blob: 95ac2211f19e9225c3b51c0dbf5ea3922fbb4804 [file] [log] [blame]
// Generated by dart2js, the Dart to JavaScript compiler.
// The code supports the following hooks:
// dartPrint(message) - if this function is defined it is called
// instead of the Dart [print] method.
// dartMainRunner(main) - if this function is defined, the Dart [main]
// method will not be invoked directly.
// Instead, a closure that will invoke [main] is
// passed to [dartMainRunner].
function Isolate() {}
var $ = Isolate.$isolateProperties;
var $$ = {};
// Classes
$$.ListIterable = {"": "IterableBase;",
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $.ListIterator$(this);
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var $length, i;
$length = this.get$length(this);
if (typeof $length !== "number")
return this.forEach$1$bailout1(1, action, $length);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {$1(this.elementAt$1(this, i));
if ($length !== this.get$length(this))
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
forEach$1$bailout1: function(state0, action, $length) {
var t1, i;
for (t1 = $.getInterceptor($length), i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, $length); ++i) {$1(this.elementAt$1(this, i));
if (t1.$eq($length, this.get$length(this)) !== true)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return $.$eq(this.get$length(this), 0);
skip$1: function(_, count) {
return $.SubListIterable$(this, count, null);
toList$1$growable: function(_, growable) {
var result, i, t1;
if (growable === true) {
result = $.List_List($);
$.JSArray_methods.set$length(result, this.get$length(this));
} else
result = $.List_List(this.get$length(this));
for (i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, this.get$length(this)); ++i) {
t1 = this.elementAt$1(this, i);
if (i >= result.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
result[i] = t1;
return result;
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$$.SubListIterable = {"": "ListIterable;_iterable,_start,_endOrLength",
get$_endIndex: function() {
var $length, t1;
$length = $.get$length$asx(this._iterable);
t1 = this._endOrLength;
if (t1 == null || $.JSNull_methods.$gt(t1, $length))
return $length;
return t1;
get$_startIndex: function() {
var $length, t1;
$length = $.get$length$asx(this._iterable);
t1 = this._start;
if ($.JSNumber_methods.$gt(t1, $length))
return $length;
return t1;
get$length: function(_) {
var $length, t1, t2;
$length = $.get$length$asx(this._iterable);
if (typeof $length !== "number")
return this.get$length$bailout2(1, $length);
t1 = this._start;
if (t1 >= $length)
return 0;
t2 = this._endOrLength;
if (t2 == null || $.JSNull_methods.$ge(t2, $length))
return $length - t1;
return $.JSNull_methods.$sub(t2, t1);
get$length$bailout2: function(state0, $length) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this._start;
if ($.JSNumber_methods.$ge(t1, $length))
return 0;
t2 = this._endOrLength;
if (t2 == null || $.JSNull_methods.$ge(t2, $length))
return $.$sub$n($length, t1);
return $.JSNull_methods.$sub(t2, t1);
elementAt$1: function(_, index) {
var t1, realIndex;
if (typeof index !== "number")
return this.elementAt$1$bailout2(1, index);
t1 = this.get$_startIndex();
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
return this.elementAt$1$bailout2(2, index, t1);
realIndex = t1 + index;
if (!(index < 0)) {
t1 = this.get$_endIndex();
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
return this.elementAt$1$bailout2(3, index, t1, realIndex);
t1 = realIndex >= t1;
} else
t1 = true;
if (t1)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$range(index, 0, this.get$length(this)));
return $.elementAt$1$ax(this._iterable, realIndex);
elementAt$1$bailout2: function(state0, index, t1, realIndex) {
switch (state0) {
case 0:
case 1:
state0 = 0;
t1 = this.get$_startIndex();
case 2:
state0 = 0;
realIndex = $.$add$ns(t1, index);
case 3:
if (state0 === 3 || state0 === 0 && !$.$lt$n(index, 0))
switch (state0) {
case 0:
t1 = this.get$_endIndex();
case 3:
state0 = 0;
t1 = $.$ge$n(realIndex, t1);
t1 = true;
if (t1)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$range(index, 0, this.get$length(this)));
return $.elementAt$1$ax(this._iterable, realIndex);
skip$1: function(_, count) {
if (count < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(count));
return $.SubListIterable$(this._iterable, this._start + count, this._endOrLength);
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$$.ListIterator = {"": "Object;_iterable,_liblib$_length,_index,_liblib$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._liblib$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this._liblib$_length;
t2 = this._iterable;
if ($.$eq(t1, $.get$length$asx(t2)) !== true)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(t2));
t3 = this._index;
if (t3 === t1) {
this._liblib$_current = null;
return false;
this._liblib$_current = $.elementAt$1$ax(t2, t3);
this._index = this._index + 1;
return true;
$$.MappedIterable = {"": "IterableBase;_iterable,_f",
_f$1: function(arg0) {
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = this._iterable;
return $.MappedIterator$(t1.get$iterator(t1), this._f);
get$length: function(_) {
var t1 = this._iterable;
return t1.get$length(t1);
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
var t1 = this._iterable;
return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
elementAt$1: function(_, index) {
var t1 = this._iterable;
return this._f$1(t1.elementAt$1(t1, index));
$asIterable: function() {
return function (S, T) { return [T]; };
$$.MappedIterator = {"": "Iterator;_liblib$_current,_iterator,_f",
_f$1: function(arg0) {
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1 = this._iterator;
if (t1.moveNext$0() === true) {
this._liblib$_current = this._f$1(t1.get$current());
return true;
this._liblib$_current = null;
return false;
get$current: function() {
return this._liblib$_current;
$$.WhereIterable = {"": "IterableBase;_iterable,_f",
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = this._iterable;
return $.WhereIterator$(t1.get$iterator(t1), this._f);
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$$.WhereIterator = {"": "Iterator;_iterator,_f",
_f$1: function(arg0) {
moveNext$0: function() {
for (var t1 = this._iterator; t1.moveNext$0() === true;)
if (this._f$1(t1.get$current()) === true)
return true;
return false;
get$current: function() {
return this._iterator.get$current();
$$.SkipIterable = {"": "IterableBase;_iterable,_skipCount",
skip$1: function(_, n) {
if (typeof n !== "number" || Math.floor(n) !== n || n < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(n));
return $.SkipIterable$(this._iterable, $.$add$ns(this._skipCount, n));
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $.SkipIterator$($.get$iterator$ax(this._iterable), this._skipCount);
SkipIterable$2: function(_iterable, _skipCount) {
var t1 = this._skipCount;
if (typeof t1 !== "number" || Math.floor(t1) !== t1 || $.$lt$n(t1, 0))
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(t1));
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$$.SkipIterator = {"": "Iterator;_iterator,_skipCount",
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1, i, t2;
t1 = this._iterator;
i = 0;
while (true) {
t2 = this._skipCount;
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return this.moveNext$0$bailout1(1, t1, i, t2);
if (!(i < t2))
this._skipCount = 0;
return t1.moveNext$0();
moveNext$0$bailout1: function(state0, t1, i, t2) {
switch (state0) {
case 0:
t1 = this._iterator;
