| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| library universe; |
| |
| import 'dart:collection'; |
| |
| import '../cache_strategy.dart'; |
| import '../common.dart'; |
| import '../common/backend_api.dart' show Backend; |
| import '../common/names.dart' show Identifiers; |
| import '../common/resolution.dart' show Resolution; |
| import '../compiler.dart' show Compiler; |
| import '../core_types.dart'; |
| import '../dart_types.dart'; |
| import '../elements/elements.dart'; |
| import '../elements/entities.dart'; |
| import '../universe/class_set.dart'; |
| import '../universe/function_set.dart' show FunctionSetBuilder; |
| import '../util/enumset.dart'; |
| import '../util/util.dart'; |
| import '../world.dart' show World, ClosedWorld, ClosedWorldImpl, OpenWorld; |
| import 'selector.dart' show Selector; |
| import 'use.dart' show DynamicUse, DynamicUseKind, StaticUse, StaticUseKind; |
| |
| /// The known constraint on receiver for a dynamic call site. |
| /// |
| /// This can for instance be used to constrain this dynamic call to `foo` to |
| /// 'receivers of the exact instance `Bar`': |
| /// |
| /// class Bar { |
| /// void foo() {} |
| /// } |
| /// main() => new Bar().foo(); |
| /// |
| abstract class ReceiverConstraint { |
| /// Returns whether [element] is a potential target when being |
| /// invoked on a receiver with this constraint. [selector] is used to ensure |
| /// library privacy is taken into account. |
| bool canHit(Element element, Selector selector, World world); |
| |
| /// Returns whether this [TypeMask] applied to [selector] can hit a |
| /// [noSuchMethod]. |
| bool needsNoSuchMethodHandling(Selector selector, World world); |
| } |
| |
| /// The combined constraints on receivers all the dynamic call sites of the same |
| /// selector. |
| /// |
| /// For instance for these calls |
| /// |
| /// class A { |
| /// foo(a, b) {} |
| /// } |
| /// class B { |
| /// foo(a, b) {} |
| /// } |
| /// class C { |
| /// foo(a, b) {} |
| /// } |
| /// new A().foo(a, b); |
| /// new B().foo(0, 42); |
| /// |
| /// the selector constraints for dynamic calls to 'foo' with two positional |
| /// arguments could be 'receiver of exact instance `A` or `B`'. |
| abstract class SelectorConstraints { |
| /// Returns `true` if [selector] applies to [element] under these constraints |
| /// given the closed [world]. |
| /// |
| /// Consider for instance in this world: |
| /// |
| /// class A { |
| /// foo(a, b) {} |
| /// } |
| /// class B { |
| /// foo(a, b) {} |
| /// } |
| /// new A().foo(a, b); |
| /// |
| /// Ideally the selector constraints for calls `foo` with two positional |
| /// arguments apply to `A.foo` but `B.foo`. |
| bool applies(Element element, Selector selector, World world); |
| |
| /// Returns `true` if at least one of the receivers matching these constraints |
| /// in the closed [world] have no implementation matching [selector]. |
| /// |
| /// For instance for this code snippet |
| /// |
| /// class A {} |
| /// class B { foo() {} } |
| /// m(b) => (b ? new A() : new B()).foo(); |
| /// |
| /// the potential receiver `new A()` has no implementation of `foo` and thus |
| /// needs to handle the call through its `noSuchMethod` handler. |
| bool needsNoSuchMethodHandling(Selector selector, World world); |
| } |
| |
| /// A mutable [SelectorConstraints] used in [WorldBuilder]. |
| abstract class UniverseSelectorConstraints extends SelectorConstraints { |
| /// Adds [constraint] to these selector constraints. Return `true` if the set |
| /// of potential receivers expanded due to the new constraint. |
| bool addReceiverConstraint(ReceiverConstraint constraint); |
| } |
| |
| /// Strategy for computing the constraints on potential receivers of dynamic |
| /// call sites. |
| abstract class SelectorConstraintsStrategy { |
| /// Create a [UniverseSelectorConstraints] to represent the global receiver |
| /// constraints for dynamic call sites with [selector]. |
| UniverseSelectorConstraints createSelectorConstraints(Selector selector); |
| } |
| |
| class OpenWorldStrategy implements SelectorConstraintsStrategy { |
| const OpenWorldStrategy(); |
| |
| OpenWorldConstraints createSelectorConstraints(Selector selector) { |
| return new OpenWorldConstraints(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class OpenWorldConstraints extends UniverseSelectorConstraints { |
| bool isAll = false; |
| |
| @override |
| bool applies(Element element, Selector selector, World world) => isAll; |
| |
| @override |
| bool needsNoSuchMethodHandling(Selector selector, World world) => isAll; |
| |
| @override |
| bool addReceiverConstraint(ReceiverConstraint constraint) { |
| if (isAll) return false; |
| isAll = true; |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| String toString() { |
| if (isAll) { |
| return '<all>'; |
| } else { |
| return '<none>'; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// The [WorldBuilder] is an auxiliary class used in the process of computing |
| /// the [ClosedWorld]. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Move common implementation to a [WorldBuilderBase] when |
| // universes and worlds have been unified. |
| abstract class WorldBuilder { |
| /// All directly instantiated classes, that is, classes with a generative |
| /// constructor that has been called directly and not only through a |
| /// super-call. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision. |
| Iterable<ClassElement> get directlyInstantiatedClasses; |
| |
| /// All types that are checked either through is, as or checked mode checks. |
| Iterable<DartType> get isChecks; |
| |
| /// Registers that [type] is checked in this universe. The unaliased type is |
| /// returned. |
| DartType registerIsCheck(DartType type); |
| |
| /// All directly instantiated types, that is, the types of the directly |
| /// instantiated classes. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision. |
| Iterable<DartType> get instantiatedTypes; |
| } |
| |
| abstract class ResolutionWorldBuilder implements WorldBuilder, OpenWorld { |
| /// Set of (live) local functions (closures) whose signatures reference type |
| /// variables. |
| /// |
| /// A live function is one whose enclosing member function has been enqueued. |
| Iterable<Element> get closuresWithFreeTypeVariables; |
| |
| /// Set of (live) `call` methods whose signatures reference type variables. |
| /// |
| /// A live `call` method is one whose enclosing class has been instantiated. |
| Iterable<Element> get callMethodsWithFreeTypeVariables; |
| |
| /// Set of all closures in the program. Used by the mirror tracking system |
| /// to find all live closure instances. |
| Iterable<LocalFunctionElement> get allClosures; |
| |
| /// Set of methods in instantiated classes that are potentially closurized. |
| Iterable<Element> get closurizedMembers; |
| |
| /// Returns `true` if [cls] is considered to be implemented by an |
| /// instantiated class, either directly, through subclasses or through |
| /// subtypes. The latter case only contains spurious information from |
| /// instantiations through factory constructors and mixins. |
| bool isImplemented(ClassElement cls); |
| |
| /// Set of all fields that are statically known to be written to. |
| Iterable<Element> get fieldSetters; |
| |
| /// Call [f] for all classes with instantiated types. This includes the |
| /// directly and abstractly instantiated classes but also classes whose type |
| /// arguments are used in live factory constructors. |
| void forEachInstantiatedClass(f(ClassElement cls, InstantiationInfo info)); |
| |
| /// Returns `true` if [member] is invoked as a setter. |
| bool hasInvokedSetter(Element member); |
| |
| /// The closed world computed by this world builder. |
| /// |
| /// This is only available after the world builder has been closed. |
| ClosedWorld get closedWorldForTesting; |
| } |
| |
| /// The type and kind of an instantiation registered through |
| /// `ResolutionWorldBuilder.registerTypeInstantiation`. |
| class Instance { |
| final InterfaceType type; |
| final Instantiation kind; |
| final bool isRedirection; |
| |
| Instance(this.type, this.kind, {this.isRedirection: false}); |
| |
| int get hashCode { |
| return Hashing.objectHash( |
| type, Hashing.objectHash(kind, Hashing.objectHash(isRedirection))); |
| } |
| |
| bool operator ==(other) { |
| if (identical(this, other)) return true; |
| if (other is! Instance) return false; |
| return type == other.type && |
| kind == other.kind && |
| isRedirection == other.isRedirection; |
| } |
| |
| String toString() { |
| StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); |
| sb.write(type); |
| if (kind == Instantiation.DIRECTLY_INSTANTIATED) { |
| sb.write(' directly'); |
