blob: 946b08f49d6e4cc311f6dd087ba892c71b938555 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/invocation_inference_helper.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
/// Instances of the class `StaticTypeAnalyzer` perform two type-related tasks. First, they
/// compute the static type of every expression. Second, they look for any static type errors or
/// warnings that might need to be generated. The requirements for the type analyzer are:
/// <ol>
/// * Every element that refers to types should be fully populated.
/// * Every node representing an expression should be resolved to the Type of the expression.
/// </ol>
class StaticTypeAnalyzer {
/// The resolver driving the resolution and type analysis.
final ResolverVisitor _resolver;
final InvocationInferenceHelper _inferenceHelper;
/// The object providing access to the types defined by the language.
late TypeProviderImpl _typeProvider;
/// The type system in use for static type analysis.
late TypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
/// The type representing the type 'dynamic'.
late DartType _dynamicType;
/// Initialize a newly created static type analyzer to analyze types for the
/// [_resolver] based on the
/// @param resolver the resolver driving this participant
: _inferenceHelper = _resolver.inferenceHelper {
_typeProvider = _resolver.typeProvider;
_typeSystem = _resolver.typeSystem;
_dynamicType = _typeProvider.dynamicType;
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.5: <blockquote>The static type of a string literal is
/// `String`.</blockquote>
void visitAdjacentStrings(covariant AdjacentStringsImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.stringType,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.32: <blockquote>... the cast expression <i>e as T</i> ...
/// It is a static warning if <i>T</i> does not denote a type available in the current lexical
/// scope.
/// The static type of a cast expression <i>e as T</i> is <i>T</i>.</blockquote>
void visitAsExpression(covariant AsExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _getType(node.type),
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 16.29 (Await Expressions):
/// The static type of [the expression "await e"] is flatten(T) where T is
/// the static type of e.
void visitAwaitExpression(covariant AwaitExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
var resultType = node.expression.typeOrThrow;
resultType = _typeSystem.flatten(resultType);
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, resultType,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.4: <blockquote>The static type of a boolean literal is
/// bool.</blockquote>
void visitBooleanLiteral(covariant BooleanLiteralImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.boolType,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.15.2: <blockquote>A cascaded method invocation expression
/// of the form <i>e..suffix</i> is equivalent to the expression <i>(t) {t.suffix; return
/// t;}(e)</i>.</blockquote>
void visitCascadeExpression(covariant CascadeExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.19: <blockquote> ... a conditional expression <i>c</i> of
/// the form <i>e<sub>1</sub> ? e<sub>2</sub> : e<sub>3</sub></i> ...
/// It is a static type warning if the type of e<sub>1</sub> may not be assigned to `bool`.
/// The static type of <i>c</i> is the least upper bound of the static type of <i>e<sub>2</sub></i>
/// and the static type of <i>e<sub>3</sub></i>.</blockquote>
void visitConditionalExpression(covariant ConditionalExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_analyzeLeastUpperBound(node, node.thenExpression, node.elseExpression,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.3: <blockquote>The static type of a literal double is
/// double.</blockquote>
void visitDoubleLiteral(covariant DoubleLiteralImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.doubleType,
contextType: contextType);
void visitExtensionOverride(ExtensionOverride node) {
'Resolver should call extensionResolver.resolveOverride directly');
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.9: <blockquote>The static type of a function literal of the
/// form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, [T<sub>n+1</sub>
/// x<sub>n+1</sub> = d1, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub> = dk]) => e</i> is
/// <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, Tn, [T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub>
/// x<sub>n+k</sub>]) &rarr; T<sub>0</sub></i>, where <i>T<sub>0</sub></i> is the static type of
/// <i>e</i>. In any case where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;= n</i>, is not specified, it is
/// considered to have been specified as dynamic.
/// The static type of a function literal of the form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
/// T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub> : d1, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub>
/// x<sub>n+k</sub> : dk}) => e</i> is <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>n+1</sub>
/// x<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub>}) &rarr; T<sub>0</sub></i>, where
/// <i>T<sub>0</sub></i> is the static type of <i>e</i>. In any case where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1
/// &lt;= i &lt;= n</i>, is not specified, it is considered to have been specified as dynamic.
/// The static type of a function literal of the form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
/// T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, [T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub> = d1, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub>
/// x<sub>n+k</sub> = dk]) {s}</i> is <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>, [T<sub>n+1</sub>
/// x<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub>]) &rarr; dynamic</i>. In any case
/// where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;= n</i>, is not specified, it is considered to have been
/// specified as dynamic.
