blob: 5e6498a3db08ec5845f73ad933dfdcf6a7165191 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/cha.h"
#include "vm/class_table.h"
#include "vm/compiler/compiler_state.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/log.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/raw_object.h"
#include "vm/visitor.h"
namespace dart {
void CHA::AddToGuardedClasses(const Class& cls,
intptr_t subclass_count,
intptr_t implementor_cid,
bool track_future) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < guarded_classes_.length(); i++) {
if (guarded_classes_[i].cls->ptr() == cls.ptr()) {
if ((subclass_count >= 0) && (guarded_classes_[i].subclass_count == -1)) {
guarded_classes_[i].subclass_count = subclass_count;
if ((implementor_cid != kIllegalCid) &&
(guarded_classes_[i].implementor_cid == kIllegalCid)) {
guarded_classes_[i].implementor_cid = implementor_cid;
if (track_future && !guarded_classes_[i].track_future) {
guarded_classes_[i].track_future = track_future;
GuardedClassInfo info = {&Class::ZoneHandle(thread_->zone(), cls.ptr()),
subclass_count, implementor_cid, track_future};
void CHA::AddToGuardedClassesForSubclassCount(const Class& cls,
intptr_t subclass_count) {
ASSERT(subclass_count >= 0);
AddToGuardedClasses(cls, subclass_count, kIllegalCid, false);
void CHA::AddToGuardedClassesForImplementorCid(const Class& cls,
intptr_t implementor_cid) {
ASSERT(implementor_cid != kIllegalCid);
ASSERT(implementor_cid != kDynamicCid);
AddToGuardedClasses(cls, -1, implementor_cid, false);
void CHA::AddToGuardedClassesToTrackFuture(const Class& cls) {
AddToGuardedClasses(cls, -1, kIllegalCid, true);
bool CHA::IsGuardedClass(intptr_t cid) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < guarded_classes_.length(); ++i) {
if (guarded_classes_[i].cls->id() == cid) return true;
return false;
bool CHA::HasSubclasses(const Class& cls) {
// Can't track dependencies for classes on the VM heap since those are
// read-only.
// TODO(fschneider): Enable tracking of CHA dependent code for VM heap
// classes.
if (cls.InVMIsolateHeap()) return true;
if (cls.IsObjectClass()) {
// Class Object has subclasses, although we do not keep track of them.
return true;
if (cls.has_dynamically_extendable_subtypes()) return true;
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
SafepointReadRwLocker ml(thread, thread->isolate_group()->program_lock());
const GrowableObjectArray& direct_subclasses =
return !direct_subclasses.IsNull() && (direct_subclasses.Length() > 0);
bool CHA::HasSubclasses(intptr_t cid) const {
const ClassTable& class_table = *thread_->isolate_group()->class_table();
Class& cls = Class::Handle(thread_->zone(), class_table.At(cid));
return HasSubclasses(cls);
bool CHA::ConcreteSubclasses(const Class& cls,
GrowableArray<intptr_t>* class_ids) {
if (cls.InVMIsolateHeap()) return false;
if (cls.IsObjectClass()) return false;
if (cls.has_dynamically_extendable_subtypes()) return false;
if (!cls.is_abstract()) {
// This is invoked from precompiler only, we can use unsafe version of
// Class::direct_subclasses getter.
const GrowableObjectArray& direct_subclasses =
if (direct_subclasses.IsNull()) {
return true;
Class& subclass = Class::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < direct_subclasses.Length(); i++) {
subclass ^= direct_subclasses.At(i);
if (!ConcreteSubclasses(subclass, class_ids)) {
return false;
return true;
bool CHA::IsImplemented(const Class& cls) {
// Can't track dependencies for classes on the VM heap since those are
// read-only.
// TODO(fschneider): Enable tracking of CHA dependent code for VM heap
// classes.
if (cls.InVMIsolateHeap()) return true;
if (cls.has_dynamically_extendable_subtypes()) return true;
return cls.is_implemented();
bool CHA::HasSingleConcreteImplementation(const Class& interface,
intptr_t* implementation_cid) {
intptr_t cid = interface.implementor_cid();
if ((cid == kIllegalCid) || (cid == kDynamicCid) ||
interface.has_dynamically_extendable_subtypes()) {
// No implementations / multiple implementations.
