blob: 499b7817aa060f0ab24a2e29ef9cc598d3462d2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Classes and utilities that supplement the collection support in dart:core.
/// To use this library in your code:
/// ```dart
/// import 'dart:collection';
/// ```
/// ## Map
/// A finite mapping from unique keys to their associated values.
/// Allows efficient lookup of the value associated with a key, if any,
/// and iterating through the individual keys and values of the map.
/// The [Map] interface has a number of implementations, including the following:
/// * [HashMap] is unordered, the order of iteration is not guaranteed.
/// * [LinkedHashMap] iterates in key insertion order.
/// * [SplayTreeMap] iterates the keys in sorted order.
/// * [UnmodifiableMapView] is a wrapper, an unmodifiable [Map] view of another
/// `Map`.
/// ## Set
/// A collection of objects in which each object can occur only once.
/// The [Set] interface has a number of implementations, including the following:
/// * [HashSet] the order of the objects in the iterations is not guaranteed.
/// * [LinkedHashSet] iterates the objects in insertion order.
/// * [SplayTreeSet] iterates the objects in sorted order.
/// * [UnmodifiableSetView] is a wrapper, an unmodifiable [Set] view of another
/// `Set`.
/// ## Queue
/// A queue is a sequence of elements that is intended to be modified,
/// by adding or removing elements, only at its ends.
/// Dart queues are *double ended* queues, which means that they can be
/// accessed equally from either end, and can therefore be used
/// to implement both stack and queue behavior.
/// * [Queue] is the general interface for queues.
/// * [ListQueue] is a list-based queue. Default implementation for [Queue].
/// * [DoubleLinkedQueue] is a queue implementation based on a double-linked
/// list.
/// ## List
/// An indexable Sequence of objects. Objects can be accessed using their
/// position, index, in the sequence. [List] is also called an "array" in other
/// programming languages.
/// * [UnmodifiableListView] is a wrapper, an unmodifiable [List] view of
/// another `List`.
/// ## LinkedList
/// [LinkedList] is a specialized double-linked list of elements that extends
/// [LinkedListEntry]. Each element knows its own place in the linked list,
/// as well as which list it is in.
/// {@category Core}
library dart.collection;
import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol;
import 'dart:math' show Random; // Used by ListMixin.shuffle.
export 'dart:_internal' show DoubleLinkedQueueEntry;
part 'collections.dart';
part 'hash_map.dart';
part 'hash_set.dart';
part 'iterable.dart';
part 'iterator.dart';
part 'linked_hash_map.dart';
part 'linked_hash_set.dart';
part 'linked_list.dart';
part 'list.dart';
part 'maps.dart';
part 'queue.dart';
part 'set.dart';
part 'splay_tree.dart';