_setter_abstract() {
checkLibrary('abstract class C { void set x(int value); }');
test_class_setter_external() {
checkLibrary('class C { external void set x(int value); }');
test_class_setter_implicit_param_type() {
checkLibrary('class C { void set x(value) {} }');
test_class_setter_implicit_return_type() {
checkLibrary('class C { set x(int value) {} }');
test_class_setter_static() {
checkLibrary('class C { static void set x(int value) {} }');
test_class_setters() {
checkLibrary('class C { void set x(int value) {} set y(value) {} }');
test_class_supertype() {
checkLibrary('class C extends D {} class D {}');
test_class_type_parameters() {
checkLibrary('class C<T, U> {}');
test_class_type_parameters_bound() {
checkLibrary('class C<T extends Object, U extends D> {} class D {}');
test_class_type_parameters_f_bound_complex() {
checkLibrary('class C<T extends List<U>, U> {}');
test_class_type_parameters_f_bound_simple() {
checkLibrary('class C<T extends U, U> {}');
test_classes() {
checkLibrary('class C {} class D {}');
test_const_invokeConstructor_named() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
const C.named(bool a, int b, int c, {String d, double e});
const V = const C.named(true, 1, 2, d: 'ccc', e: 3.4);
test_const_invokeConstructor_named_imported() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
const C.named();
import 'a.dart';
const V = const C.named();
test_const_invokeConstructor_named_imported_withPrefix() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
const C.named();
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = const p.C.named();
test_const_invokeConstructor_unnamed() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
const C();
const V = const C();
test_const_invokeConstructor_unnamed_imported() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
const C();
import 'a.dart';
const V = const C();
test_const_invokeConstructor_unnamed_imported_withPrefix() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
const C();
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = const p.C();
test_const_reference_staticField() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
static const int F = 42;
const V = C.F;
test_const_reference_staticField_imported() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
static const int F = 42;
import 'a.dart';
const V = C.F;
test_const_reference_staticField_imported_withPrefix() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
static const int F = 42;
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = p.C.F;
test_const_reference_staticMethod() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
static int m(int a, String b) => 42;
const V = C.m;
test_const_reference_staticMethod_imported() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
static int m(int a, String b) => 42;
import 'a.dart';
const V = C.m;
test_const_reference_staticMethod_imported_withPrefix() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {
static int m(int a, String b) => 42;
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = p.C.m;
test_const_reference_topLevelVariable() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const A = 1;
const B = A + 2;
test_const_reference_topLevelVariable_imported() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const A = 1;
import 'a.dart';
const B = A + 2;
test_const_reference_topLevelVariable_imported_withPrefix() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const A = 1;
import 'a.dart' as p;
const B = p.A + 2;
test_const_reference_type() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {}
class D<T> {}
enum E {a, b, c}
typedef F(int a, String b);
const vDynamic = dynamic;
const vNull = Null;
const vObject = Object;
const vClass = C;
const vGenericClass = D;
const vEnum = E;
const vFunctionTypeAlias = F;
test_const_reference_type_imported() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {}
enum E {a, b, c}
typedef F(int a, String b);
import 'a.dart';
const vClass = C;
const vEnum = E;
const vFunctionTypeAlias = F;
test_const_reference_type_imported_withPrefix() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
class C {}
enum E {a, b, c}
typedef F(int a, String b);
import 'a.dart' as p;
const vClass = p.C;
const vEnum = p.E;
const vFunctionTypeAlias = p.F;
test_const_topLevel_binary() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const vEqual = 1 == 2;
const vAnd = true && false;
const vOr = false || true;
const vBitXor = 1 ^ 2;
const vBitAnd = 1 & 2;
const vBitOr = 1 | 2;
const vBitShiftLeft = 1 << 2;
const vBitShiftRight = 1 >> 2;
const vAdd = 1 + 2;
const vSubtract = 1 - 2;
const vMiltiply = 1 * 2;
const vDivide = 1 / 2;
const vFloorDivide = 1 ~/ 2;
const vModulo = 1 % 2;
const vGreater = 1 > 2;
const vGreaterEqual = 1 >= 2;
const vLess = 1 < 2;
const vLessEqual = 1 <= 2;
test_const_topLevel_conditional() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const vConditional = (1 == 2) ? 11 : 22;
test_const_topLevel_identical() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const vIdentical = (1 == 2) ? 11 : 22;
test_const_topLevel_literal() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const vNull = null;
const vBoolFalse = false;
const vBoolTrue = true;
const vInt = 1;
const vIntLong = 0x9876543210987654321;
const vDouble = 2.3;
const vString = 'abc';
const vStringConcat = 'aaa' 'bbb';
const vStringInterpolation = 'aaa ${true} ${42} bbb';
const vSymbol = #aaa.bbb.ccc;
test_const_topLevel_prefix() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const vNotEqual = 1 != 2;
