| // Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| // Macro list of all constants that differ based on whether the architecture is |
| // 32-bit or 64-bit. They are used to allow the target architecture to differ |
| // from the host, like this: |
| // 1) The macros correspond to constants defined throughout the VM that are |
| // sized based on the *host* architecture. |
| // 2) offsets_extractor.cc prints these values to runtime_offsets_extracted.h, |
| // for both 32 and 64 bit architectures. |
| // 3) runtime_api.h presents the runtime_offsets_extracted.h constants in a way |
| // designed to look like the original constants from 1), but now namespaced |
| // to dart::compiler::target, and sized based on the *target* architecture. |
| // 4) Users of the constants from 1) can now just add the namespace from 3) to |
| // get all their constants sized based on the target rather than the host. |
| |
| // FIELD(Class, Name) Offset of a field within a class. |
| // ARRAY(Class, Name) Offset of the first element and the size of the elements |
| // in an array of this class. |
| // SIZEOF(Class, Name, What) Class::Name() is defined as sizeof(What). |
| // ARRAY_SIZEOF(Class, Name, ElementOffset) Instance size for an array object. |
| // Defines Class::Name(intptr_t length) and uses |
| // Class::ElementOffset(length) to calculate size of the instance. Also |
| // defines Class::Name() (with no length argument) to be 0. |
| // PAYLOAD_SIZEOF(Class, Name, HeaderSize) Instance size for a payload object. |
| // Defines Class::Name(word payload_size) and uses Class::HeaderSize(), |
| // which should give the size of the header before the payload. Also |
| // defines Class::Name() (with no payload size argument) to be 0. |
| // RANGE(Class, Name, Type, First, Last, Filter) An array of offsets generated |
| // by passing a value of the given Type in the range from First to Last to |
| // Class::Name() if Filter returns true for that value. |
| // CONSTANT(Class, Name) Miscellaneous constant. |
| // |
| // COMMON_OFFSETS_LIST is for declarations that are valid in all contexts. |
| // JIT_OFFSETS_LIST is for declarations that are only valid in JIT mode. |
| // AOT_OFFSETS_LIST is for declarations that are only valid in AOT mode. |
| // A declaration that is not valid in product mode can be wrapped with |
| // NOT_IN_PRODUCT(). |
| // |
| // TODO(dartbug.com/43646): Add DART_PRECOMPILER as another axis. |
| |
| #define COMPRESSED_ONLY(x) x |
| #else |
| #define COMPRESSED_ONLY(x) |
| #endif |
| |
| ARRAY(Array, element_offset) \ |
| NOT_IN_PRODUCT(ARRAY(ClassTable, AllocationTracingStateSlotOffsetFor)) \ |
| ARRAY(Code, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY(Context, variable_offset) \ |
| ARRAY(ContextScope, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY(ExceptionHandlers, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY(ObjectPool, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY(OneByteString, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY(Record, field_offset) \ |
| ARRAY(TypeArguments, type_at_offset) \ |
| ARRAY(TwoByteString, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY(WeakArray, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(Array, InstanceSize, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(Code, InstanceSize, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(Context, InstanceSize, variable_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(ContextScope, InstanceSize, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(ExceptionHandlers, InstanceSize, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(ObjectPool, InstanceSize, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(OneByteString, InstanceSize, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(Record, InstanceSize, field_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(TypeArguments, InstanceSize, type_at_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(TwoByteString, InstanceSize, element_offset) \ |
| ARRAY_SIZEOF(WeakArray, InstanceSize, element_offset) \ |
| CONSTANT(Array, kMaxElements) \ |
| CONSTANT(Array, kMaxNewSpaceElements) \ |
| CONSTANT(Context, kMaxElements) \ |
| CONSTANT(Instructions, kMonomorphicEntryOffsetJIT) \ |
| CONSTANT(Instructions, kPolymorphicEntryOffsetJIT) \ |
| CONSTANT(Instructions, kMonomorphicEntryOffsetAOT) \ |
| CONSTANT(Instructions, kPolymorphicEntryOffsetAOT) \ |
| CONSTANT(Instructions, kBarePayloadAlignment) \ |
| CONSTANT(Instructions, kNonBarePayloadAlignment) \ |
| CONSTANT(NativeEntry, kNumCallWrapperArguments) \ |
| CONSTANT(Page, kBytesPerCardLog2) \ |
| CONSTANT(Record, kMaxElements) \ |
| CONSTANT(RecordShape, kFieldNamesIndexMask) \ |
| CONSTANT(RecordShape, kFieldNamesIndexShift) \ |
| CONSTANT(RecordShape, kMaxFieldNamesIndex) \ |
| CONSTANT(RecordShape, kMaxNumFields) \ |
| CONSTANT(RecordShape, kNumFieldsMask) \ |
| CONSTANT(String, kMaxElements) \ |
| CONSTANT(OneByteString, kMaxNewSpaceElements) \ |
| CONSTANT(TwoByteString, kMaxNewSpaceElements) \ |
| CONSTANT(SubtypeTestCache, kFunctionTypeArguments) \ |
| CONSTANT(SubtypeTestCache, kInstanceCidOrSignature) \ |
| CONSTANT(SubtypeTestCache, kDestinationType) \ |
| CONSTANT(SubtypeTestCache, kInstanceDelayedFunctionTypeArguments) \ |
