| // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| part of dart2js.js_emitter.full_emitter; |
| |
| // TODO(ahe): Share these with js_helper.dart. |
| const FUNCTION_INDEX = 0; |
| const NAME_INDEX = 1; |
| const CALL_NAME_INDEX = 2; |
| |
| const bool VALIDATE_DATA = false; |
| |
| const RANGE3_ADJUST = |
| |
| const String setupProgramName = 'setupProgram'; |
| // TODO(floitsch): make sure this property can't clash with anything. It's |
| // unlikely since it lives on types, but still. |
| const String typeNameProperty = r'builtin$cls'; |
| |
| jsAst.Statement buildSetupProgram(Program program, Compiler compiler, |
| JavaScriptBackend backend, Namer namer, Emitter emitter) { |
| jsAst.Expression typeInformationAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.TYPE_INFORMATION); |
| jsAst.Expression globalFunctionsAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS); |
| jsAst.Expression staticsAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.STATICS); |
| jsAst.Expression interceptedNamesAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.INTERCEPTED_NAMES); |
| jsAst.Expression mangledGlobalNamesAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.MANGLED_GLOBAL_NAMES); |
| jsAst.Expression mangledNamesAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.MANGLED_NAMES); |
| jsAst.Expression librariesAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.LIBRARIES); |
| jsAst.Expression typesAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.TYPES); |
| jsAst.Expression createNewIsolateFunctionAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.CREATE_NEW_ISOLATE); |
| jsAst.Expression classIdExtractorAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.CLASS_ID_EXTRACTOR); |
| jsAst.Expression allClassesAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.ALL_CLASSES); |
| jsAst.Expression precompiledAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.PRECOMPILED); |
| jsAst.Expression finishedClassesAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.FINISHED_CLASSES); |
| jsAst.Expression interceptorsByTagAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.INTERCEPTORS_BY_TAG); |
| jsAst.Expression leafTagsAccess = |
| emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.LEAF_TAGS); |
| jsAst.Expression initializeEmptyInstanceAccess = emitter |
| .generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.INITIALIZE_EMPTY_INSTANCE); |
| jsAst.Expression classFieldsExtractorAccess = emitter |
| .generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.CLASS_FIELDS_EXTRACTOR); |
| jsAst.Expression instanceFromClassIdAccess = emitter |
| .generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(embeddedNames.INSTANCE_FROM_CLASS_ID); |
| |
| String reflectableField = namer.reflectableField; |
| String reflectionInfoField = namer.reflectionInfoField; |
| String reflectionNameField = namer.reflectionNameField; |
| String metadataIndexField = namer.metadataIndexField; |
| String defaultValuesField = namer.defaultValuesField; |
| String methodsWithOptionalArgumentsField = |
| namer.methodsWithOptionalArgumentsField; |
| String unmangledNameIndex = backend.mustRetainMetadata |
| ? ' 3 * optionalParameterCount + 2 * requiredParameterCount + 3' |
| : ' 2 * optionalParameterCount + requiredParameterCount + 3'; |
| String receiverParamName = |
| compiler.options.enableMinification ? "r" : "receiver"; |
| String valueParamName = compiler.options.enableMinification ? "v" : "value"; |
| String space = compiler.options.enableMinification ? "" : " "; |
| String _ = space; |
| |
| String specProperty = '"${namer.nativeSpecProperty}"'; // "%" |
| jsAst.Expression nativeInfoAccess = js('prototype[$specProperty]', []); |
| jsAst.Expression constructorAccess = js('constructor', []); |
| Function subclassReadGenerator = |
| (jsAst.Expression subclass) => js('allClasses[#]', subclass); |
| jsAst.Statement nativeInfoHandler = emitter.buildNativeInfoHandler( |
| nativeInfoAccess, |
| constructorAccess, |
| subclassReadGenerator, |
| interceptorsByTagAccess, |
| leafTagsAccess); |
| |
