| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| library dart2js.constant_system.js; |
| |
| import '../compiler.dart' show Compiler; |
| import '../constant_system_dart.dart'; |
| import '../constants/constant_system.dart'; |
| import '../constants/values.dart'; |
| import '../core_types.dart' show CommonElements; |
| import '../dart_types.dart'; |
| import '../elements/elements.dart' show ClassElement, FieldElement; |
| import '../tree/dartstring.dart' show DartString, LiteralDartString; |
| import 'js_backend.dart'; |
| |
| const JAVA_SCRIPT_CONSTANT_SYSTEM = const JavaScriptConstantSystem(); |
| |
| class JavaScriptBitNotOperation extends BitNotOperation { |
| const JavaScriptBitNotOperation(); |
| |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue constant) { |
| if (JAVA_SCRIPT_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.isInt(constant)) { |
| // In JavaScript we don't check for -0 and treat it as if it was zero. |
| if (constant.isMinusZero) constant = DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt(0); |
| IntConstantValue intConstant = constant; |
| // We convert the result of bit-operations to 32 bit unsigned integers. |
| .createInt32(~intConstant.primitiveValue); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * In JavaScript we truncate the result to an unsigned 32 bit integer. Also, -0 |
| * is treated as if it was the integer 0. |
| */ |
| class JavaScriptBinaryBitOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| final BinaryBitOperation dartBitOperation; |
| |
| const JavaScriptBinaryBitOperation(this.dartBitOperation); |
| |
| String get name => dartBitOperation.name; |
| |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| // In JavaScript we don't check for -0 and treat it as if it was zero. |
| if (left.isMinusZero) left = DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt(0); |
| if (right.isMinusZero) right = DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt(0); |
| IntConstantValue result = dartBitOperation.fold(left, right); |
| if (result != null) { |
| // We convert the result of bit-operations to 32 bit unsigned integers. |
| return JAVA_SCRIPT_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt32(result.primitiveValue); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => dartBitOperation.apply(left, right); |
| } |
| |
| class JavaScriptShiftRightOperation extends JavaScriptBinaryBitOperation { |
| const JavaScriptShiftRightOperation() : super(const ShiftRightOperation()); |
| |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| // Truncate the input value to 32 bits if necessary. |
| if (left.isInt) { |
| IntConstantValue intConstant = left; |
| int value = intConstant.primitiveValue; |
| int truncatedValue = value & JAVA_SCRIPT_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.BITS32; |
| if (value < 0) { |
| // Sign-extend if the input was negative. The current semantics don't |
| // make much sense, since we only look at bit 31. |
| // TODO(floitsch): we should treat the input to right shifts as |
| // unsigned. |
| |
| // A 32 bit complement-two value x can be computed by: |
| // x_u - 2^32 (where x_u is its unsigned representation). |
| // Example: 0xFFFFFFFF - 0x100000000 => -1. |
| // We simply and with the sign-bit and multiply by two. If the sign-bit |
| // was set, then the result is 0. Otherwise it will become 2^32. |
| final int SIGN_BIT = 0x80000000; |
| truncatedValue -= 2 * (truncatedValue & SIGN_BIT); |
| } |
| if (value != truncatedValue) { |
| left = DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt(truncatedValue); |
| } |
| } |
| return super.fold(left, right); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class JavaScriptNegateOperation implements UnaryOperation { |
| final NegateOperation dartNegateOperation = const NegateOperation(); |
| |
| const JavaScriptNegateOperation(); |
| |
| String get name => dartNegateOperation.name; |
| |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue constant) { |
| if (constant.isInt) { |
| IntConstantValue intConstant = constant; |
| if (intConstant.primitiveValue == 0) { |
| return JAVA_SCRIPT_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createDouble(-0.0); |
| } |
| } |
| return dartNegateOperation.fold(constant); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class JavaScriptAddOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| final _addOperation = const AddOperation(); |
