blob: a1db07f09d4d4c090f251bf128d75b2957caa785 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Helper functions for parsing output of `--print-instructions-sizes-to` flag.
library vm_snapshot_analysis.instruction_sizes;
import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/name.dart';
import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/program_info.dart';
/// Parse the output of `--print-instructions-sizes-to` saved in the given
/// file [input].
List<SymbolInfo> fromJson(List<dynamic> json) {
return json
.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()
.toList(growable: false);
/// Parse the output of `--print-instructions-sizes-to` saved in the given
/// file [input] into [ProgramInfo] structure representing the sizes
/// of individual functions.
/// If [collapseAnonymousClosures] is set to [true] then all anonymous closures
/// within the same scopes are collapsed together. Collapsing closures is
/// helpful when comparing symbol sizes between two versions of the same
/// program because in general there is no reliable way to recognize the same
/// anonymous closures into two independent compilations.
ProgramInfo loadProgramInfo(List<dynamic> json,
{bool collapseAnonymousClosures = false}) {
final symbols = fromJson(json);
return toProgramInfo(symbols,
collapseAnonymousClosures: collapseAnonymousClosures);
/// Information about the size of the instruction object.
class SymbolInfo {
/// Name of the code object (`Code::QualifiedName`) owning these instructions.
final Name name;
/// If this instructions object originated from a function then [libraryUri]
/// will contain uri of the library of that function.
final String? libraryUri;
/// If this instructions object originated from a function then [className]
/// would contain name of the class owning that function.
final String? className;
/// Size of the instructions object in bytes.
final int size;
{required String name,
required this.size})
: name = Name(name);
static SymbolInfo _fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return SymbolInfo(
libraryUri: map['l'],
className: map['c'],
name: map['n'],
size: map['s']);
/// Restore hierarchical [ProgramInfo] representation from the list of
/// symbols by parsing function names.
/// If [collapseAnonymousClosures] is set to [true] then all anonymous closures
/// within the same scopes are collapsed together. Collapsing closures is
/// helpful when comparing symbol sizes between two versions of the same
/// program because in general there is no reliable way to recognize the same
/// anonymous closures into two independent compilations.
ProgramInfo toProgramInfo(List<SymbolInfo> symbols,
{bool collapseAnonymousClosures = false}) {
final program = ProgramInfo();
for (var sym in symbols) {
final scrubbed =;
final libraryUri = sym.libraryUri;
// Handle stubs specially.
if (libraryUri == null) {
final node = program.makeNode(
name: scrubbed, parent: program.stubs, type: NodeType.functionNode);
assert(node.size == null ||;
node.size = (node.size ?? 0) + sym.size;
// Split the name into components (names of individual functions).
final path =;
var node = program.root;
final package = packageOf(libraryUri);
if (package != libraryUri) {
node = program.makeNode(
name: package, parent: node, type: NodeType.packageNode);
node = program.makeNode(
name: libraryUri, parent: node, type: NodeType.libraryNode);
node = program.makeNode(
name: sym.className!, parent: node, type: NodeType.classNode);
node = program.makeNode(
name: path.first, parent: node, type: NodeType.functionNode);
for (var name in path.skip(1)) {
if (collapseAnonymousClosures) {
name = Name.collapse(name);
node = program.makeNode(
name: name, parent: node, type: NodeType.functionNode);
node.size = (node.size ?? 0) + sym.size;
return program;