blob: e79688b8878a690671fcfc71fcdcb8788241d6ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/raw_object.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Array;
class Closure;
class Function;
class Instance;
class Integer;
class Library;
class Object;
class String;
// An arguments descriptor array consists of the type argument vector length (0
// if none); total argument count (not counting type argument vector); total
// arguments size (not counting type argument vector); the positional argument
// count; a sequence of (name, position) pairs, sorted by name, for each named
// optional argument; and a terminating null to simplify iterating in generated
// code.
class ArgumentsDescriptor : public ValueObject {
explicit ArgumentsDescriptor(const Array& array);
// Accessors.
intptr_t TypeArgsLen() const; // 0 if no type argument vector is passed.
intptr_t FirstArgIndex() const { return TypeArgsLen() > 0 ? 1 : 0; }
intptr_t CountWithTypeArgs() const { return FirstArgIndex() + Count(); }
intptr_t Count() const; // Excluding type arguments vector.
intptr_t Size() const; // Excluding type arguments vector.
intptr_t SizeWithTypeArgs() const { return FirstArgIndex() + Size(); }
intptr_t PositionalCount() const; // Excluding type arguments vector.
intptr_t NamedCount() const { return Count() - PositionalCount(); }
StringPtr NameAt(intptr_t i) const;
intptr_t PositionAt(intptr_t i) const;
bool MatchesNameAt(intptr_t i, const String& other) const;
// Returns array of argument names in the arguments order.
ArrayPtr GetArgumentNames() const;
void PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* buffer, bool show_named_positions = false) const;
const char* ToCString() const;
// Generated code support.
static intptr_t type_args_len_offset() {
return Array::element_offset(kTypeArgsLenIndex);
static intptr_t count_offset() { return Array::element_offset(kCountIndex); }
static intptr_t size_offset() { return Array::element_offset(kSizeIndex); }
static intptr_t positional_count_offset() {
return Array::element_offset(kPositionalCountIndex);
static intptr_t first_named_entry_offset() {
return Array::element_offset(kFirstNamedEntryIndex);
static intptr_t name_offset() { return kNameOffset * kCompressedWordSize; }
static intptr_t position_offset() {
return kPositionOffset * kCompressedWordSize;
static intptr_t named_entry_size() {
return kNamedEntrySize * kCompressedWordSize;
// Constructs an argument descriptor where all arguments are boxed and
// therefore number of parameters equals parameter size.
// Right now this is for example the case for all closure functions.
// Functions marked as entry-points may also be created by NewUnboxed because
// we rely that TFA will mark the arguments as nullable for such cases.
static ArrayPtr NewBoxed(intptr_t type_args_len,
intptr_t num_arguments,
const Array& optional_arguments_names,
Heap::Space space = Heap::kOld) {
return New(type_args_len, num_arguments, num_arguments,
optional_arguments_names, space);
// Allocate and return an arguments descriptor. The first
// (num_arguments - optional_arguments_names.Length()) arguments are
// positional and the remaining ones are named optional arguments.
// The presence of a type argument vector as first argument (not counted in
// num_arguments) is indicated by a non-zero type_args_len.
static ArrayPtr New(intptr_t type_args_len,
intptr_t num_arguments,
intptr_t size_arguments,
const Array& optional_arguments_names,
Heap::Space space = Heap::kOld);
// Constructs an argument descriptor where all arguments are boxed and
// therefore number of parameters equals parameter size.
// Right now this is for example the case for all closure functions.
static ArrayPtr NewBoxed(intptr_t type_args_len,
intptr_t num_arguments,
Heap::Space space = Heap::kOld) {
return New(type_args_len, num_arguments, num_arguments, space);
// Allocate and return an arguments descriptor that has no optional
// arguments. All arguments are positional. The presence of a type argument
// vector as first argument (not counted in num_arguments) is indicated
// by a non-zero type_args_len.
static ArrayPtr New(intptr_t type_args_len,
intptr_t num_arguments,
intptr_t size_arguments,
Heap::Space space = Heap::kOld);
// Initialize the preallocated fixed length arguments descriptors cache.
static void Init();
// Clear the preallocated fixed length arguments descriptors cache.
static void Cleanup();
enum { kCachedDescriptorCount = 32 };
// For creating ArgumentDescriptor Slots.
static constexpr bool ContainsCompressedPointers() {
// Use the same state as the backing store.
return Array::ContainsCompressedPointers();
// Absolute indices into the array.
