blob: 13dd34054f400b95c35378efbee6f9fe00ffecac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library scheduled_test.scheduled_server;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:io';
import 'scheduled_test.dart';
import 'src/scheduled_server/handler.dart';
import 'src/scheduled_server/safe_http_server.dart';
typedef Future ScheduledHandler(HttpRequest request);
/// A class representing an [HttpServer] that's scheduled to run in the course
/// of the test. This class allows the server's request handling to be scheduled
/// synchronously.
/// The server expects requests to be received in the order [handle] is called,
/// and expects that no additional requests will be received.
class ScheduledServer {
/// The description of the server.
final String description;
/// The wrapped server.
final Future<HttpServer> _server;
/// The queue of handlers to run for upcoming requests. Each [Future] will
/// complete once the schedule reaches the point where that handler was
/// scheduled.
final _handlers = new Queue<Handler>();
/// The number of servers created. Used for auto-generating descriptions;
static var _count = 0;
ScheduledServer._(this._server, this.description);
/// Creates a new server listening on an automatically-allocated port on
/// [description] is used to refer to the server in debugging
/// messages.
factory ScheduledServer([String description]) {
var id = _count++;
if (description == null) description = 'scheduled server $id';
var scheduledServer;
scheduledServer = new ScheduledServer._(schedule(() {
return SafeHttpServer.bind("", 0).then((server) {
onError: (e) => currentSchedule.signalError(e));
return server;
}, "starting '$description'"), description);
return scheduledServer;
/// The port on which the server is listening.
Future<int> get port => _server.then((s) => s.port);
/// The base URL of the server, including its port.
Future<Uri> get url => port.then((p) => Uri.parse("$p"));
/// Schedules [handler] to handle a request to the server with [method] and
/// [path]. The schedule will wait until an HTTP request is received. If that
/// request doesn't have the expected [method] and [path], it will fail.
/// Otherwise, it will run [fn]. If [fn] returns a [Future], the schedule will
/// wait until that [Future] completes.
/// The request must be received at the point in the schedule at which
/// [handle] was called, or in the task immediately prior (to allow for
/// non-deterministic asynchronicity). Otherwise, an error will be thrown.
void handle(String method, String path, ScheduledHandler fn) {
var handler = new Handler(this, method, path, fn);
schedule(() {
handler.ready = true;
return handler.result.catchError((e) {
// Close the server so that we don't leave a dangling request.
_server.then((s) => s.close());
throw e;
}, "'$description' waiting for $method $path");
/// The handler for incoming [HttpRequest]s to this server. This dispatches
/// the request to the first handler in the queue. It's that handler's
/// responsibility to check that the method/path are correct and that it's
/// being run at the correct time.
void _handleRequest(HttpRequest request) {
wrapFuture(new Future.sync(() {
if (_handlers.isEmpty) {
fail("'$description' received ${request.method} ${request.uri.path} "
"when no more requests were expected.");
return _handlers.removeFirst().fn(request);
}).catchError((e) {
// Close the server so that we don't leave a dangling request.
_server.then((s) => s.close());
throw e;
}), 'receiving ${request.method} ${request.uri}');