| CONSTANT(SubtypeTestCache, kInstanceParentFunctionTypeArguments) \ |
| CONSTANT(SubtypeTestCache, kInstanceTypeArguments) \ |
| CONSTANT(SubtypeTestCache, kInstantiatorTypeArguments) \ |
| CONSTANT(SubtypeTestCache, kTestEntryLength) \ |
| CONSTANT(SubtypeTestCache, kMaxInputs) \ |
| CONSTANT(SubtypeTestCache, kTestResult) \ |
| CONSTANT(TypeArguments, kMaxElements) \ |
| FIELD(AbstractType, flags_offset) \ |
| FIELD(AbstractType, hash_offset) \ |
| FIELD(AbstractType, type_test_stub_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ArgumentsDescriptor, count_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ArgumentsDescriptor, size_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ArgumentsDescriptor, first_named_entry_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ArgumentsDescriptor, named_entry_size) \ |
| FIELD(ArgumentsDescriptor, name_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ArgumentsDescriptor, position_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ArgumentsDescriptor, positional_count_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ArgumentsDescriptor, type_args_len_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Array, data_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Array, length_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Array, tags_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Array, type_arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Class, declaration_type_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Class, num_type_arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Class, super_type_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Class, host_type_arguments_field_offset_in_words_offset) \ |
| NOT_IN_PRODUCT(FIELD(ClassTable, allocation_tracing_state_table_offset)) \ |
| FIELD(Closure, context_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Closure, delayed_type_arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Closure, function_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Closure, function_type_arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Closure, hash_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Closure, instantiator_type_arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ClosureData, packed_fields_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Code, instructions_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Code, object_pool_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Code, owner_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Context, num_variables_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Context, parent_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Double, value_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Float32x4, value_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Float64x2, value_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Field, initializer_function_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Field, host_offset_or_field_id_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Field, guarded_cid_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Field, guarded_list_length_in_object_offset_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Field, guarded_list_length_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Field, is_nullable_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Field, kind_bits_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Function, code_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Function, data_offset) \ |
| RANGE(Function, entry_point_offset, CodeEntryKind, CodeEntryKind::kNormal, \ |
| CodeEntryKind::kUnchecked, [](CodeEntryKind value) { return true; }) \ |
| FIELD(Function, kind_tag_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Function, signature_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FutureOr, type_arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(GrowableObjectArray, data_offset) \ |
| FIELD(GrowableObjectArray, length_offset) \ |
| FIELD(GrowableObjectArray, type_arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Page, card_table_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Page, original_top_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Page, original_end_offset) \ |
| FIELD(CallSiteData, arguments_descriptor_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ICData, NumArgsTestedMask) \ |
| FIELD(ICData, NumArgsTestedShift) \ |
| FIELD(ICData, entries_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ICData, owner_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ICData, state_bits_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Int32x4, value_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Isolate, current_tag_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Isolate, default_tag_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Isolate, finalizers_offset) \ |
| NOT_IN_PRODUCT(FIELD(Isolate, has_resumption_breakpoints_offset)) \ |
| FIELD(IsolateGroup, object_store_offset) \ |
| FIELD(IsolateGroup, class_table_offset) \ |
| FIELD(IsolateGroup, cached_class_table_table_offset) \ |
| NOT_IN_PRODUCT(FIELD(Isolate, single_step_offset)) \ |
| FIELD(Isolate, user_tag_offset) \ |
