blob: f515c66f91d11b49f034eee7f5cfc134c90853ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library type_test_helper;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/common/resolution.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/common_elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/types.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entities.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart'
show ClassElement, LibraryElement, TypedefElement;
import 'package:compiler/src/kernel/kernel_strategy.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/world.dart' show ClosedWorld;
import 'compiler_helper.dart' as mock;
import 'compiler_helper.dart' show CompileMode;
import 'memory_compiler.dart' as memory;
import 'kernel/compiler_helper.dart' as dill;
export 'compiler_helper.dart' show CompileMode;
DartType instantiate(Entity element, List<DartType> arguments) {
if (element is ClassElement) {
return new ResolutionInterfaceType(element, arguments);
} else if (element is ClassEntity) {
return new InterfaceType(element, arguments);
} else {
assert(element is TypedefElement);
return new ResolutionTypedefType(element, arguments);
class TypeEnvironment {
final Compiler compiler;
final bool testBackendWorld;
Resolution get resolution => compiler.resolution;
static Future<TypeEnvironment> create(String source,
{CompileMode compileMode: CompileMode.mock,
bool useDillCompiler: false,
bool expectNoErrors: false,
bool expectNoWarningsOrErrors: false,
bool stopAfterTypeInference: false,
String mainSource,
bool testBackendWorld: false,
List<String> options: const <String>[],
Map<String, String> fieldTypeMap: const <String, String>{}}) async {
Uri uri;
Compiler compiler;
if (mainSource != null) {
stopAfterTypeInference = true;
if (testBackendWorld) {
stopAfterTypeInference = true;
assert(mainSource != null);
if (mainSource == null) {
source = '''import 'dart:async';
main() {}
} else {
source = '$mainSource\n$source';
memory.DiagnosticCollector collector;
if (compileMode == CompileMode.kernel) {
collector = new memory.DiagnosticCollector();
uri = Uri.parse('memory:main.dart');
compiler = await dill.compileWithDill(
entryPoint: uri,
memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': source},
diagnosticHandler: collector,
options: stopAfterTypeInference
? ([Flags.disableTypeInference]..addAll(options))
: ([
beforeRun: (Compiler compiler) {
compiler.stopAfterTypeInference = stopAfterTypeInference;
} else {
if (compileMode == CompileMode.mock) {
uri = new Uri(scheme: 'source');
mock.MockCompiler mockCompiler = mock.mockCompilerFor(source, uri,
analyzeAll: !stopAfterTypeInference,
analyzeOnly: !stopAfterTypeInference);
mockCompiler.diagnosticHandler =
mock.createHandler(mockCompiler, source);
collector = mockCompiler.diagnosticCollector;
compiler = mockCompiler;
compiler.stopAfterTypeInference = stopAfterTypeInference;
} else {
collector = new memory.DiagnosticCollector();
uri = Uri.parse('memory:main.dart');
memory.CompilationResult result = await memory.runCompiler(
entryPoint: uri,
memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': source},
diagnosticHandler: collector,
options: stopAfterTypeInference
? ([Flags.useOldFrontend]..addAll(options))
: ([Flags.useOldFrontend, Flags.analyzeAll, Flags.analyzeOnly]
beforeRun: (compiler) {
compiler.stopAfterTypeInference = stopAfterTypeInference;
compiler = result.compiler;
if (expectNoErrors || expectNoWarningsOrErrors) {
var errors = collector.errors;
Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty, 'Unexpected errors: ${errors}');
if (expectNoWarningsOrErrors) {
var warnings = collector.warnings;
Expect.isTrue(warnings.isEmpty, 'Unexpected warnings: ${warnings}');
return new TypeEnvironment._(compiler, testBackendWorld: testBackendWorld);
TypeEnvironment._(Compiler this.compiler, {this.testBackendWorld: false});
ElementEnvironment get elementEnvironment {
if (testBackendWorld) {
return compiler.backendClosedWorldForTesting.elementEnvironment;
} else {
return compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment;
CommonElements get commonElements {
if (testBackendWorld) {
return compiler.backendClosedWorldForTesting.commonElements;
} else {
return compiler.frontendStrategy.commonElements;
DartTypes get types {
if (resolution != null) {
return resolution.types;
} else {
if (testBackendWorld) {
return compiler.backendClosedWorldForTesting.dartTypes;
} else {
KernelFrontEndStrategy frontendStrategy = compiler.frontendStrategy;
return frontendStrategy.elementMap.types;
Entity getElement(String name) {
LibraryEntity mainLibrary = elementEnvironment.mainLibrary;
dynamic element = elementEnvironment.lookupLibraryMember(mainLibrary, name);
element ??= elementEnvironment.lookupClass(mainLibrary, name);
element ??=
elementEnvironment.lookupClass(commonElements.coreLibrary, name);
if (element == null && mainLibrary is LibraryElement) {
element = mainLibrary.find(name);
