blob: e03cf3e537b1c390935f9946909b1f595c011219 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This GN file contains build rules for assembling the Dart SDK. There are
# two possible variants: the "Full" SDK, and the "Platform" SDK. If you want
# to make a new subset of the Full SDK, make it the same way we make
# the Platform SDK.
# Warning:
# If you need to copy something into dart-sdk/lib/foo in addition to the stuff
# copied there by :copy_libraries, then you must depend on ":copy_libraries",
# or ":copy_libraries" may delete/overwrite your addition, and the build will
# fail.
declare_args() {
# Build a SDK with less stuff. It excludes dart2js, ddc, and web libraries.
dart_platform_sdk = true
# Path to stripped dart binaries relative to build output directory.
dart_stripped_binary = "dart"
dart_precompiled_runtime_stripped_binary = "dart_precompiled_runtime_product"
gen_snapshot_stripped_binary = "gen_snapshot_product"
analyze_snapshot_binary = "analyze_snapshot"
wasm_opt_stripped_binary = "wasm-opt"
dart_include_wasm_opt = true
# The directory layout of the SDK is as follows:
# ..dart-sdk/
# ....bin/
# ......dart or dart.exe (executable)
# ......dart.lib (import library for VM native extensions on Windows)
# ......dartaotruntime or dartaotruntime.exe (executable)
# ......utils/gen_snapshot or utils/gen_snapshot.exe (if not on ia32)
# ......snapshots/
# ........analysis_server.dart.snapshot
# ........dart2bytecode.snapshot (if dart_dynamic_modules)
# ........dart2js.dart.snapshot
# ........dart2wasm_product.snapshot (if not on ia32)
# ........dartdev.dart.snapshot (app-jit snapshot or kernel dill file)
# ........dartdevc.dart.snapshot
# ........dart_tooling_daemon.dart.snapshot
# ........frontend_server_aot.dart.snapshot (AOT snapshot, if not on ia32)
# ........frontend_server.dart.snapshot (JIT snapshot only on ia32)
# ........gen_kernel_aot.dart.snapshot (if not on ia32)
# ........kernel-service.dart.snapshot
# ........kernel_worker.dart.snapshot
# ......resources/
# ........dartdoc/
# ..........resources/
# ..........templates/
# ....include/
# ......dart_api.h
# ......dart_native_api.h
# ......dart_tools_api.h
# ....lib/
# ......libraries.json
# ......_internal/
# ........dart2js_platform.dill
# ........dart2js_platform_unsound.dill
# ........dart2js_server_platform.dill
# ........dart2js_server_platform_unsound.dill
# ........dart2wasm_outline.dill (if not on ia32)
# ........dart2wasm_platform.dill (if not on ia32)
# ........dart2wasm_js_compatibility_outline.dill (if not on ia32)
# ........dart2wasm_js_compatibility_platform.dill (if not on ia32)
# ........ddc_outline.dill
# ........ddc_platform.dill
# ........vm_platform_strong.dill
# ........js_dev_runtime/
# ........js_runtime/
# ........js_shared/
# ......async/
# ......collection/
# ......concurrent/
# ......convert/
# ......core/
# ......dev_compiler/
# ......developer/
# ......html/
# ......_http/
# ......internal/
# ......isolate/
# ......js/
# ......js_interop/
# ......js_interop_unsafe/
# ......js_util/
# ......math/
# ......mirrors/
# ......typed_data/
# Scripts that go under bin/
_platform_sdk_scripts = []
_full_sdk_scripts = []
# Snapshots that go under bin/snapshots
_platform_sdk_snapshots = [
if (dart_target_arch != "ia32" && dart_target_arch != "x86") {
_platform_sdk_snapshots += [ [
] ]
} else {
_platform_sdk_snapshots += [ [
] ]
if (dart_snapshot_kind == "app-jit") {
_platform_sdk_snapshots += [ [
] ]
if (dart_dynamic_modules) {
_platform_sdk_snapshots += [ [
] ]