| FIELD(LinkedHashBase, data_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ImmutableLinkedHashBase, data_offset) \ |
| FIELD(LinkedHashBase, deleted_keys_offset) \ |
| FIELD(LinkedHashBase, hash_mask_offset) \ |
| FIELD(LinkedHashBase, index_offset) \ |
| FIELD(LinkedHashBase, type_arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(LinkedHashBase, used_data_offset) \ |
| FIELD(LocalHandle, ptr_offset) \ |
| FIELD(MarkingStackBlock, pointers_offset) \ |
| FIELD(MarkingStackBlock, top_offset) \ |
| FIELD(MegamorphicCache, buckets_offset) \ |
| FIELD(MegamorphicCache, mask_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Mint, value_offset) \ |
| FIELD(NativeArguments, argc_tag_offset) \ |
| FIELD(NativeArguments, argv_offset) \ |
| FIELD(NativeArguments, retval_offset) \ |
| FIELD(NativeArguments, thread_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, double_type_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, int_type_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, record_field_names_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, string_type_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, type_type_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, ffi_callback_code_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_await_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_await_with_type_check_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_handle_exception_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_init_async_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_init_async_star_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_init_sync_star_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_return_async_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_return_async_not_future_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_return_async_star_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_suspend_sync_star_at_start_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ObjectStore, suspend_state_yield_async_star_offset) \ |
| FIELD(OneByteString, data_offset) \ |
| FIELD(PersistentHandle, ptr_offset) \ |
| FIELD(PointerBase, data_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Pointer, type_arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ReceivePort, send_port_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ReceivePort, handler_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Record, shape_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SingleTargetCache, entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SingleTargetCache, lower_limit_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SingleTargetCache, target_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SingleTargetCache, upper_limit_offset) \ |
| FIELD(StoreBufferBlock, pointers_offset) \ |
| FIELD(StoreBufferBlock, top_offset) \ |
| FIELD(StreamInfo, enabled_offset) \ |
| FIELD(String, hash_offset) \ |
| FIELD(String, length_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SubtypeTestCache, cache_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SubtypeTestCache, num_inputs_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SuspendState, FrameSizeGrowthGap) \ |
| FIELD(SuspendState, error_callback_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SuspendState, frame_size_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SuspendState, function_data_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SuspendState, payload_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SuspendState, pc_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SuspendState, then_callback_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, AllocateArray_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, active_exception_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, active_stacktrace_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, array_write_barrier_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, allocate_mint_with_fpu_regs_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, allocate_mint_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, allocate_mint_without_fpu_regs_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, allocate_mint_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, allocate_object_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, allocate_object_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, allocate_object_parameterized_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, allocate_object_parameterized_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, allocate_object_slow_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, allocate_object_slow_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, api_top_scope_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, async_exception_handler_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, bool_false_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, bool_true_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, call_to_runtime_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, call_to_runtime_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, dart_stream_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, dispatch_table_array_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, double_truncate_round_supported_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, service_extension_stream_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, optimize_entry_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, optimize_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, deoptimize_entry_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, deoptimize_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, double_abs_address_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, double_negate_address_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, end_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, enter_safepoint_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, execution_state_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, exit_safepoint_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, exit_safepoint_ignore_unwind_in_progress_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, call_native_through_safepoint_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, call_native_through_safepoint_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, fix_allocation_stub_code_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, fix_callers_target_code_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, float_absolute_address_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, float_negate_address_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, float_not_address_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, float_zerow_address_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, global_object_pool_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, interpret_call_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, invoke_dart_code_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, exit_through_ffi_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, isolate_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, isolate_group_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, field_table_values_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, lazy_deopt_from_return_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, lazy_deopt_from_throw_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, lazy_specialize_type_test_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, old_marking_stack_block_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, new_marking_stack_block_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, megamorphic_call_checked_entry_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, switchable_call_miss_entry_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, switchable_call_miss_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, late_initialization_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, late_initialization_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, null_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, null_arg_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, null_arg_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, null_cast_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, null_cast_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, range_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, write_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, write_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, resume_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, return_async_not_future_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, return_async_star_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, return_async_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, object_null_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, predefined_symbols_address_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, resume_pc_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, saved_shadow_call_stack_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, safepoint_state_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, shared_field_table_values_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, slow_type_test_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, slow_type_test_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, stack_limit_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, saved_stack_limit_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, stack_overflow_flags_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, stack_overflow_shared_with_fpu_regs_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, stack_overflow_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, stack_overflow_shared_without_fpu_regs_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, stack_overflow_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, store_buffer_block_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_await_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_await_with_type_check_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_init_async_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_return_async_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_return_async_not_future_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