| Map<String, dynamic> holes = { |
| 'needsClassSupport': emitter.needsClassSupport, |
| 'libraries': librariesAccess, |
| 'mangledNames': mangledNamesAccess, |
| 'mangledGlobalNames': mangledGlobalNamesAccess, |
| 'statics': staticsAccess, |
| 'staticsPropertyName': namer.staticsPropertyName, |
| 'staticsPropertyNameString': js.quoteName(namer.staticsPropertyName), |
| 'typeInformation': typeInformationAccess, |
| 'globalFunctions': globalFunctionsAccess, |
| 'enabledInvokeOn': backend.hasInvokeOnSupport, |
| 'interceptedNames': interceptedNamesAccess, |
| 'interceptedNamesSet': emitter.generateInterceptedNamesSet(), |
| 'notInCspMode': !compiler.options.useContentSecurityPolicy, |
| 'inCspMode': compiler.options.useContentSecurityPolicy, |
| 'deferredAction': namer.deferredAction, |
| 'hasIsolateSupport': program.hasIsolateSupport, |
| 'fieldNamesProperty': js.string(Emitter.FIELD_NAMES_PROPERTY_NAME), |
| 'hasIncrementalSupport': compiler.options.hasIncrementalSupport, |
| 'incrementalHelper': namer.accessIncrementalHelper, |
| 'createNewIsolateFunction': createNewIsolateFunctionAccess, |
| 'isolateName': namer.isolateName, |
| 'classIdExtractor': classIdExtractorAccess, |
| 'classFieldsExtractor': classFieldsExtractorAccess, |
| 'instanceFromClassId': instanceFromClassIdAccess, |
| 'initializeEmptyInstance': initializeEmptyInstanceAccess, |
| 'allClasses': allClassesAccess, |
| 'debugFastObjects': DEBUG_FAST_OBJECTS, |
| 'isTreeShakingDisabled': backend.isTreeShakingDisabled, |
| 'precompiled': precompiledAccess, |
| 'finishedClassesAccess': finishedClassesAccess, |
| 'needsMixinSupport': emitter.needsMixinSupport, |
| 'needsNativeSupport': program.needsNativeSupport, |
| 'enabledJsInterop': backend.jsInteropAnalysis.enabledJsInterop, |
| 'jsInteropBoostrap': backend.jsInteropAnalysis.buildJsInteropBootstrap(), |
| 'isInterceptorClass': namer.operatorIs(backend.helpers.jsInterceptorClass), |
| 'isObject': namer.operatorIs(compiler.commonElements.objectClass), |
| 'specProperty': js.string(namer.nativeSpecProperty), |
| 'trivialNsmHandlers': emitter.buildTrivialNsmHandlers(), |
| 'hasRetainedMetadata': backend.hasRetainedMetadata, |
| 'types': typesAccess, |
| 'objectClassName': js |
| .quoteName(namer.runtimeTypeName(compiler.commonElements.objectClass)), |
| 'needsStructuredMemberInfo': emitter.needsStructuredMemberInfo, |
| 'usesMangledNames': compiler.commonElements.mirrorsLibrary != null || |
| backend.hasFunctionApplySupport, |
| 'tearOffCode': buildTearOffCode(backend), |
| 'nativeInfoHandler': nativeInfoHandler, |
| 'operatorIsPrefix': js.string(namer.operatorIsPrefix), |
| 'deferredActionString': js.string(namer.deferredAction) |
| }; |
| String skeleton = ''' |
| function $setupProgramName(programData, typesOffset) { |
| "use strict"; |
| if (#needsClassSupport) { |
| |
| function generateAccessor(fieldDescriptor, accessors, cls) { |
| var fieldInformation = fieldDescriptor.split("-"); |
| var field = fieldInformation[0]; |
| var len = field.length; |
| var code = field.charCodeAt(len - 1); |
| var reflectable; |
| if (fieldInformation.length > 1) reflectable = true; |
| else reflectable = false; |
| code = ((code >= $RANGE1_FIRST) && (code <= $RANGE1_LAST)) |
| ? code - $RANGE1_ADJUST |
| : ((code >= $RANGE2_FIRST) && (code <= $RANGE2_LAST)) |
| ? code - $RANGE2_ADJUST |
| : ((code >= $RANGE3_FIRST) && (code <= $RANGE3_LAST)) |
| ? code - $RANGE3_ADJUST |
| |
| if (code) { // needsAccessor |
| var getterCode = code & 3; |
| var setterCode = code >> 2; |
| var accessorName = field = field.substring(0, len - 1); |
| |
| var divider = field.indexOf(":"); |
| if (divider > 0) { // Colon never in first position. |
| accessorName = field.substring(0, divider); |
| field = field.substring(divider + 1); |
| } |
| |
| if (getterCode) { // needsGetter |
| var args = (getterCode & 2) ? "$receiverParamName" : ""; |
| var receiver = (getterCode & 1) ? "this" : "$receiverParamName"; |
| var body = "return " + receiver + "." + field; |
| var property = |
| cls + ".prototype.${namer.getterPrefix}" + accessorName + "="; |
| var fn = "function(" + args + "){" + body + "}"; |
