blob: b5734b93e78d000f21799c3d611a95bd1f2e3bd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Test controller logic - used by unit test harness to embed tests in
* DumpRenderTree.
if (navigator.webkitStartDart) {
// testRunner is provided by DRT or WebKit's layout tests.
// It is not available in selenium tests.
var testRunner = window.testRunner || window.layoutTestController;
var waitForDone = false;
function processMessage(msg) {
if (typeof msg != 'string') return;
if (msg == 'unittest-suite-done') {
if (testRunner) testRunner.notifyDone();
} else if (msg == 'unittest-suite-wait-for-done') {
waitForDone = true;
if (testRunner) testRunner.startedDartTest = true;
} else if (msg == 'dart-calling-main') {
if (testRunner) testRunner.startedDartTest = true;
} else if (msg == 'dart-main-done') {
if (!waitForDone) {
window.postMessage('unittest-suite-success', '*');
} else if (msg == 'unittest-suite-success') {
if (testRunner) testRunner.notifyDone();
} else if (msg == 'unittest-suite-fail') {
showErrorAndExit('Some tests failed.');
function onReceive(e) {
if (testRunner) {
window.addEventListener("message", onReceive, false);
function showErrorAndExit(message) {
if (message) {
dartPrint('Error: ' + String(message));
// dart/tools/testing/ is looking for either PASS or
// FAIL and will continue polling until one of these words show up.
if (testRunner) testRunner.notifyDone();
function onLoad(e) {
// needed for dartium compilation errors.
if (window.compilationError) {
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onLoad, false);
// If nobody intercepts the error, finish the test.
window.addEventListener("error", function(e) {
// needed for dartium compilation errors.
showErrorAndExit(e && e.message);
}, false);
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function () {
if (document.readyState != "loaded") return;
// If 'startedDartTest' is not set, that means that the test did not have
// a chance to load. This will happen when a load error occurs in the VM.
// Give the machine time to start up.
setTimeout(function() {
// A window.postMessage might have been enqueued after this timeout.
// Just sleep another time to give the browser the time to process the
// posted message.
setTimeout(function() {
if (testRunner && !testRunner.startedDartTest) {
}, 0);
}, 50);
// dart2js will generate code to call this function to handle the Dart
// [print] method. The base [Configuration] (config.html) calls
// [print] with the secret messages "unittest-suite-success" and
// "unittest-suite-wait-for-done". These messages are then posted so
// processMessage above will see them.
function dartPrint(msg) {
if ((msg === 'unittest-suite-success')
|| (msg === 'unittest-suite-wait-for-done')) {
window.postMessage(msg, '*');
var pre = document.createElement("pre");
// dart2js will generate code to call this function instead of calling
// Dart [main] directly. The argument is a closure that invokes main.
function dartMainRunner(main) {
window.postMessage('dart-calling-main', '*');
try {
} catch (e) {
window.postMessage('unittest-suite-fail', '*');
window.postMessage('dart-main-done', '*');