i = 0;
case 1:
while (true)
switch (state0) {
case 0:
t2 = this._skipCount;
case 1:
state0 = 0;
if (!$.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, t2))
break L0;
this._skipCount = 0;
return t1.moveNext$0();
get$current: function() {
return this._iterator.get$current();
SkipIterator$2: function(_iterator, _skipCount) {
$$.ToString__emitPair_anon = {"": "Closure;box_0,result_1,visiting_2",
call$2: function(k, v) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.box_0;
if (!t1.first_0)
this.result_1.write$1(", ");
t1.first_0 = false;
t1 = this.result_1;
t2 = this.visiting_2;
$.ToString__emitObject(k, t1, t2);
t1.write$1(": ");
$.ToString__emitObject(v, t1, t2);
$$.HashMap_values_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$1: function(each) {
return $.$index$asx(this.this_0, each);
$$.HashMap_addAll_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$2: function(key, value) {
$.$indexSet$ax(this.this_0, key, value);
$$.HashMapKeyIterable = {"": "IterableBase;_map",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._map._liblib0$_length;
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this._map._liblib0$_length === 0;
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = this._map;
return $.HashMapKeyIterator$(t1, t1._computeKeys$0());
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1, keys, $length, i;
t1 = this._map;
keys = t1._computeKeys$0();
for ($length = keys.length, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {$1(keys[i]);
if (keys !== t1._keys)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$$.HashMapKeyIterator = {"": "Object;_map,_keys,_offset,_liblib0$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._liblib0$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var keys, offset, t1;
keys = this._keys;
offset = this._offset;
t1 = this._map;
if (keys !== t1._keys)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
else if (offset >= keys.length) {
this._liblib0$_current = null;
return false;
} else {
this._liblib0$_current = keys[offset];
this._offset = offset + 1;
return true;
$$.LinkedHashMap_values_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$1: function(each) {
return $.$index$asx(this.this_0, each);
$$.LinkedHashMap_addAll_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$2: function(key, value) {
$.$indexSet$ax(this.this_0, key, value);
$$.LinkedHashMapCell = {"": "Object;_key<,_value@,_next@,_previous@"};
$$.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable = {"": "IterableBase;_map",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._map._liblib0$_length;
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this._map._liblib0$_length === 0;
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = this._map;
return $.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(t1, t1._modifications);
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1, cell, modifications;
t1 = this._map;
cell = t1._first;
modifications = t1._modifications;
for (; cell != null;) {$1(cell.get$_key());
if (modifications !== t1._modifications)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
cell = cell.get$_next();
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$$.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator = {"": "Object;_map,_modifications,_cell,_liblib0$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._liblib0$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1 = this._map;
if (this._modifications !== t1._modifications)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
else {
t1 = this._cell;
if (t1 == null) {
this._liblib0$_current = null;
return false;
} else {
this._liblib0$_current = t1.get$_key();
this._cell = this._cell.get$_next();
return true;
LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$2: function(_map, _modifications) {
this._cell = this._map._first;
$$.LinkedHashSetCell = {"": "Object;_element<,_next@,_previous@"};
$$.LinkedHashSetIterator = {"": "Object;_set,_modifications,_cell,_liblib0$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._liblib0$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1 = this._set;
if (this._modifications !== t1._modifications)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
else {
t1 = this._cell;
if (t1 == null) {
this._liblib0$_current = null;
return false;
} else {
this._liblib0$_current = t1.get$_element();
this._cell = this._cell.get$_next();
return true;
LinkedHashSetIterator$2: function(_set, _modifications) {
this._cell = this._set._first;
$$.Function__toMangledNames_anon = {"": "Closure;result_0",
call$2: function(symbol, value) {
var t1 = this.result_0;
t1.$indexSet(t1, symbol.get$_name(), value);
$$.NoSuchMethodError_toString_anon = {"": "Closure;box_0",
call$2: function(key, value) {
var t1 = this.box_0;
if ($.$gt$n(t1.i_1, 0))
t1.sb_0.write$1(", ");
t1.sb_0.write$1(": ");
t1.i_1 = $.$add$ns(t1.i_1, 1);
$$.Interceptor = {"": "Object;",
$eq: function(receiver, other) {
return receiver === other;
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
return $.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return "Instance of '" + $.S($.Primitives_objectTypeName(receiver)) + "'";
$$.JSFunction = {"": "Interceptor;",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return "Closure";
$$.JSBool = {"": "Interceptor;",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return String(receiver);
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
return receiver ? 519018 : 218159;
$isbool: true
$$.JSNull = {"": "Interceptor;",
$eq: function(receiver, other) {
return null == other;
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return "null";
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
return 0;
$$.CloseToken = {"": "Object;", $isCloseToken: true};
$$.JsIsolateSink = {"": "EventSink;_isClosed,_port<",
add$1: function(_, message) {
$.send$1$x(this._port, message);
$eq: function(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
return typeof other === "object" && other !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(other).$isIsolateSink && $.$eq(this._port, other.get$_port()) === true;
get$hashCode: function(_) {
return $.$add$ns($.get$hashCode$(this._port), 499);
$isJsIsolateSink: true,
$asIsolateSink: null,
$isIsolateSink: true
$$._Manager = {"": "Object;nextIsolateId@,currentManagerId,nextManagerId,currentContext<,rootContext,topEventLoop<,fromCommandLine,isWorker<,supportsWorkers,isolates,mainManager,managers",
get$useWorkers: function() {
return this.supportsWorkers;
get$needSerialization: function() {
return this.get$useWorkers();
_nativeDetectEnvironment$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = $.get$globalWindow() == null;
this.isWorker = t1 && $.get$globalPostMessageDefined() === true;
if (this.isWorker !== true)
t2 = $.get$globalWorker() != null && $.get$IsolateNatives_thisScript() != null;
t2 = true;
this.supportsWorkers = t2;
this.fromCommandLine = t1 && this.isWorker !== true;
_nativeInitWorkerMessageHandler$0: function() {
var $function = function (e) { $$2(this.mainManager, e); };
$.get$globalThis().onmessage = $function;
$.get$globalThis().dartPrint = function (object) {};
maybeCloseWorker$0: function() {
if (this.isWorker === true) {
var t1 = this.isolates;
t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1) && this.topEventLoop.activeTimerCount === 0;
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1) {
t1 = this.mainManager;
t1.postMessage$1(t1, $._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(["command", "close"])));
