blob: 44c01e878a6626e26b6e2cd18c11eff74ddebff1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library tracer;
import 'dart:async' show EventSink;
import 'ssa.dart';
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart';
import '../dart2jslib.dart';
const bool GENERATE_SSA_TRACE = false;
const String SSA_TRACE_FILTER = null;
class HTracer extends HGraphVisitor implements Tracer {
Compiler compiler;
JavaScriptItemCompilationContext context;
int indent = 0;
final EventSink<String> output;
final bool enabled = GENERATE_SSA_TRACE;
bool traceActive = false;
void close() {
if (enabled) output.close();
void traceCompilation(String methodName,
JavaScriptItemCompilationContext compilationContext,
Compiler compiler) {
if (!enabled) return;
this.context = compilationContext;
this.compiler = compiler;
traceActive =
SSA_TRACE_FILTER == null || methodName.contains(SSA_TRACE_FILTER);
if (!traceActive) return;
tag("compilation", () {
printProperty("name", methodName);
printProperty("method", methodName);
printProperty("date", new;
void traceGraph(String name, HGraph graph) {
if (!traceActive) return;
tag("cfg", () {
printProperty("name", name);
void addPredecessors(HBasicBlock block) {
if (block.predecessors.isEmpty) {
} else {
for (HBasicBlock predecessor in block.predecessors) {
add(' "B${}"');
void addSuccessors(HBasicBlock block) {
if (block.successors.isEmpty) {
} else {
for (HBasicBlock successor in block.successors) {
add(' "B${}"');
void addInstructions(HInstructionStringifier stringifier,
HInstructionList list) {
for (HInstruction instruction = list.first;
instruction != null;
instruction = {
int bci = 0;
int uses = instruction.usedBy.length;
String changes = instruction.sideEffects.hasSideEffects() ? '!' : ' ';
String depends = instruction.sideEffects.dependsOnSomething() ? '?' : '';
String temporaryId = stringifier.temporaryId(instruction);
String instructionString = stringifier.visit(instruction);
add("$bci $uses $temporaryId $instructionString $changes $depends <|@\n");
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
HInstructionStringifier stringifier =
new HInstructionStringifier(context, block, compiler);
assert( != null);
tag("block", () {
printProperty("name", "B${}");
printProperty("from_bci", -1);
printProperty("to_bci", -1);
if (block.dominator != null) {
printProperty("dominator", "B${}");
tag("states", () {
tag("locals", () {
printProperty("size", 0);
printProperty("method", "None");
block.forEachPhi((phi) {
String phiId = stringifier.temporaryId(phi);
StringBuffer inputIds = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < phi.inputs.length; i++) {
inputIds.write(" ");
println("${} $phiId [ $inputIds]");
tag("HIR", () {
addInstructions(stringifier, block.phis);
addInstructions(stringifier, block);
void tag(String tagName, Function f) {
void println(String string) {
void printEmptyProperty(String propertyName) {
void printProperty(String propertyName, var value) {
if (value is num) {
println("$propertyName $value");
} else {
println('$propertyName "$value"');
void add(String string) {
void addIndent() {
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
add(" ");
class HInstructionStringifier implements HVisitor<String> {
final Compiler compiler;
final JavaScriptItemCompilationContext context;
final HBasicBlock currentBlock;
HInstructionStringifier(this.context, this.currentBlock, this.compiler);
visit(HInstruction node) => node.accept(this);
String temporaryId(HInstruction instruction) {
String prefix;
HType type = instruction.instructionType;
if (type.isExtendableArray(compiler)) {
prefix = 'e';
} else if (type.isFixedArray(compiler)) {
prefix = 'f';
} else if (type.isMutableArray(compiler)) {
prefix = 'm';
} else if (type.isReadableArray(compiler)) {
prefix = 'a';
} else if (type.isString(compiler)) {
prefix = 's';
} else if (type.isIndexable(compiler)) {
prefix = 'r';
} else if (type == HType.BOOLEAN) {
prefix = 'b';
} else if (type == HType.INTEGER) {
prefix = 'i';
} else if (type == HType.DOUBLE) {
prefix = 'd';
} else if (type == HType.NUMBER) {
prefix = 'n';
} else if (type == HType.UNKNOWN) {
prefix = 'v';
} else if (type == HType.CONFLICTING) {
prefix = 'c';
} else if (type == HType.NULL) {
prefix = 'u';
} else {
prefix = 'U';
return "$prefix${}";
String visitBailoutTarget(HBailoutTarget node) {
StringBuffer envBuffer = new StringBuffer();
List<HInstruction> inputs = node.inputs;
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
envBuffer.write(" ${temporaryId(inputs[i])}");
String on = node.isEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled";
return "BailoutTarget($on): id: ${node.state} env: $envBuffer";
String visitBoolify(HBoolify node) {
return "Boolify: ${temporaryId(node.inputs[0])}";
String handleInvokeBinary(HInvokeBinary node, String op) {
String left = temporaryId(node.left);
