blob: 8eb0171e2889e38fce02dce4173cb1d588ff9ee7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
library type_mask_test_helper;
import 'package:compiler/src/inferrer/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/inferrer/typemasks/masks.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/world.dart' show JClosedWorld;
export 'package:compiler/src/inferrer/types.dart';
AbstractValue simplify(AbstractValue value, AbstractValueDomain domain) {
if (value is ForwardingTypeMask) {
return simplify(value.forwardTo, domain);
} else if (value is UnionTypeMask) {
return UnionTypeMask.flatten(value.disjointMasks, domain,
includeNull: value.isNullable,
includeLateSentinel: value.hasLateSentinel);
} else {
return value;
TypeMask interceptorOrComparable(JClosedWorld closedWorld,
{bool nullable: false}) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): The mock libraries are missing 'Comparable' and
// therefore consider the union of for instance 'String' and 'num' to be
// 'Interceptor' and not 'Comparable'. Maybe the union mask should be changed
// to favor 'Interceptor' when flattening.
if (nullable) {
return new TypeMask.subtype(
.lookupClass(closedWorld.commonElements.coreLibrary, 'Comparable'),
} else {
return new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(
.lookupClass(closedWorld.commonElements.coreLibrary, 'Comparable'),