| } else if (kind == Instantiation.ABSTRACTLY_INSTANTIATED) { |
| sb.write(' abstractly'); |
| } else if (kind == Instantiation.UNINSTANTIATED) { |
| sb.write(' none'); |
| } |
| if (isRedirection) { |
| sb.write(' redirect'); |
| } |
| return sb.toString(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Information about instantiations of a class. |
| class InstantiationInfo { |
| /// A map from constructor of the class to their instantiated types. |
| /// |
| /// For instance |
| /// |
| /// import 'dart:html'; |
| /// |
| /// abstract class AbstractClass<S> { |
| /// factory AbstractClass.a() = Class<S>.a; |
| /// factory AbstractClass.b() => new Class<S>.b(); |
| /// } |
| /// class Class<T> implements AbstractClass<T> { |
| /// Class.a(); |
| /// Class.b(); |
| /// factory Class.c() = Class.b<T>; |
| /// } |
| /// |
| /// |
| /// main() { |
| /// new Class.a(); |
| /// new Class<int>.a(); |
| /// new Class<String>.b(); |
| /// new Class<num>.c(); |
| /// new AbstractClass<double>.a(); |
| /// new AbstractClass<bool>.b(); |
| /// new DivElement(); // native instantiation |
| /// } |
| /// |
| /// will generate the mappings |
| /// |
| /// AbstractClass: { |
| /// AbstractClass.a: { |
| /// AbstractClass<double> none, // from `new AbstractClass<double>.a()` |
| /// }, |
| /// AbstractClass.b: { |
| /// AbstractClass<bool> none, // from `new AbstractClass<bool>.b()` |
| /// }, |
| /// }, |
| /// Class: { |
| /// Class.a: { |
| /// Class directly, // from `new Class.a()` |
| /// Class<int> directly, // from `new Class<int>.a()` |
| /// Class<S> directly redirect, // from `factory AbstractClass.a` |
| /// }, |
| /// Class.b: { |
| /// Class<String> directly, // from `new Class<String>.b()` |
| /// Class<T> directly redirect, // from `factory Class.c` |
| /// Class<S> directly, // from `factory AbstractClass.b` |
| /// }, |
| /// Class.c: { |
| /// Class<num> directly, // from `new Class<num>.c()` |
| /// }, |
| /// }, |
| /// DivElement: { |
| /// DivElement: { |
| /// DivElement abstractly, // from `new DivElement()` |
| /// }, |
| /// } |
| /// |
| /// If the constructor is unknown, for instance for native or mirror usage, |
| /// `null` is used as key. |
| Map<ConstructorElement, Set<Instance>> instantiationMap; |
| |
| /// Register [type] as the instantiation [kind] using [constructor]. |
| void addInstantiation( |
| ConstructorElement constructor, InterfaceType type, Instantiation kind, |
| {bool isRedirection: false}) { |
| instantiationMap ??= <ConstructorElement, Set<Instance>>{}; |
| instantiationMap |
| .putIfAbsent(constructor, () => new Set<Instance>()) |
| .add(new Instance(type, kind, isRedirection: isRedirection)); |
| switch (kind) { |
| case Instantiation.DIRECTLY_INSTANTIATED: |
| isDirectlyInstantiated = true; |
| break; |
| case Instantiation.ABSTRACTLY_INSTANTIATED: |
| isAbstractlyInstantiated = true; |
| break; |
| case Instantiation.UNINSTANTIATED: |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw new StateError("Instantiation $kind is not allowed."); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// `true` if the class is either directly or abstractly instantiated. |
| bool get hasInstantiation => |
| isDirectlyInstantiated || isAbstractlyInstantiated; |
| |
| /// `true` if the class is directly instantiated. |
| bool isDirectlyInstantiated = false; |
| |
| /// `true` if the class is abstractly instantiated. |
| bool isAbstractlyInstantiated = false; |
| |
| String toString() { |
| StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); |
| sb.write('InstantiationInfo['); |
| if (instantiationMap != null) { |
| bool needsComma = false; |
| instantiationMap |
| .forEach((ConstructorElement constructor, Set<Instance> set) { |
| if (needsComma) { |
| sb.write(', '); |
| } |
| if (constructor != null) { |
| sb.write(constructor); |
| } else { |
| sb.write('<unknown>'); |
| } |
| sb.write(': '); |
| sb.write(set); |
| needsComma = true; |
| }); |
| } |
| sb.write(']'); |
| return sb.toString(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class ResolutionWorldBuilderImpl implements ResolutionWorldBuilder { |
| /// Instantiation information for all classes with instantiated types. |
| /// |
| /// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements. |
| final Map<ClassElement, InstantiationInfo> _instantiationInfo = |
| <ClassElement, InstantiationInfo>{}; |
| |
| /// Classes implemented by directly instantiated classes. |
| final Set<ClassElement> _implementedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>(); |
| |
| /// The set of all referenced static fields. |
| /// |
| /// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements. |
| final Set<FieldElement> allReferencedStaticFields = new Set<FieldElement>(); |
| |
| /** |
| * Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther |
| * |
| * Invariant: Elements are declaration elements. |
| */ |
| final Set<FunctionElement> methodsNeedingSuperGetter = |
| new Set<FunctionElement>(); |
| final Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> _invokedNames = |
| <String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>>{}; |
| final Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> _invokedGetters = |
| <String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>>{}; |
| final Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> _invokedSetters = |
| <String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>>{}; |
| |
| final Map<ClassElement, _ClassUsage> _processedClasses = |
| <ClassElement, _ClassUsage>{}; |
| |
| /// Map of registered usage of static members of live classes. |
| final Map<Entity, _StaticMemberUsage> _staticMemberUsage = |
| <Entity, _StaticMemberUsage>{}; |
| |
| /// Map of registered usage of instance members of live classes. |
| final Map<MemberEntity, _MemberUsage> _instanceMemberUsage = |
| <MemberEntity, _MemberUsage>{}; |
| |
| /// Map containing instance members of live classes that are not yet live |
| /// themselves. |
| final Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> _instanceMembersByName = |
| <String, Set<_MemberUsage>>{}; |
| |
| /// Map containing instance methods of live classes that are not yet |
| /// closurized. |
| final Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> _instanceFunctionsByName = |
| <String, Set<_MemberUsage>>{}; |
| |
| /// Fields set. |
| final Set<Element> fieldSetters = new Set<Element>(); |
| final Set<DartType> isChecks = new Set<DartType>(); |
| |
| /** |
| * Set of (live) [:call:] methods whose signatures reference type variables. |
| * |
| * A live [:call:] method is one whose enclosing class has been instantiated. |
| */ |
| final Set<Element> callMethodsWithFreeTypeVariables = new Set<Element>(); |
| |
| /** |
| * Set of (live) local functions (closures) whose signatures reference type |
| * variables. |
| * |
| * A live function is one whose enclosing member function has been enqueued. |
| */ |
| final Set<Element> closuresWithFreeTypeVariables = new Set<Element>(); |
| |
| /** |
| * Set of all closures in the program. Used by the mirror tracking system |
| * to find all live closure instances. |
| */ |
| final Set<LocalFunctionElement> allClosures = new Set<LocalFunctionElement>(); |
| |
| /** |
| * Set of methods in instantiated classes that are potentially |
| * closurized. |
| */ |
| final Set<Element> closurizedMembers = new Set<Element>(); |
| |
| final SelectorConstraintsStrategy selectorConstraintsStrategy; |
| |
| bool hasRuntimeTypeSupport = false; |
| bool hasIsolateSupport = false; |
| bool hasFunctionApplySupport = false; |
| |
| /// Used for testing the new more precise computation of instantiated types |
| /// and classes. |
| bool useInstantiationMap = false; |
| |
| final Backend _backend; |
| final Resolution _resolution; |
| bool _closed = false; |
| ClosedWorld _closedWorldCache; |
| FunctionSetBuilder _allFunctions; |
| |
| final Set<TypedefElement> _allTypedefs = new Set<TypedefElement>(); |
| |
| final Map<ClassElement, Set<MixinApplicationElement>> _mixinUses = |
| new Map<ClassElement, Set<MixinApplicationElement>>(); |
| |
| // We keep track of subtype and subclass relationships in four |
| // distinct sets to make class hierarchy analysis faster. |
| final Map<ClassElement, ClassHierarchyNode> _classHierarchyNodes = |
| <ClassElement, ClassHierarchyNode>{}; |
| final Map<ClassElement, ClassSet> _classSets = <ClassElement, ClassSet>{}; |
| |
| final Set<Element> alreadyPopulated; |
| |
| final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy; |
| |
| bool get isClosed => _closed; |
| |
| ResolutionWorldBuilderImpl(Backend backend, Resolution resolution, |
| CacheStrategy cacheStrategy, this.selectorConstraintsStrategy) |
| : this._backend = backend, |