| if (reflectable) |
| accessors.push(property + "\$reflectable(" + fn + ");\\n"); |
| else |
| accessors.push(property + fn + ";\\n"); |
| } |
| |
| if (setterCode) { // needsSetter |
| var args = (setterCode & 2) |
| ? "$receiverParamName,${_}$valueParamName" |
| : "$valueParamName"; |
| var receiver = (setterCode & 1) ? "this" : "$receiverParamName"; |
| var body = receiver + "." + field + "$_=$_$valueParamName"; |
| var property = |
| cls + ".prototype.${namer.setterPrefix}" + accessorName + "="; |
| var fn = "function(" + args + "){" + body + "}"; |
| if (reflectable) |
| accessors.push(property + "\$reflectable(" + fn + ");\\n"); |
| else |
| accessors.push(property + fn + ";\\n"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return field; |
| } |
| |
| // First the class name, then the field names in an array and the members |
| // (inside an Object literal). |
| // The caller can also pass in the constructor as a function if needed. |
| // |
| // Example: |
| // defineClass("A", ["x", "y"], { |
| // foo\$1: function(y) { |
| // print(this.x + y); |
| // }, |
| // bar\$2: function(t, v) { |
| // this.x = t - v; |
| // }, |
| // }); |
| function defineClass(name, fields) { |
| var accessors = []; |
| |
| var str = "function " + name + "("; |
| var body = ""; |
| if (#hasIsolateSupport) { var fieldNames = ""; } |
| |
| for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { |
| if(i != 0) str += ", "; |
| |
| var field = generateAccessor(fields[i], accessors, name); |
| if (#hasIsolateSupport) { fieldNames += "'" + field + "',"; } |
| var parameter = "p_" + field; |
| str += parameter; |
| body += ("this." + field + " = " + parameter + ";\\n"); |
| } |
| if (supportsDirectProtoAccess) { |
| body += "this." + #deferredActionString + "();"; |
| } |
| str += ") {\\n" + body + "}\\n"; |
| str += name + ".$typeNameProperty=\\"" + name + "\\";\\n"; |
| str += "\$desc=\$collectedClasses." + name + "[1];\\n"; |
| str += name + ".prototype = \$desc;\\n"; |
| if (typeof defineClass.name != "string") { |
| str += name + ".name=\\"" + name + "\\";\\n"; |
| } |
| if (#hasIsolateSupport) { |
| str += name + "." + #fieldNamesProperty + "=[" + fieldNames |
| + "];\\n"; |
| } |
| str += accessors.join(""); |
| |
| return str; |
| } |
| |
| if (#hasIncrementalSupport) { |
| #incrementalHelper.defineClass = defineClass; |
| } |
| |
| if (#hasIsolateSupport) { |
| #createNewIsolateFunction = function() { return new #isolateName(); }; |
| |
| #classIdExtractor = function(o) { return o.constructor.name; }; |
| |
| #classFieldsExtractor = function(o) { |
| var fieldNames = o.constructor.#fieldNamesProperty; |
| if (!fieldNames) return []; // TODO(floitsch): do something else here. |
| var result = []; |
| result.length = fieldNames.length; |
| for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { |
| result[i] = o[fieldNames[i]]; |
| } |
| return result; |
| }; |
| |
| #instanceFromClassId = function(name) { return new #allClasses[name](); }; |
| |
| #initializeEmptyInstance = function(name, o, fields) { |
| #allClasses[name].apply(o, fields); |
| return o; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // If the browser supports changing the prototype via __proto__, we make |
| // use of that feature. Otherwise, we copy the properties into a new |
| // constructor. |
| var inheritFrom = supportsDirectProtoAccess ? |
| function(constructor, superConstructor) { |
| var prototype = constructor.prototype; |
| prototype.__proto__ = superConstructor.prototype; |
| // Use a function for `true` here, as functions are stored in the |
| // hidden class and not as properties in the object. |
| prototype.constructor = constructor; |
| prototype[#operatorIsPrefix + constructor.name] = constructor; |
| return convertToFastObject(prototype); |
| } : |
| function() { |
| function tmp() {} |
| return function (constructor, superConstructor) { |
| tmp.prototype = superConstructor.prototype; |
| var object = new tmp(); |
| convertToSlowObject(object); |
| var properties = constructor.prototype; |
| var members = Object.keys(properties); |