String right= temporaryId(node.right);
return '$left $op $right';
String visitAdd(HAdd node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '+');
String visitBitAnd(HBitAnd node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '&');
String visitBitNot(HBitNot node) {
String operand = temporaryId(node.operand);
return "~$operand";
String visitBitOr(HBitOr node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '|');
String visitBitXor(HBitXor node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '^');
String visitBoundsCheck(HBoundsCheck node) {
String lengthId = temporaryId(node.length);
String indexId = temporaryId(node.index);
return "Bounds check: length = $lengthId, index = $indexId";
String visitBreak(HBreak node) {
HBasicBlock target = currentBlock.successors[0];
if (node.label != null) {
return "Break ${node.label.labelName}: (B${})";
return "Break: (B${})";
String visitConstant(HConstant constant) => "Constant ${constant.constant}";
String visitContinue(HContinue node) {
HBasicBlock target = currentBlock.successors[0];
if (node.label != null) {
return "Continue ${node.label.labelName}: (B${})";
return "Continue: (B${})";
String visitDivide(HDivide node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '/');
String visitExit(HExit node) => "exit";
String visitFieldGet(HFieldGet node) {
String fieldName =;
return 'field get ${temporaryId(node.receiver)}.$fieldName';
String visitFieldSet(HFieldSet node) {
String valueId = temporaryId(node.value);
String fieldName =;
return 'field set ${temporaryId(node.receiver)}.$fieldName to $valueId';
String visitLocalGet(HLocalGet node) {
String localName =;
return 'local get ${temporaryId(node.local)}.$localName';
String visitLocalSet(HLocalSet node) {
String valueId = temporaryId(node.value);
String localName =;
return 'local set ${temporaryId(node.local)}.$localName to $valueId';
String visitGoto(HGoto node) {
HBasicBlock target = currentBlock.successors[0];
return "Goto: (B${})";
String visitGreater(HGreater node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '>');
String visitGreaterEqual(HGreaterEqual node) {
handleInvokeBinary(node, '>=');
String visitIdentity(HIdentity node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '===');
String visitIf(HIf node) {
HBasicBlock thenBlock = currentBlock.successors[0];
HBasicBlock elseBlock = currentBlock.successors[1];
String conditionId = temporaryId(node.inputs[0]);
return "If ($conditionId): (B${}) else (B${})";
String visitGenericInvoke(String invokeType, String functionName,
List<HInstruction> arguments) {
StringBuffer argumentsString = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) argumentsString.write(", ");
return "$invokeType: $functionName($argumentsString)";
String visitIndex(HIndex node) {
String receiver = temporaryId(node.receiver);
String index = temporaryId(node.index);
return "Index: $receiver[$index]";
String visitIndexAssign(HIndexAssign node) {
String receiver = temporaryId(node.receiver);
String index = temporaryId(node.index);
String value = temporaryId(node.value);
return "IndexAssign: $receiver[$index] = $value";
String visitInterceptor(HInterceptor node) {
String value = temporaryId(node.inputs[0]);
return "Intercept: $value";
String visitInvokeClosure(HInvokeClosure node)
=> visitInvokeDynamic(node, "closure");
String visitInvokeDynamic(HInvokeDynamic invoke, String kind) {
String receiver = temporaryId(invoke.receiver);
String name =;
String target = "($kind) $receiver.$name";
int offset = HInvoke.ARGUMENTS_OFFSET;
List arguments = invoke.inputs.sublist(offset);
return visitGenericInvoke("Invoke", target, arguments);
String visitInvokeDynamicMethod(HInvokeDynamicMethod node)
=> visitInvokeDynamic(node, "method");
String visitInvokeDynamicGetter(HInvokeDynamicGetter node)
=> visitInvokeDynamic(node, "get");
String visitInvokeDynamicSetter(HInvokeDynamicSetter node)
=> visitInvokeDynamic(node, "set");
String visitInvokeStatic(HInvokeStatic invoke) {
String target =;
return visitGenericInvoke("Invoke", target, invoke.inputs);
String visitInvokeSuper(HInvokeSuper invoke) {
String target =;
int offset = HInvoke.ARGUMENTS_OFFSET + 1;
List arguments = invoke.inputs.sublist(offset);
return visitGenericInvoke("Invoke super", target, arguments);
String visitInvokeConstructorBody(HInvokeConstructorBody invoke) {
String target =;
return visitGenericInvoke("Invoke constructor body", target, invoke.inputs);
String visitForeign(HForeign foreign) {
return visitGenericInvoke("Foreign", "${foreign.codeAst}", foreign.inputs);
String visitForeignNew(HForeignNew node) {
return visitGenericInvoke("New",
String visitLess(HLess node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '<');
String visitLessEqual(HLessEqual node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '<=');
