blob: f0fcdf7a1af55713f4b633ac36d947f4530c3911 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests static errors for JS interop members without an external keyword.
library external_member_static_test;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
class JSClass {
int? field;
int? fieldWithJS;
static int? staticField;
static int? staticFieldWithJS;
// [web] JS interop classes do not support non-external constructors.
// [web] JS interop classes do not support non-external constructors.
// Dart factories of a JS interop class are allowed.
factory JSClass.fact() => JSClass.constructor();
factory JSClass.redirectingFactory() = JSClass.constructor;
external factory JSClass.externalFactory();
factory JSClass.factoryWithJS() => JSClass.fact();
int get getSet => 0;
// ^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
int get getSetWithJS => 0;
// ^^^^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
set getSet(int val) {}
// ^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
set getSetWithJS(int val) {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
int method() => 0;
// ^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
int methodWithJS() => 0;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
// Static methods on JS interop classes are allowed.
static int staticMethod() => 0;
static int staticMethodWithJS() => 0;
class JSAnonymousClass {
int? field;
int? fieldWithJS;
static int? staticField;
static int? staticFieldWithJS;
// [web] JS interop classes do not support non-external constructors.
// [web] JS interop classes do not support non-external constructors.
factory JSAnonymousClass.fact() => JSAnonymousClass.constructor();
factory JSAnonymousClass.redirectingFactory() = JSAnonymousClass.fact;
external factory JSAnonymousClass.externalFactory();
factory JSAnonymousClass.factoryWithJS() => JSAnonymousClass.fact();
int get getSet => 0;
// ^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
int get getSetWithJS => 0;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
set getSet(int val) {}
// ^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
set getSetWithJS(int val) {}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
int method() => 0;
// ^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
int methodWithJS() => 0;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [web] This JS interop member must be annotated with `external`. Only factories and static methods can be non-external.
static int staticMethod() => 0;
static int staticMethodWithJS() => 0;
abstract class JSAbstractClass {
int? field;
int? fieldWithJS;
static int? staticField;
static int? staticFieldWithJS;
// [web] JS interop classes do not support non-external constructors.
// [web] JS interop classes do not support non-external constructors.
factory JSAbstractClass.fact() => JSAbstractClass.factoryWithJS();
factory JSAbstractClass.redirectingFactory() = JSAbstractClass.fact;
external factory JSAbstractClass.externalFactory();
factory JSAbstractClass.factoryWithJS() => JSAbstractClass.fact();
// Members in an abstract class are allowed.
int get getSet;
int get getSetWithJS;
set getSet(int val);
set getSetWithJS(int val);
int method();
int methodWithJS();
static int staticMethod() => 0;
static int staticMethodWithJS() => 0;
class JSClassWithSyntheticConstructor {}
int? globalWithJS;
int get getSetWithJS => 0;
set getSetWithJS(int val) {}
int methodWithJS() => 0;
external int get getSet;
external set getSet(int val);
external int method();
main() {}