| for (var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { |
| var member = members[i]; |
| object[member] = properties[member]; |
| } |
| // Use a function for `true` here, as functions are stored in the |
| // hidden class and not as properties in the object. |
| object[#operatorIsPrefix + constructor.name] = constructor; |
| object.constructor = constructor; |
| constructor.prototype = object; |
| return object; |
| }; |
| }(); |
| |
| if (#hasIncrementalSupport) { |
| #incrementalHelper.inheritFrom = inheritFrom; |
| } |
| |
| // Class descriptions are collected in a JS object. |
| // 'finishClasses' takes all collected descriptions and sets up |
| // the prototype. |
| // Once set up, the constructors prototype field satisfy: |
| // - it contains all (local) members. |
| // - its internal prototype (__proto__) points to the superclass' |
| // prototype field. |
| // - the prototype's constructor field points to the JavaScript |
| // constructor. |
| // For engines where we have access to the '__proto__' we can manipulate |
| // the object literal directly. For other engines we have to create a new |
| // object and copy over the members. |
| function finishClasses(processedClasses) { |
| if (#debugFastObjects) |
| print("Number of classes: " + |
| Object.getOwnPropertyNames(processedClasses.collected).length); |
| |
| var allClasses = #allClasses; |
| |
| if (#inCspMode) { |
| var constructors = #precompiled(processedClasses.collected); |
| } |
| |
| if (#notInCspMode) { |
| processedClasses.combinedConstructorFunction += |
| "return [\\n" + processedClasses.constructorsList.join(",\\n ") + |
| "\\n]"; |
| var constructors = |
| new Function("\$collectedClasses", |
| processedClasses.combinedConstructorFunction) |
| (processedClasses.collected); |
| processedClasses.combinedConstructorFunction = null; |
| } |
| |
| for (var i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) { |
| var constructor = constructors[i]; |
| var cls = constructor.name; |
| var desc = processedClasses.collected[cls]; |
| var globalObject = desc[0]; |
| desc = desc[1]; |
| if (#isTreeShakingDisabled) |
| constructor["${namer.metadataField}"] = desc; |
| allClasses[cls] = constructor; |
| globalObject[cls] = constructor; |
| } |
| constructors = null; |
| |
| var finishedClasses = #finishedClassesAccess; |
| |
| function finishClass(cls) { |
| |
| if (finishedClasses[cls]) return; |
| finishedClasses[cls] = true; |
| |
| var superclass = processedClasses.pending[cls]; |
| |
| if (#needsMixinSupport) { |
| if (superclass && superclass.indexOf("+") > 0) { |
| var s = superclass.split("+"); |
| superclass = s[0]; |
| var mixinClass = s[1]; |
| finishClass(mixinClass); |
| var mixin = allClasses[mixinClass]; |
| var mixinPrototype = mixin.prototype; |
| var clsPrototype = allClasses[cls].prototype; |
| |
| var properties = Object.keys(mixinPrototype); |
| for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { |
| var d = properties[i]; |
| if (!hasOwnProperty.call(clsPrototype, d)) |
| clsPrototype[d] = mixinPrototype[d]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // The superclass is only false (empty string) for the Dart Object |
| // class. The minifier together with noSuchMethod can put methods on |
| // the Object.prototype object, and they show through here, so we check |
| // that we have a string. |
| if (!superclass || typeof superclass != "string") { |
| // Inlined special case of InheritFrom here for performance reasons. |
| // Fix up the Dart Object class' prototype. |
| var constructor = allClasses[cls]; |
| var prototype = constructor.prototype; |
| prototype.constructor = constructor; |
| prototype.#isObject = constructor; |
| prototype.#deferredAction = function() {}; |
| return; |
| } |
| finishClass(superclass); |
| var superConstructor = allClasses[superclass]; |
| |
| if (!superConstructor) { |
| superConstructor = existingIsolateProperties[superclass]; |
| } |
| |
| var constructor = allClasses[cls]; |
| var prototype = inheritFrom(constructor, superConstructor); |
| |
| if (#needsMixinSupport) { |
| if (mixinPrototype) { |