const vNot = !true;
const vNegate = -1;
const vComplement = ~1;
test_const_topLevel_typedList() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const vNull = const <Null>[];
const vDynamic = const <dynamic>[1, 2, 3];
const vInterfaceNoTypeParameters = const <int>[1, 2, 3];
const vInterfaceNoTypeArguments = const <List>[];
const vInterfaceWithTypeArguments = const <List<String>>[];
const vInterfaceWithTypeArguments2 = const <Map<int, List<String>>>[];
test_const_topLevel_typedList_imported() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
import 'a.dart';
const v = const <C>[];
test_const_topLevel_typedList_importedWithPrefix() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
import 'a.dart' as p;
const v = const <p.C>[];
test_const_topLevel_typedMap() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const vDynamic1 = const <dynamic, int>{};
const vDynamic2 = const <int, dynamic>{};
const vInterface = const <int, String>{};
const vInterfaceWithTypeArguments = const <int, List<String>>{};
test_const_topLevel_untypedList() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const v = const [1, 2, 3];
test_const_topLevel_untypedMap() {
shouldCompareConstValues = true;
const v = const {0: 'aaa', 1: 'bbb', 2: 'ccc'};
test_constructor_documented() {
class C {
* Docs
test_core() {
String uri = 'dart:core';
LibraryElementImpl original =
LibraryElementImpl resynthesized = resynthesizeLibraryElement(
encodeLibraryElement(original), uri, original);
checkLibraryElements(original, resynthesized);
test_enum_documented() {
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
enum E { v }''');
test_enum_value_documented() {
enum E {
* Docs
test_enum_values() {
checkLibrary('enum E { v1, v2 }');
test_enums() {
checkLibrary('enum E1 { v1 } enum E2 { v2 }');
test_export_class() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_export_class_type_alias() {
'/a.dart', 'class C {} exends _D with _E; class _D {} class _E {}');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_export_function() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'f() {}');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_export_getter() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'get f() => null;');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_export_hide() {
checkLibrary('export "dart:async" hide Stream, Future;');
test_export_multiple_combinators() {
checkLibrary('export "dart:async" hide Stream show Future;');
test_export_setter() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'void set f(value) {}');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_export_show() {
checkLibrary('export "dart:async" show Future, Stream;');
test_export_typedef() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'typedef F();');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_export_variable() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'var x;');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_export_variable_const() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'const x = 0;');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_export_variable_final() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'final x = 0;');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_exports() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library a;');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'library b;');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart"; export "b.dart";');
test_field_documented() {
class C {
* Docs
var x;
test_field_formal_param_inferred_type_implicit() {
checkLibrary('class C extends D { var v; C(this.v); }'
' abstract class D { int get v; }');
test_field_inferred_type_nonstatic_explicit_initialized() {
checkLibrary('class C { num v = 0; }');
test_field_inferred_type_nonstatic_implicit_initialized() {
checkLibrary('class C { var v = 0; }');
test_field_inferred_type_nonstatic_implicit_uninitialized() {
'class C extends D { var v; } abstract class D { int get v; }');
test_field_inferred_type_static_implicit_initialized() {
checkLibrary('class C { static var v = 0; }');
test_field_propagatedType_const_noDep() {
class C {
static const x = 0;
test_field_propagatedType_final_dep_inLib() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'final a = 1;');
import "a.dart";
class C {
final b = a / 2;
test_field_propagatedType_final_dep_inPart() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'part of lib; final a = 1;');
library lib;
part "a.dart";
class C {
final b = a / 2;
test_field_propagatedType_final_noDep_instance() {
class C {
final x = 0;
test_field_propagatedType_final_noDep_static() {
class C {
static final x = 0;
test_function_documented() {
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
f() {}''');
test_function_entry_point() {
checkLibrary('main() {}');
test_function_entry_point_in_export() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library a; main() {}');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_function_entry_point_in_export_hidden() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library a; main() {}');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart" hide main;');
test_function_entry_point_in_part() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; main() {}');
checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart";');
test_function_external() {
checkLibrary('external f();');
test_function_parameter_kind_named() {
// TODO(paulberry): also test default value.