_Manager$0: function() {
this.topEventLoop = $._EventLoop$();
this.isolates = $.Map_Map();
this.managers = $.Map_Map();
if (this.isWorker === true) {
this.mainManager = $._MainManagerStub$();
$$._IsolateContext = {"": "Object;id*,ports,isolateStatics",
eval$1: function(code) {
var old, result;
old = $globalState.currentContext;
$globalState.currentContext = this;
$ = this.isolateStatics;
result = null;
try {
result =$0();
} finally {
$globalState.currentContext = old;
if (old != null)
return result;
_setGlobals$0: function() {
$ = this.isolateStatics;
lookup$1: function(portId) {
var t1 = this.ports;
return t1.$index(t1, portId);
register$2: function(_, portId, port) {
var t1;
if (this.ports.containsKey$1(portId) === true)
throw $.wrapException($._ExceptionImplementation$("Registry: ports must be registered only once."));
t1 = this.ports;
t1.$indexSet(t1, portId, port);
t1 = $globalState.isolates;
t1.$indexSet(t1,, this);
unregister$1: function(portId) {
var t1 = this.ports;
t1.remove$1(t1, portId);
t1 = this.ports;
if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) {
t1 = $globalState.isolates;
_IsolateContext$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = $._globalState();
t2 = t1.get$nextIsolateId();
t1.set$nextIsolateId(t2 + 1); = t2;
this.ports = $.Map_Map();
this.isolateStatics = new Isolate();
$$._EventLoop = {"": "Object;events,activeTimerCount",
enqueue$3: function(isolate, fn, msg) {$1($._IsolateEvent$(isolate, fn, msg));
dequeue$0: function() {
var t1 =;
if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
return t1.removeFirst$0();
checkOpenReceivePortsFromCommandLine$0: function() {
if ($globalState.rootContext != null)
if ($globalState.isolates.containsKey$1($ === true)
if ($globalState.fromCommandLine === true) {
var t1 = $globalState.rootContext.ports;
t1 = t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
} else
t1 = false;
t1 = false;
t1 = false;
if (t1)
throw $.wrapException($._ExceptionImplementation$("Program exited with open ReceivePorts."));
runIteration$0: function() {
var $event = this.dequeue$0();
if ($event == null) {
return false;
return true;
_runHelper$0: function() {
if ($.get$globalWindow() != null)
new $._EventLoop__runHelper_next(this).call$0();
for (; this.runIteration$0();)
run$0: function() {
var e, trace, exception, t1;
if ($globalState.isWorker !== true)
try {
} catch (exception) {
t1 = $.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
trace = $.getTraceFromException(exception);
t1 = $globalState.mainManager;
t1.postMessage$1(t1, $._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(["command", "error", "msg", $.S(e) + "\n" + $.S(trace)])));
$$._EventLoop__runHelper_next = {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$0: function() {
if (!this.this_0.runIteration$0())
$$._IsolateEvent = {"": "Object;isolate,fn,message",
process$0: function() {
$$._MainManagerStub = {"": "Object;",
get$id: function(_) {
return 0;
set$id: function(_, i) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnimplementedError$(null));
postMessage$1: function(_, msg) {
terminate$0: function(_) {
$$.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage_anon = {"": "Closure;entryPoint_0,replyTo_1",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.entryPoint_0;
t2 = this.replyTo_1;
$.lazyPort = $.ReceivePortImpl$();
$.send$2$x(t2, "spawned", $._Isolate_port().toSendPort$0());$0();
$$._BaseSendPort = {"": "Object;_isolateId<",
_checkReplyTo$1: function(replyTo) {
if (replyTo != null && (typeof replyTo !== "object" || replyTo === null || !$.getInterceptor(replyTo).$is_NativeJsSendPort) && (typeof replyTo !== "object" || replyTo === null || !$.getInterceptor(replyTo).$is_WorkerSendPort) && true)
throw $.wrapException($._ExceptionImplementation$("SendPort.send: Illegal replyTo port type"));
call$1: function(message) {
var completer, port;
completer = $._CompleterImpl$();
port = $.ReceivePortImpl$();
this.send$2(this, message, port.toSendPort$0());
port.receive$1(new $._BaseSendPort_call_anon(completer, port));
return completer.future;
$isSendPort: true
$$._BaseSendPort_call_anon = {"": "Closure;completer_0,port_1",
call$2: function(value, ignoreReplyTo) {
var t1 = this.port_1;
t1 = this.completer_0;
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(value).$isException)
t1.complete$1(t1, value);
$$._NativeJsSendPort = {"": "_BaseSendPort;_receivePort<,_isolateId",
send$2: function(_, message, replyTo) {
$._waitForPendingPorts([message, replyTo], new $._NativeJsSendPort_send_anon(this, message, replyTo));
send$1: function($receiver, message) {
return this.send$2($receiver, message, null);
$eq: function(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
return typeof other === "object" && other !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(other).$is_NativeJsSendPort && $.$eq(this._receivePort, other._receivePort) === true;
get$hashCode: function(_) {
return this._receivePort.get$_id();
$is_NativeJsSendPort: true,
$isSendPort: true
$$._NativeJsSendPort_send_anon = {"": "Closure;this_1,message_2,replyTo_3",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, isolate, shouldSerialize, msg;
t1 = {};
t2 = this.this_1;
t3 = this.replyTo_3;
t4 = $globalState.isolates;
isolate = t4.$index(t4, t2.get$_isolateId());
if (isolate == null)
if (t2.get$_receivePort().get$_callback() == null)
shouldSerialize = $globalState.currentContext != null && $.$eq($.get$id$x($globalState.currentContext), t2.get$_isolateId()) !== true;
msg = this.message_2;
t1.msg_0 = msg;
t1.reply_1 = t3;
if (shouldSerialize) {
t1.msg_0 = $._serializeMessage(t1.msg_0);
t1.reply_1 = $._serializeMessage(t1.reply_1);
$globalState.topEventLoop.enqueue$3(isolate, new $._NativeJsSendPort_send__anon(t1, t2, shouldSerialize), "receive " + $.S(msg));
$$._NativeJsSendPort_send__anon = {"": "Closure;box_0,this_4,shouldSerialize_5",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.this_4;
if (t1.get$_receivePort().get$_callback() != null) {
if (this.shouldSerialize_5) {
t2 = this.box_0;
t2.msg_0 = $._deserializeMessage(t2.msg_0);
t2.reply_1 = $._deserializeMessage(t2.reply_1);
t1 = t1.get$_receivePort();
t2 = this.box_0;
t1._callback$2(t2.msg_0, t2.reply_1);
$$._WorkerSendPort = {"": "_BaseSendPort;_workerId<,_receivePortId,_isolateId",
send$2: function(_, message, replyTo) {
$._waitForPendingPorts([message, replyTo], new $._WorkerSendPort_send_anon(this, message, replyTo));
send$1: function($receiver, message) {
return this.send$2($receiver, message, null);
$eq: function(_, other) {
var t1;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (typeof other === "object" && other !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(other).$is_WorkerSendPort)
t1 = $.$eq(this._workerId, other._workerId) === true && $.$eq(this._isolateId, other._isolateId) === true && $.$eq(this._receivePortId, other._receivePortId) === true;
t1 = false;
return t1;
get$hashCode: function(_) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = $.$shl$n(this._workerId, 16);
t2 = $.$shl$n(this._isolateId, 8);
t3 = this._receivePortId;
if (typeof t3 !== "number")
throw $.iae(t3);
return (t1 ^ t2 ^ t3) >>> 0;
$is_WorkerSendPort: true,
$isSendPort: true
$$._WorkerSendPort_send_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0,message_1,replyTo_2",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2, workerMessage, manager;
t1 = this.this_0;
t2 = this.replyTo_2;
workerMessage = $._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(["command", "message", "port", t1, "msg", this.message_1, "replyTo", t2]));
