blob: e131472f0ea01e30d571e2a9473599def7a5b312 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library docgen.model_helpers;
import 'dart:collection';
import '../exports/dart2js_mirrors.dart' as dart2js_mirrors;
import '../exports/mirrors_util.dart' as dart2js_util;
import '../exports/source_mirrors.dart';
import '../exports/libraries.dart';
import '../library_helpers.dart' show includePrivateMembers;
import '../package_helpers.dart';
import 'annotation.dart';
import 'generic.dart';
import 'indexable.dart';
import 'library.dart';
import 'method.dart';
import 'parameter.dart';
import 'variable.dart';
String getLibraryDocName(LibraryMirror mirror) {
var dotsFixed = dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(mirror).replaceAll('.', '-');
if (dotsFixed.startsWith('dart-dom-')) {
return dotsFixed.replaceFirst("dart-dom-", "dart:");
} else if (dotsFixed.startsWith("dart-")) {
return dotsFixed.replaceFirst("dart-", "dart:");
} else {
return dotsFixed;
/// Expand the method map [mapToExpand] into a more detailed map that
/// separates out setters, getters, constructors, operators, and methods.
Map expandMethodMap(Map<String, Method> mapToExpand) => {
'setters': recurseMap(_filterMap(mapToExpand,
(key, val) => val.mirror.isSetter)),
'getters': recurseMap(_filterMap(mapToExpand,
(key, val) => val.mirror.isGetter)),
'constructors': recurseMap(_filterMap(mapToExpand,
(key, val) => val.mirror.isConstructor)),
'operators': recurseMap(_filterMap(mapToExpand,
(key, val) => val.mirror.isOperator)),
'methods': recurseMap(_filterMap(mapToExpand,
(key, val) => val.mirror.isRegularMethod && !val.mirror.isOperator))
String getDefaultValue(ParameterMirror mirror) {
if (!mirror.hasDefaultValue) return null;
return '${mirror.defaultValue}';
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use the `ConstExp` classes instead of `ResolvedNode`.
/// Returns a list of meta annotations assocated with a mirror.
List<Annotation> createAnnotations(DeclarationMirror mirror,
Library owningLibrary) {
var annotations = [];
for (dart2js_mirrors.ResolvedNode node in
dart2js_mirrors.BackDoor.metadataSyntaxOf(mirror)) {
var docgenAnnotation = new Annotation(node, owningLibrary);
if (!_SKIPPED_ANNOTATIONS.contains(dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(
docgenAnnotation.mirror))) {
return annotations;
/// A declaration is private if itself is private, or the owner is private.
bool isHidden(DeclarationSourceMirror mirror) {
if (mirror is LibraryMirror) {
return _isLibraryPrivate(mirror);
} else if (mirror.owner is LibraryMirror) {
return (mirror.isPrivate || _isLibraryPrivate(mirror.owner) ||
} else {
return (mirror.isPrivate || isHidden(mirror.owner) ||
/// Transforms the map by calling toMap on each value in it.
Map recurseMap(Map inputMap) {
var outputMap = new LinkedHashMap();
inputMap.forEach((key, value) {
if (value is Map) {
outputMap[key] = recurseMap(value);
} else {
outputMap[key] = value.toMap();
return outputMap;
/// Read a pubspec and return the library name given a [LibraryMirror].
String getPackageName(LibraryMirror mirror) {
if (mirror.uri.scheme != 'file') return '';
var rootdir = getPackageDirectory(mirror);
if (rootdir == null) return '';
return packageNameFor(rootdir);
/// Helper that maps [mirrors] to their simple name in map.
Map addAll(Map map, Iterable<DeclarationMirror> mirrors) {
for (var mirror in mirrors) {
map[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] = mirror;
return map;
/// For the given library determine what items (if any) are exported.
/// Returns a Map with three keys: "classes", "methods", and "variables" the
/// values of which point to a map of exported name identifiers with values
/// corresponding to the actual DeclarationMirror.
