blob: 2fff7ec323c877f0e16e75c7acdd614db6fc6fd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Contains the names of globals that are embedded into the output by the
/// compiler.
/// Variables embedded this way should be access with `JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL` from
/// the `_foreign_helper` library.
/// This library is shared between the compiler and the runtime system.
library dart2js._embedded_names;
/// The name of the property that is used to mark a type as typedef.
/// Without reflection typedefs are removed (expanded to their function type)
/// but with reflection an object is needed to have the typedef's name. The
/// object is marked with this property.
/// This property name only lives on internal type-objects and is only used
/// when reflection is enabled.
/// The name of the property that is used to find the function type of a
/// typedef.
/// Without reflection typedefs are removed (expanded to their function type)
/// but with reflection an object is needed to have the typedef's name.
/// The typedef's object contains a pointer to its function type (as an index
/// into the embedded global [TYPES]) in this property.
/// This property name only lives on internal type-objects and is only used
/// when reflection is enabled.
const TYPEDEF_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME = r"$typedefType";
/// The name of the property that is used to find the native superclass of
/// an extended class.
/// Every class that extends a native class has this property set on its
/// native class.
const NATIVE_SUPERCLASS_TAG_NAME = r"$nativeSuperclassTag";
/// The name of the static-function property name.
/// This property is set for all tear-offs of static functions, and provides
/// the static function's unique (potentially minified) name.
/// The name of the embedded global for metadata.
/// Use [JsBuiltin.getMetadata] instead of directly accessing this embedded
/// global.
const METADATA = 'metadata';
/// A list of types used in the program e.g. for reflection or encoding of
/// function types.
/// Use [JsBuiltin.getType] instead of directly accessing this embedded global.
const TYPES = 'types';
/// Returns a function that maps a name of a class to its type.
/// This embedded global is used by the runtime when computing the internal
/// runtime-type-information (rti) object.
const GET_TYPE_FROM_NAME = 'getTypeFromName';
/// If [JSInvocationMirror._invokeOn] is being used, this embedded global
/// contains a JavaScript map with the names of methods that are
/// intercepted.
const INTERCEPTED_NAMES = 'interceptedNames';
/// A JS map from mangled global names to their unmangled names.
/// If the program does not use reflection, this embedded global may be empty
/// (but not null or undefined).
const MANGLED_GLOBAL_NAMES = 'mangledGlobalNames';
/// A JS map from mangled instance names to their unmangled names.
/// This embedded global is mainly used for reflection, but is also used to
/// map const-symbols (`const Symbol('x')`) to the mangled instance names.
/// This embedded global may be empty (but not null or undefined).
const MANGLED_NAMES = 'mangledNames';
/// A JS map from dispatch tags (usually constructor names of DOM classes) to
/// interceptor class. This map is used to find the correct interceptor for
/// native classes.
/// This embedded global is used for natives.
const INTERCEPTORS_BY_TAG = 'interceptorsByTag';
/// A JS map from dispatch tags (usually constructor names of DOM classes) to
/// booleans. Every tag entry of [INTERCEPTORS_BY_TAG] has a corresponding
/// entry in the leaf-tags map.
/// A tag-entry is true, when a class can be treated as leaf class in the
/// hierarchy. That is, even though it might have subclasses, all subclasses
/// have the same code for the used methods.
/// This embedded global is used for natives.
const LEAF_TAGS = 'leafTags';
/// A JS function that returns the isolate tag for a given name.
/// This function uses the [ISOLATE_TAG] (below) to construct a name that is
/// unique per isolate.
/// This embedded global is used for natives.
// TODO(floitsch): should we rename this variable to avoid confusion with
const GET_ISOLATE_TAG = 'getIsolateTag';
/// A string that is different for each running isolate.
/// When this embedded global is initialized a global variable is used to
/// ensure that no other running isolate uses the same isolate-tag string.
/// This embedded global is used for natives.
// TODO(floitsch): should we rename this variable to avoid confusion with
const ISOLATE_TAG = 'isolateTag';
/// This embedded global (a function) returns the isolate-specific dispatch-tag
/// that is used to accelerate interceptor calls.
const DISPATCH_PROPERTY_NAME = "dispatchPropertyName";
/// An embedded global that maps a [Type] to the [Interceptor] and constructors
/// for that type.
/// More documentation can be found in the interceptors library (close to its
/// use).
const TYPE_TO_INTERCEPTOR_MAP = "typeToInterceptorMap";
/// The current script's URI when the program was loaded.