| prototype.#deferredAction |
| = mixinDeferredActionHelper(mixinPrototype, prototype); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (#needsNativeSupport) { |
| if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(prototype, #specProperty)) { |
| #nativeInfoHandler; |
| // As native classes can come into existence without a constructor |
| // call, we have to ensure that the class has been fully |
| // initialized. |
| prototype.#deferredAction(); |
| } |
| } |
| // Interceptors (or rather their prototypes) are also used without |
| // first instantiating them first. |
| if (prototype.#isInterceptorClass) { |
| prototype.#deferredAction(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #trivialNsmHandlers; |
| |
| var properties = Object.keys(processedClasses.pending); |
| for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) finishClass(properties[i]); |
| } |
| |
| // Generic handler for deferred class setup. The handler updates the |
| // prototype that it is installed on (it traverses the prototype chain |
| // of [this] to find itself) and then removes itself. It recurses by |
| // calling deferred handling again, which terminates on Object due to |
| // the final handler. |
| function finishAddStubsHelper() { |
| var prototype = this; |
| // Find the actual prototype that this handler is installed on. |
| while (!prototype.hasOwnProperty(#deferredActionString)) { |
| prototype = prototype.__proto__; |
| } |
| delete prototype.#deferredAction; // Intended to make it slow, too. |
| var properties = Object.keys(prototype); |
| for (var index = 0; index < properties.length; index++) { |
| var property = properties[index]; |
| var firstChar = property.charCodeAt(0); |
| var elem; |
| // We have to filter out some special properties that are used for |
| // metadata in descriptors. Currently, we filter everything that |
| // starts with + or *. This has to stay in sync with the special |
| // properties that are used by processClassData below. |
| if (property !== "${namer.classDescriptorProperty}" && |
| property !== "$reflectableField" && |
| firstChar !== 43 && // 43 is aka "+". |
| firstChar !== 42 && // 42 is aka "*" |
| (elem = prototype[property]) != null && |
| elem.constructor === Array && |
| property !== "<>") { |
| addStubs(prototype, elem, property, false, []); |
| } |
| } |
| convertToFastObject(prototype); |
| prototype = prototype.__proto__; |
| // Call other handlers. |
| prototype.#deferredAction(); |
| } |
| |
| if (#needsMixinSupport) { |
| // Returns a deferred class setup handler that first invokes the |
| // handler on [mixinPrototype] and then resumes handling on |
| // [targetPrototype]. If [targetPrototype] already has a handler |
| // installed, the handler is preserved in the generated closure and |
| // thus can be safely overwritten. |
| function mixinDeferredActionHelper(mixinPrototype, targetPrototype) { |
| var chain; |
| if (targetPrototype.hasOwnProperty(#deferredActionString)) { |
| chain = targetPrototype.#deferredAction; |
| } |
| return function foo() { |
| if (!supportsDirectProtoAccess) return; |
| var prototype = this; |
| // Find the actual prototype that this handler is installed on. |
| while (!prototype.hasOwnProperty(#deferredActionString)) { |
| prototype = prototype.__proto__; |
| } |
| if (chain) { |
| prototype.#deferredAction = chain; |
| } else { |
| delete prototype.#deferredAction; |
| convertToFastObject(prototype); |
| } |
| mixinPrototype.#deferredAction(); |
| prototype.#deferredAction(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function processClassData(cls, descriptor, processedClasses) { |
| descriptor = convertToSlowObject(descriptor); // Use a slow object. |
| var previousProperty; |
| var properties = Object.keys(descriptor); |
| var hasDeferredWork = false; |
| var shouldDeferWork = |
| supportsDirectProtoAccess && cls != #objectClassName; |
| for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { |
| var property = properties[i]; |
| var firstChar = property.charCodeAt(0); |
| if (property === #staticsPropertyNameString) { |
