blob: 45fb4fb52f91e030d7c36921855dac47063f2ecb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
namespace dart {
// clang-format off
// List of KernelBytecode instructions.
// current frame info (see stack_frame_kbc.h for layout)
// v-----^-----v
// ~----+----~ ~----+-------+-------+-~ ~-+-------+-------+-~
// ~ | ~ ~ | FP[0] | FP[1] | ~ ~ | SP[-1]| SP[0] |
// ~----+----~ ~----+-------+-------+-~ ~-+-------+-------+-~
// ^ ^
// FP SP
// The state of execution is captured in few interpreter registers:
// FP - base of the current frame
// SP - top of the stack (TOS) for the current frame
// PP - object pool for the currently execution function
// Frame info stored below FP additionally contains pointers to the currently
// executing function and code.
// In the unoptimized code most of bytecodes take operands implicitly from
// stack and store results again on the stack. Constant operands are usually
// taken from the object pool by index.
// Each instruction starts with opcode byte. Certain instructions have
// wide encoding variant. In such case, the least significant bit of opcode is
// not set for compact variant and set for wide variant.
// The following operand encodings are used:
// 0........8.......16.......24.......32.......40.......48
// +--------+
// | opcode | 0: no operands
// +--------+
// +--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | A: unsigned 8-bit operand
// +--------+--------+
// +--------+--------+
// | opcode | D | D: unsigned 8/32-bit operand
// +--------+--------+
// +--------+----------------------------------+
// | opcode | D | D (wide)
// +--------+----------------------------------+
// +--------+--------+
// | opcode | X | X: signed 8/32-bit operand
// +--------+--------+
// +--------+----------------------------------+
// | opcode | X | X (wide)
// +--------+----------------------------------+
// +--------+--------+
// | opcode | T | T: signed 8/24-bit operand
// +--------+--------+
// +--------+--------------------------+
// | opcode | T | T (wide)
// +--------+--------------------------+
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | E | A_E: unsigned 8-bit operand and
// +--------+--------+--------+ unsigned 8/32-bit operand
// +--------+--------+----------------------------------+
// | opcode | A | E | A_E (wide)
// +--------+--------+----------------------------------+
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | Y | A_Y: unsigned 8-bit operand and
// +--------+--------+--------+ signed 8/32-bit operand
// +--------+--------+----------------------------------+
// | opcode | A | Y | A_Y (wide)
// +--------+--------+----------------------------------+
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | D | F | D_F: unsigned 8/32-bit operand and
// +--------+--------+--------+ unsigned 8-bit operand
// +--------+----------------------------------+--------+
// | opcode | D | F | D_F (wide)
// +--------+----------------------------------+--------+
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | B | C | A_B_C: 3 unsigned 8-bit operands
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// - Trap
// Unreachable instruction.
// - Entry rD
// Function prologue for the function
// rD - number of local slots to reserve;
// - EntryOptional A, B, C
// Function prologue for the function with optional or named arguments:
// A - expected number of positional arguments;
// B - number of optional arguments;
// C - number of named arguments;
// Only one of B and C can be not 0.
// If B is not 0 then EntryOptional bytecode is followed by B LoadConstant
// bytecodes specifying default values for optional arguments.
// If C is not 0 then EntryOptional is followed by 2 * C LoadConstant
// bytecodes.
// Bytecode at 2 * i specifies name of the i-th named argument and at
// 2 * i + 1 default value. rA part of the LoadConstant bytecode specifies
// the location of the parameter on the stack. Here named arguments are
// sorted alphabetically to enable linear matching similar to how function
// prologues are implemented on other architectures.
// Note: Unlike Entry bytecode EntryOptional does not setup the frame for
// local variables this is done by a separate bytecode Frame, which should
// follow EntryOptional and its LoadConstant instructions.
// - EntrySuspendable A, B, C
// Similar to EntryOptional, but also reserves a local variable slot
// for suspend state variable.
// - LoadConstant rA, D
// Used in conjunction with EntryOptional instruction to describe names and
// default values of optional parameters.
// - Frame D
// Reserve and initialize with null space for D local variables.
