blob: 92d8449f654538e635cba474faf0d9e148cba85a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
#include <initializer_list>
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/timer.h"
#include "vm/token_position.h"
#include "vm/zone.h"
namespace dart {
V(AllocateRegisters) \
V(AllocateRegistersForGraphIntrinsic) \
V(AllocationSinking_DetachMaterializations) \
V(AllocationSinking_Sink) \
V(ApplyClassIds) \
V(ApplyICData) \
V(BranchSimplify) \
V(CSE) \
V(Canonicalize) \
V(ComputeSSA) \
V(ConstantPropagation) \
V(DCE) \
V(DelayAllocations) \
V(DSE) \
V(EliminateDeadPhis) \
V(EliminateEnvironments) \
V(EliminateStackOverflowChecks) \
V(FinalizeGraph) \
V(IfConvert) \
V(Inlining) \
V(OptimisticallySpecializeSmiPhis) \
V(OptimizeBranches) \
V(OptimizeTypedDataAccesses) \
V(RangeAnalysis) \
V(ReorderBlocks) \
V(SelectRepresentations) \
V(SelectRepresentations_Final) \
V(SetOuterInliningId) \
V(TryCatchOptimization) \
V(TryOptimizePatterns) \
V(TypePropagation) \
V(UseTableDispatch) \
V(EliminateWriteBarriers) \
V(TestILSerialization) \
V(LoweringAfterCodeMotionDisabled) \
class AllocationSinking;
class BlockScheduler;
class CallSpecializer;
class FlowGraph;
class FlowGraphCompiler;
class Function;
class Precompiler;
class SpeculativeInliningPolicy;
class TimelineStream;
class Thread;
struct CompilerPassState {
CompilerPassState(Thread* thread,
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
SpeculativeInliningPolicy* speculative_policy,
Precompiler* precompiler = nullptr);
FlowGraph* flow_graph() const { return flow_graph_; }
void set_flow_graph(FlowGraph* flow_graph);
Thread* const thread;
Precompiler* const precompiler;
int inlining_depth;
AllocationSinking* sinking;
// Maps inline_id_to_function[inline_id] -> function. Top scope
// function has inline_id 0. The map is populated by the inliner.
GrowableArray<const Function*> inline_id_to_function;
// Token position where inlining occurred.
GrowableArray<TokenPosition> inline_id_to_token_pos;
// For a given inlining-id(index) specifies the caller's inlining-id.
GrowableArray<intptr_t> caller_inline_id;
CallSpecializer* call_specializer;
SpeculativeInliningPolicy* speculative_policy;
intptr_t sticky_flags;
FlowGraphCompiler* graph_compiler = nullptr;
FlowGraph* flow_graph_;
class CompilerPass {
enum Id {
#define DEF(name) k##name,
#undef DEF
#define ADD_ONE(name) +1
static constexpr intptr_t kNumPasses = 0 COMPILER_PASS_LIST(ADD_ONE);
#undef ADD_ONE
CompilerPass(Id id, const char* name) : id_(id), name_(name) {
ASSERT(passes_[id] == nullptr);
passes_[id] = this;
// By default print the final flow-graph after the register allocation.
if (id == kAllocateRegisters) {
flags_[id] = kTraceAfter;
} else {
flags_[id] = 0;
virtual ~CompilerPass() {}
enum Flag {
kDisabled = 1 << 0,
kTraceBefore = 1 << 1,
kTraceAfter = 1 << 2,
kSticky = 1 << 3,
kTraceBeforeOrAfter = kTraceBefore | kTraceAfter,
void Run(CompilerPassState* state) const;
uint8_t flags() const { return flags_[id()]; }
const char* name() const { return name_; }
Id id() const { return id_; }
static CompilerPass* Get(Id id) { return passes_[id]; }
static void ParseFiltersFromFlag(const char* filter);
static uint8_t* ParseFiltersFromPragma(const char* filter);
static void ParseFilters(const char* filter, uint8_t* flags);
static void ParseOneFilter(const char* start,
const char* end,
uint8_t* flags);
enum PipelineMode { kJIT, kAOT };
static void GenerateCode(CompilerPassState* state) {
static void RunGraphIntrinsicPipeline(CompilerPassState* state);
static void RunInliningPipeline(PipelineMode mode, CompilerPassState* state);
// RunPipeline(WithPasses) may have the side effect of changing the FlowGraph
// stored in the CompilerPassState. However, existing callers may depend on
// the old invariant that the FlowGraph stored in the CompilerPassState was
// always updated, never entirely replaced.
// By default pipeline assumes that input graph is not in SSA form yet and
// will invoke |ComputeSSA| pass on it. |ComputeSSA| is not idempotent and
// will crash if invoked on a graph which is already in SSA form. To avoid
// that you can set |compute_ssa| to |false|.
// To make sure callers are updated properly, these methods also return
// the final FlowGraph and we add a check that callers use this result.
static FlowGraph* RunPipeline(PipelineMode mode,
CompilerPassState* state,
bool compute_ssa = true);
static FlowGraph* RunPipelineWithPasses(
CompilerPassState* state,
std::initializer_list<CompilerPass::Id> passes);
// This function executes the pass. If it returns true then
// we will run Canonicalize on the graph and execute the pass
// again.
virtual bool DoBody(CompilerPassState* state) const = 0;
static CompilerPass* FindPassByName(const char* name) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumPasses; i++) {
if ((passes_[i] != nullptr) && (strcmp(passes_[i]->name_, name) == 0)) {
return passes_[i];
return nullptr;
void PrintGraph(CompilerPassState* state, Flag mask, intptr_t round) const;
static CompilerPass* passes_[];
static uint8_t flags_[];
Id id_;
const char* name_;
} // namespace dart