blob: eaee6d18425146c58d0bb0fb95ef52b109f579e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:dart2wasm/dispatch_table.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/reference_extensions.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/translator.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:wasm_builder/wasm_builder.dart' as w;
/// This class is responsible for collecting import and export annotations.
/// It also creates Wasm functions for Dart members and manages the worklist
/// used to achieve tree shaking.
class FunctionCollector extends MemberVisitor1<w.FunctionType, Reference> {
final Translator translator;
// Wasm function for each Dart function
final Map<Reference, w.BaseFunction> _functions = {};
// Names of exported functions
final Map<Reference, String> exports = {};
// Functions for which code has not yet been generated
final List<Reference> worklist = [];
// Class IDs for classes that are allocated somewhere in the program
final Set<int> _allocatedClasses = {};
// For each class ID, which functions should be added to the worklist if an
// allocation of that class is encountered
final Map<int, List<Reference>> _pendingAllocation = {};
w.Module get m => translator.m;
void collectImportsAndExports() {
for (Library library in translator.libraries) {
for (Procedure procedure in library.procedures) {
for (Class cls in library.classes) {
for (Procedure procedure in cls.procedures) {
void _importOrExport(Procedure procedure) {
String? importName = translator.getPragma(procedure, "wasm:import");
if (importName != null) {
int dot = importName.indexOf('.');
if (dot != -1) {
String module = importName.substring(0, dot);
String name = importName.substring(dot + 1);
w.FunctionType ftype = _makeFunctionType(
procedure.reference, procedure.function.returnType, null,
isImportOrExport: true);
_functions[procedure.reference] =
m.importFunction(module, name, ftype, "$importName (import)");
String? exportName =
translator.getPragma(procedure, "wasm:export",;
if (exportName != null) {
addExport(procedure.reference, exportName);
void addExport(Reference target, String exportName) {
exports[target] = exportName;
void initialize() {
// Add all exports to the worklist
for (Reference target in exports.keys) {
Procedure node = target.asProcedure;
w.FunctionType ftype = _makeFunctionType(
target, node.function.returnType, null,
isImportOrExport: true);
_functions[target] = m.addFunction(ftype, "$node");
// Value classes are always implicitly allocated.
w.BaseFunction? getExistingFunction(Reference target) {
return _functions[target];
w.BaseFunction getFunction(Reference target) {
return _functions.putIfAbsent(target, () {
w.FunctionType ftype = target.isTearOffReference
? translator.dispatchTable.selectorForTarget(target).signature
: target.asMember.accept1(this, target);
return m.addFunction(ftype, "${target.asMember}");
void activateSelector(SelectorInfo selector) {
selector.targets.forEach((classId, target) {
if (!target.asMember.isAbstract) {
if (_allocatedClasses.contains(classId)) {
// Class declaring or inheriting member is allocated somewhere.
} else {
// Remember the member in case an allocation is encountered later.
_pendingAllocation.putIfAbsent(classId, () => []).add(target);
void allocateClass(int classId) {
if (_allocatedClasses.add(classId)) {
// Schedule all members that were pending allocation of this class.
for (Reference target in _pendingAllocation[classId] ?? const []) {
w.FunctionType defaultMember(Member node, Reference target) {
throw "No Wasm function for member: $node";
w.FunctionType visitField(Field node, Reference target) {
if (!node.isInstanceMember) {
if (target == node.fieldReference) {
// Static field initializer function
return _makeFunctionType(target, node.type, null);
String kind = target == node.setterReference ? "setter" : "getter";
throw "No implicit $kind function for static field: $node";
return translator.dispatchTable.selectorForTarget(target).signature;
w.FunctionType visitProcedure(Procedure node, Reference target) {
return node.isInstanceMember
? translator.dispatchTable.selectorForTarget(node.reference).signature
: _makeFunctionType(target, node.function.returnType, null);
w.FunctionType visitConstructor(Constructor node, Reference target) {
return _makeFunctionType(target, VoidType(),
w.FunctionType _makeFunctionType(
Reference target, DartType returnType, w.ValueType? receiverType,
{bool isImportOrExport = false}) {
Member member = target.asMember;
int typeParamCount = 0;
Iterable<DartType> params;
if (member is Field) {
params = [if (target.isImplicitSetter) member.setterType];
} else {
FunctionNode function = member.function!;
typeParamCount = (member is Constructor
? member.enclosingClass.typeParameters
: function.typeParameters)
List<String> names = [for (var p in function.namedParameters)!]
Map<String, DartType> nameTypes = {
for (var p in function.namedParameters)!: p.type
params = [
for (var p in function.positionalParameters) p.type,
for (String name in names) nameTypes[name]!
]; => p.type);
List<w.ValueType> typeParameters = List.filled(typeParamCount,
// The JS embedder will not accept Wasm struct types as parameter or return
// types for functions called from JS. We need to use eqref instead.
w.ValueType adjustExternalType(w.ValueType type) {
if (isImportOrExport && type.isSubtypeOf(w.RefType.eq())) {
return w.RefType.eq();
return type;
List<w.ValueType> inputs = [];
if (receiverType != null) {
inputs.addAll( => adjustExternalType(translator.translateType(t))));
List<w.ValueType> outputs = returnType is VoidType ||
returnType is NeverType ||
returnType is NullType
? const []
: [adjustExternalType(translator.translateType(returnType))];
return translator.functionType(inputs, outputs);