blob: 09d3cc900f8eb45b1210b34d76099b048d30fd74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library front_end.test.src.multi_root_file_system.dart;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:build_integration/file_system/multi_root.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/memory_file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/file_system.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
var root = Uri.parse('org-dartlang-test:///');
main() {
late MemoryFileSystem memoryFs;
late MultiRootFileSystem multiRoot;
write(String multiRoot, String path) {
var realPath = multiRoot == '' ? path : '$multiRoot/$path';
var uri = root.resolve(realPath);
Future<String> read(String uri) =>
Future<bool> exists(String uri) =>
Future<String> effectiveUriOf(String uri) async =>
(await (multiRoot.entityForUri(Uri.parse(uri))
as MultiRootFileSystemEntity)
setUp(() {
memoryFs = new MemoryFileSystem(root);
final rootUris = ['r1', 'r2/', 'A/B/', ''].map((r) => root.resolve(r)).toList();
multiRoot = new MultiRootFileSystem('multi-root', rootUris, memoryFs);
test('roots are normalized', () async {
expect( => x.path).toList(),
['/r1/', '/r2/', '/A/B/', '/']);
test('file URIs are not converted', () async {
write('r1', 'a/b/1.dart');
write('', 'a/b/1.dart');
expect(await effectiveUriOf('org-dartlang-test:///a/b/1.dart'),
test('only URIs with the marker scheme are converted', () async {
write('r1', 'a/b/2.dart');
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///a/b/2.dart'),
expect(await effectiveUriOf('foo-root:///a/b/2.dart'),
test('roots are visited in declaration order (match first root)', () async {
write('r1', 'a/3.dart');
write('r2', 'a/3.dart');
write('', 'a/3.dart');
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///a/3.dart'),
test('roots are visited in declaration order (match second root)', () async {
write('r2', 'a/4.dart');
write('', 'a/4.dart');
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///a/4.dart'),
test('roots are visited in declaration order (match last root)', () async {
write('', 'a/5.dart');
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///a/5.dart'),
test('operations are forwarded to the correct target', () async {
write('r1', 'a/6.dart');
write('r2', 'a/6.dart');
write('r2', 'a/7.dart');
expect(await exists('multi-root:///a/6.dart'), isTrue);
expect(await read('multi-root:///a/6.dart'),
expect(await exists('multi-root:///a/7.dart'), isTrue);
expect(await read('multi-root:///a/7.dart'),
expect(await exists('org-dartlang-test:///r2/a/7.dart'), isTrue);
expect(await read('org-dartlang-test:///r2/a/7.dart'),
expect(await exists('multi-root:///a/8.dart'), isFalse);
test('multi-root expects absolute paths', () async {
write('A/B', 'a/8.dart');
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///a/8.dart'),
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///../B/a/8.dart'),
// Embedding the full absolute path after a few `..` gets resolved because
// we have also included '' as a root.
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///../A/B/a/8.dart'),
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///../../A/B/a/8.dart'),
// If we remove '' as a root, those URIs are not resolved.
multiRoot =
new MultiRootFileSystem('multi-root', [root.resolve('A/B/')], memoryFs);
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///../A/B/a/8.dart'),
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///../../A/B/a/8.dart'),
test('multi-root handles all multi-root scheme uris, even if missing',
() async {
expect(await effectiveUriOf('multi-root:///doesnt/exist.dart'),
expect(await exists('multi-root:///doesnt/exist.dart'), isFalse);
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<FileSystemException>()
.having((e) => e.message, 'message', 'File not found')
.having((e) => e.uri, 'uri',