checkLibrary('f({x}) {}');
test_function_parameter_kind_positional() {
// TODO(paulberry): also test default value.
checkLibrary('f([x]) {}');
test_function_parameter_kind_required() {
checkLibrary('f(x) {}');
test_function_parameter_parameters() {
checkLibrary('f(g(x, y)) {}');
test_function_parameter_return_type() {
checkLibrary('f(int g()) {}');
test_function_parameter_return_type_void() {
checkLibrary('f(void g()) {}');
test_function_parameter_type() {
checkLibrary('f(int i) {}');
test_function_parameters() {
checkLibrary('f(x, y) {}');
test_function_return_type() {
checkLibrary('int f() => null;');
test_function_return_type_implicit() {
checkLibrary('f() => null;');
test_function_return_type_void() {
checkLibrary('void f() {}');
test_function_type_parameter() {
resetWithOptions(new AnalysisOptionsImpl()..enableGenericMethods = true);
checkLibrary('T f<T, U>(U u) => null;');
test_function_type_parameter_with_function_typed_parameter() {
resetWithOptions(new AnalysisOptionsImpl()..enableGenericMethods = true);
checkLibrary('void f<T, U>(T x(U u)) {}');
test_functions() {
checkLibrary('f() {} g() {}');
test_getElement_constructor_named() {
ConstructorElement original = resolve2(addSource('class C { C.named(); }'))
expect(original, isNotNull);
ConstructorElement resynthesized = validateGetElement(original);
compareConstructorElements(resynthesized, original, 'C.constructor named');
test_getElement_constructor_unnamed() {
ConstructorElement original =
resolve2(addSource('class C { C(); }')).getType('C').unnamedConstructor;
expect(original, isNotNull);
ConstructorElement resynthesized = validateGetElement(original);
compareConstructorElements(resynthesized, original, 'C.constructor');
test_getElement_field() {
FieldElement original =
resolve2(addSource('class C { var f; }')).getType('C').getField('f');
expect(original, isNotNull);
FieldElement resynthesized = validateGetElement(original);
compareFieldElements(resynthesized, original, 'C.field f');
test_getElement_getter() {
PropertyAccessorElement original =
resolve2(addSource('class C { get f => null; }'))
expect(original, isNotNull);
PropertyAccessorElement resynthesized = validateGetElement(original);
comparePropertyAccessorElements(resynthesized, original, 'C.getter f');
test_getElement_method() {
MethodElement original =
resolve2(addSource('class C { f() {} }')).getType('C').getMethod('f');
expect(original, isNotNull);
MethodElement resynthesized = validateGetElement(original);
compareMethodElements(resynthesized, original, 'C.method f');
test_getElement_operator() {
MethodElement original =
resolve2(addSource('class C { operator+(x) => null; }'))
expect(original, isNotNull);
MethodElement resynthesized = validateGetElement(original);
compareMethodElements(resynthesized, original, 'C.operator+');
test_getElement_setter() {
PropertyAccessorElement original =
resolve2(addSource('class C { void set f(value) {} }'))
expect(original, isNotNull);
PropertyAccessorElement resynthesized = validateGetElement(original);
comparePropertyAccessorElements(resynthesized, original, 'C.setter f');
test_getter_documented() {
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
get x => null;''');
test_getter_external() {
checkLibrary('external int get x;');
test_getter_inferred_type_nonstatic_implicit_return() {
'class C extends D { get f => null; } abstract class D { int get f; }');
test_getters() {
checkLibrary('int get x => null; get y => null;');
test_implicitTopLevelVariable_getterFirst() {
checkLibrary('int get x => 0; void set x(int value) {}');
test_implicitTopLevelVariable_setterFirst() {
checkLibrary('void set x(int value) {} int get x => 0;');
test_import_deferred() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'f() {}');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart" deferred as p; main() { p.f(); }');
test_import_hide() {
checkLibrary('import "dart:async" hide Stream, Completer; Future f;');
test_import_multiple_combinators() {
checkLibrary('import "dart:async" hide Stream show Future; Future f;');
test_import_prefixed() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library a; class C {}');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart" as a; a.C c;');
test_import_show() {
checkLibrary('import "dart:async" show Future, Stream; Future f;');
test_imports() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library a; class C {}');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'library b; class D {}');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; import "b.dart"; C c; D d;');
test_inferred_type_is_typedef() {
checkLibrary('typedef int F(String s);'
' class C extends D { var v; }'
' abstract class D { F get v; }');
test_inferred_type_refers_to_bound_type_param() {
checkLibrary('class C<T> extends D<int, T> { var v; }'
' abstract class D<U, V> { Map<V, U> get v; }');