if ($globalState.isWorker === true) {
t1 = $globalState.mainManager;
t1.postMessage$1(t1, workerMessage);
} else {
t2 = $globalState.managers;
manager = t2.$index(t2, t1.get$_workerId());
if (manager != null)
$.postMessage$1$x(manager, workerMessage);
$$.ReceivePortImpl = {"": "Object;_id<,_callback<",
_callback$2: function(arg0, arg1) {
return$2(arg0, arg1);
receive$1: function(onMessage) {
this._callback = onMessage;
close$0: function(_) {
this._callback = null;
toSendPort$0: function() {
return $._NativeJsSendPort$(this, $.get$id$x($globalState.currentContext));
ReceivePortImpl$0: function() {
$.register$2$x($._globalState().get$currentContext(), this._id, this);
$$._waitForPendingPorts_anon = {"": "Closure;callback_0",
call$1: function(_) {
$$._PendingSendPortFinder = {"": "_MessageTraverser;ports,_visited",
visitPrimitive$1: function(x) {
visitList$1: function(list) {
var t1 = this._visited;
if (t1.$index(t1, list) != null)
t1 = this._visited;
t1.$indexSet(t1, list, true);
$.forEach$1$ax(list, new $._PendingSendPortFinder_visitList_anon(this));
visitMap$1: function(map) {
var t1 = this._visited;
if (t1.$index(t1, map) != null)
t1 = this._visited;
t1.$indexSet(t1, map, true);
$.forEach$1$ax(map.get$values(map), new $._PendingSendPortFinder_visitMap_anon(this));
visitSendPort$1: function(port) {
if (false)
visitIsolateSink$1: function(sink) {
var t1 = sink._port;
if (false)
visitCloseToken$1: function(token) {
_PendingSendPortFinder$0: function() {
this._visited = $._JsVisitedMap$();
$$._PendingSendPortFinder_visitList_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$1: function(e) {
return this.this_0._dispatch$1(e);
$$._PendingSendPortFinder_visitMap_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$1: function(e) {
return this.this_0._dispatch$1(e);
$$._JsSerializer = {"": "_Serializer;_nextFreeRefId,_visited",
visitSendPort$1: function(x) {
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(x).$is_NativeJsSendPort)
return ["sendport", $globalState.currentManagerId, x._isolateId, x._receivePort.get$_id()];
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(x).$is_WorkerSendPort)
return ["sendport", x._workerId, x._isolateId, x._receivePortId];
throw $.wrapException("Illegal underlying port " + $.S(x));
visitIsolateSink$1: function(sink) {
var isClosed = sink._isClosed;
return ["isolateSink", this.visitSendPort$1(sink._port), isClosed];
visitCloseToken$1: function(token) {
return ["closeToken"];
_JsSerializer$0: function() {
this._visited = $._JsVisitedMap$();
$$._JsCopier = {"": "_Copier;_visited",
visitSendPort$1: function(x) {
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(x).$is_NativeJsSendPort)
return $._NativeJsSendPort$(x._receivePort, x._isolateId);
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(x).$is_WorkerSendPort)
return $._WorkerSendPort$(x._workerId, x._isolateId, x._receivePortId);
throw $.wrapException("Illegal underlying port " + $.S(this.get$p()));
visitIsolateSink$1: function(sink) {
var isClosed, result;
isClosed = sink._isClosed;
result = $.JsIsolateSink$fromPort(this.visitSendPort$1(sink._port));
result._isClosed = isClosed;
return result;
visitCloseToken$1: function(token) {
return token;
_JsCopier$0: function() {
this._visited = $._JsVisitedMap$();
$$._JsDeserializer = {"": "_Deserializer;_deserialized",
deserializeSendPort$1: function(list) {
var t1, managerId, isolateId, receivePortId, isolate, receivePort;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(list);
managerId = t1.$index(list, 1);
isolateId = t1.$index(list, 2);
receivePortId = t1.$index(list, 3);
if ($.$eq(managerId, $globalState.currentManagerId) === true) {
t1 = $globalState.isolates;
isolate = t1.$index(t1, isolateId);
if (isolate == null)
receivePort = isolate.lookup$1(receivePortId);
if (receivePort == null)
return $._NativeJsSendPort$(receivePort, isolateId);
} else
return $._WorkerSendPort$(managerId, isolateId, receivePortId);
deserializeIsolateSink$1: function(list) {
var t1, port, isClosed, result;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(list);
port = this.deserializeSendPort$1(t1.$index(list, 1));
isClosed = t1.$index(list, 2);
result = $.JsIsolateSink$fromPort(port);
result._isClosed = isClosed;
return result;
deserializeCloseToken$1: function(list) {
return $.C_CloseToken;
$$._JsVisitedMap = {"": "Object;tagged",
$index: function(_, object) {
return object.__MessageTraverser__attached_info__;
$indexSet: function(_, object, info) {
$.add$1$ax(this.tagged, object);
object.__MessageTraverser__attached_info__ = info;
reset$0: function(_) {
this.tagged = $.List_List($);
cleanup$0: function() {
var $length, i;
for ($length = $.get$length$asx(this.tagged), i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
$.$index$asx(this.tagged, i).__MessageTraverser__attached_info__ = null;
this.tagged = null;
$$._MessageTraverserVisitedMap = {"": "Object;",
$index: function(_, object) {
$indexSet: function(_, object, info) {
reset$0: function(_) {
cleanup$0: function() {
$$._MessageTraverser = {"": "Object;",
traverse$1: function(x) {
var result, t1;
t1 = x;
if (t1 == null || typeof t1 === "string" || typeof t1 === "number" || typeof t1 === "boolean")
return this.visitPrimitive$1(x);
t1 = this._visited;
result = null;
try {
result = this._dispatch$1(x);
} finally {
return result;
_dispatch$1: function(x) {
if (x == null || typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "boolean")
return this.visitPrimitive$1(x);
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && (x.constructor === Array || $.getInterceptor(x).$isList()))
return this.visitList$1(x);
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(x).$isMap)
return this.visitMap$1(x);
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(x).$isSendPort)
return this.visitSendPort$1(x);
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(x).$isJsIsolateSink)
return this.visitIsolateSink$1(x);
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(x).$isCloseToken)
return this.visitCloseToken$1(x);
$.throwExpression("Message serialization: Illegal value " + $.S(x) + " passed");
$$._Copier = {"": "_MessageTraverser;",
visitPrimitive$1: function(x) {
return x;
visitList$1: function(list) {
var t1, copy, len, i;
if (typeof list !== "string" && (typeof list !== "object" || list === null || list.constructor !== Array && !$.getInterceptor(list).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))
return this.visitList$1$bailout1(1, list);
t1 = this._visited;
copy = t1.$index(t1, list);
if (copy != null)
return copy;
len = list.length;
copy = $.List_List(len);
t1 = this._visited;
t1.$indexSet(t1, list, copy);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= list.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
copy[i] = this._dispatch$1(list[i]);
return copy;
visitList$1$bailout1: function(state0, list) {
var t1, copy, len, t2, i, t3;
t1 = this._visited;
copy = t1.$index(t1, list);
if (copy != null)
return copy;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(list);
len = t1.get$length(list);
copy = $.List_List(len);
t2 = this._visited;
t2.$indexSet(t2, list, copy);
for (t2 = copy.length, i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, len); ++i) {
t3 = this._dispatch$1(t1.$index(list, i));
if (i >= t2)
throw $.ioore(i);
copy[i] = t3;
return copy;
visitMap$1: function(map) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = {};
t2 = this._visited;
t1.copy_0 = t2.$index(t2, map);
t2 = t1.copy_0;
if (t2 != null)
return t2;
