blob: 1478cf0cf9c810f2b5decbfd97bc8e44e52a2275 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' hide MapEntry;
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchyBase;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart' show Substitution;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/legacy_erasure.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/nnbd_top_merge.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/norm.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/types.dart' show Types;
import '../problems.dart' show unhandled;
import '../source/source_class_builder.dart';
import 'class_hierarchy_builder.dart';
import 'member_covariance.dart';
/// Class used for computing and inspecting the combined member signature for
/// a set of overridden/inherited members.
abstract class CombinedMemberSignatureBase<T> {
ClassHierarchyBase get hierarchy;
/// The target class for the combined member signature.
/// The [_memberTypes] are computed in terms of each member is inherited into
/// [classBuilder].
/// [classBuilder] is also used for determining whether the combined member
/// signature should be computed using nnbd or legacy semantics.
final SourceClassBuilder classBuilder;
/// The list of members from which the combined member signature is computed.
List<T> get members;
/// If `true` the combined member signature is for the setter aspect of the
/// members. Otherwise it is for the getter/method aspect of the members.
final bool forSetter;
/// The index within [members] for the member whose type is the most specific
/// among [members]. If `null`, the combined member signature is not defined
/// for [members] in [classBuilder].
/// For the legacy computation, the type of this member defines the combined
/// member signature.
/// For the nnbd computation, this is one of the members whose type define
/// the combined member signature, and the indices of the remaining members
/// are stored in [_mutualSubtypes].
int _canonicalMemberIndex;
/// For the nnbd computation, this maps each distinct but most specific member
/// type to the index of one of the [members] with that type.
/// If there is only one most specific member type, this is `null`.
Map<DartType, int> _mutualSubtypes;
/// Cache for the types of [members] as inherited into [classBuilder].
List<DartType> _memberTypes;
List<Covariance> _memberCovariances;
/// Cache for the this type of [classBuilder].
DartType _thisType;
/// If `true` the combined member signature type has been computed.
/// Note that the combined member signature type might be undefined in which
/// case [_combinedMemberSignatureType] is `null`.
bool _isCombinedMemberSignatureTypeComputed = false;
/// Cache the computed combined member signature type.
/// If the combined member signature type is undefined this is set to `null`.
DartType _combinedMemberSignatureType;
/// The indices for the members whose type needed legacy erasure.
/// This is fully computed when [combinedMemberSignatureType] has been
/// computed.
Set<int> _neededLegacyErasureIndices;
bool _neededNnbdTopMerge = false;
bool _containsNnbdTypes = false;
bool _needsCovarianceMerging = false;
bool _isCombinedMemberSignatureCovarianceComputed = false;
Covariance _combinedMemberSignatureCovariance;
/// Creates a [CombinedClassMemberSignature] whose canonical member is already
/// defined.
this.classBuilder, this._canonicalMemberIndex, this.forSetter)
: assert(forSetter != null);
/// Creates a [CombinedClassMemberSignature] for [members] inherited into
/// [classBuilder].
/// If [forSetter] is `true`, contravariance of the setter types is used to
/// compute the most specific member type. Otherwise covariance of the getter
/// types or function types is used.
CombinedMemberSignatureBase(this.classBuilder, {this.forSetter}) {
assert(forSetter != null);
int bestSoFarIndex;
if (members.length == 1) {
bestSoFarIndex = 0;
} else {
bool isNonNullableByDefault = classBuilder.library.isNonNullableByDefault;
DartType bestTypeSoFar;
for (int candidateIndex = members.length - 1;
candidateIndex >= 0;
candidateIndex--) {
DartType candidateType = getMemberType(candidateIndex);
if (bestSoFarIndex == null) {
bestTypeSoFar = candidateType;
bestSoFarIndex = candidateIndex;
} else {
if (_isMoreSpecific(candidateType, bestTypeSoFar, forSetter)) {
if (isNonNullableByDefault &&
_isMoreSpecific(bestTypeSoFar, candidateType, forSetter)) {
if (_mutualSubtypes == null) {
_mutualSubtypes = {
bestTypeSoFar: bestSoFarIndex,
candidateType: candidateIndex
} else {
_mutualSubtypes[candidateType] = candidateIndex;
} else {
_mutualSubtypes = null;
bestSoFarIndex = candidateIndex;
bestTypeSoFar = candidateType;
if (_mutualSubtypes?.length == 1) {
/// If all mutual subtypes have the same type, the type should not
/// be normalized.