_full_sdk_snapshots = _platform_sdk_snapshots + [
# Libraries that go under lib/
_full_sdk_libraries = [
# Apps running on the platform SDK shouldn't be using Dart4Web libraries, but
# the analyzer and dartdoc expect all the library sources to be present.
# _platform_sdk_libraries = [
# "_internal",
# "async",
# "cli",
# "collection",
# "convert",
# "core",
# "developer",
# "html",
# "_http",
# "internal",
# "io",
# "isolate",
# "math",
# "mirrors",
# "typed_data",
# ]
_platform_sdk_libraries = _full_sdk_libraries
# This rule copies dartdoc templates to
# bin/resources/dartdoc/templates
copy_tree("copy_dartdoc_templates") {
visibility = [ ":copy_dartdoc_files" ]
source = "../third_party/pkg/dartdoc/lib/templates"
dest = "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/resources/dartdoc/templates"
exclude = "{}"
# This rule copies dartdoc resources to
# bin/resources/dartdoc/resources
copy_tree("copy_dartdoc_resources") {
visibility = [ ":copy_dartdoc_files" ]
source = "../third_party/pkg/dartdoc/lib/resources"
dest = "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/resources/dartdoc/resources"
exclude = "{}"
# This rule copies the pre-built DevTools application to
# bin/resources/devtools/
copy_tree("copy_prebuilt_devtools") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
source = "../third_party/devtools/web"
dest = "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/resources/devtools"
exclude = "{}"
# This loop generates rules to copy libraries to lib/
foreach(library, _full_sdk_libraries) {
copy_tree("copy_${library}_library") {
visibility = [
source = "lib/$library"
dest = "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/lib/$library"
exclude = "*.svn,doc,*.py,*.gypi,*.sh,.git*,*.gn,*.gni"
_has_dot_sym = !is_win && rebase_path(".") == rebase_path("//sdk")
# Copies the Dart VM binary into bin/
if (target_os != current_os && target_os == "fuchsia") {
# In the Fuchsia build, this has to use a symlink for two reasons.
# First, it makes the lookup of shared libraries relative to $ORIGIN
# (Linux) or @loader_path (macOS) find the libraries where they are,
# since those lookups use the directory of the symlink target rather
# than of the link itself (as they would for a copy or hard link).
# Second, when the dart binary is built as a "variant" (e.g. with a
# sanitizer), then $root_out_dir/dart is itself a symlink to the real
# binary in the selected variant toolchain's $root_out_dir and since
# the "copy" tool is actually a hard link rather than a copy, it will
# make a link to the symlink rather than the symlink's target, and the
# relative symlink interpreted from a different containing directory
# will not find the actual binary.
action("copy_dart") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
dart_label = "../runtime/bin:dart"
deps = [ dart_label ]
dart_out = get_label_info(dart_label, "root_out_dir")
sources = [ "$dart_out/$dart_stripped_binary" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/$dart_stripped_binary" ]
script = "/bin/ln"
args = [
rebase_path(sources[0], get_path_info(outputs[0], "dir")),
} else {
copy("copy_dart") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
deps = [ "../runtime/bin:dart" ]
dart_out = get_label_info("../runtime/bin:dart", "root_out_dir")
sources = [ "$dart_out/${dart_stripped_binary}${executable_suffix}" ]
if (is_win && dart_lib_export_symbols) {
sources += [ "$dart_out/dart.lib" ]
if (_has_dot_sym) {
sources += [ "$dart_out/dart.sym" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/{{source_file_part}}" ]
copy("copy_dartaotruntime") {
visibility = [ ":group_dart2native" ]
deps = [ "../runtime/bin:dart_precompiled_runtime_product" ]
src_dir = get_label_info("../runtime/bin:dart_precompiled_runtime_product",
sources = [
outputs = [
group("copy_gen_snapshot") {
visibility = [ ":group_dart2native" ]
public_deps = [ ":copy_gen_snapshot_exe" ]
if (_has_dot_sym) {
public_deps += [ ":copy_gen_snapshot_sym" ]
copy("copy_gen_snapshot_exe") {
deps = [ "../runtime/bin:gen_snapshot_product" ]
src_dir =
get_label_info("../runtime/bin:gen_snapshot_product", "root_out_dir")
sources = [ "$src_dir/${gen_snapshot_stripped_binary}${executable_suffix}" ]
outputs = [
if (_has_dot_sym) {
copy("copy_gen_snapshot_sym") {
deps = [ "../runtime/bin:gen_snapshot_product" ]
sources = [ "$root_out_dir/gen_snapshot_product.sym" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/utils/gen_snapshot${executable_suffix}.sym" ]
copy("copy_vm_platform_strong_product") {
