blob: f341977dbdd4ff09c2de0489aad02bedcec9742d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=
// VMOptions=--print-object-histogram
// Smoke test of the dart2js compiler API.
library dummy_compiler;
import 'dart:async';
import '../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/compiler.dart';
Future<String> provider(Uri uri) {
String source;
if (uri.scheme == "main") {
source = "main() {}";
} else if (uri.scheme == "lib") {
if (uri.path.endsWith("/core.dart")) {
source = """
library core;
class Object {
operator==(other) {}
get hashCode => throw 'Object.hashCode not implemented.';
class Type {}
class bool {}
class num {}
class int {}
class double{}
class String{}
class Function{}
class List {}
class Map {}
class Closure {}
class BoundClosure {}
class Dynamic_ {}
class Null {}
class StackTrace {}
class LinkedHashMap {}
identical(a, b) => true;
getRuntimeTypeInfo(o) {}
setRuntimeTypeInfo(o, i) {}
eqNull(a) {}
eqNullB(a) {}""";
} else if (uri.path.endsWith('_patch.dart')) {
source = '';
} else if (uri.path.endsWith('interceptors.dart')) {
source = """
class Interceptor {
operator==(other) {}
get hashCode => throw 'Interceptor.hashCode not implemented.';
class JSIndexable {
get length;
class JSMutableIndexable {}
class JSArray implements JSIndexable {
var removeLast;
var add;
class JSMutableArray extends JSArray {}
class JSFixedArray extends JSMutableArray {}
class JSExtendableArray extends JSMutableArray {}
class JSString implements JSIndexable {
var split;
var concat;
var toString;
class JSFunction {}
class JSInt {}
class JSDouble {}
class JSNumber {}
class JSNull {}
class JSBool {}
getDispatchProperty(o) {}
setDispatchProperty(o, v) {}""";
} else if (uri.path.endsWith('js_helper.dart')) {
source = 'library jshelper; class JSInvocationMirror {} '
'class ConstantMap {} class TypeImpl {} '
'createRuntimeType(String name) => null;';
} else if (uri.path.endsWith('isolate_helper.dart')) {
source = 'library isolatehelper; class _WorkerStub {}';
} else {
source = "library lib;";
} else {
throw "unexpected URI $uri";
return new Future.value(source);
void handler(Uri uri, int begin, int end, String message, Diagnostic kind) {
if (uri == null) {
print('$kind: $message');
} else {
print('$uri:$begin:$end: $kind: $message');
main() {
Future<String> result =
compile(new Uri(scheme: 'main'),
new Uri(scheme: 'lib', path: '/'),
new Uri(scheme: 'package', path: '/'),
provider, handler);
result.then((String code) {
if (code == null) {
throw 'Compilation failed';
}, onError: (e) {
throw 'Compilation failed';