// - CheckFunctionTypeArgs A, D
// Check for a passed-in type argument vector of length A and
// store it at FP[D].
// - CheckStack A
// Compare SP against isolate stack limit and call StackOverflow handler if
// necessary. Should be used in prologue (A = 0), or at the beginning of
// a loop with depth A.
// - Allocate D
// Allocate object of class PP[D] with no type arguments.
// - AllocateT
// Allocate object of class SP[0] with type arguments SP[-1].
// - CreateArrayTOS
// Allocate array of length SP[0] with type arguments SP[-1].
// - AllocateContext A, D
// Allocate Context object holding D context variables.
// A is a static ID of the context. Static ID of a context may be used to
// disambiguate accesses to different context objects.
// Context objects with the same ID should have the same number of
// context variables.
// - CloneContext A, D
// Clone Context object SP[0] holding D context variables.
// A is a static ID of the context. Cloned context has the same ID.
// - LoadContextParent
// Load parent from context SP[0].
// - StoreContextParent
// Store context SP[0] into `parent` field of context SP[-1].
// - LoadContextVar A, D
// Load value from context SP[0] at index D.
// A is a static ID of the context.
// - StoreContextVar A, D
// Store value SP[0] into context SP[-1] at index D.
// A is a static ID of the context.
// - PushConstant D
// Push value at index D from constant pool onto the stack.
// - PushNull
// Push `null` onto the stack.
// - PushTrue
// Push `true` onto the stack.
// - PushFalse
// Push `false` onto the stack.
// - PushInt rX
// Push int rX onto the stack.
// - Drop1
// Drop 1 value from the stack
// - Push rX
// Push FP[rX] to the stack.
// - StoreLocal rX; PopLocal rX
// Store top of the stack into FP[rX] and pop it if needed.
// - LoadFieldTOS D
// Push value at offset (in words) PP[D] from object SP[0].
// - StoreFieldTOS D
// Store value SP[0] into object SP[-1] at offset (in words) PP[D].
// - StoreIndexedTOS
// Store SP[0] into array SP[-2] at index SP[-1]. No typechecking is done.
// SP[-2] is assumed to be a RawArray, SP[-1] to be a smi.
// - PushStatic D
// Pushes value of the static field PP[D] on to the stack.
// - StoreStaticTOS D
// Stores TOS into the static field PP[D].
// - Jump target
// Jump to the given target. Target is specified as offset from the PC of the
// jump instruction.
// - JumpIfNoAsserts target
// Jump to the given target if assertions are not enabled.
// Target is specified as offset from the PC of the jump instruction.
// - JumpIfNotZeroTypeArgs target
// Jump to the given target if number of passed function type
// arguments is not zero.
// Target is specified as offset from the PC of the jump instruction.
// - JumpIfEqStrict target; JumpIfNeStrict target
// Jump to the given target if SP[-1] is the same (JumpIfEqStrict) /
// not the same (JumpIfNeStrict) object as SP[0].
// - JumpIfTrue target; JumpIfFalse target
// - JumpIfNull target; JumpIfNotNull target
// Jump to the given target if SP[0] is true/false/null/not null.
// - Suspend target
// Create a snapshot of the current frame and store it in the suspend
// state object. Execution can be resumed from the suspend state
// at the given target PC.
// Target is specified as offset from the PC of the suspend instruction.
// The filled suspend state object is stored into the reserved suspend
// state local variable. Current function frame should be created with
// EntrySuspendable instruction.
// - IndirectStaticCall ArgC, D
// Invoke the function given by the ICData in SP[0] with arguments
// SP[-(1+ArgC)], ..., SP[-1] and argument descriptor PP[D], which
// indicates whether the first argument is a type argument vector.
// - DirectCall ArgC, D
// Invoke the function PP[D] with arguments
// SP[-(ArgC-1)], ..., SP[0] and argument descriptor PP[D+1].
// - InterfaceCall ArgC, D
// Lookup and invoke method using ICData in PP[D]
// with arguments SP[-(1+ArgC)], ..., SP[-1].