| processStatics(#statics[cls] = descriptor.#staticsPropertyName, |
| processedClasses); |
| delete descriptor.#staticsPropertyName; |
| } else if (firstChar === 43) { // 43 is "+". |
| mangledNames[previousProperty] = property.substring(1); |
| var flag = descriptor[property]; |
| if (flag > 0) |
| descriptor[previousProperty].$reflectableField = flag; |
| } else if (firstChar === 42) { // 42 is "*" |
| descriptor[previousProperty].$defaultValuesField = |
| descriptor[property]; |
| var optionalMethods = descriptor.$methodsWithOptionalArgumentsField; |
| if (!optionalMethods) { |
| descriptor.$methodsWithOptionalArgumentsField = optionalMethods={} |
| } |
| optionalMethods[property] = previousProperty; |
| } else { |
| var elem = descriptor[property]; |
| if (property !== "${namer.classDescriptorProperty}" && |
| elem != null && |
| elem.constructor === Array && |
| property !== "<>") { |
| if (shouldDeferWork) { |
| hasDeferredWork = true; |
| } else { |
| addStubs(descriptor, elem, property, false, []); |
| } |
| } else { |
| previousProperty = property; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (hasDeferredWork) |
| descriptor.#deferredAction = finishAddStubsHelper; |
| |
| /* The 'fields' are either a constructor function or a |
| * string encoding fields, constructor and superclass. Gets the |
| * superclass and fields in the format |
| * 'Super;field1,field2' |
| * from the CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_PROPERTY property on the descriptor. |
| */ |
| var classData = descriptor["${namer.classDescriptorProperty}"], |
| split, supr, fields = classData; |
| |
| if (#hasRetainedMetadata) |
| if (typeof classData == "object" && |
| classData instanceof Array) { |
| classData = fields = classData[0]; |
| } |
| // ${ClassBuilder.fieldEncodingDescription}. |
| var s = fields.split(";"); |
| fields = s[1] ? s[1].split(",") : []; |
| supr = s[0]; |
| // ${ClassBuilder.functionTypeEncodingDescription}. |
| split = supr.split(":"); |
| if (split.length == 2) { |
| supr = split[0]; |
| var functionSignature = split[1]; |
| if (functionSignature) |
| descriptor.${namer.operatorSignature} = function(s) { |
| return function() { |
| return #types[s]; |
| }; |
| }(functionSignature); |
| } |
| |
| if (supr) processedClasses.pending[cls] = supr; |
| if (#notInCspMode) { |
| processedClasses.combinedConstructorFunction += |
| defineClass(cls, fields); |
| processedClasses.constructorsList.push(cls); |
| } |
| processedClasses.collected[cls] = [globalObject, descriptor]; |
| classes.push(cls); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function processStatics(descriptor, processedClasses) { |
| var properties = Object.keys(descriptor); |
| for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { |
| var property = properties[i]; |
| if (property === "${namer.classDescriptorProperty}") continue; |
| var element = descriptor[property]; |
| var firstChar = property.charCodeAt(0); |
| var previousProperty; |
| if (firstChar === 43) { // 43 is "+". |
| mangledGlobalNames[previousProperty] = property.substring(1); |
| var flag = descriptor[property]; |
| if (flag > 0) |
| descriptor[previousProperty].$reflectableField = flag; |
| if (element && element.length) |
| #typeInformation[previousProperty] = element; |
| } else if (firstChar === 42) { // 42 is "*" |
| globalObject[previousProperty].$defaultValuesField = element; |
| var optionalMethods = descriptor.$methodsWithOptionalArgumentsField; |
| if (!optionalMethods) { |
| descriptor.$methodsWithOptionalArgumentsField = optionalMethods = {} |
| } |
| optionalMethods[property] = previousProperty; |
| } else if (typeof element === "function") { |
| globalObject[previousProperty = property] = element; |
| functions.push(property); |
| #globalFunctions[property] = element; |
| } else if (element.constructor === Array) { |
| if (#needsStructuredMemberInfo) { |
| addStubs(globalObject, element, property, true, functions); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // We will not enter this case if no classes are defined. |
| if (#needsClassSupport) { |