_mutualSubtypes = null;
if (bestSoFarIndex != null) {
for (int candidateIndex = 0;
candidateIndex < members.length;
candidateIndex++) {
DartType candidateType = getMemberType(candidateIndex);
if (!_isMoreSpecific(bestTypeSoFar, candidateType, forSetter)) {
if (!shouldOverrideProblemBeOverlooked(classBuilder)) {
bestSoFarIndex = null;
bestTypeSoFar = null;
_mutualSubtypes = null;
_canonicalMemberIndex = bestSoFarIndex;
/// The member within [members] type is the most specific among [members].
/// If `null`, the combined member signature is not defined for [members] in
/// [classBuilder].
/// For the legacy computation, the type of this member defines the combined
/// member signature.
/// For the nnbd computation, this is one of the members whose type define
/// the combined member signature, and the indices of the all members whose
/// type define the combined member signature are in [mutualSubtypeIndices].
T get canonicalMember =>
_canonicalMemberIndex != null ? members[_canonicalMemberIndex] : null;
/// The index within [members] for the member whose type is the most specific
/// among [members]. If `null`, the combined member signature is not defined
/// for [members] in [classBuilder].
/// For the legacy computation, the type of this member defines the combined
/// member signature.
/// For the nnbd computation, this is one of the members whose type define
/// the combined member signature, and the indices of the all members whose
/// type define the combined member signature are in [mutualSubtypeIndices].
int get canonicalMemberIndex => _canonicalMemberIndex;
/// For the nnbd computation, the indices of the [members] with most specific
/// member type.
/// If there is only one most specific member type, this is `null`.
Set<int> get mutualSubtypeIndices => _mutualSubtypes?.values?.toSet();
Member _getMember(int index);
CoreTypes get _coreTypes => hierarchy.coreTypes;
Types get _types;
/// Returns `true` if legacy erasure was needed to compute the combined
/// member signature type.
/// Legacy erasure is considered need of if the used of it resulted in a
/// different type.
bool get neededLegacyErasure {
return _neededLegacyErasureIndices?.contains(canonicalMemberIndex) ?? false;
/// Returns `true` if nnbd top merge and normalization was needed to compute
/// the combined member signature type.
bool get neededNnbdTopMerge {
return _neededNnbdTopMerge;
/// Returns `true` if the type of combined member signature has nnbd types.
/// If the combined member signature for an opt-in class is computed from
/// identical legacy types, that is, without the need for nnbd top merge, then
/// the type will be copied over directly and a member created from the
/// combined member signature will therefore be a legacy member, even though
/// it is declared in an opt in class.
/// To avoid reporting errors as if the member was an opt-in member, it is
/// marked as nullable-by-default.
/// For instance
/// // opt out:
/// mixin Mixin {
/// void method({int named}) {}
/// }
/// // opt in:
/// class Super {
/// void method({required covariant int named}) {}
/// }
/// class Class extends Super with Mixin {
/// // A forwarding stop for Mixin.method will be inserted here:
/// // void method({covariant int named}) -> Mixin.method
/// }
/// class SubClass extends Class {
/// // This is a valid override since `Class.method` should should
/// // not be considered as _not_ having a required named parameter -
/// // it is legacy and doesn't know about required named parameters.
/// void method({required int named}) {}
/// }
bool get containsNnbdTypes {
return _containsNnbdTypes;
/// Returns `true` if the covariance of the combined member signature is
/// different from the covariance of the overridden member in the superclass.