| String get name => _addOperation.name; |
| |
| const JavaScriptAddOperation(); |
| |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| ConstantValue result = _addOperation.fold(left, right); |
| if (result != null && result.isNum) { |
| return JAVA_SCRIPT_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.convertToJavaScriptConstant(result); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => _addOperation.apply(left, right); |
| } |
| |
| class JavaScriptBinaryArithmeticOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| final BinaryOperation dartArithmeticOperation; |
| |
| const JavaScriptBinaryArithmeticOperation(this.dartArithmeticOperation); |
| |
| String get name => dartArithmeticOperation.name; |
| |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| ConstantValue result = dartArithmeticOperation.fold(left, right); |
| if (result == null) return result; |
| return JAVA_SCRIPT_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.convertToJavaScriptConstant(result); |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => dartArithmeticOperation.apply(left, right); |
| } |
| |
| class JavaScriptIdentityOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| final IdentityOperation dartIdentityOperation = const IdentityOperation(); |
| |
| const JavaScriptIdentityOperation(); |
| |
| String get name => dartIdentityOperation.name; |
| |
| BoolConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| BoolConstantValue result = dartIdentityOperation.fold(left, right); |
| if (result == null || result.primitiveValue) return result; |
| // In JavaScript -0.0 === 0 and all doubles are equal to their integer |
| // values. Furthermore NaN !== NaN. |
| if (left.isNum && right.isNum) { |
| NumConstantValue leftNum = left; |
| NumConstantValue rightNum = right; |
| double leftDouble = leftNum.primitiveValue.toDouble(); |
| double rightDouble = rightNum.primitiveValue.toDouble(); |
| return new BoolConstantValue(leftDouble == rightDouble); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => identical(left, right); |
| } |
| |
| class JavaScriptRoundOperation implements UnaryOperation { |
| const JavaScriptRoundOperation(); |
| String get name => DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.round.name; |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue constant) { |
| // Be careful to round() only values that do not throw on either the host or |
| // target platform. |
| ConstantValue tryToRound(num value) { |
| // Due to differences between browsers, only 'round' easy cases. Avoid |
| // cases where nudging the value up or down changes the answer. |
| // 13 digits is safely within the ~15 digit precision of doubles. |
| const severalULP = 0.0000000000001; |
| // Use 'roundToDouble()' to avoid exceptions on rounding the nudged value. |
| double rounded = value.roundToDouble(); |
| double rounded1 = (value * (1.0 + severalULP)).roundToDouble(); |
| double rounded2 = (value * (1.0 - severalULP)).roundToDouble(); |
| if (rounded != rounded1 || rounded != rounded2) return null; |
| .convertToJavaScriptConstant(new IntConstantValue(value.round())); |
| } |
| |
| if (constant.isInt) { |
| IntConstantValue intConstant = constant; |
| int value = intConstant.primitiveValue; |
| if (value >= -double.MAX_FINITE && value <= double.MAX_FINITE) { |
| return tryToRound(value); |
| } |
| } |
| if (constant.isDouble) { |
| DoubleConstantValue doubleConstant = constant; |
| double value = doubleConstant.primitiveValue; |
| // NaN and infinities will throw. |
| if (value.isNaN) return null; |
| if (value.isInfinite) return null; |
| return tryToRound(value); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Constant system following the semantics for Dart code that has been |
| * compiled to JavaScript. |
| */ |
| class JavaScriptConstantSystem extends ConstantSystem { |
| final int BITS32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; |
| |
| final add = const JavaScriptAddOperation(); |
| final bitAnd = const JavaScriptBinaryBitOperation(const BitAndOperation()); |
| final bitNot = const JavaScriptBitNotOperation(); |
| final bitOr = const JavaScriptBinaryBitOperation(const BitOrOperation()); |
| final bitXor = const JavaScriptBinaryBitOperation(const BitXorOperation()); |
| final booleanAnd = const BooleanAndOperation(); |
| final booleanOr = const BooleanOrOperation(); |
| final divide = |