t1.copy_0 = $.HashMap$();
t2 = this._visited;
t2.$indexSet(t2, map, t1.copy_0);
map.forEach$1(map, new $._Copier_visitMap_anon(t1, this));
return t1.copy_0;
$$._Copier_visitMap_anon = {"": "Closure;box_0,this_1",
call$2: function(key, val) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.box_0.copy_0;
t2 = this.this_1;
$.$indexSet$ax(t1, t2._dispatch$1(key), t2._dispatch$1(val));
$$._Serializer = {"": "_MessageTraverser;",
visitPrimitive$1: function(x) {
return x;
visitList$1: function(list) {
var t1, copyId, id;
t1 = this._visited;
copyId = t1.$index(t1, list);
if (copyId != null)
return ["ref", copyId];
id = this._nextFreeRefId;
this._nextFreeRefId = id + 1;
t1 = this._visited;
t1.$indexSet(t1, list, id);
return ["list", id, this._serializeList$1(list)];
visitMap$1: function(map) {
var t1, copyId, id;
t1 = this._visited;
copyId = t1.$index(t1, map);
if (copyId != null)
return ["ref", copyId];
id = this._nextFreeRefId;
this._nextFreeRefId = id + 1;
t1 = this._visited;
t1.$indexSet(t1, map, id);
return ["map", id, this._serializeList$1($.toList$0$ax(map.get$keys())), this._serializeList$1($.toList$0$ax(map.get$values(map)))];
_serializeList$1: function(list) {
var len, result, i;
if (typeof list !== "string" && (typeof list !== "object" || list === null || list.constructor !== Array && !$.getInterceptor(list).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))
return this._serializeList$1$bailout(1, list);
len = list.length;
result = $.List_List(len);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= list.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
result[i] = this._dispatch$1(list[i]);
return result;
_serializeList$1$bailout: function(state0, list) {
var t1, len, result, t2, i, t3;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(list);
len = t1.get$length(list);
result = $.List_List(len);
for (t2 = result.length, i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, len); ++i) {
t3 = this._dispatch$1(t1.$index(list, i));
if (i >= t2)
throw $.ioore(i);
result[i] = t3;
return result;
$$._Deserializer = {"": "Object;",
deserialize$1: function(x) {
if (x == null || typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "boolean")
return x;
this._deserialized = $.HashMap$();
return this._deserializeHelper$1(x);
_deserializeHelper$1: function(x) {
var t1, id;
t1 = $.getInterceptor(x);
if (x == null || typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "boolean")
return x;
switch (t1.$index(x, 0)) {
case "ref":
id = t1.$index(x, 1);
t1 = this._deserialized;
return t1.$index(t1, id);
case "list":
return this._deserializeList$1(x);
case "map":
return this._deserializeMap$1(x);
case "sendport":
return this.deserializeSendPort$1(x);
case "isolateSink":
return this.deserializeIsolateSink$1(x);
case "closeToken":
return this.deserializeCloseToken$1(x);
$.throwExpression("Unexpected serialized object");
_deserializeList$1: function(x) {
var t1, id, dartList, t2, len, i;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(x);
id = t1.$index(x, 1);
dartList = t1.$index(x, 2);
if (typeof dartList !== "object" || dartList === null || (dartList.constructor !== Array || !!dartList.immutable$list) && !$.getInterceptor(dartList).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior())
return this._deserializeList$1$bailout(1, dartList, id);
t2 = this._deserialized;
t2.$indexSet(t2, id, dartList);
len = dartList.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= dartList.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
t1 = this._deserializeHelper$1(dartList[i]);
if (i >= dartList.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
dartList[i] = t1;
return dartList;
_deserializeList$1$bailout: function(state0, dartList, id) {
var t2, len, i;
t2 = this._deserialized;
t2.$indexSet(t2, id, dartList);
t2 = $.getInterceptor$asx(dartList);
len = t2.get$length(dartList);
for (i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, len); ++i)
t2.$indexSet(dartList, i, this._deserializeHelper$1(t2.$index(dartList, i)));
return dartList;
_deserializeMap$1: function(x) {
var result, t1, id, t2, keys, values, len, i, key;
result = $.HashMap$();
t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(x);
id = t1.$index(x, 1);
t2 = this._deserialized;
t2.$indexSet(t2, id, result);
keys = t1.$index(x, 2);
if (typeof keys !== "string" && (typeof keys !== "object" || keys === null || keys.constructor !== Array && !$.getInterceptor(keys).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))
return this._deserializeMap$1$bailout(1, x, result, keys, t1);
values = t1.$index(x, 3);
if (typeof values !== "string" && (typeof values !== "object" || values === null || values.constructor !== Array && !$.getInterceptor(values).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))
return this._deserializeMap$1$bailout(2, 0, result, keys, 0, values);
len = keys.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= keys.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
key = this._deserializeHelper$1(keys[i]);
if (i >= values.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
result.$indexSet(result, key, this._deserializeHelper$1(values[i]));
return result;
_deserializeMap$1$bailout: function(state0, x, result, keys, t1, values) {
switch (state0) {
case 0:
result = $.HashMap$();
t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(x);
id = t1.$index(x, 1);
t2 = this._deserialized;
t2.$indexSet(t2, id, result);
keys = t1.$index(x, 2);
case 1:
state0 = 0;
values = t1.$index(x, 3);
case 2:
var id, t2, t3, len, i;
state0 = 0;
t3 = $.getInterceptor$asx(keys);
len = t3.get$length(keys);
for (t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(values), i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, len); ++i)
result.$indexSet(result, this._deserializeHelper$1(t3.$index(keys, i)), this._deserializeHelper$1(t1.$index(values, i)));
return result;
$$.TimerImpl = {"": "Object;_once,_inEventLoop,_handle?",
cancel$0: function() {
if ($.get$globalThis().setTimeout != null) {
if (this._inEventLoop)
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Timer in event loop cannot be canceled."));
if (this._handle == null)
var t1 = $globalState.topEventLoop;
t1.activeTimerCount = t1.activeTimerCount - 1;
if (this._once)
this._handle = null;
} else
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Canceling a timer."));
TimerImpl$2: function(milliseconds, callback) {
var t1;
if (milliseconds === 0)
t1 = $.hasTimer() !== true || $._globalState().get$isWorker() === true;
t1 = false;
if (t1) {
$._globalState().get$topEventLoop().enqueue$3($._globalState().get$currentContext(), callback, "timer");
this._inEventLoop = true;
} else if ($.hasTimer() === true) {
t1 = $._globalState().get$topEventLoop();
t1.activeTimerCount = t1.activeTimerCount + 1;
t1 = new $.internalCallback(this, callback);
this._handle = $.get$globalThis().setTimeout($.convertDartClosureToJS(t1, 0), milliseconds);
} else
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Timer greater than 0."));
TimerImpl$periodic$2: function(milliseconds, callback) {
var t1;
if ($.hasTimer() === true) {
t1 = $._globalState().get$topEventLoop();
t1.activeTimerCount = t1.activeTimerCount + 1;
this._handle = $.get$globalThis().setInterval($.convertDartClosureToJS(new $.anon(this, callback), 0), milliseconds);
} else
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Periodic timer."));
$$.internalCallback = {"": "Closure;this_0,callback_1",
call$0: function() {$0();
var t1 = $globalState.topEventLoop;