/// If `true` a concrete forwarding stub that checks the covariance must
/// be generated.
// TODO(johnniwinther): This is imprecise. It assumes that the 0th member is
// from the superclass which might not be the case.
bool get needsSuperImpl {
return _getMemberCovariance(0) != combinedMemberSignatureCovariance;
/// The this type of [classBuilder].
DartType get thisType {
return _thisType ??= _coreTypes.thisInterfaceType(
classBuilder.cls, classBuilder.library.nonNullable);
/// Returns `true` if the canonical member is declared in [classBuilder].
bool get isCanonicalMemberDeclared {
return _canonicalMemberIndex != null &&
_getMember(_canonicalMemberIndex).enclosingClass == classBuilder.cls;
/// Returns `true` if the canonical member is the 0th.
// TODO(johnniwinther): This is currently used under the assumption that the
// 0th member is either from the superclass or the one found if looked up
// the class hierarchy. This is a very brittle assumption.
bool get isCanonicalMemberFirst => _canonicalMemberIndex == 0;
/// Returns type of the [index]th member in [members] as inherited in
/// [classBuilder].
DartType getMemberType(int index) {
_memberTypes ??= new List<DartType>(members.length);
DartType candidateType = _memberTypes[index];
if (candidateType == null) {
Member target = _getMember(index);
assert(target != null,
"No member computed for index ${index} in ${members}");
candidateType = _computeMemberType(thisType, target);
if (!classBuilder.library.isNonNullableByDefault) {
DartType legacyErasure = rawLegacyErasure(_coreTypes, candidateType);
if (legacyErasure != null) {
_neededLegacyErasureIndices ??= {};
candidateType = legacyErasure;
_memberTypes[index] = candidateType;
return candidateType;
void _ensureCombinedMemberSignatureType() {
if (!_isCombinedMemberSignatureTypeComputed) {
_isCombinedMemberSignatureTypeComputed = true;
if (_canonicalMemberIndex == null) {
return null;
if (classBuilder.library.isNonNullableByDefault) {
DartType canonicalMemberType =
_combinedMemberSignatureType = getMemberType(_canonicalMemberIndex);
_containsNnbdTypes =
if (_mutualSubtypes != null) {
_combinedMemberSignatureType =
norm(_coreTypes, _combinedMemberSignatureType);
for (int index in _mutualSubtypes.values) {
if (_canonicalMemberIndex != index) {
_combinedMemberSignatureType = nnbdTopMerge(
norm(_coreTypes, getMemberType(index)));
_neededNnbdTopMerge =
canonicalMemberType != _combinedMemberSignatureType;
_containsNnbdTypes = _neededNnbdTopMerge;
} else {
_combinedMemberSignatureType = getMemberType(_canonicalMemberIndex);
/// Returns the type of the combined member signature, if defined.
DartType get combinedMemberSignatureType {
return _combinedMemberSignatureType;
Covariance _getMemberCovariance(int index);
void _ensureCombinedMemberSignatureCovariance() {
if (!_isCombinedMemberSignatureCovarianceComputed) {
_isCombinedMemberSignatureCovarianceComputed = true;
if (canonicalMemberIndex == null) {
Covariance canonicalMemberCovariance =
_combinedMemberSignatureCovariance =
if (members.length == 1) {
for (int index = 0; index < members.length; index++) {
if (index != canonicalMemberIndex) {
_combinedMemberSignatureCovariance =
_needsCovarianceMerging =
canonicalMemberCovariance != _combinedMemberSignatureCovariance;
// Returns `true` if the covariance of [members] needs to be merged into
// the combined member signature.
bool get needsCovarianceMerging {
if (members.length != 1) {
return _needsCovarianceMerging;
/// Returns [Covariance] for the combined member signature.
Covariance get combinedMemberSignatureCovariance {
return _combinedMemberSignatureCovariance;
/// Returns the type of the combined member signature, if defined, with
/// all method type parameters substituted with [typeParameters].
/// This is used for inferring types on a declared member from the type of the
/// combined member signature.
DartType getCombinedSignatureTypeInContext(
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters) {
DartType type = combinedMemberSignatureType;
if (type == null) {
return null;
int typeParameterCount = typeParameters.length;
if (type is FunctionType) {
List<TypeParameter> signatureTypeParameters = type.typeParameters;
if (typeParameterCount != signatureTypeParameters.length) {
return null;
if (typeParameterCount == 0) {
return type;
List<DartType> types = new List<DartType>(typeParameterCount);
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameterCount; i++) {
types[i] = new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
signatureTypeParameters[i], typeParameters[i]);
Substitution substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(signatureTypeParameters, types);
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameterCount; i++) {
DartType typeParameterBound = typeParameters[i].bound;
DartType signatureTypeParameterBound =
if (!_types
typeParameterBound, signatureTypeParameterBound)
.isSubtypeWhenUsingNullabilities()) {
return null;
return substitution.substituteType(type.withoutTypeParameters);
} else if (typeParameterCount != 0) {
return null;
return type;
/// Create a member signature with the [combinedMemberSignatureType] using the
/// [canonicalMember] as member signature origin.
Procedure createMemberFromSignature({bool copyLocation: true}) {
if (canonicalMemberIndex == null) {
return null;
Member member = _getMember(canonicalMemberIndex);
Procedure combinedMemberSignature;
if (member is Procedure) {
switch (member.kind) {
case ProcedureKind.Getter:
combinedMemberSignature = _createGetterMemberSignature(
member, combinedMemberSignatureType,
copyLocation: copyLocation);
case ProcedureKind.Setter:
VariableDeclaration parameter =
combinedMemberSignature = _createSetterMemberSignature(
member, combinedMemberSignatureType,
isGenericCovariantImpl: parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl,
isCovariant: parameter.isCovariant,
copyLocation: copyLocation);
case ProcedureKind.Method:
case ProcedureKind.Operator:
combinedMemberSignature = _createMethodSignature(
member, combinedMemberSignatureType,
copyLocation: copyLocation);
case ProcedureKind.Factory:
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Unexpected canonical member kind ${member.kind} for $member');
} else if (member is Field) {
if (forSetter) {
combinedMemberSignature = _createSetterMemberSignature(
member, combinedMemberSignatureType,
isGenericCovariantImpl: member.isGenericCovariantImpl,
isCovariant: member.isCovariant,
copyLocation: copyLocation);
} else {
combinedMemberSignature = _createGetterMemberSignature(
member, combinedMemberSignatureType,
copyLocation: copyLocation);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Unexpected canonical member $member (${member.runtimeType})');
return combinedMemberSignature;
/// Creates a getter member signature for [member] with the given
/// [type].
Member _createGetterMemberSignature(Member member, DartType type,
{bool copyLocation}) {
assert(copyLocation != null);
Class enclosingClass = classBuilder.cls;
Procedure referenceFrom;
if (classBuilder.referencesFromIndexed != null) {
referenceFrom = classBuilder.referencesFromIndexed
Uri fileUri;
int startFileOffset;
int fileOffset;
if (copyLocation) {
fileUri = member.fileUri;
startFileOffset =
member is Procedure ? member.startFileOffset : member.fileOffset;
fileOffset = member.fileOffset;
} else {
fileUri = enclosingClass.fileUri;
fileOffset = startFileOffset = enclosingClass.fileOffset;
return new Procedure(,
new FunctionNode(null, returnType: type),
isAbstract: true,
fileUri: fileUri,
reference: referenceFrom?.reference,
isSynthetic: true,
stubKind: ProcedureStubKind.MemberSignature,
stubTarget: member.memberSignatureOrigin ?? member,
..startFileOffset = startFileOffset
..fileOffset = fileOffset
..isNonNullableByDefault = containsNnbdTypes
..parent = enclosingClass;
/// Creates a setter member signature for [member] with the given
/// [type]. The flags of parameter is set according to [isCovariant] and
/// [isGenericCovariantImpl] and the [parameterName] is used, if provided.
Member _createSetterMemberSignature(Member member, DartType type,
{bool isCovariant,
bool isGenericCovariantImpl,
String parameterName,
bool copyLocation}) {
assert(isCovariant != null);
assert(isGenericCovariantImpl != null);
assert(copyLocation != null);
Class enclosingClass = classBuilder.cls;
Procedure referenceFrom;
if (classBuilder.referencesFromIndexed != null) {
referenceFrom = classBuilder.referencesFromIndexed
Uri fileUri;
int startFileOffset;
int fileOffset;
if (copyLocation) {
fileUri = member.fileUri;
startFileOffset =
member is Procedure ? member.startFileOffset : member.fileOffset;
fileOffset = member.fileOffset;
} else {
fileUri = enclosingClass.fileUri;
fileOffset = startFileOffset = enclosingClass.fileOffset;
return new Procedure(,
new FunctionNode(null,
returnType: const VoidType(),
positionalParameters: [
new VariableDeclaration(parameterName ?? 'value',
type: type, isCovariant: isCovariant)
..isGenericCovariantImpl = isGenericCovariantImpl
isAbstract: true,
fileUri: fileUri,
reference: referenceFrom?.reference,
isSynthetic: true,
stubKind: ProcedureStubKind.MemberSignature,
stubTarget: member.memberSignatureOrigin ?? member,
..startFileOffset = startFileOffset
..fileOffset = fileOffset
..isNonNullableByDefault = containsNnbdTypes
..parent = enclosingClass;
Member _createMethodSignature(Procedure procedure, FunctionType functionType,
{bool copyLocation}) {
assert(copyLocation != null);
Class enclosingClass = classBuilder.cls;
Procedure referenceFrom;
if (classBuilder.referencesFromIndexed != null) {
referenceFrom = classBuilder.referencesFromIndexed
Uri fileUri;
int startFileOffset;
int fileOffset;
if (copyLocation) {
fileUri = procedure.fileUri;
startFileOffset = procedure.startFileOffset;
fileOffset = procedure.fileOffset;
} else {
fileUri = enclosingClass.fileUri;
fileOffset = startFileOffset = enclosingClass.fileOffset;
FunctionNode function = procedure.function;
List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters = [];
for (int i = 0; i < function.positionalParameters.length; i++) {
VariableDeclaration parameter = function.positionalParameters[i];
DartType parameterType = functionType.positionalParameters[i];
if (i == 0 && procedure == hierarchy.coreTypes.objectEquals) {
// In legacy code we special case `Object.==` to infer `dynamic`
// instead `Object!`.
