blob: f1d1aad79cc55d4bf1e40d7b7a1b9d8c48bff063 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(gram):
// Unfortunately I can't seem to test anything that involves timeouts, e.g.
// insufficient callbacks, because the timeout is controlled externally
// (test.dart?), and we would need to use a shorter timeout for the inner tests
// so the outer timeout doesn't fire. So I removed all such tests.
// I'd like to revisit this at some point.
library unittestTest;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
Future _defer(void fn()) {
return new Future.sync(fn);
String buildStatusString(int passed, int failed, int errors,
var results,
{int count: 0,
String setup: '', String teardown: '',
String uncaughtError: null,
String message: ''}) {
var totalTests = 0;
var testDetails = new StringBuffer();
if(results == null) {
// no op
assert(message == '');
} else if (results is String) {
totalTests = passed + failed + errors;
} else {
totalTests = results.length;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
return '$passed:$failed:$errors:$totalTests:$count:'
class TestConfiguration extends Configuration {
// Some test state that is captured
int count = 0; // a count of callbacks
String setup = ''; // the name of the test group setup function, if any
String teardown = ''; // the name of the test group teardown function, if any
// The port to communicate with the parent isolate
final SendPort _port;
String _result;
void onSummary(int passed, int failed, int errors, List<TestCase> results,
String uncaughtError) {
_result = buildStatusString(passed, failed, errors, results,
count: count, setup: setup, teardown: teardown,
uncaughtError: uncaughtError);
void onDone(bool success) {
makeDelayedSetup(index, s) => () {
return new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds:1), () {
s.write('l$index U ');
makeDelayedTeardown(index, s) => () {
return new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds:1), () {
s.write('l$index D ');
makeImmediateSetup(index, s) => () {
s.write('l$index U ');
makeImmediateTeardown(index, s) => () {
s.write('l$index D ');
runTest() {
port.receive((String testName, sendport) {
var testConfig = new TestConfiguration(sendport);
unittestConfiguration = testConfig;
if (testName == 'single correct test') {
test(testName, () => expect(2 + 3, equals(5)));
} else if (testName == 'single failing test') {
test(testName, () => expect(2 + 2, equals(5)));
} else if (testName == 'exception test') {
test(testName, () { throw new Exception('Fail.'); });
} else if (testName == 'group name test') {
group('a', () {
test('a', () {});
group('b', () {
test('b', () {});
} else if (testName == 'setup test') {
group('a', () {
setUp(() { testConfig.setup = 'setup'; });
test(testName, () {});
} else if (testName == 'teardown test') {
group('a', () {
tearDown(() { testConfig.teardown = 'teardown'; });
test(testName, () {});
} else if (testName == 'setup and teardown test') {
group('a', () {
setUp(() { testConfig.setup = 'setup'; });
tearDown(() { testConfig.teardown = 'teardown'; });
test(testName, () {});
} else if (testName == 'correct callback test') {
() =>_defer(expectAsync0((){ ++testConfig.count;})));
} else if (testName == 'excess callback test') {
test(testName, () {
var _callback0 = expectAsync0(() => ++testConfig.count);
var _callback1 = expectAsync0(() => ++testConfig.count);
var _callback2 = expectAsync0(() {
} else if (testName == 'completion test') {
test(testName, () {
var _callback;
_callback = expectAsyncUntil0(() {
if (++testConfig.count < 10) {
() => (testConfig.count == 10));
} else if (testName == 'async exception test') {
test(testName, () {
expectAsync0(() {});
_defer(() => guardAsync(() { throw "error!"; }));
} else if (testName == 'late exception test') {
var f;
test('testOne', () {
f = expectAsync0(() {});
test('testTwo', () {
_defer(expectAsync0(() { f(); }));
} else if (testName == 'middle exception test') {
test('testOne', () { expect(true, isTrue); });
test('testTwo', () { expect(true, isFalse); });
test('testThree', () {
var done = expectAsync0((){});
_defer(() {
expect(true, isTrue);
} else if (testName == 'async setup/teardown test') {
group('good setup/good teardown', () {
setUp(() {
return new Future.value(0);
tearDown(() {
return new Future.value(0);
test('foo1', (){});
group('good setup/bad teardown', () {
setUp(() {
return new Future.value(0);
tearDown(() {
return new Future.error("Failed to complete tearDown");
test('foo2', (){});
group('bad setup/good teardown', () {
setUp(() {
return new Future.error("Failed to complete setUp");
tearDown(() {
return new Future.value(0);
test('foo3', (){});
group('bad setup/bad teardown', () {
setUp(() {
return new Future.error("Failed to complete setUp");
tearDown(() {
return new Future.error("Failed to complete tearDown");
test('foo4', (){});
// The next test is just to make sure we make steady progress
// through the tests.
test('post groups', () {});
} else if (testName == 'test returning future') {
test("successful", () {
return _defer(() {
expect(true, true);
// We repeat the fail and error tests, because during development
// I had a situation where either worked fine on their own, and
// error/fail worked, but fail/error would time out.