test_inferred_type_refers_to_function_typed_parameter_type_generic_class() {
checkLibrary('class C<T, U> extends D<U, int> { void f(int x, g) {} }'
' abstract class D<V, W> { void f(int x, W g(V s)); }');
test_inferred_type_refers_to_function_typed_parameter_type_other_lib() {
'/a.dart', 'import "b.dart"; abstract class D extends E {}');
'/b.dart', 'abstract class E { void f(int x, int g(String s)); }');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; class C extends D { void f(int x, g) {} }');
test_inferred_type_refers_to_method_function_typed_parameter_type() {
checkLibrary('class C extends D { void f(int x, g) {} }'
' abstract class D { void f(int x, int g(String s)); }');
test_inferred_type_refers_to_setter_function_typed_parameter_type() {
checkLibrary('class C extends D { void set f(g) {} }'
' abstract class D { void set f(int g(String s)); }');
test_library() {
test_library_documented() {
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
library foo;''');
test_library_name_with_spaces() {
checkLibrary('library foo . bar ;');
test_library_named() {
test_main_class() {
checkLibrary('class main {}');
test_main_class_alias() {
checkLibrary('class main = C with D; class C {} class D {}');
test_main_class_alias_via_export() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class main = C with D; class C {} class D {}');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_main_class_via_export() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class main {}');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_main_getter() {
checkLibrary('get main => null;');
test_main_getter_via_export() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'get main => null;');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_main_typedef() {
checkLibrary('typedef main();');
test_main_typedef_via_export() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'typedef main();');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_main_variable() {
checkLibrary('var main;');
test_main_variable_via_export() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'var main;');
checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
test_method_documented() {
class C {
* Docs
f() {}
test_method_inferred_type_nonstatic_implicit_param() {
checkLibrary('class C extends D { void f(value) {} }'
' abstract class D { void f(int value); }');
test_method_inferred_type_nonstatic_implicit_return() {
'class C extends D { f() => null; } abstract class D { int f(); }');
test_method_parameter_parameters() {
checkLibrary('class C { f(g(x, y)) {} }');
test_method_parameter_parameters_in_generic_class() {
checkLibrary('class C<A, B> { f(A g(B x)) {} }');
test_method_parameter_return_type() {
checkLibrary('class C { f(int g()) {} }');
test_method_parameter_return_type_void() {
checkLibrary('class C { f(void g()) {} }');
test_method_type_parameter() {
resetWithOptions(new AnalysisOptionsImpl()..enableGenericMethods = true);
checkLibrary('class C { T f<T, U>(U u) => null; }');
test_method_type_parameter_in_generic_class() {
resetWithOptions(new AnalysisOptionsImpl()..enableGenericMethods = true);
checkLibrary('class C<T, U> { V f<V, W>(T t, U u, W w) => null; }');
test_method_type_parameter_with_function_typed_parameter() {
resetWithOptions(new AnalysisOptionsImpl()..enableGenericMethods = true);
checkLibrary('class C { void f<T, U>(T x(U u)) {} }');
test_operator() {
checkLibrary('class C { C operator+(C other) => null; }');
test_operator_equal() {
checkLibrary('class C { bool operator==(Object other) => false; }');
test_operator_external() {
checkLibrary('class C { external C operator+(C other); }');
test_operator_greater_equal() {
checkLibrary('class C { bool operator>=(C other) => false; }');
test_operator_index() {
checkLibrary('class C { bool operator[](int i) => null; }');
test_operator_index_set() {
checkLibrary('class C { void operator[]=(int i, bool v) {} }');
test_operator_less_equal() {
checkLibrary('class C { bool operator<=(C other) => false; }');
test_parts() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib;');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'part of my.lib;');
checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart"; part "b.dart";');
test_setter_documented() {
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
void set x(value) {}''');
test_setter_external() {
checkLibrary('external void set x(int value);');
test_setter_inferred_type_nonstatic_implicit_param() {
checkLibrary('class C extends D { void set f(value) {} }'
' abstract class D { void set f(int value); }');
test_setter_inferred_type_static_implicit_return() {
checkLibrary('class C { static set f(int value) {} }');
test_setter_inferred_type_top_level_implicit_return() {
checkLibrary('set f(int value) {}');
test_setters() {