// Method has to be declared (explicitly or implicitly) in an interface
// implemented by a receiver, and passed arguments are valid for the
// interface method declaration.
// The ICData indicates whether the first argument is a type argument vector.
// - UncheckedInterfaceCall ArgC, D
// Same as InterfaceCall, but can omit type checks of generic-covariant
// parameters.
// - DynamicCall ArgC, D
// Lookup and invoke method using ICData in PP[D]
// with arguments SP[-(1+ArgC)], ..., SP[-1].
// The ICData indicates whether the first argument is a type argument vector.
// - ReturnTOS
// Return to the caller using a value from the top-of-stack as a result.
// Note: return instruction knows how many arguments to remove from the
// stack because it can look at the call instruction at caller's PC and
// take argument count from it.
// - AssertAssignable A, D
// Assert that instance SP[-4] is assignable to variable named SP[0] of
// type SP[-1] with instantiator type arguments SP[-3] and function type
// arguments SP[-2] using SubtypeTestCache PP[D].
// If A is 1, then the instance may be a Smi.
// Instance remains on stack. Other arguments are consumed.
// - AssertSubtype
// Assert that one type is a subtype of another. Throws a TypeError
// otherwise. The stack has the following arguments on it:
// SP[-4] instantiator type args
// SP[-3] function type args
// SP[-2] sub_type
// SP[-1] super_type
// SP[-0] dst_name
// All 5 arguments are consumed from the stack and no results is pushed.
// - LoadTypeArgumentsField D
// Load instantiator type arguments from an instance SP[0].
// PP[D] = offset (in words) of type arguments field corresponding
// to an instance's class.
// - InstantiateType D
// Instantiate type PP[D] with instantiator type arguments SP[-1] and
// function type arguments SP[0].
// - InstantiateTypeArgumentsTOS A, D
// Instantiate type arguments PP[D] with instantiator type arguments SP[-1]
// and function type arguments SP[0]. A != 0 indicates that resulting type
// arguments are all dynamic if both instantiator and function type
// arguments are all dynamic.
// - Throw A
// Throw (Rethrow if A != 0) exception. Exception object and stack object
// are taken from TOS.
// - MoveSpecial A, rX
// Copy value from special variable to FP[rX]. Currently only
// used to pass exception object (A = 0) and stack trace object (A = 1) to
// catch handler.
// - SetFrame A
// Reinitialize SP assuming that current frame has size A.
// Used to drop temporaries from the stack in the exception handler.
// - BooleanNegateTOS
// SP[0] = !SP[0]
// - EqualsNull
// SP[0] = (SP[0] == null) ? true : false
// - NegateInt
// Equivalent to invocation of unary int operator-.
// Receiver should have static type int.
// Check SP[0] for null; SP[0] = -SP[0].
// - AddInt; SubInt; MulInt; TruncDivInt; ModInt; BitAndInt; BitOrInt;
// BitXorInt; ShlInt; ShrInt
// Equivalent to invocation of binary int operator +, -, *, ~/, %, &, |,
// ^, << or >>. Receiver and argument should have static type int.
// Check SP[-1] and SP[0] for null; push SP[-1] <op> SP[0].
// - CompareIntEq; CompareIntGt; CompareIntLt; CompareIntGe; CompareIntLe
// Equivalent to invocation of binary int operator ==, >, <, >= or <=.
// Receiver and argument should have static type int.
// Check SP[-1] and SP[0] for null; push SP[-1] <op> SP[0] ? true : false.
// - NegateDouble
// Equivalent to invocation of unary double operator-.
// Receiver should have static type double.
// Check SP[0] for null; SP[0] = -SP[0].
// - AddDouble; SubDouble; MulDouble; DivDouble
// Equivalent to invocation of binary int operator +, -, *, /.
// Receiver and argument should have static type double.
// Check SP[-1] and SP[0] for null; push SP[-1] <op> SP[0].
// - CompareDoubleEq; CompareDoubleGt; CompareDoubleLt; CompareDoubleGe;
// CompareDoubleLe
// Equivalent to invocation of binary double operator ==, >, <, >= or <=.
// Receiver and argument should have static type double.