Map<String, Map<String, DeclarationMirror>> calcExportedItems(
LibrarySourceMirror library) {
var exports = {};
exports['classes'] = new SplayTreeMap();
exports['methods'] = new SplayTreeMap();
exports['variables'] = new SplayTreeMap();
// Determine the classes, variables and methods that are exported for a
// specific dependency.
void _populateExports(LibraryDependencyMirror export, bool showExport) {
var transitiveExports = calcExportedItems(export.targetLibrary);
// If there is a show in the export, add only the show items to the
// library. Ex: "export foo show bar"
// Otherwise, add all items, and then remove the hidden ones.
// Ex: "export foo hide bar"
if (!showExport) {
// Add all items, and then remove the hidden ones.
// Ex: "export foo hide bar"
(mirror) => mirror is MethodMirror));
for (CombinatorMirror combinator in export.combinators) {
for (String identifier in combinator.identifiers) {
var librarySourceMirror =
export.targetLibrary as DeclarationSourceMirror;
var declaration = librarySourceMirror.lookupInScope(identifier);
if (declaration == null) {
// Technically this should be a bug, but some of our packages
// (such as the polymer package) are curently broken in this
// way, so we just produce a warning.
print('Warning identifier $identifier not found in library '
} else {
var subMap = exports['classes'];
if (declaration is MethodMirror) {
subMap = exports['methods'];
} else if (declaration is VariableMirror) {
subMap = exports['variables'];
if (showExport) {
subMap[identifier] = declaration;
} else {
Iterable<LibraryDependencyMirror> exportList =
library.libraryDependencies.where((lib) => lib.isExport);
for (LibraryDependencyMirror export in exportList) {
export.combinators.any((combinator) => combinator.isShow));
return exports;
/// Returns a map of [Variable] objects constructed from [mirrorMap].
/// The optional parameter [containingLibrary] is contains data for variables
/// defined at the top level of a library (potentially for exporting
/// purposes).
Map<String, Variable> createVariables(Iterable<VariableMirror> mirrors,
Indexable owner) {
var data = new SplayTreeMap<String, Variable>();
// TODO(janicejl): When map to map feature is created, replace the below
// with a filter. Issue(#9590).
mirrors.forEach((dart2js_mirrors.Dart2JsFieldMirror mirror) {
if (includePrivateMembers || !isHidden(mirror)) {
var mirrorName = dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror);
data[mirrorName] = new Variable(mirrorName, mirror, owner);
return data;
/// Returns a map of [Method] objects constructed from [mirrorMap].
/// The optional parameter [containingLibrary] is contains data for variables
/// defined at the top level of a library (potentially for exporting
/// purposes).
Map<String, Method> createMethods(Iterable<MethodMirror> mirrors,
Indexable owner) {
var group = new SplayTreeMap<String, Method>();
mirrors.forEach((MethodMirror mirror) {
if (includePrivateMembers || !mirror.isPrivate) {
group[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] = new Method(mirror, owner);
return group;
/// Returns a map of [Parameter] objects constructed from [mirrorList].
Map<String, Parameter> createParameters(List<ParameterMirror> mirrorList,
Indexable owner) {
var data = {};
mirrorList.forEach((ParameterMirror mirror) {
data[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] =
new Parameter(mirror, owner.owningLibrary);
return data;
/// Returns a map of [Generic] objects constructed from the class mirror.
Map<String, Generic> createGenerics(TypeMirror mirror) {
return new Map.fromIterable(mirror.typeVariables,
key: (e) => dart2js_util.nameOf(e),
value: (e) => new Generic(e));
Map _filterMap(Map map, bool test(k, v)) {
var exported = new SplayTreeMap();
map.forEach((key, value) {
if (test(key, value)) exported[key] = value;
return exported;
/// Annotations that we do not display in the viewer.
const List<String> _SKIPPED_ANNOTATIONS = const [
'metadata.DocsEditable', '_js_helper.JSName', '_js_helper.Creates',
/// Returns true if a library name starts with an underscore, and false
/// otherwise.
/// An example that starts with _ is _js_helper.
/// An example that contains ._ is
bool _isLibraryPrivate(dart2js_mirrors.Dart2JsLibraryMirror mirror) {
// This method is needed because LibraryMirror.isPrivate returns `false` all
// the time.
var sdkLibrary = LIBRARIES[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)];
if (sdkLibrary != null) {
return !sdkLibrary.documented;
} else if (dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror).startsWith('_') || dart2js_util.nameOf(
mirror).contains('._')) {
return true;
return false;