| previousProperty = property; |
| processClassData(property, element, processedClasses); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (#needsStructuredMemberInfo) { |
| |
| // See [dart2js.js_emitter.ContainerBuilder.addMemberMethod] for format of |
| // [array]. |
| |
| // Processes the stub declaration given by [array] and stores the results |
| // in the corresponding [prototype]. [name] is the property name in |
| // [prototype] that the stub declaration belongs to. |
| // If [isStatic] is true, the property being processed belongs to a static |
| // function and thus is stored as a global. In that case we also add all |
| // generated functions to the [functions] array, which is used by the |
| // mirrors system to enumerate all static functions of a library. For |
| // non-static functions we might still add some functions to [functions] but |
| // the information is thrown away at the call site. This is to avoid |
| // conditionals. |
| function addStubs(prototype, array, name, isStatic, functions) { |
| var index = $FUNCTION_INDEX, alias = array[index], f; |
| if (typeof alias == "string") { |
| f = array[++index]; |
| } else { |
| f = alias; |
| alias = name; |
| } |
| var funcs = [prototype[name] = prototype[alias] = f]; |
| f.\$stubName = name; |
| functions.push(name); |
| for (index++; index < array.length; index++) { |
| f = array[index]; |
| if (typeof f != "function") break; |
| if (!isStatic) { |
| f.\$stubName = ${readString("array", "++index")}; |
| } |
| funcs.push(f); |
| if (f.\$stubName) { |
| prototype[f.\$stubName] = f; |
| functions.push(f.\$stubName); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (var i = 0; i < funcs.length; index++, i++) { |
| funcs[i].\$callName = ${readString("array", "index")}; |
| } |
| var getterStubName = ${readString("array", "index")}; |
| array = array.slice(++index); |
| var requiredParameterInfo = ${readInt("array", "0")}; |
| var requiredParameterCount = requiredParameterInfo >> 1; |
| var isAccessor = (requiredParameterInfo & 1) === 1; |
| var isSetter = requiredParameterInfo === 3; |
| var isGetter = requiredParameterInfo === 1; |
| var optionalParameterInfo = ${readInt("array", "1")}; |
| var optionalParameterCount = optionalParameterInfo >> 1; |
| var optionalParametersAreNamed = (optionalParameterInfo & 1) === 1; |
| var isIntercepted = |
| requiredParameterCount + optionalParameterCount != funcs[0].length; |
| var functionTypeIndex = ${readFunctionType("array", "2")}; |
| if (typeof functionTypeIndex == "number") |
| ${readFunctionType("array", "2")} = functionTypeIndex + typesOffset; |
| var unmangledNameIndex = $unmangledNameIndex; |
| |
| if (getterStubName) { |
| f = tearOff(funcs, array, isStatic, name, isIntercepted); |
| prototype[name].\$getter = f; |
| f.\$getterStub = true; |
| // Used to create an isolate using spawnFunction. |
| if (isStatic) { |
| #globalFunctions[name] = f; |
| functions.push(getterStubName); |
| } |
| prototype[getterStubName] = f; |
| funcs.push(f); |
| f.\$stubName = getterStubName; |
| f.\$callName = null; |
| // Update the interceptedNames map (which only exists if `invokeOn` was |
| // enabled). |
| if (#enabledInvokeOn) |
| if (isIntercepted) #interceptedNames[getterStubName] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| if (#usesMangledNames) { |
| var isReflectable = array.length > unmangledNameIndex; |
| if (isReflectable) { |
| funcs[0].$reflectableField = 1; |
| funcs[0].$reflectionInfoField = array; |
| for (var i = 1; i < funcs.length; i++) { |
| funcs[i].$reflectableField = 2; |
| funcs[i].$reflectionInfoField = array; |
| } |
| var mangledNames = isStatic ? #mangledGlobalNames : #mangledNames; |
| var unmangledName = ${readString("array", "unmangledNameIndex")}; |
| // The function is either a getter, a setter, or a method. |
| // If it is a method, it might also have a tear-off closure. |
| // The unmangledName is the same as the getter-name. |
| var reflectionName = unmangledName; |
| if (getterStubName) mangledNames[getterStubName] = reflectionName; |
| if (isSetter) { |
| reflectionName += "="; |
