blob: 74479acc6824ff469081c3117f0f8a70633a595d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/intrusive_dlist.h"
#include "vm/os_thread.h"
namespace dart {
class MutexLocker;
class ThreadPool {
// Subclasses of Task are able to run on a ThreadPool.
class Task : public IntrusiveDListEntry<Task> {
Task() {}
virtual ~Task() {}
// Override this to provide task-specific behavior.
virtual void Run() = 0;
explicit ThreadPool(uintptr_t max_pool_size = 0);
// Prevent scheduling of new tasks, wait until all pending tasks are done
// and join worker threads.
virtual ~ThreadPool();
// Runs a task on the thread pool.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
bool Run(Args&&... args) {
return RunImpl(std::unique_ptr<Task>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)));
bool Run(Task* task) { return RunImpl(std::unique_ptr<Task>(task)); }
// Returns `true` if the current thread is running on the [this] thread pool.
bool CurrentThreadIsWorker();
// Mark the current thread as being blocked (e.g. in native code). This might
// temporarily increase the max thread pool size.
void MarkCurrentWorkerAsBlocked();
// Mark the current thread as being unblocked. Must be called iff
// [MarkCurrentWorkerAsBlocked] was called before and the thread is now ready
// to continue executing.
void MarkCurrentWorkerAsUnBlocked();
// Triggers shutdown, prevents scheduling of new tasks.
void Shutdown();
// Exposed for unit test in
uint64_t workers_started() const { return count_idle_ + count_running_; }
// Exposed for unit test in
uint64_t workers_stopped() const { return count_dead_; }
class Worker : public IntrusiveDListEntry<Worker> {
explicit Worker(ThreadPool* pool);
// Starts the thread for the worker. This should only be called
// after a task has been set by the initial call to SetTask().
void StartThread();
ConditionVariable::WaitResult Sleep(int64_t timeout_micros) {
return wakeup_cv_.WaitMicros(&pool_->pool_mutex_, timeout_micros);
friend class ThreadPool;
void Wakeup() { wakeup_cv_.Notify(); }
// The main entry point for new worker threads.
static void Main(uword args);
// Fields initialized during construction or in start of main function of
// thread.
ThreadPool* pool_;
ThreadJoinId join_id_;
OSThread* os_thread_ = nullptr;
bool is_blocked_ = false;
ConditionVariable wakeup_cv_;
// Called when the thread pool turns idle.
// Subclasses can override this to perform some action.
// NOTE: While this function is running the thread pool will be locked.
virtual void OnEnterIdleLocked(MutexLocker* ml, Worker* worker) {}
// Whether a shutdown was requested.
bool ShuttingDownLocked() { return shutting_down_; }
// Whether new tasks are ready to be run.
bool TasksWaitingToRunLocked() { return !tasks_.IsEmpty(); }
using TaskList = IntrusiveDList<Task>;
using WorkerList = IntrusiveDList<Worker>;
bool RunImpl(std::unique_ptr<Task> task);
void WorkerLoop(Worker* worker);
Worker* ScheduleTaskLocked(std::unique_ptr<Task> task);
std::unique_ptr<Task> TakeNextAvailableTaskLocked();
void IdleToRunningLocked(Worker* worker);
void RunningToIdleLocked(Worker* worker);
void IdleToDeadLocked(Worker* worker);
void ObtainDeadWorkersLocked(WorkerList* dead_workers_to_join);
void JoinDeadWorkersLocked(WorkerList* dead_workers_to_join);
Mutex pool_mutex_;
bool shutting_down_ = false;
uint64_t count_running_ = 0;
uint64_t count_idle_ = 0;
uint64_t count_dead_ = 0;
WorkerList running_workers_;
WorkerList idle_workers_;
WorkerList dead_workers_;
uint64_t pending_tasks_ = 0;
TaskList tasks_;
Monitor exit_monitor_;
std::atomic<bool> all_workers_dead_;
uintptr_t max_pool_size_ = 0;
} // namespace dart