_init_async_star_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_yield_async_star_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_return_async_star_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_init_sync_star_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_suspend_sync_star_at_start_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, suspend_state_handle_exception_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, top_exit_frame_info_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, top_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, top_resource_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, unboxed_runtime_arg_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, vm_tag_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, write_barrier_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, write_barrier_mask_offset) \ |
| COMPRESSED_ONLY(FIELD(Thread, heap_base_offset)) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, next_task_id_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, random_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, jump_to_frame_entry_point_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Thread, tsan_utils_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TsanUtils, setjmp_function_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TsanUtils, setjmp_buffer_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TsanUtils, exception_pc_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TsanUtils, exception_sp_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TsanUtils, exception_fp_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TimelineStream, enabled_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TwoByteString, data_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Type, arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Finalizer, type_arguments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Finalizer, callback_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FinalizerBase, all_entries_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FinalizerBase, detachments_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FinalizerBase, entries_collected_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FinalizerBase, isolate_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FinalizerEntry, detach_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FinalizerEntry, external_size_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FinalizerEntry, finalizer_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FinalizerEntry, next_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FinalizerEntry, token_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FinalizerEntry, value_offset) \ |
| FIELD(NativeFinalizer, callback_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FunctionType, named_parameter_names_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FunctionType, packed_parameter_counts_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FunctionType, packed_type_parameter_counts_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FunctionType, parameter_types_offset) \ |
| FIELD(FunctionType, type_parameters_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypeParameter, index_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypeArguments, hash_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypeArguments, instantiations_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypeArguments, length_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypeArguments, nullability_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypeArguments, types_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypeParameters, names_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypeParameters, flags_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypeParameters, bounds_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypeParameters, defaults_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypedDataBase, length_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypedDataView, typed_data_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypedDataView, offset_in_bytes_offset) \ |
| FIELD(TypedData, payload_offset) \ |
| FIELD(UnhandledException, exception_offset) \ |
| FIELD(UnhandledException, stacktrace_offset) \ |
| FIELD(UserTag, tag_offset) \ |
| FIELD(MonomorphicSmiableCall, expected_cid_offset) \ |
| FIELD(MonomorphicSmiableCall, entrypoint_offset) \ |
| FIELD(WeakProperty, key_offset) \ |
| FIELD(WeakProperty, value_offset) \ |
| FIELD(WeakReference, target_offset) \ |
| FIELD(WeakReference, type_arguments_offset) \ |
| RANGE(Code, entry_point_offset, CodeEntryKind, CodeEntryKind::kNormal, \ |
| CodeEntryKind::kMonomorphicUnchecked, \ |
| [](CodeEntryKind value) { return true; }) \ |
| RANGE(Thread, write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset, Register, 0, \ |
| kNumberOfCpuRegisters - 1, [](Register reg) { \ |
| return (kDartAvailableCpuRegs & (1 << reg)) != 0; \ |
| }) \ |
| SIZEOF(AbstractType, InstanceSize, UntaggedAbstractType) \ |
| SIZEOF(ApiError, InstanceSize, UntaggedApiError) \ |
| SIZEOF(Array, header_size, UntaggedArray) \ |
| SIZEOF(Bool, InstanceSize, UntaggedBool) \ |