/// The static type of a function literal of the form <i>(T<sub>1</sub> a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
/// T<sub>n</sub> a<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>n+1</sub> x<sub>n+1</sub> : d1, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub>
/// x<sub>n+k</sub> : dk}) {s}</i> is <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>n+1</sub>
/// x<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub> x<sub>n+k</sub>}) &rarr; dynamic</i>. In any case
/// where <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;= n</i>, is not specified, it is considered to have been
/// specified as dynamic.</blockquote>
void visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {}
void visitFunctionReference(covariant FunctionReferenceImpl node) {
// TODO(paulberry): implement
node.staticType = _dynamicType;
/// <blockquote>
/// An integer literal has static type \code{int}, unless the surrounding
/// static context type is a type which \code{int} is not assignable to, and
/// \code{double} is. In that case the static type of the integer literal is
/// \code{double}.
/// <blockquote>
/// and
/// <blockquote>
/// If $e$ is an expression of the form \code{-$l$} where $l$ is an integer
/// literal (\ref{numbers}) with numeric integer value $i$, then the static
/// type of $e$ is the same as the static type of an integer literal with the
/// same contexttype
/// </blockquote>
void visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteralImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
if (contextType == null ||
_typeSystem.isAssignableTo(_typeProvider.intType, contextType) ||
!_typeSystem.isAssignableTo(_typeProvider.doubleType, contextType)) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.intType,
contextType: contextType);
} else {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.doubleType,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.31: <blockquote>It is a static warning if <i>T</i> does not
/// denote a type available in the current lexical scope.
/// The static type of an is-expression is `bool`.</blockquote>
void visitIsExpression(covariant IsExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.boolType,
contextType: contextType);
void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
throw StateError('Should not be invoked');
void visitNamedExpression(covariant NamedExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
Expression expression = node.expression;
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, expression.typeOrThrow,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.2: <blockquote>The static type of `null` is bottom.
/// </blockquote>
void visitNullLiteral(covariant NullLiteralImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.nullType,
contextType: contextType);
void visitParenthesizedExpression(covariant ParenthesizedExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
Expression expression = node.expression;
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, expression.typeOrThrow,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.9: <blockquote>The static type of a rethrow expression is
/// bottom.</blockquote>
void visitRethrowExpression(covariant RethrowExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.bottomType,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.5: <blockquote>The static type of a string literal is
/// `String`.</blockquote>
void visitSimpleStringLiteral(covariant SimpleStringLiteralImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.stringType,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.5: <blockquote>The static type of a string literal is
/// `String`.</blockquote>
void visitStringInterpolation(covariant StringInterpolationImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.stringType,
contextType: contextType);
void visitSuperExpression(covariant SuperExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
var thisType = _resolver.thisType;
_resolver.flowAnalysis.flow?.thisOrSuper(node, thisType ?? _dynamicType);
if (thisType == null ||
node.thisOrAncestorOfType<ExtensionDeclaration>() != null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Report this error if it hasn't already been
// reported.
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _dynamicType,
contextType: contextType);
} else {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, thisType,
contextType: contextType);
void visitSymbolLiteral(covariant SymbolLiteralImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.symbolType,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.10: <blockquote>The static type of `this` is the
/// interface of the immediately enclosing class.</blockquote>
void visitThisExpression(covariant ThisExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
var thisType = _resolver.thisType;
_resolver.flowAnalysis.flow?.thisOrSuper(node, thisType ?? _dynamicType);
if (thisType == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Report this error if it hasn't already been
// reported.
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _dynamicType,
contextType: contextType);
} else {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, thisType,
contextType: contextType);
/// The Dart Language Specification, 12.8: <blockquote>The static type of a throw expression is
/// bottom.</blockquote>
void visitThrowExpression(covariant ThrowExpressionImpl node,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, _typeProvider.bottomType,
contextType: contextType);
/// Set the static type of [node] to be the least upper bound of the static
/// types of subexpressions [expr1] and [expr2].
void _analyzeLeastUpperBound(
ExpressionImpl node, Expression expr1, Expression expr2,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
var staticType1 = expr1.typeOrThrow;
var staticType2 = expr2.typeOrThrow;
_analyzeLeastUpperBoundTypes(node, staticType1, staticType2,
contextType: contextType);
/// Set the static type of [node] to be the least upper bound of the static
/// types [staticType1] and [staticType2].
void _analyzeLeastUpperBoundTypes(
ExpressionImpl node, DartType staticType1, DartType staticType2,
{required DartType? contextType}) {
DartType staticType =
_typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(staticType1, staticType2);
staticType = _resolver.toLegacyTypeIfOptOut(staticType);
_inferenceHelper.recordStaticType(node, staticType,
contextType: contextType);
/// Return the type represented by the given type [annotation].
DartType _getType(TypeAnnotation annotation) {
var type = annotation.type;
if (type == null) {
//TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine the conditions for which the type is
// null.
return _dynamicType;
return type;