// Keep these in sync with the constants in invocation_mirror_patch.dart.
enum {
// Relative indexes into each named argument entry.
enum {
// The least significant bit of the entry in 'kPositionOffset' (second
// least-significant after Smi-encoding) holds the strong-mode checking bit
// for the named argument.
static intptr_t LengthFor(intptr_t num_named_arguments) {
// Add 1 for the terminating null.
return kFirstNamedEntryIndex + (kNamedEntrySize * num_named_arguments) + 1;
static ArrayPtr NewNonCached(intptr_t type_args_len,
intptr_t num_arguments,
intptr_t size_arguments,
bool canonicalize,
Heap::Space space);
// Used by Simulator to parse argument descriptors.
static intptr_t name_index(intptr_t index) {
return kFirstNamedEntryIndex + (index * kNamedEntrySize) + kNameOffset;
static intptr_t position_index(intptr_t index) {
return kFirstNamedEntryIndex + (index * kNamedEntrySize) + kPositionOffset;
const Array& array_;
// A cache of VM heap allocated arguments descriptors.
static ArrayPtr cached_args_descriptors_[kCachedDescriptorCount];
friend class Interpreter;
friend class InterpreterHelpers;
friend class VMSerializationRoots;
friend class VMDeserializationRoots;
// DartEntry abstracts functionality needed to resolve dart functions
// and invoke them from C++.
class DartEntry : public AllStatic {
// Invokes the specified instance function or static function.
// The first argument of an instance function is the receiver.
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
// This is used when there is no type argument vector and
// no named arguments in the call.
static ObjectPtr InvokeFunction(const Function& function,
const Array& arguments);
#if defined(TESTING)
// Invokes the specified code as if it was a Dart function.
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
static ObjectPtr InvokeCode(const Code& code,
const Array& arguments_descriptor,
const Array& arguments,
Thread* thread);
// Invokes the specified instance, static, or closure function.
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
static ObjectPtr InvokeFunction(const Function& function,
const Array& arguments,
const Array& arguments_descriptor);
// Invokes the first argument in the provided arguments array as a callable
// object, performing any needed dynamic checks if the callable cannot receive
// dynamic invocation.
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
// Used when an ArgumentsDescriptor is not required, that is, when there
// are no type arguments or named arguments.
static ObjectPtr InvokeClosure(Thread* thread, const Array& arguments);
// Invokes the first argument in the provided arguments array as a callable
// object, performing any needed dynamic checks if the callable cannot receive
// dynamic invocation.
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
static ObjectPtr InvokeClosure(Thread* thread,
const Array& arguments,
const Array& arguments_descriptor);
// Invokes the noSuchMethod instance function on the receiver.
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
static ObjectPtr InvokeNoSuchMethod(Thread* thread,
const Instance& receiver,
const String& target_name,
const Array& arguments,
const Array& arguments_descriptor);
// Resolves the first argument in the provided arguments array to a callable
// compatible with the arguments. Helper method used within InvokeClosure.
// If no errors occur, the first argument is changed to be either the resolved
// callable or, if Function::null() is returned, an appropriate target for
// invoking noSuchMethod.
// On success, returns a FunctionPtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
static ObjectPtr ResolveCallable(Thread* thread,
const Array& arguments,
const Array& arguments_descriptor);
// Invokes a function returned by ResolveCallable, performing any dynamic
// checks needed if the function cannot receive dynamic invocation. Helper
// method used within InvokeClosure.
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
static ObjectPtr InvokeCallable(Thread* thread,
const Function& callable_function,
const Array& arguments,
const Array& arguments_descriptor);
// Utility functions to call from VM into Dart bootstrap libraries.
// Each may return an exception object.
class DartLibraryCalls : public AllStatic {
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
static ObjectPtr InstanceCreate(const Library& library,
const String& exception_name,
const String& constructor_name,
const Array& arguments);
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
static ObjectPtr ToString(const Instance& receiver);
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
static ObjectPtr HashCode(const Instance& receiver);
// On success, returns an InstancePtr. On failure, an ErrorPtr.
static ObjectPtr Equals(const Instance& left, const Instance& right);
// Returns the handler if one has been registered for this port id.
static ObjectPtr LookupHandler(Dart_Port port_id);
// Returns handler on success, an ErrorPtr on failure, null if can't find
// handler for this port id.
static ObjectPtr HandleMessage(Dart_Port port_id, const Instance& message);
// Invokes the finalizer to run its callbacks.
static ObjectPtr HandleFinalizerMessage(const FinalizerBase& finalizer);
// Returns a list of open ReceivePorts.
static ObjectPtr LookupOpenPorts();
// Returns null on success, an ErrorPtr on failure.
static ObjectPtr DrainMicrotaskQueue();
// Ensures that the isolate's _pendingImmediateCallback is set to
// _startMicrotaskLoop from dart:async.
// Returns null on success, an ErrorPtr on failure.
static ObjectPtr EnsureScheduleImmediate();
// Runs the `_rehashObjects()` function in `dart:compact_hash`.
static ObjectPtr RehashObjectsInDartCompactHash(
Thread* thread,
const Object& array_or_growable_array);
// Runs the `_rehashObjects()` function in `dart:core`.
static ObjectPtr RehashObjectsInDartCore(
Thread* thread,
const Object& array_or_growable_array);
} // namespace dart