| const JavaScriptBinaryArithmeticOperation(const DivideOperation()); |
| final equal = const EqualsOperation(); |
| final greaterEqual = const GreaterEqualOperation(); |
| final greater = const GreaterOperation(); |
| final identity = const JavaScriptIdentityOperation(); |
| final ifNull = const IfNullOperation(); |
| final lessEqual = const LessEqualOperation(); |
| final less = const LessOperation(); |
| final modulo = |
| const JavaScriptBinaryArithmeticOperation(const ModuloOperation()); |
| final multiply = |
| const JavaScriptBinaryArithmeticOperation(const MultiplyOperation()); |
| final negate = const JavaScriptNegateOperation(); |
| final not = const NotOperation(); |
| final shiftLeft = |
| const JavaScriptBinaryBitOperation(const ShiftLeftOperation()); |
| final shiftRight = const JavaScriptShiftRightOperation(); |
| final subtract = |
| const JavaScriptBinaryArithmeticOperation(const SubtractOperation()); |
| final truncatingDivide = const JavaScriptBinaryArithmeticOperation( |
| const TruncatingDivideOperation()); |
| final codeUnitAt = const CodeUnitAtRuntimeOperation(); |
| final round = const JavaScriptRoundOperation(); |
| |
| const JavaScriptConstantSystem(); |
| |
| /** |
| * Returns true if [value] will turn into NaN or infinity |
| * at runtime. |
| */ |
| bool integerBecomesNanOrInfinity(int value) { |
| double doubleValue = value.toDouble(); |
| return doubleValue.isNaN || doubleValue.isInfinite; |
| } |
| |
| NumConstantValue convertToJavaScriptConstant(NumConstantValue constant) { |
| if (constant.isInt) { |
| IntConstantValue intConstant = constant; |
| int intValue = intConstant.primitiveValue; |
| if (integerBecomesNanOrInfinity(intValue)) { |
| return new DoubleConstantValue(intValue.toDouble()); |
| } |
| // If the integer loses precision with JavaScript numbers, use |
| // the floored version JavaScript will use. |
| int floorValue = intValue.toDouble().floor().toInt(); |
| if (floorValue != intValue) { |
| return new IntConstantValue(floorValue); |
| } |
| } else if (constant.isDouble) { |
| DoubleConstantValue doubleResult = constant; |
| double doubleValue = doubleResult.primitiveValue; |
| if (!doubleValue.isInfinite && |
| !doubleValue.isNaN && |
| !constant.isMinusZero) { |
| int intValue = doubleValue.truncate(); |
| if (intValue == doubleValue) { |
| return new IntConstantValue(intValue); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return constant; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| NumConstantValue createInt(int i) { |
| return convertToJavaScriptConstant(new IntConstantValue(i)); |
| } |
| |
| NumConstantValue createInt32(int i) => new IntConstantValue(i & BITS32); |
| NumConstantValue createDouble(double d) => |
| convertToJavaScriptConstant(new DoubleConstantValue(d)); |
| StringConstantValue createString(DartString string) { |
| return new StringConstantValue(string); |
| } |
| |
| BoolConstantValue createBool(bool value) => new BoolConstantValue(value); |
| NullConstantValue createNull() => new NullConstantValue(); |
| |
| @override |
| ListConstantValue createList(InterfaceType type, List<ConstantValue> values) { |
| return new ListConstantValue(type, values); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| ConstantValue createType(Compiler compiler, DartType type) { |
| return new TypeConstantValue( |
| type, |
| compiler.backend.backendClasses.typeImplementation |
| .computeType(compiler.resolution)); |
| } |
| |
| // Integer checks report true for -0.0, INFINITY, and -INFINITY. At |
| // runtime an 'X is int' check is implemented as: |
| // |
| // typeof(X) === "number" && Math.floor(X) === X |
| // |
| // We consistently match that runtime semantics at compile time as well. |
| bool isInt(ConstantValue constant) { |
| return constant.isInt || |
| constant.isMinusZero || |
| constant.isPositiveInfinity || |
| constant.isNegativeInfinity; |
| } |
| |
| bool isDouble(ConstantValue constant) => |
| constant.isDouble && !constant.isMinusZero; |
| bool isString(ConstantValue constant) => constant.isString; |
| bool isBool(ConstantValue constant) => constant.isBool; |
| bool isNull(ConstantValue constant) => constant.isNull; |
| |
| bool isSubtype(DartTypes types, DartType s, DartType t) { |
| // At runtime, an integer is both an integer and a double: the |
| // integer type check is Math.floor, which will return true only |
| // for real integers, and our double type check is 'typeof number' |
