blob: 92c2ee2ca7718eb16f8e2e8673408b8090a0ae47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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import "package:expect/expect.dart";
* Test various forms of function literals.
typedef int IntFunc(int);
class FunctionLiteralsTest {
static void checkIntFunction(expected, int f(x), arg) {
Expect.equals(expected, f(arg));
static void checkIntFuncFunction(expected, IntFunc f(x), arg) {
Expect.equals(expected, f(arg)(arg));
int func1(int x) => x;
int func2(x) => x;
int func3(int x) {
return x;
int func4(x) {
return x;
FunctionLiteralsTest() {}
static void testMain() {
var test = new FunctionLiteralsTest();
void testArrow() {
checkIntFunction(42, (x) => x, 42);
checkIntFunction(42, (int x) => x, 42);
void testArrowArrow() {
checkIntFuncFunction(84, (x) => (y) => x+y, 42);
checkIntFuncFunction(84, (int x) => (y) => x+y, 42);
checkIntFuncFunction(84, (x) => (y) => x+y, 42);
checkIntFuncFunction(84, (int x) => (y) => x+y, 42);
void testArrowBlock() {
checkIntFuncFunction(84, (x) => (y) { return x+y; }, 42);
checkIntFuncFunction(84, (int x) => (y) { return x+y; }, 42);
void testBlock() {
checkIntFunction(42, (x) { return x; }, 42);
checkIntFunction(42, (int x) { return x; }, 42);
void testBlockArrow() {
checkIntFuncFunction(84, (x) { return (y) => x+y; }, 42);
checkIntFuncFunction(84, (int x) { return (y) => x+y; }, 42);
void testBlockBlock() {
checkIntFuncFunction(84, (x) { return (y) { return x+y; }; }, 42);
checkIntFuncFunction(84, (int x) { return (y) { return x+y; }; }, 42);
void testFunctionRef() {
checkIntFunction(42, func1, 42);
checkIntFunction(42, func2, 42);
checkIntFunction(42, func3, 42);
checkIntFunction(42, func4, 42);
main() {