t1.activeTimerCount = t1.activeTimerCount - 1;
$$.anon = {"": "Closure;this_0,callback_1",
call$0: function() {$1(this.this_0);
$$.JSArray = {"": "Interceptor;",
add$1: function(receiver, value) {
if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
removeLast$0: function(receiver) {
if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
if (receiver.length === 0)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(-1));
return receiver.pop();
remove$1: function(receiver, element) {
var i;
if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i) {
if (i >= receiver.length || false)
if ($.$eq(receiver[i], element) === true) {
receiver.splice(i, 1);
addAll$1: function(receiver, collection) {
var t1, t2;
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(collection); t1.moveNext$0() === true;) {
t2 = t1.get$current();
if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
forEach$1: function(receiver, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(receiver); t1.moveNext$0();)$1(t1.get$current());
join$1: function(receiver, separator) {
var t1, list, i, t2;
t1 = receiver.length;
list = $.List_List(t1);
for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i) {
if (i >= receiver.length || false)
t2 = $.S(receiver[i]);
if (i >= t1)
throw $.ioore(i);
list[i] = t2;
return list.join(separator);
skip$1: function(receiver, n) {
return $.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null);
fold$2: function(receiver, initialValue, combine) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(receiver); t1.moveNext$0();)
initialValue =$2(initialValue, t1.get$current());
return initialValue;
elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
var t1;
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index)
t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(index);
if (t1.$ge(index, receiver.length) || t1.$lt(index, 0))
return receiver[index];
sublist$2: function(receiver, start, end) {
if (typeof end !== "number")
return this.sublist$2$bailout(1, start, end, receiver);
if (start == null)
if (typeof start !== "number" || Math.floor(start) !== start)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(start));
if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length));
if (typeof end !== "number" || Math.floor(end) !== end)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(end));
if (end < start || end > receiver.length)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$range(end, start, receiver.length));
if (start === end)
return [];
return receiver.slice(start, end);
sublist$2$bailout: function(state0, start, end, receiver) {
if (start == null)
if (typeof start !== "number" || Math.floor(start) !== start)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(start));
if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length));
if (end == null)
end = receiver.length;
else {
if (typeof end !== "number" || Math.floor(end) !== end)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(end));
if (end < start || end > receiver.length)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$range(end, start, receiver.length));
if (start === end)
return [];
return receiver.slice(start, end);
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
get$first: function(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("No elements"));
get$last: function(receiver) {
var t1 = receiver.length;
if (t1 > 0)
return receiver[t1 - 1];
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("No elements"));
setRange$4: function(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
$.throwExpression($.UnsupportedError$("set range"));
$.IterableMixinWorkaround_setRangeList(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount);
get$isEmpty: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length === 0;
toString$0: function(receiver) {
var result = $.StringBuffer$("");
$.ToString__emitValue(receiver, result, $.List_List($));
return result.toString$0(result);
toList$1$growable: function(receiver, growable) {
return $.List_List$from(receiver, growable);
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$iterator: function(receiver) {
return $.ListIterator$(receiver);
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
return $.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
get$length: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
set$length: function(receiver, newLength) {
if (typeof newLength !== "number" || Math.floor(newLength) !== newLength)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(newLength));
if (newLength < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(newLength));
$.checkGrowable(receiver, "set length");
receiver.length = newLength;
$index: function(receiver, index) {
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(index));
if (index >= receiver.length || index < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(index));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet: function(receiver, index, value) {
if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
$.throwExpression($.UnsupportedError$("indexed set"));
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(index));
if (index >= receiver.length || index < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(index));
receiver[index] = value;
$asList: function() {
return null;
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$isList: function() {
return true;
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$$.JSMutableArray = {"": "JSArray;",
$asList: function() {
return function () { return [null]; };
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [null]; };
$$.JSFixedArray = {"": "JSMutableArray;"};
$$.JSExtendableArray = {"": "JSMutableArray;"};
$$.Primitives_applyFunction_anon = {"": "Closure;namedArguments_0,buffer_1,arguments_2",
call$1: function($name) {
var t1, t2;
this.buffer_1.write$1("$" + $.S($name));
t1 = this.arguments_2;
t2 = this.namedArguments_0;
t1.push(t2.$index(t2, $name));
$$.DartError = {"": "Object;",
get$stack: function() {
return this.stack;
toString$0: function(_) {
var dartException = this.dartException;
if (!!Error.captureStackTrace || this.get$stack() == null)
return $.toString$0(dartException);
return $.S(dartException) + "\n" + $.S(this.get$stack());
DartError$1: function(dartException) {
this.dartException = dartException;
this.toString = $$0;
$$._StackTrace = {"": "Object;_stack",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this._stack;
return t1 != null ? t1 : "";
$$.invokeClosure_anon = {"": "Closure;closure_0",
call$0: function() {
$$.invokeClosure_anon0 = {"": "Closure;closure_1,arg1_2",
call$0: function() {
$$.invokeClosure_anon1 = {"": "Closure;closure_3,arg1_4,arg2_5",
call$0: function() {
return$2(this.arg1_4, this.arg2_5);
$$.Closure = {"": "Object;",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Closure";
$$.Null = {"": "Object;"};
$$.JSNumber = {"": "Interceptor;",
get$isNaN: function(receiver) {
return isNaN(receiver);
get$isInfinite: function(receiver) {
return receiver == Infinity || receiver == -Infinity;
remainder$1: function(receiver, b) {
return receiver % b;
abs$0: function(receiver) {
return Math.abs(receiver);
toInt$0: function(receiver) {
var truncated;
if (this.get$isNaN(receiver))
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("NaN"));
if (this.get$isInfinite(receiver))
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Infinity"));
truncated = receiver < 0 ? Math.ceil(receiver) : Math.floor(receiver);
return truncated == -0.0 ? 0 : truncated;
truncate$0: function(receiver) {