| this._resolution = resolution, |
| this.cacheStrategy = cacheStrategy, |
| alreadyPopulated = cacheStrategy.newSet() { |
| _allFunctions = new FunctionSetBuilder(); |
| } |
| |
| Iterable<ClassElement> get processedClasses => _processedClasses.keys |
| .where((cls) => _processedClasses[cls].isInstantiated); |
| |
| CommonElements get commonElements => _resolution.commonElements; |
| |
| ClosedWorld get closedWorldForTesting { |
| if (!_closed) { |
| throw new SpannableAssertionFailure( |
| NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE, "The world builder has not yet been closed."); |
| } |
| return _closedWorldCache; |
| } |
| |
| /// All directly instantiated classes, that is, classes with a generative |
| /// constructor that has been called directly and not only through a |
| /// super-call. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision. |
| Iterable<ClassElement> get directlyInstantiatedClasses { |
| Set<ClassElement> classes = new Set<ClassElement>(); |
| getInstantiationMap().forEach((ClassElement cls, InstantiationInfo info) { |
| if (info.hasInstantiation) { |
| classes.add(cls); |
| } |
| }); |
| return classes; |
| } |
| |
| /// All directly instantiated types, that is, the types of the directly |
| /// instantiated classes. |
| /// |
| /// See [directlyInstantiatedClasses]. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision. |
| Iterable<DartType> get instantiatedTypes { |
| Set<InterfaceType> types = new Set<InterfaceType>(); |
| getInstantiationMap().forEach((_, InstantiationInfo info) { |
| if (info.instantiationMap != null) { |
| for (Set<Instance> instances in info.instantiationMap.values) { |
| for (Instance instance in instances) { |
| types.add(instance.type); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| return types; |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns `true` if [cls] is considered to be implemented by an |
| /// instantiated class, either directly, through subclasses or through |
| /// subtypes. The latter case only contains spurious information from |
| /// instantiations through factory constructors and mixins. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision. |
| bool isImplemented(ClassElement cls) { |
| return _implementedClasses.contains(cls.declaration); |
| } |
| |
| /// Register [type] as (directly) instantiated. |
| /// |
| /// If [byMirrors] is `true`, the instantiation is through mirrors. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Fully enforce the separation between exact, through |
| // subclass and through subtype instantiated types/classes. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Support unknown type arguments for generic types. |
| void registerTypeInstantiation( |
| InterfaceType type, ClassUsedCallback classUsed, |
| {ConstructorElement constructor, |
| bool byMirrors: false, |
| bool isRedirection: false}) { |
| ClassElement cls = type.element; |
| cls.ensureResolved(_resolution); |
| InstantiationInfo info = |
| _instantiationInfo.putIfAbsent(cls, () => new InstantiationInfo()); |
| Instantiation kind = Instantiation.UNINSTANTIATED; |
| bool isNative = _backend.isNative(cls); |
| if (!cls.isAbstract || |
| // We can't use the closed-world assumption with native abstract |
| // classes; a native abstract class may have non-abstract subclasses |
| // not declared to the program. Instances of these classes are |
| // indistinguishable from the abstract class. |
| isNative || |
| // Likewise, if this registration comes from the mirror system, |
| // all bets are off. |
| // TODO(herhut): Track classes required by mirrors seperately. |
| byMirrors) { |
| if (isNative || byMirrors) { |
| kind = Instantiation.ABSTRACTLY_INSTANTIATED; |
| } else { |
| kind = Instantiation.DIRECTLY_INSTANTIATED; |
| } |
| _processInstantiatedClass(cls, classUsed); |
| } |
| info.addInstantiation(constructor, type, kind, |
| isRedirection: isRedirection); |
| |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Use [_instantiationInfo] to compute this information |
| // instead. |
| if (_implementedClasses.add(cls)) { |
| classUsed(cls, _getClassUsage(cls).implement()); |
| cls.allSupertypes.forEach((InterfaceType supertype) { |
| if (_implementedClasses.add(supertype.element)) { |
| classUsed( |
| supertype.element, _getClassUsage(supertype.element).implement()); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void forEachInstantiatedClass(f(ClassElement cls, InstantiationInfo info)) { |
| getInstantiationMap().forEach(f); |
| } |
| |
| bool _hasMatchingSelector( |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors, Element member) { |
| if (selectors == null) return false; |
| for (Selector selector in selectors.keys) { |
| if (selector.appliesUnnamed(member)) { |
| SelectorConstraints masks = selectors[selector]; |
| if (masks.applies(member, selector, this)) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the instantiation map used for computing the closed world. |
| /// |
| /// If [useInstantiationMap] is `true`, redirections are removed and |
| /// redirecting factories are converted to their effective target and type. |
| Map<ClassElement, InstantiationInfo> getInstantiationMap() { |
| if (!useInstantiationMap) return _instantiationInfo; |
| |
| Map<ClassElement, InstantiationInfo> instantiationMap = |
| <ClassElement, InstantiationInfo>{}; |
| |
| InstantiationInfo infoFor(ClassElement cls) { |
| return instantiationMap.putIfAbsent(cls, () => new InstantiationInfo()); |
| } |
| |
| _instantiationInfo.forEach((cls, info) { |
| if (info.instantiationMap != null) { |
| info.instantiationMap |
| .forEach((ConstructorElement constructor, Set<Instance> set) { |
| for (Instance instance in set) { |
| if (instance.isRedirection) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (constructor == null || !constructor.isRedirectingFactory) { |
| infoFor(cls) |
| .addInstantiation(constructor, instance.type, instance.kind); |
| } else { |
| ConstructorElement target = constructor.effectiveTarget; |
| InterfaceType targetType = |
| constructor.computeEffectiveTargetType(instance.type); |
| Instantiation kind = Instantiation.DIRECTLY_INSTANTIATED; |
| if (target.enclosingClass.isAbstract) { |
| // If target is a factory constructor on an abstract class. |
| kind = Instantiation.UNINSTANTIATED; |
| } |
| infoFor(targetType.element) |
| .addInstantiation(target, targetType, kind); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| return instantiationMap; |
| } |
| |
| bool _hasInvocation(Element member) { |
| return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedNames[member.name], member); |
| } |
| |
| bool _hasInvokedGetter(Element member) { |
| return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedGetters[member.name], member) || |
| member.isFunction && methodsNeedingSuperGetter.contains(member); |
| } |
| |
| bool hasInvokedSetter(Element member) { |
| return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedSetters[member.name], member); |
| } |
| |
| void registerDynamicUse( |
| DynamicUse dynamicUse, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) { |
| Selector selector = dynamicUse.selector; |
| String methodName = selector.name; |
| |
| void _process(Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> memberMap, |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> action(_MemberUsage usage)) { |
| _processSet(memberMap, methodName, (_MemberUsage usage) { |
| if (dynamicUse.appliesUnnamed(usage.entity, this)) { |
| memberUsed(usage.entity, action(usage)); |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| switch (dynamicUse.kind) { |
| case DynamicUseKind.INVOKE: |
| if (_registerNewSelector(dynamicUse, _invokedNames)) { |
| _process(_instanceMembersByName, (m) => m.invoke()); |
| } |
| break; |
| case DynamicUseKind.GET: |
| if (_registerNewSelector(dynamicUse, _invokedGetters)) { |
| _process(_instanceMembersByName, (m) => m.read()); |
| _process(_instanceFunctionsByName, (m) => m.read()); |
| } |
| break; |
| case DynamicUseKind.SET: |
| if (_registerNewSelector(dynamicUse, _invokedSetters)) { |
| _process(_instanceMembersByName, (m) => m.write()); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool _registerNewSelector(DynamicUse dynamicUse, |
| Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> selectorMap) { |
| Selector selector = dynamicUse.selector; |
| String name = selector.name; |
| ReceiverConstraint mask = dynamicUse.mask; |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors = selectorMap.putIfAbsent( |
| name, () => new Maplet<Selector, SelectorConstraints>()); |
| UniverseSelectorConstraints constraints = |
| selectors.putIfAbsent(selector, () { |
| return selectorConstraintsStrategy.createSelectorConstraints(selector); |
| }); |