| // which will return true for both integers and doubles. |
| if (s == types.commonElements.intType && |
| t == types.commonElements.doubleType) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| return types.isSubtype(s, t); |
| } |
| |
| MapConstantValue createMap(Compiler compiler, InterfaceType sourceType, |
| List<ConstantValue> keys, List<ConstantValue> values) { |
| JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend; |
| CommonElements commonElements = compiler.commonElements; |
| |
| bool onlyStringKeys = true; |
| ConstantValue protoValue = null; |
| for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { |
| var key = keys[i]; |
| if (key.isString) { |
| if (key.primitiveValue == JavaScriptMapConstant.PROTO_PROPERTY) { |
| protoValue = values[i]; |
| } |
| } else { |
| onlyStringKeys = false; |
| // Don't handle __proto__ values specially in the general map case. |
| protoValue = null; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool hasProtoKey = (protoValue != null); |
| DartType keysType; |
| if (sourceType.treatAsRaw) { |
| keysType = commonElements.listType(); |
| } else { |
| keysType = commonElements.listType(sourceType.typeArguments.first); |
| } |
| ListConstantValue keysList = new ListConstantValue(keysType, keys); |
| String className = onlyStringKeys |
| ? (hasProtoKey |
| ? JavaScriptMapConstant.DART_PROTO_CLASS |
| : JavaScriptMapConstant.DART_STRING_CLASS) |
| : JavaScriptMapConstant.DART_GENERAL_CLASS; |
| ClassElement classElement = backend.helpers.jsHelperLibrary.find(className); |
| classElement.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution); |
| List<DartType> typeArgument = sourceType.typeArguments; |
| InterfaceType type; |
| if (sourceType.treatAsRaw) { |
| type = classElement.rawType; |
| } else { |
| type = new InterfaceType(classElement, typeArgument); |
| } |
| return new JavaScriptMapConstant( |
| type, keysList, values, protoValue, onlyStringKeys); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| ConstantValue createSymbol(Compiler compiler, String text) { |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Create a backend agnostic value. |
| JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend; |
| ClassElement symbolClass = backend.helpers.symbolImplementationClass; |
| InterfaceType type = symbolClass.rawType; |
| ConstantValue argument = createString(new DartString.literal(text)); |
| Map<FieldElement, ConstantValue> fields = <FieldElement, ConstantValue>{}; |
| symbolClass.forEachInstanceField( |
| (ClassElement enclosingClass, FieldElement field) { |
| fields[field] = argument; |
| }, includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true); |
| assert(fields.length == 1); |
| return new ConstructedConstantValue(type, fields); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class JavaScriptMapConstant extends MapConstantValue { |
| /** |
| * The [PROTO_PROPERTY] must not be used as normal property in any JavaScript |
| * object. It would change the prototype chain. |
| */ |
| static const LiteralDartString PROTO_PROPERTY = |
| const LiteralDartString("__proto__"); |
| |
| /** The dart class implementing constant map literals. */ |
| static const String DART_CLASS = "ConstantMap"; |
| static const String DART_STRING_CLASS = "ConstantStringMap"; |
| static const String DART_PROTO_CLASS = "ConstantProtoMap"; |
| static const String DART_GENERAL_CLASS = "GeneralConstantMap"; |
| static const String LENGTH_NAME = "_length"; |
| static const String JS_OBJECT_NAME = "_jsObject"; |
| static const String KEYS_NAME = "_keys"; |
| static const String PROTO_VALUE = "_protoValue"; |
| static const String JS_DATA_NAME = "_jsData"; |
| |
| final ListConstantValue keyList; |
| final ConstantValue protoValue; |
| final bool onlyStringKeys; |
| |
| JavaScriptMapConstant(InterfaceType type, ListConstantValue keyList, |
| List<ConstantValue> values, this.protoValue, this.onlyStringKeys) |
| : this.keyList = keyList, |
| super(type, keyList.entries, values); |
| bool get isMap => true; |
| |
| List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() { |
| List<ConstantValue> result = <ConstantValue>[]; |
| if (onlyStringKeys) { |
| result.add(keyList); |
| } else { |
| // Add the keys individually to avoid generating an unused list constant |
| // for the keys. |
| result.addAll(keys); |
| } |
| result.addAll(values); |
| return result; |
| } |
| } |