var truncated;
if (this.get$isNaN(receiver))
if (this.get$isInfinite(receiver))
truncated = receiver < 0 ? Math.ceil(receiver) : Math.floor(receiver);
return truncated == -0.0 ? 0 : truncated;
ceil$0: function(receiver) {
return this.toInt$0(Math.ceil(receiver));
floor$0: function(receiver) {
return this.toInt$0(Math.floor(receiver));
round$0: function(receiver) {
return this.toInt$0(this.roundToDouble$0(receiver));
roundToDouble$0: function(receiver) {
if (receiver < 0)
return -Math.round(-receiver);
return Math.round(receiver);
toString$0: function(receiver) {
if (receiver === 0 && 1 / receiver < 0)
return "-0.0";
return "" + receiver;
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
return receiver & 0x1FFFFFFF;
$add: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "number")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(other));
return receiver + other;
$sub: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "number")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(other));
return receiver - other;
$div: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "number")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(other));
return receiver / other;
$mul: function(receiver, other) {
return receiver * other;
$tdiv: function(receiver, other) {
return this.truncate$0(receiver / other);
$shl: function(receiver, other) {
if (other < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(other));
if (other > 31)
return 0;
return receiver << other >>> 0;
$and: function(receiver, other) {
return (receiver & other) >>> 0;
$lt: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "number")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(other));
return receiver < other;
$gt: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "number")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(other));
return receiver > other;
$le: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "number")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(other));
return receiver <= other;
$ge: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "number")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(other));
return receiver >= other;
$isnum: true
$$.JSInt = {"": "JSNumber;", $isint: true, $isnum: true};
$$.JSDouble = {"": "JSNumber;", $isdouble: true, $isnum: true};
$$.JSString = {"": "Interceptor;",
codeUnitAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
if (index < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(index));
if (index >= receiver.length)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(index));
return receiver.charCodeAt(index);
allMatches$1: function(receiver, str) {
return $.allMatchesInStringUnchecked(receiver, str);
$add: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "string")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(other));
return receiver + other;
endsWith$1: function(receiver, other) {
var otherLength, t1;
otherLength = other.length;
t1 = receiver.length;
if (otherLength > t1)
return false;
return other === this.substring$1(receiver, t1 - otherLength);
replaceAll$2: function(receiver, from, to) {
return $.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(receiver, from, to);
split$1: function(receiver, pattern) {
return receiver.split(pattern);
substring$2: function(receiver, startIndex, endIndex) {
if (endIndex == null)
endIndex = receiver.length;
if (typeof endIndex !== "number")
if (startIndex < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(startIndex));
if ($.JSNumber_methods.$gt(startIndex, endIndex))
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(startIndex));
if ($.$gt$n(endIndex, receiver.length))
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(endIndex));
return receiver.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
substring$1: function($receiver, startIndex) {
return this.substring$2($receiver, startIndex, null);
trim$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.trim();
indexOf$2: function(receiver, other, start) {
if (other == null)
if (typeof start !== "number" || Math.floor(start) !== start)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(start));
if (typeof other !== "string")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(other));
if (start < 0)
return -1;
return receiver.indexOf(other, start);
contains$2: function(receiver, other, startIndex) {
if (other == null)
return $.stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex);
get$isEmpty: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length === 0;
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver;
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
var hash, i;
for (hash = 0, i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i) {
hash = 536870911 & hash + receiver.charCodeAt(i);
hash = 536870911 & hash + ((524287 & hash) << 10 >>> 0);
hash ^= hash >> 6;
hash = 536870911 & hash + ((67108863 & hash) << 3 >>> 0);
hash ^= hash >> 11;
return 536870911 & hash + ((16383 & hash) << 15 >>> 0);
get$length: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index: function(receiver, index) {
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(index));
if (index >= receiver.length || index < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(index));
return receiver[index];
$isString: true
$$._convertJsonToDart_anon = {"": "Closure;",
call$2: function(key, value) {
return value;
$$._convertJsonToDart_walk = {"": "Closure;revive_0",
call$1: function(e) {
var list, t1, i, keys, map, key, proto;
if (e == null || typeof e != "object")
return e;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(e) === Array.prototype) {
list = e;
for (t1 = this.revive_0, i = 0; i < list.length; ++i)
list[i] =$2(i,$1(list[i]));
return list;
keys = Object.keys(e);
map = $.makeLiteralMap([]);
for (t1 = this.revive_0, i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
key = keys[i];
map.$indexSet(map, key,$2(key,$1(e[key])));
proto = e.__proto__;
if (typeof proto !== "undefined" && proto !== Object.prototype)
map.$indexSet(map, "__proto__",$2("__proto__",$1(proto)));
return map;
$$.StringMatch = {"": "Object;start,str,pattern",
$index: function(_, g) {
if ($.$eq(g, 0) !== true)
return this.pattern;
$$._CompleterImpl = {"": "Object;future,_isComplete",
complete$1: function(_, value) {
if (this._isComplete)
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("Future already completed"));
this._isComplete = true;
completeError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
if (this._isComplete)
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("Future already completed"));
this._isComplete = true;
if (stackTrace != null)
$._attachStackTrace(error, stackTrace);
completeError$1: function(error) {
return this.completeError$2(error, null);
$$._FutureListenerWrapper = {"": "Object;future,_nextListener@",
_sendValue$1: function(value) {
_sendError$1: function(error) {
$$._FutureImpl = {"": "Object;_state@,_resultOrListeners<",
get$_isComplete: function() {
return this._state !== 0;
get$_hasValue: function() {
return this._state === 1;
get$_hasError: function() {
return (this._state & 2) !== 0;
get$_hasUnhandledError: function() {
return (this._state & 4) !== 0;
then$2$onError: function(f, onError) {
var t1;
if (!this.get$_isComplete()) {
if (onError == null) {
t1 = $._ThenFuture$(f);
return t1;
t1 = $._SubscribeFuture$(f, onError);
return t1;
if (this.get$_hasError()) {
if (onError != null)
return this._handleError$2(onError, null);
return $._FutureWrapper$(this);
} else