| return constraints.addReceiverConstraint(mask); |
| } |
| |
| DartType registerIsCheck(DartType type) { |
| type.computeUnaliased(_resolution); |
| type = type.unaliased; |
| // Even in checked mode, type annotations for return type and argument |
| // types do not imply type checks, so there should never be a check |
| // against the type variable of a typedef. |
| isChecks.add(type); |
| return type; |
| } |
| |
| void registerStaticUse(StaticUse staticUse, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) { |
| Element element = staticUse.element; |
| assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration, |
| message: "Element ${element} is not the declaration.")); |
| _StaticMemberUsage usage = _staticMemberUsage.putIfAbsent(element, () { |
| if ((element.isStatic || element.isTopLevel) && element.isFunction) { |
| return new _StaticFunctionUsage(element); |
| } else { |
| return new _GeneralStaticMemberUsage(element); |
| } |
| }); |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> useSet = new EnumSet<MemberUse>(); |
| |
| if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element) && element.isField) { |
| allReferencedStaticFields.add(element); |
| } |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid this. Currently [FIELD_GET] and |
| // [FIELD_SET] contains [BoxFieldElement]s which we cannot enqueue. |
| // Also [CLOSURE] contains [LocalFunctionElement] which we cannot |
| // enqueue. |
| switch (staticUse.kind) { |
| case StaticUseKind.FIELD_GET: |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.FIELD_SET: |
| fieldSetters.add(element); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.CLOSURE: |
| LocalFunctionElement closure = staticUse.element; |
| if (closure.type.containsTypeVariables) { |
| closuresWithFreeTypeVariables.add(closure); |
| } |
| allClosures.add(element); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.SUPER_TEAR_OFF: |
| useSet.addAll(usage.tearOff()); |
| methodsNeedingSuperGetter.add(element); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.SUPER_FIELD_SET: |
| fieldSetters.add(element); |
| useSet.addAll(usage.normalUse()); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.STATIC_TEAR_OFF: |
| useSet.addAll(usage.tearOff()); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.GENERAL: |
| case StaticUseKind.DIRECT_USE: |
| case StaticUseKind.CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE: |
| case StaticUseKind.REDIRECTION: |
| useSet.addAll(usage.normalUse()); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.DIRECT_INVOKE: |
| invariant( |
| element, 'Direct static use is not supported for resolution.'); |
| break; |
| } |
| if (useSet.isNotEmpty) { |
| memberUsed(usage.entity, useSet); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void forgetEntity(Entity entity, Compiler compiler) { |
| allClosures.remove(entity); |
| slowDirectlyNestedClosures(entity).forEach(compiler.forgetElement); |
| closurizedMembers.remove(entity); |
| fieldSetters.remove(entity); |
| _instantiationInfo.remove(entity); |
| |
| void removeUsage(Set<_MemberUsage> set, Entity entity) { |
| if (set == null) return; |
| set.removeAll( |
| set.where((_MemberUsage usage) => usage.entity == entity).toList()); |
| } |
| |
| _processedClasses.remove(entity); |
| removeUsage(_instanceMembersByName[entity.name], entity); |
| removeUsage(_instanceFunctionsByName[entity.name], entity); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(ahe): Replace this method with something that is O(1), for example, |
| // by using a map. |
| List<LocalFunctionElement> slowDirectlyNestedClosures(Element element) { |
| // Return new list to guard against concurrent modifications. |
| return new List<LocalFunctionElement>.from( |
| allClosures.where((LocalFunctionElement closure) { |
| return closure.executableContext == element; |
| })); |
| } |
| |
| /// Return the canonical [_ClassUsage] for [cls]. |
| _ClassUsage _getClassUsage(ClassElement cls) { |
| return _processedClasses.putIfAbsent(cls, () { |
| cls.ensureResolved(_resolution); |
| _ClassUsage usage = new _ClassUsage(cls); |
| _resolution.ensureClassMembers(cls); |
| return usage; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Register [cls] and all its superclasses as instantiated. |
| void _processInstantiatedClass( |
| ClassElement cls, ClassUsedCallback classUsed) { |
| // Registers [superclass] as instantiated. Returns `true` if it wasn't |
| // already instantiated and we therefore have to process its superclass as |
| // well. |
| bool processClass(ClassElement superclass) { |
| _ClassUsage usage = _getClassUsage(superclass); |
| if (!usage.isInstantiated) { |
| classUsed(usage.cls, usage.instantiate()); |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| while (cls != null && processClass(cls)) { |
| cls = cls.superclass; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Computes usage for all members declared by [cls]. Calls [membersUsed] with |
| /// the usage changes for each member. |
| void processClassMembers(ClassElement cls, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) { |
| cls.implementation.forEachMember((ClassElement cls, MemberElement member) { |
| _processInstantiatedClassMember(cls, member, memberUsed); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Call [updateUsage] on all [_MemberUsage]s in the set in [map] for |
| /// [memberName]. If [updateUsage] returns `true` the usage is removed from |
| /// the set. |
| void _processSet(Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> map, String memberName, |
| bool updateUsage(_MemberUsage e)) { |
| Set<_MemberUsage> members = map[memberName]; |
| if (members == null) return; |
| // [f] might add elements to [: map[memberName] :] during the loop below |
| // so we create a new list for [: map[memberName] :] and prepend the |
| // [remaining] members after the loop. |
| map[memberName] = new Set<_MemberUsage>(); |
| Set<_MemberUsage> remaining = new Set<_MemberUsage>(); |
| for (_MemberUsage usage in members) { |
| if (!updateUsage(usage)) remaining.add(usage); |
| } |
| map[memberName].addAll(remaining); |
| } |
| |
| void _processInstantiatedClassMember( |
| ClassElement cls, MemberElement member, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) { |
| assert(invariant(member, member.isDeclaration)); |
| if (!member.isInstanceMember) return; |
| String memberName = member.name; |
| member.computeType(_resolution); |
| // The obvious thing to test here would be "member.isNative", |
| // however, that only works after metadata has been parsed/analyzed, |
| // and that may not have happened yet. |
| // So instead we use the enclosing class, which we know have had |
| // its metadata parsed and analyzed. |
| // Note: this assumes that there are no non-native fields on native |
| // classes, which may not be the case when a native class is subclassed. |
| _instanceMemberUsage.putIfAbsent(member, () { |
| bool isNative = _backend.isNative(cls); |
| _MemberUsage usage = new _MemberUsage(member, isNative: isNative); |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> useSet = new EnumSet<MemberUse>(); |
| useSet.addAll(usage.appliedUse); |
| if (member.isField && isNative) { |
| registerUsedElement(member); |
| } |
| if (member.isFunction && |
| member.name == Identifiers.call && |
| !cls.typeVariables.isEmpty) { |
| callMethodsWithFreeTypeVariables.add(member); |
| } |
| |
| if (_hasInvokedGetter(member)) { |
| useSet.addAll(usage.read()); |
| } |
| if (_hasInvocation(member)) { |
| useSet.addAll(usage.invoke()); |
| } |
| if (hasInvokedSetter(member)) { |
| useSet.addAll(usage.write()); |
| } |
| |
| if (usage.pendingUse.contains(MemberUse.NORMAL)) { |
| // The element is not yet used. Add it to the list of instance |
| // members to still be processed. |
| _instanceMembersByName |
| .putIfAbsent(memberName, () => new Set<_MemberUsage>()) |
| .add(usage); |
| } |
| if (usage.pendingUse.contains(MemberUse.CLOSURIZE_INSTANCE)) { |
| // Store the member in [instanceFunctionsByName] to catch |
| // getters on the function. |
| _instanceFunctionsByName |
| .putIfAbsent(memberName, () => new Set<_MemberUsage>()) |
| .add(usage); |
| } |
| |
| memberUsed(usage.entity, useSet); |
| return usage; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns an iterable over all mixin applications that mixin [cls]. |
| Iterable<MixinApplicationElement> allMixinUsesOf(ClassElement cls) { |
| Iterable<MixinApplicationElement> uses = _mixinUses[cls]; |
| return uses != null ? uses : const <MixinApplicationElement>[]; |
| } |
| |
| /// Called to add [cls] to the set of known classes. |
| /// |
| /// This ensures that class hierarchy queries can be performed on [cls] and |
| /// classes that extend or implement it. |