checkLibrary('void set x(int value) {} set y(value) {}');
test_type_arguments_explicit_dynamic_dynamic() {
checkLibrary('Map<dynamic, dynamic> m;');
test_type_arguments_explicit_dynamic_int() {
checkLibrary('Map<dynamic, int> m;');
test_type_arguments_explicit_String_dynamic() {
checkLibrary('Map<String, dynamic> m;');
test_type_arguments_explicit_String_int() {
checkLibrary('Map<String, int> m;');
test_type_arguments_implicit() {
checkLibrary('Map m;');
test_type_dynamic() {
checkLibrary('dynamic d;');
test_type_reference_lib_to_lib() {
checkLibrary('class C {} enum E { v } typedef F(); C c; E e; F f;');
test_type_reference_lib_to_part() {
'/a.dart', 'part of l; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
checkLibrary('library l; part "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
test_type_reference_part_to_lib() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'part of l; C c; E e; F f;');
'library l; part "a.dart"; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
test_type_reference_part_to_other_part() {
'/a.dart', 'part of l; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'part of l; C c; E e; F f;');
checkLibrary('library l; part "a.dart"; part "b.dart";');
test_type_reference_part_to_part() {
'part of l; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F(); C c; E e; F f;');
checkLibrary('library l; part "a.dart";');
test_type_reference_to_class() {
checkLibrary('class C {} C c;');
test_type_reference_to_class_with_type_arguments() {
checkLibrary('class C<T, U> {} C<int, String> c;');
test_type_reference_to_class_with_type_arguments_implicit() {
checkLibrary('class C<T, U> {} C c;');
test_type_reference_to_enum() {
checkLibrary('enum E { v } E e;');
test_type_reference_to_import() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v }; typedef F();');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
test_type_reference_to_import_export() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'export "b.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
test_type_reference_to_import_export_export() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'export "b.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'export "c.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/c.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
test_type_reference_to_import_export_export_in_subdirs() {
addLibrarySource('/a/a.dart', 'export "b/b.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/a/b/b.dart', 'export "../c/c.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/a/c/c.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
checkLibrary('import "a/a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
test_type_reference_to_import_export_in_subdirs() {
addLibrarySource('/a/a.dart', 'export "b/b.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/a/b/b.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
checkLibrary('import "a/a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
test_type_reference_to_import_part() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library l; part "b.dart";');
'/b.dart', 'part of l; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
test_type_reference_to_import_part2() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library l; part "p1.dart"; part "p2.dart";');
addNamedSource('/p1.dart', 'part of l; class C1 {}');
addNamedSource('/p2.dart', 'part of l; class C2 {}');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C1 c1; C2 c2;');
test_type_reference_to_import_part_in_subdir() {
addLibrarySource('/a/b.dart', 'library l; part "c.dart";');
'/a/c.dart', 'part of l; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
checkLibrary('import "a/b.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
test_type_reference_to_import_relative() {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
test_type_reference_to_typedef() {
checkLibrary('typedef F(); F f;');
test_type_reference_to_typedef_with_type_arguments() {
checkLibrary('typedef U F<T, U>(T t); F<int, String> f;');
test_type_reference_to_typedef_with_type_arguments_implicit() {
checkLibrary('typedef U F<T, U>(T t); F f;');
test_type_unresolved() {
checkLibrary('C c;', allowErrors: true);
test_type_unresolved_prefixed() {
checkLibrary('import "dart:core" as core; core.C c;', allowErrors: true);
test_typedef_documented() {
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
typedef F();''');
test_typedef_parameter_parameters() {
checkLibrary('typedef F(g(x, y));');
test_typedef_parameter_parameters_in_generic_class() {
checkLibrary('typedef F<A, B>(A g(B x));');
test_typedef_parameter_return_type() {
checkLibrary('typedef F(int g());');
test_typedef_parameter_type() {
checkLibrary('typedef F(int i);');
test_typedef_parameter_type_generic() {
checkLibrary('typedef F<T>(T t);');
test_typedef_parameters() {
checkLibrary('typedef F(x, y);');