/// This embedded global is set at startup, just before invoking `main`.
const CURRENT_SCRIPT = 'currentScript';
/// Returns a function that creates a new Isolate (its static state).
/// (floitsch): Note that this embedded global will probably go away, since one
/// JS heap will only contain one Dart isolate.
const CREATE_NEW_ISOLATE = 'createNewIsolate';
/// Returns a class-id of the given instance.
/// The extracted id can be used to built a new instance of the same type
/// This embedded global is used for serialization in the isolate-library.
const CLASS_ID_EXTRACTOR = 'classIdExtractor';
/// Returns an empty instance of the given class-id.
/// Given a class-id (see [CLASS_ID_EXTRACTOR]) returns an empty instance.
/// This embedded global is used for deserialization in the isolate-library.
const INSTANCE_FROM_CLASS_ID = "instanceFromClassId";
/// Returns a list of (mangled) field names for the given instance.
/// The list of fields can be used to extract the instance's values and then
/// initialize an empty instance (see [INITIALIZE_EMPTY_INSTANCE].
/// This embedded global is used for serialization in the isolate-library.
const CLASS_FIELDS_EXTRACTOR = 'classFieldsExtractor';
/// Initializes the given empty instance with the given fields.
/// The given fields are in an array and must be in the same order as the
/// field-names obtained by [CLASS_FIELDS_EXTRACTOR].
/// This embedded global is used for deserialization in the isolate-library.
const INITIALIZE_EMPTY_INSTANCE = "initializeEmptyInstance";
/// Returns a map from load-ids to URIs.
/// To load the deferred library that is represented by the load-id, the runtime
/// must load all associated URIs.
/// This embedded global is only used for deferred loading.
const DEFERRED_LIBRARY_URIS = 'deferredLibraryUris';
/// Returns a map from load-ids to hashes.
/// The hashes are associated with the URIs of the load-ids (see
/// [DEFERRED_LIBRARY_URIS]). They are MD5 (or similar) hashes of the code that
/// must be loaded. By using cryptographic hashes we can avoid loading similar
/// code multiple times.
/// This embedded global is only used for deferred loading.
const DEFERRED_LIBRARY_HASHES = 'deferredLibraryHashes';
/// Initialize a loaded hunk.
/// Once a hunk (the code from a deferred URI) has been loaded it must be
/// initialized. Calling this function with the corresponding hash (see
/// [DEFERRED_LIBRARY_HASHES]) initializes the code.
/// This embedded global is only used for deferred loading.
const INITIALIZE_LOADED_HUNK = 'initializeLoadedHunk';
/// Returns, whether a hunk (identified by its hash) has already been loaded.
/// This embedded global is only used for deferred loading.
const IS_HUNK_LOADED = 'isHunkLoaded';
/// Returns, whether a hunk (identified by its hash) has already been
/// initialized.
/// This embedded global is only used for deferred loading.
const IS_HUNK_INITIALIZED = 'isHunkInitialized';
/// A set (implemented as map to booleans) of hunks (identified by hashes) that
/// have already been initialized.
/// This embedded global is only used for deferred loading.
/// This global is an emitter-internal embedded global, and not used by the
/// runtime. The constant remains in this file to make sure that other embedded
/// globals don't clash with it.
const DEFERRED_INITIALIZED = 'deferredInitialized';
/// Returns a function that creates all precompiled functions (in particular
/// constructors).
/// That is, the function returns the array that the full emitter would
/// otherwise build dynamically when it finishes all classes.
/// This constant is only used in CSP mode.
/// This global is an emitter-internal embedded global, and not used by the
/// runtime. The constant remains in this file to make sure that other embedded
/// globals don't clash with it.
const PRECOMPILED = 'precompiled';
/// An emitter-internal embedded global. This global is not used by the runtime.
const FINISHED_CLASSES = 'finishedClasses';
/// An emitter-internal embedded global. This global is not used by the runtime.
/// The constant remains in this file to make sure that other embedded globals
/// don't clash with it.
/// It can be used by the compiler to store a mapping from static function names
/// to dart-closure getters (which can be useful for
/// [JsBuiltin.createDartClosureFromNameOfStaticFunction].
const GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS = 'globalFunctions';
/// An emitter-internal embedded global. This global is not used by the runtime.
/// The constant remains in this file to make sure that other embedded globals
/// don't clash with it.
/// This embedded global stores a function that returns a dart-closure getter
/// for a given static function name.