| void registerClass(ClassElement cls) => _registerClass(cls); |
| |
| void _registerClass(ClassElement cls, {bool isDirectlyInstantiated: false}) { |
| _ensureClassSet(cls); |
| if (isDirectlyInstantiated) { |
| _updateClassHierarchyNodeForClass(cls, directlyInstantiated: true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void registerTypedef(TypedefElement typdef) { |
| _allTypedefs.add(typdef); |
| } |
| |
| ClassHierarchyNode _ensureClassHierarchyNode(ClassElement cls) { |
| cls = cls.declaration; |
| return _classHierarchyNodes.putIfAbsent(cls, () { |
| ClassHierarchyNode parentNode; |
| if (cls.superclass != null) { |
| parentNode = _ensureClassHierarchyNode(cls.superclass); |
| } |
| return new ClassHierarchyNode(parentNode, cls); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| ClassSet _ensureClassSet(ClassElement cls) { |
| cls = cls.declaration; |
| return _classSets.putIfAbsent(cls, () { |
| ClassHierarchyNode node = _ensureClassHierarchyNode(cls); |
| ClassSet classSet = new ClassSet(node); |
| |
| for (InterfaceType type in cls.allSupertypes) { |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Optimization: Avoid adding [cls] to |
| // superclasses. |
| ClassSet subtypeSet = _ensureClassSet(type.element); |
| subtypeSet.addSubtype(node); |
| } |
| if (cls.isMixinApplication) { |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Store this in the [ClassSet]. |
| MixinApplicationElement mixinApplication = cls; |
| if (mixinApplication.mixin != null) { |
| // If [mixinApplication] is malformed [mixin] is `null`. |
| registerMixinUse(mixinApplication, mixinApplication.mixin); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return classSet; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void _updateSuperClassHierarchyNodeForClass(ClassHierarchyNode node) { |
| // Ensure that classes implicitly implementing `Function` are in its |
| // subtype set. |
| ClassElement cls = node.cls; |
| if (cls != commonElements.functionClass && |
| cls.implementsFunction(commonElements)) { |
| ClassSet subtypeSet = _ensureClassSet(commonElements.functionClass); |
| subtypeSet.addSubtype(node); |
| } |
| if (!node.isInstantiated && node.parentNode != null) { |
| _updateSuperClassHierarchyNodeForClass(node.parentNode); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _updateClassHierarchyNodeForClass(ClassElement cls, |
| {bool directlyInstantiated: false, bool abstractlyInstantiated: false}) { |
| ClassHierarchyNode node = _ensureClassHierarchyNode(cls); |
| _updateSuperClassHierarchyNodeForClass(node); |
| if (directlyInstantiated) { |
| node.isDirectlyInstantiated = true; |
| } |
| if (abstractlyInstantiated) { |
| node.isAbstractlyInstantiated = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ClosedWorld closeWorld(DiagnosticReporter reporter) { |
| Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>> typesImplementedBySubclasses = |
| new Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>>(); |
| |
| /// Updates the `isDirectlyInstantiated` and `isIndirectlyInstantiated` |
| /// properties of the [ClassHierarchyNode] for [cls]. |
| |
| void addSubtypes(ClassElement cls, InstantiationInfo info) { |
| if (!info.hasInstantiation) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (cacheStrategy.hasIncrementalSupport && !alreadyPopulated.add(cls)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| assert(cls.isDeclaration); |
| if (!cls.isResolved) { |
| reporter.internalError(cls, 'Class "${cls.name}" is not resolved.'); |
| } |
| |
| _updateClassHierarchyNodeForClass(cls, |
| directlyInstantiated: info.isDirectlyInstantiated, |
| abstractlyInstantiated: info.isAbstractlyInstantiated); |
| |
| // Walk through the superclasses, and record the types |
| // implemented by that type on the superclasses. |
| ClassElement superclass = cls.superclass; |
| while (superclass != null) { |
| Set<Element> typesImplementedBySubclassesOfCls = |
| typesImplementedBySubclasses.putIfAbsent( |
| superclass, () => new Set<ClassElement>()); |
| for (DartType current in cls.allSupertypes) { |
| typesImplementedBySubclassesOfCls.add(current.element); |
| } |
| superclass = superclass.superclass; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Use the [:seenClasses:] set to include non-instantiated |
| // classes: if the superclass of these classes require RTI, then |
| // they also need RTI, so that a constructor passes the type |
| // variables to the super constructor. |
| forEachInstantiatedClass(addSubtypes); |
| |
| _closed = true; |
| return _closedWorldCache = new ClosedWorldImpl( |
| backend: _backend, |
| commonElements: commonElements, |
| resolverWorld: this, |
| functionSetBuilder: _allFunctions, |
| allTypedefs: _allTypedefs, |
| mixinUses: _mixinUses, |
| typesImplementedBySubclasses: typesImplementedBySubclasses, |
| classHierarchyNodes: _classHierarchyNodes, |
| classSets: _classSets); |
| } |
| |
| void registerMixinUse( |
| MixinApplicationElement mixinApplication, ClassElement mixin) { |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Add map restricted to live classes. |
| // We don't support patch classes as mixin. |
| assert(mixin.isDeclaration); |
| Set<MixinApplicationElement> users = |
| _mixinUses.putIfAbsent(mixin, () => new Set<MixinApplicationElement>()); |
| users.add(mixinApplication); |
| } |
| |
| void registerUsedElement(MemberElement element) { |
| if (element.isInstanceMember && !element.isAbstract) { |
| _allFunctions.add(element); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ClosedWorld get closedWorldCache { |
| assert(isClosed); |
| return _closedWorldCache; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// World builder specific to codegen. |
| /// |
| /// This adds additional access to liveness of selectors and elements. |
| abstract class CodegenWorldBuilder implements WorldBuilder { |
| void forEachInvokedName( |
| f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors)); |
| |
| void forEachInvokedGetter( |
| f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors)); |
| |
| void forEachInvokedSetter( |
| f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors)); |
| |
| /// Returns `true` if [member] is invoked as a setter. |
| bool hasInvokedSetter(Element member, ClosedWorld world); |
| |
| bool hasInvokedGetter(Element member, ClosedWorld world); |
| |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> invocationsByName(String name); |
| |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> getterInvocationsByName(String name); |
| |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> setterInvocationsByName(String name); |
| |
| Iterable<FunctionElement> get staticFunctionsNeedingGetter; |
| Iterable<FunctionElement> get methodsNeedingSuperGetter; |
| |
| /// The set of all referenced static fields. |
| /// |
| /// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements. |
| Iterable<FieldElement> get allReferencedStaticFields; |
| } |
| |
| class CodegenWorldBuilderImpl implements CodegenWorldBuilder { |
| final Backend _backend; |
| |
| /// The set of all directly instantiated classes, that is, classes with a |
| /// generative constructor that has been called directly and not only through |
| /// a super-call. |
| /// |
| /// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): [_directlyInstantiatedClasses] and |
| // [_instantiatedTypes] sets should be merged. |
| final Set<ClassElement> _directlyInstantiatedClasses = |
| new Set<ClassElement>(); |
| |
| /// The set of all directly instantiated types, that is, the types of the |
| /// directly instantiated classes. |
| /// |
| /// See [_directlyInstantiatedClasses]. |
| final Set<DartType> _instantiatedTypes = new Set<DartType>(); |
| |
| /// Classes implemented by directly instantiated classes. |
| final Set<ClassElement> _implementedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>(); |
| |
| /// The set of all referenced static fields. |
| /// |
| /// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements. |
| final Set<FieldElement> allReferencedStaticFields = new Set<FieldElement>(); |
| |
| /** |
| * Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther |
| * |
| * Invariant: Elements are declaration elements. |
| */ |
| final Set<FunctionElement> staticFunctionsNeedingGetter = |
| new Set<FunctionElement>(); |
| final Set<FunctionElement> methodsNeedingSuperGetter = |
| new Set<FunctionElement>(); |
| final Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> _invokedNames = |
| <String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>>{}; |
| final Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> _invokedGetters = |
| <String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>>{}; |