// Check SP[-1] and SP[0] for null; push SP[-1] <op> SP[0] ? true : false.
// - AllocateClosure
// Allocate closure object and initialize its fields:
// SP[-2] closure function
// SP[-1] context
// SP[0] instantiator type arguments
// These arguments are consumed from the stack and allocated
// object is pushed.
// KernelBytecode list below is specified using the following format:
// V(BytecodeName, OperandForm, BytecodeKind, Op1, Op2, Op3)
// - OperandForm specifies operand encoding and should be one of 0, A, D, X, T,
// A_E, A_Y, D_F or A_B_C (see ENCODING section above).
// - BytecodeKind is one of WIDE, RESV (reserved), ORDN (ordinary)
// - Op1, Op2, Op3 specify operand meaning. Possible values:
// ___ ignored / non-existent operand
// num immediate operand
// lit constant literal from object pool
// reg register (unsigned FP relative local)
// xeg x-register (signed FP relative local)
// tgt jump target relative to the PC of the current instruction
// TODO(vegorov) jump targets should be encoded relative to PC of the next
// instruction because PC is incremented immediately after fetch
// and before decoding.
V(Trap, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused00, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Entry, D, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(Entry_Wide, D, WIDE, num, ___, ___) \
V(EntryOptional, A_B_C, ORDN, num, num, num) \
V(EntrySuspendable, A_B_C, ORDN, num, num, num) \
V(LoadConstant, A_E, ORDN, reg, lit, ___) \
V(LoadConstant_Wide, A_E, WIDE, reg, lit, ___) \
V(Frame, D, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(Frame_Wide, D, WIDE, num, ___, ___) \
V(CheckFunctionTypeArgs, A_E, ORDN, num, reg, ___) \
V(CheckFunctionTypeArgs_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, reg, ___) \
V(CheckStack, A, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(DebugCheck, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfUnchecked, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfUnchecked_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(Allocate, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(Allocate_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(AllocateT, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CreateArrayTOS, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AllocateClosure, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused03, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AllocateContext, A_E, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(AllocateContext_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(CloneContext, A_E, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(CloneContext_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(LoadContextParent, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(StoreContextParent, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(LoadContextVar, A_E, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(LoadContextVar_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(Unused04, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused05, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(StoreContextVar, A_E, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(StoreContextVar_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(PushConstant, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(PushConstant_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(Unused06, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused07, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PushTrue, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PushFalse, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PushInt, X, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(PushInt_Wide, X, WIDE, num, ___, ___) \
V(Unused08, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused09, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused10, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused11, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PushNull, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Drop1, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Push, X, ORDN, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(Push_Wide, X, WIDE, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(Unused12, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused13, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused14, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused15, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused16, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused17, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PopLocal, X, ORDN, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(PopLocal_Wide, X, WIDE, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(LoadStatic, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(LoadStatic_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreLocal, X, ORDN, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(StoreLocal_Wide, X, WIDE, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(LoadFieldTOS, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(LoadFieldTOS_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreFieldTOS, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreFieldTOS_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreIndexedTOS, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused20, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfInitialized, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfInitialized_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(PushUninitializedSentinel, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused21, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(InitLateField, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(InitLateField_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreStaticTOS, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreStaticTOS_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(Jump, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(Jump_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNoAsserts, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNoAsserts_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNotZeroTypeArgs, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNotZeroTypeArgs_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfEqStrict, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfEqStrict_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNeStrict, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNeStrict_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfTrue, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfTrue_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfFalse, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfFalse_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNull, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNull_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNotNull, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(JumpIfNotNull_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(Suspend, T, ORDN, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(Suspend_Wide, T, WIDE, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(DirectCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(DirectCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(UncheckedDirectCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(UncheckedDirectCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(InterfaceCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(InterfaceCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(Unused23, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused24, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(InstantiatedInterfaceCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(InstantiatedInterfaceCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(UncheckedClosureCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(UncheckedClosureCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(UncheckedInterfaceCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(UncheckedInterfaceCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(DynamicCall, D_F, ORDN, num, num, ___) \
V(DynamicCall_Wide, D_F, WIDE, num, num, ___) \
V(ReturnTOS, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused25, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AssertAssignable, A_E, ORDN, num, lit, ___) \
V(AssertAssignable_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, lit, ___) \
V(AssertSubtype, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused30, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(LoadTypeArgumentsField, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(LoadTypeArgumentsField_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(InstantiateType, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(InstantiateType_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(InstantiateTypeArgumentsTOS, A_E, ORDN, num, lit, ___) \
V(InstantiateTypeArgumentsTOS_Wide, A_E, WIDE, num, lit, ___) \
V(Unused32, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused33, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused34, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Unused35, 0, RESV, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Throw, A, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(SetFrame, A, ORDN, num, ___, num) \
V(MoveSpecial, A_Y, ORDN, num, xeg, ___) \
V(MoveSpecial_Wide, A_Y, WIDE, num, xeg, ___) \
V(BooleanNegateTOS, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(EqualsNull, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(NullCheck, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(NullCheck_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(NegateInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AddInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(SubInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(MulInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(TruncDivInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(ModInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(BitAndInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(BitOrInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(BitXorInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(ShlInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(ShrInt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareIntEq, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareIntGt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareIntLt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareIntGe, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareIntLe, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(NegateDouble, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AddDouble, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(SubDouble, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(MulDouble, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(DivDouble, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareDoubleEq, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareDoubleGt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareDoubleLt, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareDoubleGe, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(CompareDoubleLe, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(AllocateRecord, D, ORDN, lit, ___, ___) \
V(AllocateRecord_Wide, D, WIDE, lit, ___, ___) \
V(LoadRecordField, D, ORDN, num, ___, ___) \
V(LoadRecordField_Wide, D, WIDE, num, ___, ___) \
// These bytecodes are only generated within the VM. Reassigning their
// opcodes is not a breaking change.
V(VMInternal_ImplicitGetter, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ImplicitSetter, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ImplicitStaticGetter, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ImplicitStaticSetter, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_MethodExtractor, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_InvokeClosure, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_InvokeField, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ForwardDynamicInvocation, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_NoSuchMethodDispatcher, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ImplicitStaticClosure, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ImplicitInstanceClosure, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
V(VMInternal_ImplicitConstructorClosure, 0, ORDN, ___, ___, ___) \
// clang-format on
typedef uint8_t KBCInstr;
class KernelBytecode {
// Magic value of bytecode files.
static const intptr_t kMagicValue = 0x44424333; // 'DBC3'
// Bytecode format version supported by the VM
// (should match pkg/dart2bytecode/lib/dbc.dart).
static const intptr_t kBytecodeFormatVersion = 1;
enum Opcode {
#define DECLARE_BYTECODE(name, encoding, kind, op1, op2, op3) k##name,
static const char* NameOf(Opcode op) {
const char* names[] = {
#define NAME(name, encoding, kind, op1, op2, op3) #name,
#undef NAME
return names[op];
static const intptr_t kInstructionSize[];
enum SpecialIndex {
static const intptr_t kWideModifier = 1;
// Should be used only on instructions with wide variants.