Expect.isNotNull(element, "No element named '$name' found.");
if (element is ClassElement) {
} else if (element is TypedefElement) {
return element;
ClassEntity getClass(String name) {
LibraryEntity mainLibrary = elementEnvironment.mainLibrary;
ClassEntity element = elementEnvironment.lookupClass(mainLibrary, name);
Expect.isNotNull(element, "No class named '$name' found.");
if (element is ClassElement) {
return element;
DartType getElementType(String name) {
dynamic element = getElement(name);
if (element is FieldEntity) {
return elementEnvironment.getFieldType(element);
} else if (element is FunctionEntity) {
return elementEnvironment.getFunctionType(element);
} else if (element is ClassEntity) {
return elementEnvironment.getThisType(element);
} else {
/// ignore: undefined_method
return element.computeType(compiler.resolution);
DartType operator [](String name) {
if (name == 'dynamic') {
if (resolution != null) {
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
} else {
return const DynamicType();
if (name == 'void') {
if (resolution != null) {
return const ResolutionVoidType();
} else {
return const VoidType();
return getElementType(name);
MemberEntity _getMember(String name, [ClassEntity cls]) {
if (cls != null) {
return elementEnvironment.lookupLocalClassMember(cls, name);
} else {
LibraryEntity mainLibrary = elementEnvironment.mainLibrary;
return elementEnvironment.lookupLibraryMember(mainLibrary, name);
DartType getMemberType(String name, [ClassEntity cls]) {
MemberEntity member = _getMember(name, cls);
if (member is FieldEntity) {
return elementEnvironment.getFieldType(member);
} else if (member is FunctionEntity) {
return elementEnvironment.getFunctionType(member);
throw 'Unexpected member: $member';
DartType getClosureType(String name, [ClassEntity cls]) {
if (testBackendWorld) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"getClosureType not supported for backend testing.");
MemberEntity member = _getMember(name, cls);
DartType type;
.forEachLocalFunction((MemberEntity m, Local local) {
if (member == m) {
type ??= elementEnvironment.getLocalFunctionType(local);
return type;
DartType getFieldType(String name) {
LibraryEntity mainLibrary = elementEnvironment.mainLibrary;
FieldEntity field =
elementEnvironment.lookupLibraryMember(mainLibrary, name);
return elementEnvironment.getFieldType(field);
bool isSubtype(DartType T, DartType S) {
return types.isSubtype(T, S);
bool isMoreSpecific(ResolutionDartType T, ResolutionDartType S) {
return (types as Types).isMoreSpecific(T, S);
ResolutionDartType computeLeastUpperBound(
ResolutionDartType T, ResolutionDartType S) {
return (types as Types).computeLeastUpperBound(T, S);
ResolutionDartType flatten(ResolutionDartType T) {
return (types as Types).flatten(T);
ResolutionFunctionType functionType(
ResolutionDartType returnType, List<ResolutionDartType> parameters,
{List<ResolutionDartType> optionalParameters:
const <ResolutionDartType>[],
Map<String, ResolutionDartType> namedParameters}) {
List<String> namedParameterNames = <String>[];
List<ResolutionDartType> namedParameterTypes = <ResolutionDartType>[];
if (namedParameters != null) {
namedParameters.forEach((String name, ResolutionDartType type) {
return new ResolutionFunctionType.synthesized(returnType, parameters,
optionalParameters, namedParameterNames, namedParameterTypes);
ClosedWorld get closedWorld {
if (testBackendWorld) {
return compiler.backendClosedWorldForTesting;
} else {
return compiler.resolutionWorldBuilder.closedWorldForTesting;
/// Data used to create a function type either as method declaration or a
/// typedef declaration.
class FunctionTypeData {
final String returnType;
final String name;
final String parameters;
const FunctionTypeData(this.returnType,, this.parameters);
String toString() => '$returnType $name$parameters';
/// Return source code that declares the function types in [dataList] as
/// method declarations of the form:
/// $returnType $name$parameters => null;
String createMethods(List<FunctionTypeData> dataList,
{String additionalData: '', String prefix: ''}) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (FunctionTypeData data in dataList) {
'${data.returnType} $prefix${}${data.parameters} => null;');
return sb.toString();
/// Return source code that declares the function types in [dataList] as
/// typedefs of the form:
/// typedef fx = $returnType Function$parameters;
/// fx $name;
/// where a field using the typedef is add to make the type accessible by name.
String createTypedefs(List<FunctionTypeData> dataList,
{String additionalData: '', String prefix: ''}) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int index = 0; index < dataList.length; index++) {
FunctionTypeData data = dataList[index];
'typedef f$index = ${data.returnType} Function${data.parameters};');
for (int index = 0; index < dataList.length; index++) {
FunctionTypeData data = dataList[index];
sb.writeln('f$index $prefix${};');
return sb.toString();