| final Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> _invokedSetters = |
| <String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>>{}; |
| |
| final Map<ClassElement, _ClassUsage> _processedClasses = |
| <ClassElement, _ClassUsage>{}; |
| |
| /// Map of registered usage of static members of live classes. |
| final Map<Entity, _StaticMemberUsage> _staticMemberUsage = |
| <Entity, _StaticMemberUsage>{}; |
| |
| /// Map of registered usage of instance members of live classes. |
| final Map<MemberEntity, _MemberUsage> _instanceMemberUsage = |
| <MemberEntity, _MemberUsage>{}; |
| |
| /// Map containing instance members of live classes that are not yet live |
| /// themselves. |
| final Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> _instanceMembersByName = |
| <String, Set<_MemberUsage>>{}; |
| |
| /// Map containing instance methods of live classes that are not yet |
| /// closurized. |
| final Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> _instanceFunctionsByName = |
| <String, Set<_MemberUsage>>{}; |
| |
| final Set<DartType> isChecks = new Set<DartType>(); |
| |
| final SelectorConstraintsStrategy selectorConstraintsStrategy; |
| |
| CodegenWorldBuilderImpl(this._backend, this.selectorConstraintsStrategy); |
| |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this hack: |
| ClosedWorld get _world => |
| _backend.compiler.resolverWorld.closedWorldForTesting; |
| |
| Iterable<ClassElement> get processedClasses => _processedClasses.keys |
| .where((cls) => _processedClasses[cls].isInstantiated); |
| |
| /// All directly instantiated classes, that is, classes with a generative |
| /// constructor that has been called directly and not only through a |
| /// super-call. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision. |
| Iterable<ClassElement> get directlyInstantiatedClasses { |
| return _directlyInstantiatedClasses; |
| } |
| |
| /// All directly instantiated types, that is, the types of the directly |
| /// instantiated classes. |
| /// |
| /// See [directlyInstantiatedClasses]. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision. |
| Iterable<DartType> get instantiatedTypes => _instantiatedTypes; |
| |
| /// Register [type] as (directly) instantiated. |
| /// |
| /// If [byMirrors] is `true`, the instantiation is through mirrors. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Fully enforce the separation between exact, through |
| // subclass and through subtype instantiated types/classes. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Support unknown type arguments for generic types. |
| void registerTypeInstantiation( |
| InterfaceType type, ClassUsedCallback classUsed, |
| {bool byMirrors: false}) { |
| ClassElement cls = type.element; |
| bool isNative = _backend.isNative(cls); |
| _instantiatedTypes.add(type); |
| if (!cls.isAbstract |
| // We can't use the closed-world assumption with native abstract |
| // classes; a native abstract class may have non-abstract subclasses |
| // not declared to the program. Instances of these classes are |
| // indistinguishable from the abstract class. |
| || |
| isNative |
| // Likewise, if this registration comes from the mirror system, |
| // all bets are off. |
| // TODO(herhut): Track classes required by mirrors separately. |
| || |
| byMirrors) { |
| _directlyInstantiatedClasses.add(cls); |
| _processInstantiatedClass(cls, classUsed); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Replace this by separate more specific mappings that |
| // include the type arguments. |
| if (_implementedClasses.add(cls)) { |
| classUsed(cls, _getClassUsage(cls).implement()); |
| cls.allSupertypes.forEach((InterfaceType supertype) { |
| if (_implementedClasses.add(supertype.element)) { |
| classUsed( |
| supertype.element, _getClassUsage(supertype.element).implement()); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool _hasMatchingSelector(Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors, |
| Element member, ClosedWorld world) { |
| if (selectors == null) return false; |
| for (Selector selector in selectors.keys) { |
| if (selector.appliesUnnamed(member)) { |
| SelectorConstraints masks = selectors[selector]; |
| if (masks.applies(member, selector, world)) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| bool hasInvocation(Element member, ClosedWorld world) { |
| return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedNames[member.name], member, world); |
| } |
| |
| bool hasInvokedGetter(Element member, ClosedWorld world) { |
| return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedGetters[member.name], member, world) || |
| member.isFunction && methodsNeedingSuperGetter.contains(member); |
| } |
| |
| bool hasInvokedSetter(Element member, ClosedWorld world) { |
| return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedSetters[member.name], member, world); |
| } |
| |
| bool registerDynamicUse( |
| DynamicUse dynamicUse, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) { |
| Selector selector = dynamicUse.selector; |
| String methodName = selector.name; |
| |
| void _process(Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> memberMap, |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> action(_MemberUsage usage)) { |
| _processSet(memberMap, methodName, (_MemberUsage usage) { |
| if (dynamicUse.appliesUnnamed(usage.entity, _world)) { |
| memberUsed(usage.entity, action(usage)); |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| switch (dynamicUse.kind) { |
| case DynamicUseKind.INVOKE: |
| if (_registerNewSelector(dynamicUse, _invokedNames)) { |
| _process(_instanceMembersByName, (m) => m.invoke()); |
| return true; |
| } |
| break; |
| case DynamicUseKind.GET: |
| if (_registerNewSelector(dynamicUse, _invokedGetters)) { |
| _process(_instanceMembersByName, (m) => m.read()); |
| _process(_instanceFunctionsByName, (m) => m.read()); |
| return true; |
| } |
| break; |
| case DynamicUseKind.SET: |
| if (_registerNewSelector(dynamicUse, _invokedSetters)) { |
| _process(_instanceMembersByName, (m) => m.write()); |
| return true; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| bool _registerNewSelector(DynamicUse dynamicUse, |
| Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> selectorMap) { |
| Selector selector = dynamicUse.selector; |
| String name = selector.name; |
| ReceiverConstraint mask = dynamicUse.mask; |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors = selectorMap.putIfAbsent( |
| name, () => new Maplet<Selector, SelectorConstraints>()); |
| UniverseSelectorConstraints constraints = |
| selectors.putIfAbsent(selector, () { |
| return selectorConstraintsStrategy.createSelectorConstraints(selector); |
| }); |
| return constraints.addReceiverConstraint(mask); |
| } |
| |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> _asUnmodifiable( |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> map) { |
| if (map == null) return null; |
| return new UnmodifiableMapView(map); |
| } |
| |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> invocationsByName(String name) { |
| return _asUnmodifiable(_invokedNames[name]); |
| } |
| |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> getterInvocationsByName(String name) { |
| return _asUnmodifiable(_invokedGetters[name]); |
| } |
| |
| Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> setterInvocationsByName(String name) { |
| return _asUnmodifiable(_invokedSetters[name]); |
| } |
| |
| void forEachInvokedName( |
| f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors)) { |
| _invokedNames.forEach(f); |
| } |
| |
| void forEachInvokedGetter( |
| f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors)) { |
| _invokedGetters.forEach(f); |
| } |
| |
| void forEachInvokedSetter( |
| f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors)) { |
| _invokedSetters.forEach(f); |
| } |
| |
| DartType registerIsCheck(DartType type) { |
| type = type.unaliased; |
| // Even in checked mode, type annotations for return type and argument |
| // types do not imply type checks, so there should never be a check |
| // against the type variable of a typedef. |
| isChecks.add(type); |
| return type; |
| } |
| |
| void _registerStaticUse(StaticUse staticUse) { |
| Element element = staticUse.element; |
| if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element) && element.isField) { |
| allReferencedStaticFields.add(element); |
| } |
| switch (staticUse.kind) { |
| case StaticUseKind.STATIC_TEAR_OFF: |
| staticFunctionsNeedingGetter.add(element); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.SUPER_TEAR_OFF: |
| methodsNeedingSuperGetter.add(element); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.SUPER_FIELD_SET: |
| case StaticUseKind.FIELD_SET: |
| case StaticUseKind.GENERAL: |
| case StaticUseKind.DIRECT_USE: |