visibility = [ ":group_dart2native" ]
deps = [ "../runtime/vm:vm_platform_product" ]
src_dir = get_label_info("../runtime/vm:vm_platform_product", "root_out_dir")
sources = [ "$src_dir/vm_platform_strong_product.dill" ]
outputs =
[ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/lib/_internal/{{source_file_part}}" ]
copy("copy_gen_kernel_snapshot") {
visibility = [ ":group_dart2native" ]
deps = [ "../utils/gen_kernel" ]
sources = [ "$root_gen_dir/gen_kernel_aot.dart.snapshot" ]
outputs =
[ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/snapshots/{{source_file_part}}" ]
group("group_dart2native") {
deps = [
# A template for copying the things in _platform_sdk_scripts and
# _full_sdk_scripts into bin/
template("copy_sdk_script") {
assert(defined(, "copy_sdk_script must define 'name'")
name =
ext = ""
if (is_win) {
ext = ".bat"
copy(target_name) {
visibility = [
sources = [ "bin/${name}_sdk$ext" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/$name$ext" ]
foreach(sdk_script, _full_sdk_scripts) {
copy_sdk_script("copy_${sdk_script}_script") {
name = sdk_script
# This is the main target for copying scripts in _platform_sdk_scripts to bin/
group("copy_platform_sdk_scripts") {
visibility = [ ":_create_platform_sdk" ]
public_deps = []
foreach(sdk_script, _platform_sdk_scripts) {
public_deps += [ ":copy_${sdk_script}_script" ]
# This is the main target for copying scripts in _full_sdk_scripts to bin/
group("copy_full_sdk_scripts") {
visibility = [ ":create_full_sdk" ]
public_deps = []
foreach(sdk_script, _full_sdk_scripts) {
public_deps += [ ":copy_${sdk_script}_script" ]
# This loop generates "copy" targets that put AppJIT snapshots into
# bin/snapshots
foreach(snapshot, _full_sdk_snapshots) {
root = root_gen_dir
# The frontend_server is output to root_out_dir so that it doesn't conflict
# with the flutter snapshot by the same name under root_gen_dir.
if (snapshot[0] == "frontend_server" ||
snapshot[0] == "frontend_server_aot") {
root = root_out_dir
copy("copy_${snapshot[0]}_snapshot") {
visibility = [
deps = [ snapshot[1] ]
sources = [ "$root/${snapshot[0]}.dart.snapshot" ]
outputs =
[ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/snapshots/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# This is the main rule for copying snapshots from _platform_sdk_snapshots to
# bin/snapshots
group("copy_platform_sdk_snapshots") {
visibility = [ ":_create_platform_sdk" ]
public_deps = []
foreach(snapshot, _platform_sdk_snapshots) {
public_deps += [ ":copy_${snapshot[0]}_snapshot" ]
# This is the main rule for copying snapshots from _full_sdk_snapshots to
# bin/snapshots
group("copy_full_sdk_snapshots") {
visibility = [ ":create_full_sdk" ]
public_deps = []
foreach(snapshot, _full_sdk_snapshots) {
public_deps += [ ":copy_${snapshot[0]}_snapshot" ]
# This is the main rule for copying the files that dartdoc needs.
group("copy_dartdoc_files") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
public_deps = [
# This rule copies dill files to lib/_internal.
copy("copy_vm_dill_files") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
deps = [
sources = [ "$root_out_dir/vm_platform_strong.dill" ]
outputs =
[ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/lib/_internal/{{source_file_part}}" ]
copy("copy_dart2js_dill_files") {
visibility = [ ":create_full_sdk" ]
deps = [
sources = [
outputs =
[ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/lib/_internal/{{source_file_part}}" ]
copy("copy_dart2wasm_platform") {
visibility = [ ":create_full_sdk" ]
deps = [
sources = [
outputs =
[ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/lib/_internal/{{source_file_part}}" ]
copy("copy_dart2wasm_snapshot") {
visibility = [ ":create_full_sdk" ]
deps = [
sources = [ "$root_out_dir/dart2wasm_product.snapshot" ]
outputs =
[ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/snapshots/{{source_file_part}}" ]
copy("copy_wasm_opt") {
visibility = [ ":create_full_sdk" ]
deps = [
sources = [ "$root_out_dir/${wasm_opt_stripped_binary}${executable_suffix}" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/bin/utils/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# Copies DDC's SDK full and outline .dill files to lib/_internal.
copy("copy_dev_compiler_dills") {
visibility = [ ":copy_dev_compiler_sdk" ]
deps = [
sources = [
outputs =
[ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/lib/_internal/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# Copies require.js to lib/dev_compiler/amd.