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsWide(const KBCInstr* instr) {
return ((DecodeOpcode(instr) & kWideModifier) != 0);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeA(const KBCInstr* bc) { return bc[1]; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeB(const KBCInstr* bc) { return bc[2]; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeC(const KBCInstr* bc) { return bc[3]; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint32_t DecodeD(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[1]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[2]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[3]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[4]) << 24);
} else {
return bc[1];
DART_FORCE_INLINE static int32_t DecodeX(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[1]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[2]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[3]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[4]) << 24));
} else {
return static_cast<int8_t>(bc[1]);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static int32_t DecodeT(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return static_cast<int32_t>((static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[1]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[2]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[3]) << 24)) >>
} else {
return static_cast<int8_t>(bc[1]);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint32_t DecodeE(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[2]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[3]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[4]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[5]) << 24);
} else {
return bc[2];
DART_FORCE_INLINE static int32_t DecodeY(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[2]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[3]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[4]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(bc[5]) << 24));
} else {
return static_cast<int8_t>(bc[2]);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeF(const KBCInstr* bc) {
if (IsWide(bc)) {
return bc[5];
} else {
return bc[2];
DART_FORCE_INLINE static Opcode DecodeOpcode(const KBCInstr* bc) {
return static_cast<Opcode>(bc[0]);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static const KBCInstr* Next(const KBCInstr* bc) {
return bc + kInstructionSize[DecodeOpcode(bc)];
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uword Next(uword pc) {
return pc + kInstructionSize[DecodeOpcode(
reinterpret_cast<const KBCInstr*>(pc))];
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsLoadConstantOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kLoadConstant:
case KernelBytecode::kLoadConstant_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsCheckStackOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
return DecodeOpcode(instr) == KernelBytecode::kCheckStack;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsCheckFunctionTypeArgs(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kCheckFunctionTypeArgs:
case KernelBytecode::kCheckFunctionTypeArgs_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsEntryOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kEntry:
case KernelBytecode::kEntry_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsEntryOptionalOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
return DecodeOpcode(instr) == KernelBytecode::kEntryOptional;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsFrameOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kFrame:
case KernelBytecode::kFrame_Wide:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsSetFrameOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
return DecodeOpcode(instr) == KernelBytecode::kSetFrame;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsDebugCheckOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
return DecodeOpcode(instr) == KernelBytecode::kDebugCheck;
// The interpreter, the bytecode generator, the bytecode compiler, and this
// function must agree on this list of opcodes.
// For each instruction with listed opcode:
// - The interpreter checks for a debug break.
// - The bytecode generator emits a source position.
// - The bytecode compiler may emit a DebugStepCheck call.
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsDebugCheckedOpcode(const KBCInstr* instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case KernelBytecode::kDebugCheck:
case KernelBytecode::kDirectCall:
case KernelBytecode::kDirectCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kUncheckedDirectCall:
case KernelBytecode::kUncheckedDirectCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kInterfaceCall:
case KernelBytecode::kInterfaceCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kInstantiatedInterfaceCall:
case KernelBytecode::kInstantiatedInterfaceCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kUncheckedClosureCall:
case KernelBytecode::kUncheckedClosureCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kUncheckedInterfaceCall:
case KernelBytecode::kUncheckedInterfaceCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kDynamicCall:
case KernelBytecode::kDynamicCall_Wide:
case KernelBytecode::kReturnTOS:
case KernelBytecode::kEqualsNull:
case KernelBytecode::kNegateInt:
case KernelBytecode::kNegateDouble:
case KernelBytecode::kAddInt:
case KernelBytecode::kSubInt:
case KernelBytecode::kMulInt:
case KernelBytecode::kTruncDivInt:
case KernelBytecode::kModInt:
case KernelBytecode::kBitAndInt:
case KernelBytecode::kBitOrInt:
case KernelBytecode::kBitXorInt:
case KernelBytecode::kShlInt:
case KernelBytecode::kShrInt:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareIntEq:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareIntGt:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareIntLt:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareIntGe:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareIntLe:
case KernelBytecode::kAddDouble:
case KernelBytecode::kSubDouble:
case KernelBytecode::kMulDouble:
case KernelBytecode::kDivDouble:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareDoubleEq:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareDoubleGt:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareDoubleLt:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareDoubleGe:
case KernelBytecode::kCompareDoubleLe:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeArgc(const KBCInstr* ret_addr) {
// All call instructions have DF encoding, with argc being the last byte
// regardless of whether the wide variant is used or not.
return ret_addr[-1];
// Converts bytecode PC into an offset.
// For return addresses used in PcDescriptors, PC is also augmented by 1.
// TODO(regis): Eliminate this correction.
static intptr_t BytecodePcToOffset(uint32_t pc, bool is_return_address) {
return pc + (is_return_address ? 1 : 0);
static uint32_t OffsetToBytecodePc(intptr_t offset, bool is_return_address) {
return offset - (is_return_address ? 1 : 0);
static void GetVMInternalBytecodeInstructions(Opcode opcode,
const KBCInstr** instructions,
intptr_t* instructions_size);
} // namespace dart