test("error1", () {
var callback = expectAsync0((){});
var excesscallback = expectAsync0((){});
return _defer(() {
test("fail1", () {
return _defer(() {
expect(true, false);
test("error2", () {
var callback = expectAsync0((){});
var excesscallback = expectAsync0((){});
return _defer(() {
test("fail2", () {
return _defer(() {
test('foo5', () {
} else if (testName == 'test returning future using Timer') {
test("successful", () {
return _defer(() { {
guardAsync(() {
expect(true, true);
test("fail1", () {
var callback = expectAsync0((){});
return _defer(() { {
guardAsync(() {
expect(true, false);
test('error1', () {
var callback = expectAsync0((){});
var excesscallback = expectAsync0((){});
return _defer(() { {
guardAsync(() {
test("fail2", () {
var callback = expectAsync0((){});
return _defer(() { {
guardAsync(() {
test('error2', () {
var callback = expectAsync0((){});
var excesscallback = expectAsync0((){});
return _defer(() { {
guardAsync(() {
test('foo6', () {
} else if (testName == 'testCases immutable') {
test(testName, () {
expect(() => testCases.clear(), throwsUnsupportedError);
expect(() => testCases.removeLast(), throwsUnsupportedError);
} else if (testName == 'runTests without tests') {
} else if (testName == 'nested groups setup/teardown') {
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
group('level 1', () {
setUp(makeDelayedSetup(1, s));
group('level 2', () {
setUp(makeImmediateSetup(2, s));
tearDown(makeDelayedTeardown(2, s));
group('level 3', () {
group('level 4', () {
setUp(makeDelayedSetup(4, s));
tearDown(makeImmediateTeardown(4, s));
group('level 5', () {
setUp(makeImmediateSetup(5, s));
group('level 6', () {
tearDown(makeDelayedTeardown(6, s));
test('inner', () {});
test('after nest', () {
expect(s.toString(), "l1 U l2 U l4 U l5 U l6 D l4 D l2 D ");
} else if (testName == 'skipped/soloed nested groups with setup/teardown') {
StringBuffer s = null;
setUp(() {
if (s == null)
s = new StringBuffer();
test('top level', () {
skip_test('skipped top level', () {
skip_group('skipped top level group', () {
setUp(() {
solo_test('skipped solo nested test', () {
group('non-solo group', () {
setUp(() {
test('in non-solo group', () {
solo_test('solo_test in non-solo group', () {
solo_group('solo group', () {
setUp(() {
test('solo group non-solo test', () {
solo_test('solo group solo test', () {
group('nested non-solo group in solo group', () {
test('nested non-solo group non-solo test', () {
solo_test('nested non-solo group solo test', () {
solo_test('final', () {
expect(s.toString(), "EGHIHJHKHL");
main() {
var tests = {
'single correct test': buildStatusString(1, 0, 0, 'single correct test'),
'single failing test': buildStatusString(0, 1, 0, 'single failing test',
message: 'Expected: <5> but: was <4>.'),
'exception test': buildStatusString(0, 1, 0, 'exception test',
message: 'Caught Exception: Fail.'),
'group name test': buildStatusString(2, 0, 0, 'a a::a b b'),
'setup test': buildStatusString(1, 0, 0, 'a setup test',
count: 0, setup: 'setup'),
'teardown test': buildStatusString(1, 0, 0, 'a teardown test',
count: 0, setup: '', teardown: 'teardown'),
'setup and teardown test': buildStatusString(1, 0, 0,
'a setup and teardown test', count: 0, setup: 'setup',
teardown: 'teardown'),
'correct callback test': buildStatusString(1, 0, 0, 'correct callback test',
count: 1),
'excess callback test': buildStatusString(0, 1, 0, 'excess callback test',
count: 1, message: 'Callback called more times than expected (1).'),
'completion test': buildStatusString(1, 0, 0, 'completion test', count: 10),
'async exception test': buildStatusString(0, 1, 0, 'async exception test',
message: 'Caught error!'),
'late exception test': buildStatusString(1, 0, 1, 'testOne',
message: 'Callback called (2) after test case testOne has already '
'been marked as pass.:testTwo:'),
'middle exception test': buildStatusString(2, 1, 0,
'testOne::testTwo:Expected: false but: was <true>.:testThree'),
'async setup/teardown test': buildStatusString(2, 0, 3,
'good setup/good teardown foo1::'
'good setup/bad teardown foo2:good setup/bad teardown '
'foo2: Test teardown failed: Failed to complete tearDown:'
'bad setup/good teardown foo3:bad setup/good teardown '
'foo3: Test setup failed: Failed to complete setUp:'
'bad setup/bad teardown foo4:bad setup/bad teardown '
'foo4: Test teardown failed: Failed to complete tearDown:'
'post groups'),
'test returning future': buildStatusString(2, 4, 0,
'error1:Callback called more times than expected (1).:'
'fail1:Expected: <false> but: was <true>.:'
'error2:Callback called more times than expected (1).:'
'test returning future using Timer': buildStatusString(2, 4, 0,
'fail1:Expected: <false> but: was <true>.:'
'error1:Callback called more times than expected (1).:'
'error2:Callback called more times than expected (1).:'
'testCases immutable':
buildStatusString(1, 0, 0, 'testCases immutable'),
'runTests without tests': buildStatusString(0, 0, 0, null),
'nested groups setup/teardown':
buildStatusString(2, 0, 0,
'level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level 5 level 6 inner::'
'after nest'),
'skipped/soloed nested groups with setup/teardown':
buildStatusString(6, 0, 0,
'non-solo group solo_test in non-solo group::'
'solo group solo group non-solo test::'
'solo group solo group solo test::'
'solo group nested non-solo group in solo group nested non-'
'solo group non-solo test::'
'solo group nested non-solo group in solo'
' group nested non-solo group solo test::'
tests.forEach((String name, String expected) {
test(name, () => spawnFunction(runTest)
.then((String msg) => expect(msg.trim(), equals(expected))));