# Used to load DDC compiled amd modules.
copy("copy_dev_compiler_amd_require_js") {
visibility = [ ":copy_dev_compiler_sdk" ]
sources = [ "../third_party/requirejs/require.js" ]
outputs = [
# Copies ddc_module_loader.js to lib/dev_compiler/ddc.
# Used to manage DDC library and module loading.
copy("copy_dev_compiler_ddc_module_loader_js") {
visibility = [ ":copy_dev_compiler_sdk" ]
sources = [ "../pkg/dev_compiler/lib/js/ddc/ddc_module_loader.js" ]
outputs = [
# Copies stack_trace_mapper tool to lib/dev_compiler/web.
# Used when running DDC compiled applications.
copy("copy_dev_compiler_stack_trace_mapper") {
visibility = [ ":copy_dev_compiler_sdk" ]
deps = [ "../utils/ddc:stack_trace_mapper" ]
dart_out = get_label_info("../utils/ddc:stack_trace_mapper", "root_out_dir")
sources = [ "$dart_out/dev_compiler/build/web/dart_stack_trace_mapper.js" ]
outputs = [
# Main rule for copying all of DDC's dependencies to lib.
group("copy_dev_compiler_sdk") {
visibility = [ ":create_full_sdk" ]
public_deps = [
# This rule copies header files to include/
group("copy_headers") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
deps = [ "../runtime/include:copy_headers" ]
# This rule copies libraries.json files to lib/
copy("copy_libraries_specification") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
sources = [ "lib/libraries.json" ]
deps = [ ":copy_libraries" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/lib/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# This is the main rule to copy libraries in _platform_sdk_libraries to lib/
group("copy_platform_sdk_libraries") {
visibility = [
public_deps = []
foreach(library, _platform_sdk_libraries) {
public_deps += [ ":copy_${library}_library" ]
# This is the main rule to copy libraries in _full_sdk_libraries to lib/
group("copy_full_sdk_libraries") {
visibility = [
public_deps = []
foreach(library, _full_sdk_libraries) {
public_deps += [ ":copy_${library}_library" ]
group("copy_libraries") {
if (dart_platform_sdk) {
public_deps = [ ":copy_platform_sdk_libraries" ]
} else {
public_deps = [ ":copy_full_sdk_libraries" ]
# This rule writes the version file.
action("write_version_file") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
inputs = [
output = "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/version"
outputs = [ output ]
script = "../tools/"
args = [
if (!dart_version_git_info) {
args += [ "--no-git-hash" ]
# This rule writes the revision file.
action("write_revision_file") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
inputs = [ "$default_git_folder/logs/HEAD" ]
output = "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/revision"
outputs = [ output ]
script = "../tools/"
args = [
if (!dart_version_git_info) {
args += [ "--no-git-hash" ]
# This rule copies the README file.
copy("copy_readme") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
sources = [ "../README.dart-sdk" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/README" ]
# This rule copies the LICENSE file.
copy("copy_license") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
sources = [ "../LICENSE" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/LICENSE" ]
# This rule generates a custom dartdoc_options.yaml file.
action("write_dartdoc_options") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
inputs = [ "$default_git_folder/logs/HEAD" ]
output = "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/dartdoc_options.yaml"
outputs = [ output ]
script = "../tools/"
args = [
if (!dart_version_git_info) {
args += [ "--no-git-hash" ]
# This rule copies the API readme file to lib/
copy("copy_api_readme") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
sources = [ "" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/lib/" ]
# This rule copies the sdk_packages.yaml file to the root of the SDK, which
# defines the locations of the vendored SDK packages.
copy("copy_sdk_packages_yaml") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
sources = [ "../sdk_packages.yaml" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/sdk_packages.yaml" ]
# This rule copies pkg/_macros to pkg/_macros in the built SDK. This is a
# vendored SDK package.
copy_tree("copy_pkg_macros") {
visibility = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
source = "../pkg/_macros"
dest = "$root_out_dir/$dart_sdk_output/pkg/_macros"
exclude = "{}"
# Parts common to both platform and full SDKs.
group("create_common_sdk") {
visibility = [
public_deps = [
# We do not support AOT on ia32 and should therefore not add the
# dart native compilation files since there is no AOT compiler/runtime
# available.
if (dart_target_arch != "ia32" && dart_target_arch != "x86") {
public_deps += [ ":group_dart2native" ]
# Parts specific to the platform SDK.
group("_create_platform_sdk") {
visibility = [
public_deps = [
# Parts specific to the full SDK.
group("create_full_sdk") {
visibility = [ ":create_sdk" ]
public_deps = [
if (dart_target_arch != "ia32" && dart_target_arch != "x86") {
public_deps += [
if (dart_include_wasm_opt) {
public_deps += [ ":copy_wasm_opt" ]
# Build a SDK with less stuff. It excludes dart2js, ddc, and web libraries.
group("create_platform_sdk") {
public_deps = [
# The main target to depend on from ../
group("create_sdk") {
public_deps = [ ":create_common_sdk" ]
if (dart_platform_sdk) {
public_deps += [ ":_create_platform_sdk" ]
} else {
public_deps += [ ":create_full_sdk" ]