blob: ddaf345e425b5fd437b5affc048c8ab309f6bc1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "bin/io_natives.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bin/builtin.h"
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
// Lists the native functions implementing advanced dart:io classes.
// Some classes, like File and Directory, list their implementations in
// instead.
#define IO_NATIVE_LIST(V) \
V(Common_IsBuiltinList, 1) \
V(Crypto_GetRandomBytes, 1) \
V(EventHandler_Start, 1) \
V(EventHandler_SendData, 4) \
V(Filter_CreateZLibDeflate, 3) \
V(Filter_CreateZLibInflate, 1) \
V(Filter_End, 1) \
V(Filter_Process, 2) \
V(Filter_Processed, 2) \
V(InternetAddress_Fixed, 1) \
V(Platform_NumberOfProcessors, 0) \
V(Platform_OperatingSystem, 0) \
V(Platform_PathSeparator, 0) \
V(Platform_LocalHostname, 0) \
V(Platform_Environment, 0) \
V(Process_Start, 10) \
V(Process_Kill, 3) \
V(Process_SetExitCode, 1) \
V(Process_Exit, 1) \
V(Process_Sleep, 1) \
V(Process_Pid, 1) \
V(ServerSocket_CreateBindListen, 4) \
V(ServerSocket_Accept, 2) \
V(Socket_CreateConnect, 3) \
V(Socket_Available, 1) \
V(Socket_Read, 2) \
V(Socket_ReadList, 4) \
V(Socket_WriteList, 4) \
V(Socket_GetPort, 1) \
V(Socket_GetRemotePeer, 1) \
V(Socket_GetError, 1) \
V(Socket_GetStdioHandle, 2) \
V(Socket_NewServicePort, 0) \
V(Socket_GetType, 1) \
V(Socket_SetOption, 3) \
V(SecureSocket_Connect, 8) \
V(SecureSocket_Destroy, 1) \
V(SecureSocket_Handshake, 1) \
V(SecureSocket_Init, 1) \
V(SecureSocket_PeerCertificate, 1) \
V(SecureSocket_ProcessBuffer, 2) \
V(SecureSocket_RegisterBadCertificateCallback, 2) \
V(SecureSocket_RegisterHandshakeCompleteCallback, 2) \
V(SecureSocket_InitializeLibrary, 3) \
V(StringToSystemEncoding, 1) \
V(SystemEncodingToString, 1)
static struct NativeEntries {
const char* name_;
Dart_NativeFunction function_;
int argument_count_;
} IOEntries[] = {
Dart_NativeFunction IONativeLookup(Dart_Handle name,
int argument_count) {
const char* function_name = NULL;
Dart_Handle result = Dart_StringToCString(name, &function_name);
ASSERT(function_name != NULL);
int num_entries = sizeof(IOEntries) / sizeof(struct NativeEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
struct NativeEntries* entry = &(IOEntries[i]);
if (!strcmp(function_name, entry->name_) &&
(entry->argument_count_ == argument_count)) {
return reinterpret_cast<Dart_NativeFunction>(entry->function_);
return NULL;
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart