blob: 2da217e83f4e4437d439887993cb45fdf4c69dec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'available_suggestions_base.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class AvailableSuggestionSetsTest extends AvailableSuggestionsBase {
test_notifications_whenFileChanges() async {
var path = convertPath('/home/test/lib/a.dart');
var uriStr = 'package:test/a.dart';
// No file initially, so no set.
expect(uriToSetMap.keys, isNot(contains(uriStr)));
// Create the file, should get the set.
newFile(path, content: r'''
class A {}
var set = await waitForSetWithUri(uriStr);
expect( => d.label), contains('A'));
// Update the file, should get the updated set.
newFile(path, content: r'''
class B {}
var set = await waitForSetWithUri(uriStr);
expect( => d.label), contains('B'));
// Delete the file, the set should be removed.
test_suggestion_class() async {
var path = convertPath('/home/test/lib/a.dart');
var uriStr = 'package:test/a.dart';
newFile(path, content: r'''
class A {}
var set = await waitForSetWithUri(uriStr);
assertJsonText(_getSuggestion(set, 'A'), '''
"label": "A",
"element": {
"kind": "CLASS",
"name": "A",
"location": {
"file": ${jsonOfPath(path)},
"offset": 6,
"length": 0,
"startLine": 1,
"startColumn": 7
"flags": 0
"relevanceTags": [
test_suggestion_enum() async {
var path = convertPath('/home/test/lib/a.dart');
var uriStr = 'package:test/a.dart';
newFile(path, content: r'''
enum MyEnum {
var set = await waitForSetWithUri(uriStr);
assertJsonText(_getSuggestion(set, 'MyEnum'), '''
"label": "MyEnum",
"element": {
"kind": "ENUM",
"name": "MyEnum",
"location": {
"file": ${jsonOfPath(path)},
"offset": 5,
"length": 0,
"startLine": 1,
"startColumn": 6
"flags": 0
"relevanceTags": [
assertJsonText(_getSuggestion(set, ''), '''
"label": "",
"element": {
"kind": "ENUM_CONSTANT",
"name": "aaa",
"location": {
"file": ${jsonOfPath(path)},
"offset": 16,
"length": 0,
"startLine": 2,
"startColumn": 3
"flags": 0
"relevanceTags": [
assertJsonText(_getSuggestion(set, 'MyEnum.bbb'), '''
"label": "MyEnum.bbb",
"element": {
"kind": "ENUM_CONSTANT",
"name": "bbb",
"location": {
"file": ${jsonOfPath(path)},
"offset": 23,
"length": 0,
"startLine": 3,
"startColumn": 3
"flags": 0
"relevanceTags": [
test_suggestion_topLevelVariable() async {
var path = convertPath('/home/test/lib/a.dart');
var uriStr = 'package:test/a.dart';
newFile(path, content: r'''
var boolV = false;
var intV = 0;
var doubleV = 0.1;
var stringV = 'hi';
var set = await waitForSetWithUri(uriStr);
assertJsonText(_getSuggestion(set, 'boolV'), '''
"label": "boolV",
"element": {
"name": "boolV",
"location": {
"file": ${jsonOfPath(path)},
"offset": 4,
"length": 0,
"startLine": 1,
"startColumn": 5
"flags": 0,
"returnType": ""
"relevanceTags": [
assertJsonText(_getSuggestion(set, 'intV'), '''
"label": "intV",
"element": {
"name": "intV",
"location": {
"file": ${jsonOfPath(path)},
"offset": 23,
"length": 0,
"startLine": 2,
"startColumn": 5
"flags": 0,
"returnType": ""
"relevanceTags": [
assertJsonText(_getSuggestion(set, 'doubleV'), '''
"label": "doubleV",
"element": {
"name": "doubleV",
"location": {
"file": ${jsonOfPath(path)},
"offset": 37,
"length": 0,
"startLine": 3,
"startColumn": 5
"flags": 0,
"returnType": ""
"relevanceTags": [
assertJsonText(_getSuggestion(set, 'stringV'), '''
"label": "stringV",
"element": {
"name": "stringV",
"location": {
"file": ${jsonOfPath(path)},
"offset": 56,
"length": 0,
"startLine": 4,
"startColumn": 5
"flags": 0,
"returnType": ""
"relevanceTags": [
static AvailableSuggestion _getSuggestion(
AvailableSuggestionSet set, String label) {
return set.items.singleWhere((s) => s.label == label);