| case StaticUseKind.CLOSURE: |
| case StaticUseKind.FIELD_GET: |
| case StaticUseKind.CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE: |
| case StaticUseKind.REDIRECTION: |
| case StaticUseKind.DIRECT_INVOKE: |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void registerStaticUse(StaticUse staticUse, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) { |
| Element element = staticUse.element; |
| assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration, |
| message: "Element ${element} is not the declaration.")); |
| _registerStaticUse(staticUse); |
| _StaticMemberUsage usage = _staticMemberUsage.putIfAbsent(element, () { |
| if ((element.isStatic || element.isTopLevel) && element.isFunction) { |
| return new _StaticFunctionUsage(element); |
| } else { |
| return new _GeneralStaticMemberUsage(element); |
| } |
| }); |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> useSet = new EnumSet<MemberUse>(); |
| switch (staticUse.kind) { |
| case StaticUseKind.STATIC_TEAR_OFF: |
| useSet.addAll(usage.tearOff()); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.FIELD_GET: |
| case StaticUseKind.FIELD_SET: |
| case StaticUseKind.CLOSURE: |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid this. Currently [FIELD_GET] and |
| // [FIELD_SET] contains [BoxFieldElement]s which we cannot enqueue. |
| // Also [CLOSURE] contains [LocalFunctionElement] which we cannot |
| // enqueue. |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.SUPER_FIELD_SET: |
| case StaticUseKind.SUPER_TEAR_OFF: |
| case StaticUseKind.GENERAL: |
| case StaticUseKind.DIRECT_USE: |
| useSet.addAll(usage.normalUse()); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE: |
| case StaticUseKind.REDIRECTION: |
| useSet.addAll(usage.normalUse()); |
| break; |
| case StaticUseKind.DIRECT_INVOKE: |
| _MemberUsage instanceUsage = |
| _getMemberUsage(staticUse.element, memberUsed); |
| memberUsed(instanceUsage.entity, instanceUsage.invoke()); |
| _instanceMembersByName[instanceUsage.entity.name] |
| ?.remove(instanceUsage); |
| useSet.addAll(usage.normalUse()); |
| break; |
| } |
| memberUsed(usage.entity, useSet); |
| } |
| |
| void forgetElement(Element element, Compiler compiler) { |
| _processedClasses.remove(element); |
| _directlyInstantiatedClasses.remove(element); |
| if (element is ClassElement) { |
| assert(invariant(element, element.thisType.isRaw, |
| message: 'Generic classes not supported (${element.thisType}).')); |
| _instantiatedTypes..remove(element.rawType)..remove(element.thisType); |
| } |
| removeFromSet(_instanceMembersByName, element); |
| removeFromSet(_instanceFunctionsByName, element); |
| if (element is MemberElement) { |
| for (Element closure in element.nestedClosures) { |
| removeFromSet(_instanceMembersByName, closure); |
| removeFromSet(_instanceFunctionsByName, closure); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void processClassMembers(ClassElement cls, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) { |
| cls.implementation.forEachMember((_, MemberElement member) { |
| assert(invariant(member, member.isDeclaration)); |
| if (!member.isInstanceMember) return; |
| _getMemberUsage(member, memberUsed); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| _MemberUsage _getMemberUsage( |
| MemberElement member, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) { |
| assert(invariant(member, member.isDeclaration)); |
| return _instanceMemberUsage.putIfAbsent(member, () { |
| String memberName = member.name; |
| ClassElement cls = member.enclosingClass; |
| bool isNative = _backend.isNative(cls); |
| _MemberUsage usage = new _MemberUsage(member, isNative: isNative); |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> useSet = new EnumSet<MemberUse>(); |
| useSet.addAll(usage.appliedUse); |
| if (hasInvokedGetter(member, _world)) { |
| useSet.addAll(usage.read()); |
| } |
| if (hasInvokedSetter(member, _world)) { |
| useSet.addAll(usage.write()); |
| } |
| if (hasInvocation(member, _world)) { |
| useSet.addAll(usage.invoke()); |
| } |
| |
| if (usage.pendingUse.contains(MemberUse.CLOSURIZE_INSTANCE)) { |
| // Store the member in [instanceFunctionsByName] to catch |
| // getters on the function. |
| _instanceFunctionsByName |
| .putIfAbsent(usage.entity.name, () => new Set<_MemberUsage>()) |
| .add(usage); |
| } |
| if (usage.pendingUse.contains(MemberUse.NORMAL)) { |
| // The element is not yet used. Add it to the list of instance |
| // members to still be processed. |
| _instanceMembersByName |
| .putIfAbsent(memberName, () => new Set<_MemberUsage>()) |
| .add(usage); |
| } |
| memberUsed(member, useSet); |
| return usage; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void _processSet(Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> map, String memberName, |
| bool f(_MemberUsage e)) { |
| Set<_MemberUsage> members = map[memberName]; |
| if (members == null) return; |
| // [f] might add elements to [: map[memberName] :] during the loop below |
| // so we create a new list for [: map[memberName] :] and prepend the |
| // [remaining] members after the loop. |
| map[memberName] = new Set<_MemberUsage>(); |
| Set<_MemberUsage> remaining = new Set<_MemberUsage>(); |
| for (_MemberUsage member in members) { |
| if (!f(member)) remaining.add(member); |
| } |
| map[memberName].addAll(remaining); |
| } |
| |
| /// Return the canonical [_ClassUsage] for [cls]. |
| _ClassUsage _getClassUsage(ClassElement cls) { |
| return _processedClasses.putIfAbsent(cls, () => new _ClassUsage(cls)); |
| } |
| |
| void _processInstantiatedClass( |
| ClassElement cls, ClassUsedCallback classUsed) { |
| // Registers [superclass] as instantiated. Returns `true` if it wasn't |
| // already instantiated and we therefore have to process its superclass as |
| // well. |
| bool processClass(ClassElement superclass) { |
| _ClassUsage usage = _getClassUsage(superclass); |
| if (!usage.isInstantiated) { |
| classUsed(usage.cls, usage.instantiate()); |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| while (cls != null && processClass(cls)) { |
| cls = cls.superclass; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| abstract class _AbstractUsage<T> { |
| final EnumSet<T> _pendingUse = new EnumSet<T>(); |
| |
| _AbstractUsage() { |
| _pendingUse.addAll(_originalUse); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the possible uses of [entity] that have not yet been registered. |
| EnumSet<T> get pendingUse => _pendingUse; |
| |
| /// Returns the uses of [entity] that have been registered. |
| EnumSet<T> get appliedUse => _originalUse.minus(_pendingUse); |
| |
| EnumSet<T> get _originalUse; |
| } |
| |
| /// Registry for the observed use of a member [entity] in the open world. |
| abstract class _MemberUsage extends _AbstractUsage<MemberUse> { |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Change [Entity] to [MemberEntity]. |
| final Entity entity; |
| |
| _MemberUsage.internal(this.entity); |
| |
| factory _MemberUsage(MemberEntity member, {bool isNative: false}) { |
| if (member.isField) { |
| if (member.isAssignable) { |
| return new _FieldUsage(member, isNative: isNative); |
| } else { |
| return new _FinalFieldUsage(member, isNative: isNative); |
| } |
| } else if (member.isGetter) { |
| return new _GetterUsage(member); |
| } else if (member.isSetter) { |
| return new _SetterUsage(member); |
| } else { |
| assert(member.isFunction); |
| return new _FunctionUsage(member); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// `true` if [entity] has been read as a value. For a field this is a normal |
| /// read access, for a function this is a closurization. |
| bool get hasRead => false; |
| |
| /// `true` if a value has been written to [entity]. |
| bool get hasWrite => false; |
| |
| /// `true` if an invocation has been performed on the value [entity]. For a |
| /// function this is a normal invocation, for a field this is a read access |
| /// followed by an invocation of the function-like value. |
| bool get hasInvoke => false; |
| |
| /// `true` if [entity] has been used in all the ways possible. |
| bool get fullyUsed; |
| |
| /// Registers a read of the value of [entity] and returns the new [MemberUse]s |
| /// that it caused. |
| /// |
| /// For a field this is a normal read access, for a function this is a |
| /// closurization. |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> read() => MemberUses.NONE; |
| |
| /// Registers a write of a value to [entity] and returns the new [MemberUse]s |
| /// that it caused. |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> write() => MemberUses.NONE; |
| |
| /// Registers an invocation on the value of [entity] and returns the new |
| /// [MemberUse]s that it caused. |
| /// |
