blob: df63ab1633308aee74e5891b6f67a3afca1c2f3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
/// An enumerated value.
/// This class is implemented by all types and values
/// introduced using an `enum` declaration.
/// Non-platform classes cannot implement, extend or
/// mix in this class.
abstract class Enum {
/// A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
/// The values of a single enumeration are numbered
/// consecutively from zero to one less than the
/// number of values.
/// This is also the index of the value in the
/// enumerated type's static `values` list.
int get index;
/// The value's "name".
/// The name of a value is a string containing the
/// source identifier used to declare the value.
/// The name occurs in the [toString] of the
/// enum value, after the enum class name and a `.`.
/// It is exposed by then [] extension getter,
/// which is an extension to allow `enum` declarations to have
/// an element named `name` without causing a name conflict.
/// Given an enum declaration like
/// ```dart
/// enum MyEnum {
/// value1,
/// value2
/// }
/// ```
/// the `toString` method of that class may be implemented
/// as
/// ```dart
/// String toString() => "MyEnum.$_name";
/// ```
String get _name;
/// Compares two enum values by their [index].
/// A generic [Comparator] function for enum types which
/// orders enum values by their [index] value, which corresponds
/// to the source order of the enum element declarations in
/// the `enum` declaration.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// enum Season { spring, summer, autumn, winter }
/// void main() {
/// var relationByIndex =
/// Enum.compareByIndex(Season.spring, Season.summer); // < 0
/// relationByIndex =
/// Enum.compareByIndex(Season.summer, Season.spring); // > 0
/// relationByIndex =
/// Enum.compareByIndex(Season.spring, Season.winter); // < 0
/// relationByIndex =
/// Enum.compareByIndex(Season.winter, Season.spring); // > 0
/// }
/// ```
static int compareByIndex<T extends Enum>(T value1, T value2) =>
value1.index - value2.index;
/// Compares enum values by name.
/// The [] of an enum value is a string
/// representing the source name used to declare that enum value.
/// This [Comparator] compares two enum values by comparing their names,
/// and can be used to sort enum values by their names.
/// The comparison uses [String.compareTo], and is therefore case sensitive.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// enum Season { spring, summer, autumn, winter }
/// void main() {
/// var seasons = [...Season.values]..sort(Enum.compareByName);
/// print(seasons);
/// // [Season.autumn, Season.spring, Season.summer, Season.winter]
/// }
/// ```
static int compareByName<T extends Enum>(T value1, T value2) =>;
/// Superclass of all enum class implementations.
abstract class _Enum implements Enum {
final int index;
final String _name;
const _Enum(this.index, this._name);
/// Access to the name of an enum value.
/// This method is declared as an extension method
/// instead of an instance method in order to allow
/// enum values to have the name `name`.
extension EnumName on Enum {
/// The name of the enum value.
/// The name is a string containing the source identifier used
/// to declare the enum value.
/// For example, given a declaration like:
/// ```dart
/// enum MyEnum {
/// value1,
/// value2
/// }
/// ```
/// the result of `` is the string `"value1"`.
String get name => _name;
/// Access enum values by name.
/// Extensions on a collection of enum values,
/// intended for use on the `values` list of an enum type,
/// which allows looking up a value by its name.
/// Since enum classes are expected to be relatively small,
/// lookup of [byName] is performed by linearly iterating through the values
/// and comparing their name to the provided name.
/// If a more efficient lookup is needed, perhaps because the lookup operation
/// happens very often, consider building a map instead using [asNameMap]:
/// ```dart
/// static myEnumNameMap = MyEnum.values.asNameMap();
/// ```
/// and then use that for lookups.
extension EnumByName<T extends Enum> on Iterable<T> {
/// Finds the enum value in this list with name [name].
/// Goes through this collection looking for an enum with
/// name [name], as reported by [].
/// Returns the first value with the given name. Such a value must be found.
T byName(String name) {
for (var value in this) {
if (value._name == name) return value;
throw ArgumentError.value(name, "name", "No enum value with that name");
/// Creates a map from the names of enum values to the values.
/// The collection that this method is called on is expected to have
/// enums with distinct names, like the `values` list of an enum class.
/// Only one value for each name can occur in the created map,
/// so if two or more enum values have the same name (either being the
/// same value, or being values of different enum type), at most one of
/// them will be represented in the returned map.
Map<String, T> asNameMap() =>
<String, T>{for (var value in this) value._name: value};