| } else if (!isGetter) { |
| reflectionName += ":" + |
| (requiredParameterCount + optionalParameterCount); |
| } |
| mangledNames[name] = reflectionName; |
| funcs[0].$reflectionNameField = reflectionName; |
| funcs[0].$metadataIndexField = unmangledNameIndex + 1; |
| // The following line installs the [${JsGetName.CALL_CATCH_ALL}] |
| // property for closures. |
| if (optionalParameterCount) prototype[unmangledName + "*"] = funcs[0]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (#enabledJsInterop) { |
| #jsInteropBoostrap |
| } |
| #tearOffCode; |
| } |
| |
| if (#hasIncrementalSupport) { |
| #incrementalHelper.addStubs = addStubs; |
| } |
| |
| var functionCounter = 0; |
| if (!#libraries) #libraries = []; |
| if (!#mangledNames) #mangledNames = map(); |
| if (!#mangledGlobalNames) #mangledGlobalNames = map(); |
| if (!#statics) #statics = map(); |
| if (!#typeInformation) #typeInformation = map(); |
| if (!#globalFunctions) #globalFunctions = map(); |
| if (#enabledInvokeOn) |
| if (!#interceptedNames) #interceptedNames = #interceptedNamesSet; |
| var libraries = #libraries; |
| var mangledNames = #mangledNames; |
| var mangledGlobalNames = #mangledGlobalNames; |
| var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; |
| var length = programData.length; |
| var processedClasses = map(); |
| processedClasses.collected = map(); |
| processedClasses.pending = map(); |
| if (#notInCspMode) { |
| processedClasses.constructorsList = []; |
| // For every class processed [processedClasses.combinedConstructorFunction] |
| // will be updated with the corresponding constructor function. |
| processedClasses.combinedConstructorFunction = |
| "function \$reflectable(fn){fn.$reflectableField=1;return fn};\\n"+ |
| "var \$desc;\\n"; |
| } |
| for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
| var data = programData[i]; |
| |
| // [data] contains these elements: |
| // 0. The library name (not unique). |
| // 1. The library URI (unique). |
| // 2. A function returning the metadata associated with this library. |
| // 3. The global object to use for this library. |
| // 4. An object literal listing the members of the library. |
| // 5. This element is optional and if present it is true and signals that this |
| // library is the root library (see dart:mirrors IsolateMirror.rootLibrary). |
| // |
| // The entries of [data] are built in [assembleProgram] above. |
| |
| var name = data[0]; |
| var uri = data[1]; |
| var metadata = data[2]; |
| var globalObject = data[3]; |
| var descriptor = data[4]; |
| var isRoot = !!data[5]; |
| var fields = descriptor && descriptor["${namer.classDescriptorProperty}"]; |
| if (fields instanceof Array) fields = fields[0]; |
| var classes = []; |
| var functions = []; |
| processStatics(descriptor, processedClasses); |
| libraries.push([name, uri, classes, functions, metadata, fields, isRoot, |
| globalObject]); |
| } |
| if (#needsClassSupport) finishClasses(processedClasses); |
| }'''; |
| |
| // TODO(zarah): Remove empty else branches in output when if(#hole) is false. |
| return js.statement(skeleton, holes); |
| } |
| |
| String readString(String array, String index) { |
| return readChecked( |
| array, index, 'result != null && typeof result != "string"', 'string'); |
| } |
| |
| String readInt(String array, String index) { |
| return readChecked( |
| array, |
| index, |
| 'result != null && (typeof result != "number" || (result|0) !== result)', |
| 'int'); |
| } |
| |
| String readFunctionType(String array, String index) { |
| return readChecked( |
| array, |
| index, |
| 'result != null && ' |
| '(typeof result != "number" || (result|0) !== result) && ' |
| 'typeof result != "function"', |
| 'function or int'); |
| } |
| |
| String readChecked(String array, String index, String check, String type) { |
| if (!VALIDATE_DATA) return '$array[$index]'; |
| return ''' |
| (function() { |
| var result = $array[$index]; |
| if ($check) { |
| throw new Error( |
| name + ": expected value of type \'$type\' at index " + ($index) + |
| " but got " + (typeof result)); |
| } |
| return result; |
| })()'''; |
| } |