| SIZEOF(Bytecode, InstanceSize, UntaggedBytecode) \ |
| SIZEOF(Capability, InstanceSize, UntaggedCapability) \ |
| SIZEOF(Class, InstanceSize, UntaggedClass) \ |
| SIZEOF(Closure, InstanceSize, UntaggedClosure) \ |
| SIZEOF(ClosureData, InstanceSize, UntaggedClosureData) \ |
| SIZEOF(CodeSourceMap, HeaderSize, UntaggedCodeSourceMap) \ |
| SIZEOF(CompressedStackMaps, ObjectHeaderSize, UntaggedCompressedStackMaps) \ |
| SIZEOF(CompressedStackMaps, PayloadHeaderSize, \ |
| UntaggedCompressedStackMaps::Payload::FlagsAndSizeHeader) \ |
| SIZEOF(Context, header_size, UntaggedContext) \ |
| SIZEOF(Double, InstanceSize, UntaggedDouble) \ |
| SIZEOF(DynamicLibrary, InstanceSize, UntaggedDynamicLibrary) \ |
| SIZEOF(ExternalTypedData, InstanceSize, UntaggedExternalTypedData) \ |
| SIZEOF(FfiTrampolineData, InstanceSize, UntaggedFfiTrampolineData) \ |
| SIZEOF(Field, InstanceSize, UntaggedField) \ |
| SIZEOF(Finalizer, InstanceSize, UntaggedFinalizer) \ |
| SIZEOF(FinalizerEntry, InstanceSize, UntaggedFinalizerEntry) \ |
| SIZEOF(NativeFinalizer, InstanceSize, UntaggedNativeFinalizer) \ |
| SIZEOF(Float32x4, InstanceSize, UntaggedFloat32x4) \ |
| SIZEOF(Float64x2, InstanceSize, UntaggedFloat64x2) \ |
| SIZEOF(Function, InstanceSize, UntaggedFunction) \ |
| SIZEOF(FunctionType, InstanceSize, UntaggedFunctionType) \ |
| SIZEOF(FutureOr, InstanceSize, UntaggedFutureOr) \ |
| SIZEOF(GrowableObjectArray, InstanceSize, UntaggedGrowableObjectArray) \ |
| SIZEOF(ICData, InstanceSize, UntaggedICData) \ |
| SIZEOF(Instance, InstanceSize, UntaggedInstance) \ |
| SIZEOF(Instructions, UnalignedHeaderSize, UntaggedInstructions) \ |
| SIZEOF(InstructionsSection, UnalignedHeaderSize, \ |
| UntaggedInstructionsSection) \ |
| FIELD(InstructionsSection, HeaderSize) \ |
| SIZEOF(InstructionsTable, InstanceSize, UntaggedInstructionsTable) \ |
| SIZEOF(Int32x4, InstanceSize, UntaggedInt32x4) \ |
| SIZEOF(Integer, InstanceSize, UntaggedInteger) \ |
| SIZEOF(KernelProgramInfo, InstanceSize, UntaggedKernelProgramInfo) \ |
| SIZEOF(LanguageError, InstanceSize, UntaggedLanguageError) \ |
| SIZEOF(Library, InstanceSize, UntaggedLibrary) \ |
| SIZEOF(LibraryPrefix, InstanceSize, UntaggedLibraryPrefix) \ |
| SIZEOF(LinkedHashBase, InstanceSize, UntaggedLinkedHashBase) \ |
| SIZEOF(LocalHandle, InstanceSize, LocalHandle) \ |
| SIZEOF(MegamorphicCache, InstanceSize, UntaggedMegamorphicCache) \ |
| SIZEOF(Mint, InstanceSize, UntaggedMint) \ |
| SIZEOF(MirrorReference, InstanceSize, UntaggedMirrorReference) \ |
| SIZEOF(MonomorphicSmiableCall, InstanceSize, UntaggedMonomorphicSmiableCall) \ |
| SIZEOF(Namespace, InstanceSize, UntaggedNamespace) \ |
| SIZEOF(NativeArguments, StructSize, NativeArguments) \ |
| SIZEOF(Number, InstanceSize, UntaggedNumber) \ |
| SIZEOF(Object, InstanceSize, UntaggedObject) \ |
| SIZEOF(PatchClass, InstanceSize, UntaggedPatchClass) \ |
| SIZEOF(PcDescriptors, HeaderSize, UntaggedPcDescriptors) \ |
| SIZEOF(Pointer, InstanceSize, UntaggedPointer) \ |
| SIZEOF(ReceivePort, InstanceSize, UntaggedReceivePort) \ |
| SIZEOF(RecordType, InstanceSize, UntaggedRecordType) \ |
| SIZEOF(RegExp, InstanceSize, UntaggedRegExp) \ |
| SIZEOF(Script, InstanceSize, UntaggedScript) \ |
| SIZEOF(SendPort, InstanceSize, UntaggedSendPort) \ |
| SIZEOF(Sentinel, InstanceSize, UntaggedSentinel) \ |
| SIZEOF(SingleTargetCache, InstanceSize, UntaggedSingleTargetCache) \ |
| SIZEOF(StackTrace, InstanceSize, UntaggedStackTrace) \ |
| SIZEOF(SuspendState, HeaderSize, UntaggedSuspendState) \ |
| SIZEOF(String, InstanceSize, UntaggedString) \ |
| SIZEOF(SubtypeTestCache, InstanceSize, UntaggedSubtypeTestCache) \ |
| SIZEOF(LoadingUnit, InstanceSize, UntaggedLoadingUnit) \ |
| SIZEOF(TransferableTypedData, InstanceSize, UntaggedTransferableTypedData) \ |
| SIZEOF(Type, InstanceSize, UntaggedType) \ |
| SIZEOF(TypeParameter, InstanceSize, UntaggedTypeParameter) \ |
| SIZEOF(TypeParameters, InstanceSize, UntaggedTypeParameters) \ |
| SIZEOF(TypedData, HeaderSize, UntaggedTypedData) \ |
| SIZEOF(TypedDataBase, InstanceSize, UntaggedTypedDataBase) \ |
| SIZEOF(TypedDataView, InstanceSize, UntaggedTypedDataView) \ |
| SIZEOF(UnhandledException, InstanceSize, UntaggedUnhandledException) \ |
| SIZEOF(UnlinkedCall, InstanceSize, UntaggedUnlinkedCall) \ |
| SIZEOF(UnwindError, InstanceSize, UntaggedUnwindError) \ |
| SIZEOF(UserTag, InstanceSize, UntaggedUserTag) \ |
| SIZEOF(WeakProperty, InstanceSize, UntaggedWeakProperty) \ |
| SIZEOF(WeakReference, InstanceSize, UntaggedWeakReference) \ |
| SIZEOF(WeakSerializationReference, InstanceSize, \ |
| UntaggedWeakSerializationReference) \ |
| PAYLOAD_SIZEOF(CodeSourceMap, InstanceSize, HeaderSize) \ |
| PAYLOAD_SIZEOF(CompressedStackMaps, InstanceSize, HeaderSize) \ |
| PAYLOAD_SIZEOF(InstructionsSection, InstanceSize, HeaderSize) \ |
| PAYLOAD_SIZEOF(PcDescriptors, InstanceSize, HeaderSize) \ |
| PAYLOAD_SIZEOF(SuspendState, InstanceSize, HeaderSize) \ |
| PAYLOAD_SIZEOF(TypedData, InstanceSize, HeaderSize) |
| |
| FIELD(Code, active_instructions_offset) \ |
| FIELD(Function, usage_counter_offset) \ |
| FIELD(ICData, receivers_static_type_offset) \ |
| FIELD(SuspendState, frame_capacity_offset) |
| |
| FIELD(Closure, entry_point_offset) |
| |