/// This embedded global is used to implement
/// [JsBuiltin.createDartClosureFromNameOfStaticFunction], and is only
/// used with isolates.
const STATIC_FUNCTION_NAME_TO_CLOSURE = 'staticFunctionNameToClosure';
/// A JavaScript object literal that maps the (minified) JavaScript constructor
/// name (as given by [JsBuiltin.rawRtiToJsConstructorName] to the
/// JavaScript constructor.
/// This embedded global is only used by reflection.
const ALL_CLASSES = 'allClasses';
/// A map from element to type information.
/// This embedded global is only used by reflection.
const TYPE_INFORMATION = 'typeInformation';
/// A map from statics to their descriptors.
/// This embedded global is only used by reflection.
const STATICS = 'statics';
/// An array of library descriptors.
/// The descriptor contains information such as name, uri, classes, ...
/// This embedded global is only used by reflection.
const LIBRARIES = 'libraries';
/// A map from lazy statics to their initializers.
/// This embedded global is only used by reflection.
const LAZIES = 'lazies';
/// Names that are supported by [JS_GET_NAME].
// TODO(herhut): Make entries lower case (as in fields) and find a better name.
enum JsGetName {
/// Prefix used for generated type argument substitutions on classes.
/// Name used for generated function types on classes and methods.
/// Name of JavaScript property used to store runtime-type information on
/// instances of parameterized classes.
/// Name used to tag typedefs.
/// Name used to tag a function type.
/// Name used to tag void return in function type representations in
/// JavaScript.
/// Name used to tag return types in function type representations in
/// JavaScript.
/// Name used to tag required parameters in function type representations
/// in JavaScript.
/// Name used to tag optional parameters in function type representations
/// in JavaScript.
/// Name used to tag named parameters in function type representations in
/// JavaScript.
/// Field name used for determining if an object or its interceptor has
/// JavaScript indexing behavior.
/// String representation of the type of the null class.
/// String representation of the type of the object class.
/// String representation of the type of the function class.
enum JsBuiltin {
/// Returns the JavaScript constructor function for Dart's Object class.
/// This can be used for type tests, as in
/// var constructor = JS_BUILTIN('', JsBuiltin.dartObjectConstructor);
/// if (JS('bool', '# instanceof #', obj, constructor))
/// ...
/// Returns the JavaScript-constructor name given an [isCheckProperty].
/// This relies on a deterministic encoding of is-check properties (for
/// example `$isFoo` for a class `Foo`). In minified code the returned
/// classname is the minified name of the class.
/// JS_BUILTIN('returns:String;depends:none;effects:none',
/// JsBuiltin.isCheckPropertyToJsConstructorName,
/// isCheckProperty);
/// Returns true if the given type is a function type. Returns false for
/// the one `Function` type singleton. (See [isFunctionTypeSingleton]).
/// JS_BUILTIN('bool', JsBuiltin.isFunctionType, o)
/// Returns a new function type object.
/// JS_BUILTIN('=Object', JsBuiltin.createFunctionType)
/// Returns the JavaScript-constructor name given an rti encoding.
/// JS_BUILTIN('String', JsBuiltin.rawRtiToJsConstructorName, rti)
/// Returns the raw runtime type of the given object. The given argument
/// [o] should be the interceptor (for non-Dart objects).
/// JS_BUILTIN('', JsBuiltin.rawRuntimeType, o)
/// Returns whether the given type is a subtype of other.
/// The argument `other` is the name of the potential supertype. It is
/// computed by `runtimeTypeToString`;
/// *The `other` name must be passed in before the `type`.*
/// JS_BUILTIN('returns:bool;effects:none;depends:none',
/// JsBuiltin.isSubtype, other, type);
/// Returns true if the given type equals the type given as second
/// argument. Use the JS_GET_NAME helpers to get the type representation
/// for various Dart classes.
/// JS_BUILTIN('returns:bool;effects:none;depends:none',
/// JsBuiltin.isFunctionTypeLiteral, type, name);
/// Returns the metadata of the given [index].
/// JS_BUILTIN('returns:var;effects:none;depends:none',
/// JsBuiltin.getMetadata, index);
/// Returns the type of the given [index].
/// JS_BUILTIN('returns:var;effects:none;depends:none',
/// JsBuiltin.getType, index);
/// Returns a Dart closure for the global function with the given [name].
/// The [name] is the globally unique (minified) JavaScript name of the
/// function (same as the one stored in [STATIC_FUNCTION_NAME_PROPERTY_NAME])
/// This builtin is used when a static closure was sent to a different
/// isolate.
/// JS_BUILTIN('returns:Function',
/// JsBuiltin.createDartClosureFromNameOfStaticFunction, name);