blob: fa0c313c662d03e8063a852e028956b8d5c9a7e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library trace;
import 'dart:uri';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'frame.dart';
final _patchRegExp = new RegExp(r"-patch$");
/// A stack trace, comprised of a list of stack frames.
class Trace implements StackTrace {
// TODO(nweiz): make this read-only once issue 8321 is fixed.
/// The stack frames that comprise this stack trace.
final List<Frame> frames;
/// Returns a human-readable representation of [stackTrace]. If [terse] is
/// set, this folds together multiple stack frames from the Dart core
/// libraries, so that only the core library method directly called from user
/// code is visible (see [Trace.terse]).
static String format(StackTrace stackTrace, {bool terse: true}) {
var trace = new Trace.from(stackTrace);
if (terse) trace = trace.terse;
return trace.toString();
/// Returns the current stack trace.
/// By default, the first frame of this trace will be the line where
/// [Trace.current] is called. If [level] is passed, the trace will start that
/// many frames up instead.
factory Trace.current([int level=0]) {
if (level < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError("Argument [level] must be greater than or equal "
"to 0.");
try {
throw '';
} catch (_, nativeTrace) {
var trace = new Trace.from(nativeTrace);
return new Trace(trace.frames.skip(level + 1));
/// Returns a new stack trace containing the same data as [trace].
/// If [trace] is a native [StackTrace], its data will be parsed out; if it's
/// a [Trace], it will be returned as-is.
factory Trace.from(StackTrace trace) {
if (trace is Trace) return trace;
return new Trace.parse(trace.toString());
/// Parses a string representation of a stack trace.
/// [trace] should be formatted in the same way as native stack traces.
Trace.parse(String trace)
: this(trace.trim().split("\n").map((line) => new Frame.parse(line)));
/// Returns a new [Trace] comprised of [frames].
Trace(Iterable<Frame> frames)
: frames = frames.toList();
// TODO(nweiz): Keep track of which [Frame]s are part of the partial stack
// trace and only print them.
/// Returns a string representation of this stack trace.
/// This is identical to [toString]. It will not be formatted in the manner of
/// native stack traces.
String get stackTrace => toString();
/// Returns a string representation of this stack trace.
/// This is identical to [toString]. It will not be formatted in the manner of
/// native stack traces.
String get fullStackTrace => toString();
/// Returns a terser version of [this]. This is accomplished by folding
/// together multiple stack frames from the core library, as in [foldFrames].
/// Core library patches are also renamed to remove their `-patch` suffix.
Trace get terse {
return new Trace(foldFrames((frame) => frame.isCore) {
if (!frame.isCore) return frame;
var library = frame.library.replaceAll(_patchRegExp, '');
return new Frame(
Uri.parse(library), frame.line, frame.column, frame.member);
/// Returns a new [Trace] based on [this] where multiple stack frames matching
/// [predicate] are folded together. This means that whenever there are
/// multiple frames in a row that match [predicate], only the last one is
/// kept.
/// This is useful for limiting the amount of library code that appears in a
/// stack trace by only showing user code and code that's called by user code.
Trace foldFrames(bool predicate(frame)) {
var newFrames = <Frame>[];
for (var frame in frames.reversed) {
if (!predicate(frame)) {
} else if (newFrames.isEmpty || !predicate(newFrames.last)) {
newFrames.add(new Frame(
frame.uri, frame.line, frame.column, frame.member));
return new Trace(newFrames.reversed);
/// Returns a human-readable string representation of [this].
String toString() {
if (frames.length == '') return '';
// Figure out the longest path so we know how much to pad.
var longest = => frame.location.length).reduce(math.max);
// Print out the stack trace nicely formatted.
return {
return '${_padRight(frame.location, longest)} ${frame.member}\n';
/// Returns [string] with enough spaces added to the end to make it [length]
/// characters long.
String _padRight(String string, int length) {
if (string.length >= length) return string;
var result = new StringBuffer();
for (var i = 0; i < length - string.length; i++) {
result.write(' ');
return result.toString();