String visitLiteralList(HLiteralList node) {
StringBuffer elementsString = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < node.inputs.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) elementsString.write(", ");
return "Literal list: [$elementsString]";
String visitLoopBranch(HLoopBranch branch) {
HBasicBlock bodyBlock = currentBlock.successors[0];
HBasicBlock exitBlock = currentBlock.successors[1];
String conditionId = temporaryId(branch.inputs[0]);
return "While ($conditionId): (B${}) then (B${})";
String visitMultiply(HMultiply node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '*');
String visitNegate(HNegate node) {
String operand = temporaryId(node.operand);
return "-$operand";
String visitNot(HNot node) => "Not: ${temporaryId(node.inputs[0])}";
String visitParameterValue(HParameterValue node) {
return "p${}";
String visitLocalValue(HLocalValue node) {
return "l${}";
String visitPhi(HPhi phi) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < phi.inputs.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) buffer.write(", ");
return buffer.toString();
String visitReturn(HReturn node) => "Return ${temporaryId(node.inputs[0])}";
String visitShiftLeft(HShiftLeft node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '<<');
String visitStatic(HStatic node)
=> "Static ${}";
String visitLazyStatic(HLazyStatic node)
=> "LazyStatic ${}";
String visitOneShotInterceptor(HOneShotInterceptor node)
=> visitInvokeDynamic(node, "one shot interceptor");
String visitStaticStore(HStaticStore node) {
String lhs =;
return "Static $lhs = ${temporaryId(node.inputs[0])}";
String visitStringConcat(HStringConcat node) {
var leftId = temporaryId(node.left);
var rightId = temporaryId(node.right);
return "StringConcat: $leftId + $rightId";
String visitStringify(HStringify node) {
return "Stringify: ${node.inputs[0]}";
String visitSubtract(HSubtract node) => handleInvokeBinary(node, '-');
String visitSwitch(HSwitch node) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.write("Switch: (");
buf.write(") ");
for (int i = 1; i < node.inputs.length; i++) {
buf.write(": B");
buf.write(node.block.successors[i - 1].id);
buf.write(", ");
buf.write("default: B");
return buf.toString();
String visitThis(HThis node) => "this";
String visitThrow(HThrow node) => "Throw ${temporaryId(node.inputs[0])}";
String visitThrowExpression(HThrowExpression node) {
return "ThrowExpression ${temporaryId(node.inputs[0])}";
String visitExitTry(HExitTry node) {
return "Exit try";
String visitTry(HTry node) {
List<HBasicBlock> successors = currentBlock.successors;
String tryBlock = 'B${successors[0].id}';
String catchBlock = 'none';
if (node.catchBlock != null) {
catchBlock = 'B${successors[1].id}';
String finallyBlock = 'none';
if (node.finallyBlock != null) {
finallyBlock = 'B${}';
return "Try: $tryBlock, Catch: $catchBlock, Finally: $finallyBlock, "
"Join: B${}";
String visitTypeGuard(HTypeGuard node) {
String type;
HType guardedType = node.guardedType;
if (guardedType.isExtendableArray(compiler)) {
type = "extendable_array";
} else if (guardedType.isMutableArray(compiler)) {
type = "mutable_array";
} else if (guardedType.isReadableArray(compiler)) {
type = "readable_array";
} else if (guardedType == HType.BOOLEAN) {
type = "bool";
} else if (guardedType == HType.INTEGER) {
type = "integer";
} else if (guardedType == HType.DOUBLE) {
type = "double";
} else if (guardedType == HType.NUMBER) {
type = "number";
} else if (guardedType.isString(compiler)) {
type = "string";
} else if (guardedType.isIndexable(compiler)) {
type = "string_or_array";
} else if (guardedType == HType.UNKNOWN) {
type = 'unknown';
} else {
throw new CompilerCancelledException('Unexpected type guard: $type');
HInstruction guarded = node.guarded;
HInstruction bailoutTarget = node.bailoutTarget;
StringBuffer envBuffer = new StringBuffer();
List<HInstruction> inputs = node.inputs;
assert(inputs.length >= 2);
assert(inputs[0] == guarded);
assert(inputs[1] == bailoutTarget);
for (int i = 2; i < inputs.length; i++) {
envBuffer.write(" ${temporaryId(inputs[i])}");
String on = node.isEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled";
String guardedId = temporaryId(node.guarded);
String bailoutId = temporaryId(node.bailoutTarget);
return "TypeGuard($on): $guardedId is $type bailout: $bailoutId "
"env: $envBuffer";
String visitIs(HIs node) {
String type = node.typeExpression.toString();
return "TypeTest: ${temporaryId(node.expression)} is $type";
String visitTypeConversion(HTypeConversion node) {
assert(node.inputs.length <= 2);
String otherInput = (node.inputs.length == 2)
? temporaryId(node.inputs[1])
: '';
return "TypeConversion: ${temporaryId(node.checkedInput)} to "
"${node.instructionType} $otherInput";
String visitRangeConversion(HRangeConversion node) {
return "RangeConversion: ${node.checkedInput}";