blob: 9ac0e6cdbe61c9567a41d69408ec5479895dd381 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/compiler_timings.h"
namespace dart {
namespace {
#define DEFINE_NAME(Name) #Name,
const char* timer_names[] = {COMPILER_TIMERS_LIST(DEFINE_NAME)};
} // namespace
void CompilerTimings::PrintTimers(
Zone* zone,
const std::unique_ptr<CompilerTimings::Timers>& timers,
const Timer& total,
intptr_t level) {
const int64_t total_elapsed = total.TotalElapsedTime();
int64_t total_accounted = 0;
int64_t total_accounted_cpu = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumTimers; i++) {
const auto& entry = timers->timers_[i];
total_accounted += entry.TotalElapsedTime();
total_accounted_cpu += entry.TotalElapsedTimeCpu();
if (level > 0) {
// Print (self: ...) timing on the previous line if our amount of time
// spent outside of nested timers is between 1% and 99%.
const double kMinInterestingSelfPercent = 1.0;
const double kMaxInterestingSelfPercent = 99.0;
const int64_t self = total_elapsed - total_accounted;
const auto self_pct =
static_cast<double>(Utils::Abs(self)) * 100 / total_elapsed;
if (kMinInterestingSelfPercent < self_pct &&
self_pct < kMaxInterestingSelfPercent) {
const int64_t self_cpu =
total.TotalElapsedTimeCpu() - total_accounted_cpu;
const auto self_timer = Timer(self, self_cpu);
OS::PrintErr(" (self: [%6.2f%%] %s)\n", self_pct,
} else {
// Sort timers by the amount of time elapsed within each one.
Timer* by_elapsed[kNumTimers];
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumTimers; i++) {
by_elapsed[i] = &timers->timers_[i];
qsort(by_elapsed, kNumTimers, sizeof(Timer*),
[](const void* pa, const void* pb) -> int {
const auto a_elapsed =
(*static_cast<Timer* const*>(pa))->TotalElapsedTime();
const auto b_elapsed =
(*static_cast<Timer* const*>(pb))->TotalElapsedTime();
return b_elapsed<a_elapsed ? -1 : b_elapsed> a_elapsed ? 1 : 0;
// Print sorted in descending order.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumTimers; i++) {
auto timer = by_elapsed[i];
if (timer->TotalElapsedTime() > 0) {
const auto timer_id = static_cast<TimerId>(timer - &timers->timers_[0]);
const auto pct =
static_cast<double>(timer->TotalElapsedTime()) * 100 / total_elapsed;
// Must be int for * width specifier.
const int indent = static_cast<int>(level * 2);
// Note: don't emit EOL because PrintTimers can print self timing.
"%*s[%6.2f%%] %-*s %-10s", indent, "", pct, 60 - indent,
Timer::FormatElapsedHumanReadable(zone, timer->TotalElapsedTime(),
// Print nested timers if any or just emit EOL.
if (timers->nested_[timer_id] != nullptr) {
PrintTimers(zone, timers->nested_[timer_id], *timer, level + 1);
} else {
void CompilerTimings::Print() {
Zone* zone = Thread::Current()->zone();
OS::PrintErr("Precompilation took: %s\n",
PrintTimers(zone, root_, total_, 0);
OS::PrintErr("Inlining by outcome\n Success: %s\n Failure: %s\n",
} // namespace dart