*implementation_cid = kDynamicCid;
return false;
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
if (FLAG_use_cha_deopt || thread->isolate_group()->all_classes_finalized()) {
if (FLAG_trace_cha) {
THR_Print(" **(CHA) Type has one implementation: %s\n",
if (FLAG_use_cha_deopt) {
CHA& cha = thread->compiler_state().cha();
cha.AddToGuardedClassesForImplementorCid(interface, cid);
*implementation_cid = cid;
return true;
} else {
*implementation_cid = kDynamicCid;
return false;
bool CHA::ClassCanBeFuture(const Class& cls) {
if (cls.can_be_future()) {
return true;
// Class cannot be Future with the current set of
// finalized classes. However, as new classes are loaded
// and finalized, there could be a new subtype of [cls]
// which is also a subtype of Future.
// We should deoptimize in such cases.
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
if (FLAG_use_cha_deopt || thread->isolate_group()->all_classes_finalized()) {
if (FLAG_use_cha_deopt) {
CHA& cha = thread->compiler_state().cha();
return false;
// Conservatively assume that class can be Future.
return true;
static intptr_t CountFinalizedSubclasses(Thread* thread, const Class& cls) {
intptr_t count = 0;
const GrowableObjectArray& cls_direct_subclasses =
GrowableObjectArray::Handle(thread->zone(), cls.direct_subclasses());
if (cls_direct_subclasses.IsNull()) return count;
Class& direct_subclass = Class::Handle(thread->zone());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < cls_direct_subclasses.Length(); i++) {
direct_subclass ^= cls_direct_subclasses.At(i);
// Unfinalized classes are treated as nonexistent for CHA purposes,
// as that means that no instance of that class exists at runtime.
if (!direct_subclass.is_finalized()) {
count += 1 + CountFinalizedSubclasses(thread, direct_subclass);
return count;
bool CHA::IsConsistentWithCurrentHierarchy() const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < guarded_classes_.length(); i++) {
if (guarded_classes_[i].subclass_count != -1) {
intptr_t current_subclass_count =
CountFinalizedSubclasses(thread_, *guarded_classes_[i].cls);
if (guarded_classes_[i].subclass_count != current_subclass_count) {
return false; // New subclass appeared during compilation.
if (guarded_classes_[i].implementor_cid != kIllegalCid) {
intptr_t current_implementor_cid =
if (guarded_classes_[i].implementor_cid != current_implementor_cid) {
return false; // New implementor appeared during compilation.
if (guarded_classes_[i].track_future) {
if (guarded_classes_[i].cls->can_be_future()) {
return false;
return true;
bool CHA::HasOverride(const Class& cls,
const String& function_name,
intptr_t* subclasses_count) {
// Can't track dependencies for classes on the VM heap since those are
// read-only.
// TODO(fschneider): Enable tracking of CHA dependent code for VM heap
// classes.
if (cls.InVMIsolateHeap()) return true;
// Subclasses of Object are not tracked by CHA. Safely assume that overrides
// exist.
if (cls.IsObjectClass()) {
return true;
SafepointReadRwLocker ml(thread_, thread_->isolate_group()->program_lock());
const GrowableObjectArray& cls_direct_subclasses =
GrowableObjectArray::Handle(thread_->zone(), cls.direct_subclasses());
if (cls_direct_subclasses.IsNull()) {
return false;
Class& direct_subclass = Class::Handle(thread_->zone());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < cls_direct_subclasses.Length(); i++) {
direct_subclass ^= cls_direct_subclasses.At(i);
// Unfinalized classes are treated as nonexistent for CHA purposes,
// as that means that no instance of that class exists at runtime.
if (!direct_subclass.is_finalized()) {
if (direct_subclass.LookupDynamicFunctionUnsafe(function_name) !=
Function::null()) {
return true;
if (HasOverride(direct_subclass, function_name, subclasses_count)) {
return true;
return false;
void CHA::RegisterDependencies(const Code& code) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < guarded_classes_.length(); ++i) {
} // namespace dart