| /// For a function this is a normal invocation, for a field this is a read |
| /// access followed by an invocation of the function-like value. |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> invoke() => MemberUses.NONE; |
| |
| /// Registers all possible uses of [entity] and returns the new [MemberUse]s |
| /// that it caused. |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> fullyUse() => MemberUses.NONE; |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> get _originalUse => MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY; |
| |
| int get hashCode => entity.hashCode; |
| |
| bool operator ==(other) { |
| if (identical(this, other)) return true; |
| if (other is! _MemberUsage) return false; |
| return entity == other.entity; |
| } |
| |
| String toString() => entity.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| class _FieldUsage extends _MemberUsage { |
| bool hasRead = false; |
| bool hasWrite = false; |
| |
| _FieldUsage(FieldEntity field, {bool isNative: false}) |
| : super.internal(field) { |
| if (!isNative) { |
| // All field initializers must be resolved as they could |
| // have an observable side-effect (and cannot be tree-shaken |
| // away). |
| fullyUse(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| bool get fullyUsed => hasRead && hasWrite; |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> read() { |
| if (fullyUsed) { |
| return MemberUses.NONE; |
| } |
| hasRead = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> write() { |
| if (fullyUsed) { |
| return MemberUses.NONE; |
| } |
| hasWrite = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> invoke() => read(); |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> fullyUse() { |
| if (fullyUsed) { |
| return MemberUses.NONE; |
| } |
| hasRead = hasWrite = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _FinalFieldUsage extends _MemberUsage { |
| bool hasRead = false; |
| |
| _FinalFieldUsage(FieldEntity field, {bool isNative: false}) |
| : super.internal(field) { |
| if (!isNative) { |
| // All field initializers must be resolved as they could |
| // have an observable side-effect (and cannot be tree-shaken |
| // away). |
| read(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| bool get fullyUsed => hasRead; |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> read() { |
| if (hasRead) { |
| return MemberUses.NONE; |
| } |
| hasRead = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> invoke() => read(); |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> fullyUse() => read(); |
| } |
| |
| class _FunctionUsage extends _MemberUsage { |
| bool hasInvoke = false; |
| bool hasRead = false; |
| |
| _FunctionUsage(FunctionEntity function) : super.internal(function); |
| |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> get _originalUse => MemberUses.ALL_INSTANCE; |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> read() => fullyUse(); |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> invoke() { |
| if (hasInvoke) { |
| return MemberUses.NONE; |
| } |
| hasInvoke = true; |
| return _pendingUse |
| .removeAll(hasRead ? MemberUses.NONE : MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> fullyUse() { |
| if (hasInvoke) { |
| if (hasRead) { |
| return MemberUses.NONE; |
| } |
| hasRead = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(MemberUses.CLOSURIZE_INSTANCE_ONLY); |
| } else if (hasRead) { |
| hasInvoke = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY); |
| } else { |
| hasRead = hasInvoke = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(MemberUses.ALL_INSTANCE); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| bool get fullyUsed => hasInvoke && hasRead; |
| } |
| |
| class _GetterUsage extends _MemberUsage { |
| bool hasRead = false; |
| |
| _GetterUsage(FunctionEntity getter) : super.internal(getter); |
| |
| @override |
| bool get fullyUsed => hasRead; |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> read() { |
| if (hasRead) { |
| return MemberUses.NONE; |
| } |
| hasRead = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> invoke() => read(); |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> fullyUse() => read(); |
| } |
| |
| class _SetterUsage extends _MemberUsage { |
| bool hasWrite = false; |
| |
| _SetterUsage(FunctionEntity setter) : super.internal(setter); |
| |
| @override |
| bool get fullyUsed => hasWrite; |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> write() { |
| if (hasWrite) { |
| return MemberUses.NONE; |
| } |
| hasWrite = true; |
| return MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> fullyUse() => write(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Enum class for the possible kind of use of [MemberEntity] objects. |
| |
| /// Common [EnumSet]s used for [MemberUse]. |
| class MemberUses { |
| static const EnumSet<MemberUse> NONE = const EnumSet<MemberUse>.fixed(0); |
| static const EnumSet<MemberUse> NORMAL_ONLY = |
| const EnumSet<MemberUse>.fixed(1); |
| static const EnumSet<MemberUse> CLOSURIZE_INSTANCE_ONLY = |
| const EnumSet<MemberUse>.fixed(2); |
| static const EnumSet<MemberUse> CLOSURIZE_STATIC_ONLY = |
| const EnumSet<MemberUse>.fixed(4); |
| static const EnumSet<MemberUse> ALL_INSTANCE = |
| const EnumSet<MemberUse>.fixed(3); |
| static const EnumSet<MemberUse> ALL_STATIC = |
| const EnumSet<MemberUse>.fixed(5); |
| } |
| |
| typedef void MemberUsedCallback(MemberEntity member, EnumSet<MemberUse> useSet); |
| |
| /// Registry for the observed use of a class [entity] in the open world. |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Merge this with [InstantiationInfo]. |
| class _ClassUsage extends _AbstractUsage<ClassUse> { |
| bool isInstantiated = false; |
| bool isImplemented = false; |
| |
| final ClassEntity cls; |
| |
| _ClassUsage(this.cls); |
| |
| EnumSet<ClassUse> instantiate() { |
| if (isInstantiated) { |
| return ClassUses.NONE; |
| } |
| isInstantiated = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(ClassUses.INSTANTIATED_ONLY); |
| } |
| |
| EnumSet<ClassUse> implement() { |
| if (isImplemented) { |
| return ClassUses.NONE; |
| } |
| isImplemented = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(ClassUses.IMPLEMENTED_ONLY); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<ClassUse> get _originalUse => ClassUses.ALL; |
| |
| String toString() => cls.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Enum class for the possible kind of use of [ClassEntity] objects. |
| |
| /// Common [EnumSet]s used for [ClassUse]. |
| class ClassUses { |
| static const EnumSet<ClassUse> NONE = const EnumSet<ClassUse>.fixed(0); |
| static const EnumSet<ClassUse> INSTANTIATED_ONLY = |
| const EnumSet<ClassUse>.fixed(1); |
| static const EnumSet<ClassUse> IMPLEMENTED_ONLY = |
| const EnumSet<ClassUse>.fixed(2); |
| static const EnumSet<ClassUse> ALL = const EnumSet<ClassUse>.fixed(3); |
| } |
| |
| typedef void ClassUsedCallback(ClassEntity cls, EnumSet<ClassUse> useSet); |
| |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Merge this with [_MemberUsage]. |
| abstract class _StaticMemberUsage extends _AbstractUsage<MemberUse> { |
| final Entity entity; |
| |
| bool hasNormalUse = false; |
| bool get hasClosurization => false; |
| |
| _StaticMemberUsage.internal(this.entity); |
| |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> normalUse() { |
| if (hasNormalUse) { |
| return MemberUses.NONE; |
| } |
| hasNormalUse = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY); |
| } |
| |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> tearOff(); |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> get _originalUse => MemberUses.NORMAL_ONLY; |
| |
| String toString() => entity.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| class _GeneralStaticMemberUsage extends _StaticMemberUsage { |
| _GeneralStaticMemberUsage(Entity entity) : super.internal(entity); |
| |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> tearOff() => normalUse(); |
| } |
| |
| class _StaticFunctionUsage extends _StaticMemberUsage { |
| bool hasClosurization = false; |
| |
| _StaticFunctionUsage(Entity entity) : super.internal(entity); |
| |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> tearOff() { |
| if (hasClosurization) { |
| return MemberUses.NONE; |
| } |
| hasNormalUse = hasClosurization = true; |
| return _pendingUse.removeAll(MemberUses.ALL_STATIC); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| EnumSet<MemberUse> get _originalUse => MemberUses.ALL_STATIC; |
| } |
| |
| void removeFromSet(Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> map, Element element) { |
| Set<_MemberUsage> set = map[element.name]; |
| if (set == null) return; |
| set.removeAll( |
| set.where((_MemberUsage usage) => usage.entity == element).toList()); |
| } |