test_typedef_return_type() {
checkLibrary('typedef int F();');
test_typedef_return_type_generic() {
checkLibrary('typedef T F<T>();');
test_typedef_return_type_implicit() {
checkLibrary('typedef F();');
test_typedef_return_type_void() {
checkLibrary('typedef void F();');
test_typedef_type_parameters() {
checkLibrary('typedef U F<T, U>(T t);');
test_typedef_type_parameters_bound() {
checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends Object, U extends D>(T t); class D {}');
test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_complex() {
checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends List<U>, U>(T t);');
test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_simple() {
checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends U, U>(T t);');
test_typedefs() {
checkLibrary('f() {} g() {}');
test_variable_const() {
checkLibrary('const int i = 0;');
test_variable_documented() {
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
var x;''');
test_variable_final() {
checkLibrary('final int x = 0;');
test_variable_getterInLib_setterInPart() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; void set x(int _) {}');
checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart"; int get x => 42;');
test_variable_getterInPart_setterInLib() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; int get x => 42;');
checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart"; void set x(int _) {}');
test_variable_getterInPart_setterInPart() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; int get x => 42;');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'part of my.lib; void set x(int _) {}');
checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart"; part "b.dart";');
test_variable_implicit_type() {
checkLibrary('var x;');
test_variable_inferred_type_implicit_initialized() {
checkLibrary('var v = 0;');
test_variable_propagatedType_const_noDep() {
checkLibrary('const i = 0;');
test_variable_propagatedType_final_dep_inLib() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'final a = 1;');
checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; final b = a / 2;');
test_variable_propagatedType_final_dep_inPart() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'part of lib; final a = 1;');
checkLibrary('library lib; part "a.dart"; final b = a / 2;');
test_variable_propagatedType_final_noDep() {
checkLibrary('final i = 0;');
test_variable_propagatedType_implicit_dep() {
// The propagated type is defined in a library that is not imported.
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'import "a.dart"; C f() => null;');
checkLibrary('import "b.dart"; final x = f();');
test_variable_setterInPart_getterInPart() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; void set x(int _) {}');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'part of my.lib; int get x => 42;');
checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart"; part "b.dart";');
test_variables() {
checkLibrary('int i; int j;');
* Encode the library containing [original] into a summary and then use
* [_TestSummaryResynthesizer.getElement] to retrieve just the original
* element from the resynthesized summary.
Element validateGetElement(Element original) {
_TestSummaryResynthesizer resynthesizer = encodeLibrary(original.library);
ElementLocationImpl location = original.location;
Element result = resynthesizer.getElement(location);
checkMinimalResynthesisWork(resynthesizer, original.library);
// Check that no other summaries needed to be resynthesized to resynthesize
// the library element.
expect(resynthesizer.resynthesisCount, 1);
expect(result.location, location);
return result;
class _TestSummaryResynthesizer extends SummaryResynthesizer {
final Map<String, UnlinkedUnit> unlinkedSummaries;
final Map<String, LinkedLibrary> linkedSummaries;
* The set of uris for which unlinked summaries have been requested using
* [getUnlinkedSummary].
final Set<String> unlinkedSummariesRequested = new Set<String>();
* The set of uris for which linked summaries have been requested using
* [getLinkedSummary].
final Set<String> linkedSummariesRequested = new Set<String>();
SummaryResynthesizer parent,
AnalysisContext context,
TypeProvider typeProvider,
SourceFactory sourceFactory,
bool strongMode)
: super(parent, context, typeProvider, sourceFactory, strongMode);
LinkedLibrary getLinkedSummary(String uri) {
LinkedLibrary serializedLibrary = linkedSummaries[uri];
if (serializedLibrary == null) {
fail('Unexpectedly tried to get linked summary for $uri');
return serializedLibrary;
UnlinkedUnit getUnlinkedSummary(String uri) {
UnlinkedUnit serializedUnit = unlinkedSummaries[uri];
if (serializedUnit == null) {
fail('Unexpectedly tried to get unlinked summary for $uri');
return serializedUnit;
bool hasLibrarySummary(String uri) {
return true;