Implementing a new language feature

When a new language feature is approved, a tracking issue will be created in order to track the work required in the analysis_server package. Separate issues are created to track the work in the analyzer, dartdoc, and linter packages.

Below is a template for the list of server features that need to be reviewed to see whether they need to be enhanced in order to work correctly with the new feature. In almost all cases new tests will need to be written to ensure that the feature isn't broken when run over code that uses the new language feature. In some cases, new support will need to be added.

Separate issues should be created for each of the items in the list.


The following is a list of the individual features that need to be considered. The features are listed in alphabetical order.

  • [ ] Call Hierarchy
  • [ ] Closing Labels
  • [ ] Code Completion
  • [ ] Code Folding
  • [ ] Document Symbols
  • [ ] Document Colors
  • [ ] Flutter Outline
  • [ ] Hovers
  • [ ] Implemented Markers
  • [ ] Inlay Hints
  • [ ] Navigation - legacy
  • [ ] Navigation - LSP Go to Definition
  • [ ] Navigation - LSP Go to Type Definition
  • [ ] Navigation - Go to Super
  • [ ] Occurrences - legacy
  • [ ] Occurrences - LSP Document Highlights
  • [ ] Organize Imports
  • [ ] Outline
  • [ ] Overrides Markers
  • [ ] Quick Assists
  • [ ] Quick Fixes
  • [ ] Refactorings - legacy
  • [ ] Refactorings - self describing
  • [ ] Search - Find References
  • [ ] Search - Implementations - LSP
  • [ ] Search - Member Declarations
  • [ ] Search - Member References
  • [ ] Search - Top-level Declarations
  • [ ] Selection Range
  • Syntax Highlighting
    • [ ] Semantic Highlights
    • [ ] LSP Semantic Tokens
  • [ ] Signature Help
  • [ ] Snippets
  • [ ] Sort Members
  • [ ] Type Hierarchy - legacy
  • [ ] Type Hierarchy - LSP
  • [ ] Workspace Symbols