parameterType = const DynamicType();
positionalParameters.add(new VariableDeclaration(,
type: parameterType, isCovariant: parameter.isCovariant)
..isGenericCovariantImpl = parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl);
List<VariableDeclaration> namedParameters = [];
int namedParameterCount = function.namedParameters.length;
if (namedParameterCount == 1) {
NamedType namedType = functionType.namedParameters.first;
VariableDeclaration parameter = function.namedParameters.first;
namedParameters.add(new VariableDeclaration(,
type: namedType.type,
isRequired: namedType.isRequired,
isCovariant: parameter.isCovariant)
..isGenericCovariantImpl = parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl);
} else if (namedParameterCount > 1) {
Map<String, NamedType> namedTypes = {};
for (NamedType namedType in functionType.namedParameters) {
namedTypes[] = namedType;
for (int i = 0; i < namedParameterCount; i++) {
VariableDeclaration parameter = function.namedParameters[i];
NamedType namedParameterType = namedTypes[];
namedParameters.add(new VariableDeclaration(,
type: namedParameterType.type,
isRequired: namedParameterType.isRequired,
isCovariant: parameter.isCovariant)
..isGenericCovariantImpl = parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl);
return new Procedure(,
new FunctionNode(null,
typeParameters: functionType.typeParameters,
returnType: functionType.returnType,
positionalParameters: positionalParameters,
namedParameters: namedParameters,
requiredParameterCount: function.requiredParameterCount),
isAbstract: true,
fileUri: fileUri,
reference: referenceFrom?.reference,
isSynthetic: true,
stubKind: ProcedureStubKind.MemberSignature,
stubTarget: procedure.memberSignatureOrigin ?? procedure,
..startFileOffset = startFileOffset
..fileOffset = fileOffset
..isNonNullableByDefault = containsNnbdTypes
..parent = enclosingClass;
DartType _computeMemberType(DartType thisType, Member member) {
DartType type;
if (member is Procedure) {
if (member.isGetter) {
type = member.getterType;
} else if (member.isSetter) {
type = member.setterType;
} else {
type = member.function
} else if (member is Field) {
type = member.type;
} else {
unhandled("${member.runtimeType}", "$member", classBuilder.charOffset,
if (member.enclosingClass.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
return type;
InterfaceType instance = hierarchy.getTypeAsInstanceOf(
thisType, member.enclosingClass, classBuilder.library.library);
instance != null,
"No instance of $thisType as ${member.enclosingClass} found for "
return Substitution.fromInterfaceType(instance).substituteType(type);
bool _isMoreSpecific(DartType a, DartType b, bool forSetter) {
if (forSetter) {
return _types.isSubtypeOf(b, a, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities);
} else {
return _types.isSubtypeOf(a, b, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities);
/// Class used for computing and inspecting the combined member signature for
/// a set of overridden/inherited [ClassMember]s.
class CombinedClassMemberSignature
extends CombinedMemberSignatureBase<ClassMember> {
/// The class hierarchy builder used for building this class.
final ClassHierarchyBuilder hierarchy;
/// The list of the members inherited into or overridden in [classBuilder].
final List<ClassMember> members;
/// Creates a [CombinedClassMemberSignature] whose canonical member is already
/// defined.
SourceClassBuilder classBuilder, int canonicalMemberIndex, this.members,
{bool forSetter})
: super.internal(classBuilder, canonicalMemberIndex, forSetter);
/// Creates a [CombinedClassMemberSignature] for [members] inherited into
/// [classBuilder].
/// If [forSetter] is `true`, contravariance of the setter types is used to
/// compute the most specific member type. Otherwise covariance of the getter
/// types or function types is used.
this.hierarchy, SourceClassBuilder classBuilder, this.members,
{bool forSetter})
: super(classBuilder, forSetter: forSetter);
Types get _types => hierarchy.types;
Member _getMember(int index) {
ClassMember candidate = members[index];
Member target = candidate.getMember(hierarchy);
assert(target != null,
"No member computed for ${candidate} (${candidate.runtimeType})");
return target;
Covariance _getMemberCovariance(int index) {
ClassMember candidate = members[index];
Covariance covariance = candidate.getCovariance(hierarchy);
assert(covariance != null,
"No covariance computed for ${candidate} (${candidate.runtimeType})");
return covariance;
/// Class used for computing and inspecting the combined member signature for
/// a set of overridden/inherited [Member]s.
class CombinedMemberSignatureBuilder
extends CombinedMemberSignatureBase<Member> {
final ClassHierarchyBase hierarchy;
final Types _types;
final List<Member> members;
this.hierarchy, SourceClassBuilder classBuilder, this.members,
{bool forSetter})
: _types = new Types(hierarchy),
super(classBuilder, forSetter: forSetter);
Member _getMember(int index) => members[index];
Covariance _getMemberCovariance(int index) {
_memberCovariances ??= new List<Covariance>(members.length);
Covariance covariance = _memberCovariances[index];
if (covariance == null) {
_memberCovariances[index] = covariance =
new Covariance.fromMember(members[index], forSetter: forSetter);
return covariance;