return this._handleValue$1(f);
then$1: function(f) {
return this.then$2$onError(f, null);
catchError$2$test: function(f, test) {
var t1;
if (this.get$_hasValue())
return $._FutureWrapper$(this);
if (!this.get$_isComplete()) {
t1 = $._CatchErrorFuture$(f, test);
return t1;
} else
return this._handleError$2(f, test);
catchError$1: function(f) {
return this.catchError$2$test(f, null);
_handleValue$1: function(onValue) {
var thenFuture = $._ThenFuture$(onValue);
$.Timer_run(new $._FutureImpl__handleValue_anon(thenFuture, this._resultOrListeners));
return thenFuture;
_handleError$2: function(onError, test) {
var error, errorFuture;
this._state = (this._state & 4294967291) >>> 0;
error = this._resultOrListeners;
errorFuture = $._CatchErrorFuture$(onError, test);
$.Timer_run(new $._FutureImpl__handleError_anon(error, errorFuture));
return errorFuture;
_setValue$1: function(value) {
var listeners, listeners0;
if (this.get$_isComplete())
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("Future already completed"));
listeners = this._removeListeners$0();
this._state = 1;
this._resultOrListeners = value;
for (; listeners != null; listeners = listeners0) {
listeners0 = listeners.get$_nextListener();
get$_setValue: function() {
return new $.BoundClosure$1(this, "_setValue$1");
_setError$1: function(error) {
var listeners, listeners0;
if (this.get$_isComplete())
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("Future already completed"));
listeners = this._removeListeners$0();
this._state = 2;
this._resultOrListeners = error;
if (listeners == null) {
do {
listeners0 = listeners.get$_nextListener();
if (listeners0 != null) {
listeners = listeners0;
} else
} while (true);
get$_setError: function() {
return new $.BoundClosure$1(this, "_setError$1");
_scheduleUnhandledError$0: function() {
this._state = (this._state | 4) >>> 0;
$.Timer_run(new $._FutureImpl__scheduleUnhandledError_anon(this));
_addListener$1: function(listener) {
listener._nextListener = this._resultOrListeners;
this._resultOrListeners = listener;
_removeListeners$0: function() {
var current, prev, next;
current = this._resultOrListeners;
this._resultOrListeners = null;
for (prev = null; current != null; prev = current, current = next) {
next = current.get$_nextListener();
return prev;
_chain$1: function(future) {
var t1;
if (!this.get$_isComplete()) {
t1 = future._asListener$0();
t1._nextListener = this._resultOrListeners;
this._resultOrListeners = t1;
} else if (this.get$_hasValue())
else {
this._state = (this._state & 4294967291) >>> 0;
_setOrChainValue$1: function(result) {
if (typeof result === "object" && result !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(result).$isFuture)
if (!!$.getInterceptor(result).$is_FutureImpl) {
} else {
result.then$2$onError(this.get$_setValue(), this.get$_setError());
_asListener$0: function() {
return $._FutureListenerWrapper$(this);
_FutureImpl$immediate$1: function(value) {
this._state = 1;
this._resultOrListeners = value;
$is_FutureImpl: true,
$isFuture: true
$$._FutureImpl__FutureImpl$wait_handleError = {"": "Closure;box_0",
call$1: function(error) {
var t1 = this.box_0;
if (t1.values_1 != null) {
t1.values_1 = null;
$$._FutureImpl__FutureImpl$wait_anon = {"": "Closure;box_0,pos_1",
call$1: function(value) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.box_0;
t2 = t1.values_1;
if (t2 == null)
$.$indexSet$ax(t2, this.pos_1, value);
t1.remaining_2 = $.$sub$n(t1.remaining_2, 1);
if ($.$eq(t1.remaining_2, 0)) {
t2 = t1.completer_0;
t2.complete$1(t2, t1.values_1);
$$._FutureImpl__handleValue_anon = {"": "Closure;thenFuture_0,value_1",
call$0: function() {
$$._FutureImpl__handleError_anon = {"": "Closure;error_0,errorFuture_1",
call$0: function() {
$$._FutureImpl__scheduleUnhandledError_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$0: function() {
var t1, error, trace;
t1 = this.this_0;
if (t1.get$_hasUnhandledError()) {
t1.set$_state((t1.get$_state() & 4294967291) >>> 0);
error = t1.get$_resultOrListeners();
$.Primitives_printString("Uncaught Error: " + $.S(error));
trace = $.getAttachedStackTrace(error);
if (trace != null)
$.Primitives_printString("Stack Trace:\n" + $.S(trace) + "\n");
throw $.wrapException(error);
$$._TransformFuture = {"": "_FutureImpl;_nextListener@",
_subscribeTo$1: function(future) {
$as_FutureImpl: function (S, T) { return [T]; },
$asFuture: function (S, T) { return [T]; }
$$._ThenFuture = {"": "_TransformFuture;_onValue,_nextListener,_state,_resultOrListeners",
_onValue$1: function(arg0) {
_sendValue$1: function(value) {
var result, e, s, exception, t1;
result = null;
try {
result = this._onValue$1(value);
} catch (exception) {
t1 = $.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
s = $.getTraceFromException(exception);
this._setError$1($._asyncError(e, s));
_sendError$1: function(error) {
$as_FutureImpl: function (S, T) { return [T]; },
$asFuture: function (S, T) { return [T]; }
$$._CatchErrorFuture = {"": "_TransformFuture;_test,_onError,_nextListener,_state,_resultOrListeners",
_test$1: function(arg0) {
_onError$1: function(arg0) {
_sendValue$1: function(value) {
_sendError$1: function(error) {
var matchesTest, e, s, result, e0, s0, exception, t1;
if (this._test != null) {
matchesTest = null;
try {
matchesTest = this._test$1(error);
} catch (exception) {
t1 = $.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
s = $.getTraceFromException(exception);
this._setError$1($._asyncError(e, s));
if (matchesTest !== true) {
result = null;
try {
result = this._onError$1(error);
} catch (exception) {
t1 = $.unwrapException(exception);
e0 = t1;
s0 = $.getTraceFromException(exception);
this._setError$1($._asyncError(e0, s0));
$as_FutureImpl: null,
$asFuture: null
$$._SubscribeFuture = {"": "_ThenFuture;_onError,_onValue,_nextListener,_state,_resultOrListeners",
_onError$1: function(arg0) {
_sendError$1: function(error) {
var result, e, s, exception, t1;
result = null;
try {
result = this._onError$1(error);
} catch (exception) {
t1 = $.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
s = $.getTraceFromException(exception);
this._setError$1($._asyncError(e, s));
$as_FutureImpl: function (S, T) { return [T]; },
$asFuture: function (S, T) { return [T]; }
$$._FutureWrapper = {"": "Object;_future",
then$2$onError: function($function, onError) {
return this._future.then$2$onError($function, onError);
then$1: function($function) {
return this.then$2$onError($function, null);
catchError$2$test: function($function, test) {
return this._future.catchError$2$test($function, test);
catchError$1: function($function) {
return this.catchError$2$test($function, null);
$isFuture: true
$$.Stream = {"": "Object;",
get$length: function(_) {
var t1, future, t2, t3;
t1 = {};
future = $._FutureImpl$();
t1.count_0 = 0;
t2 = new $.Stream_length_anon(t1);
t3 = future.get$_setError();
this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(t2, true, new $.Stream_length_anon0(t1, future), t3);
return future;
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
var t1, future, t2, t3;
t1 = {};
future = $._FutureImpl$();
t1.subscription_0 = null;
t2 = new $.Stream_isEmpty_anon(t1, future);
t3 = future.get$_setError();
t1.subscription_0 = this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(t2, true, new $.Stream_isEmpty_anon0(future), t3);
return future;
skip$1: function(_, count) {
return $._SkipStream$(this, count);
$$.Stream_length_anon = {"": "Closure;box_0",
call$1: function(_) {
var t1 = this.box_0;
t1.count_0 = $.$add$ns(t1.count_0, 1);
$$.Stream_length_anon0 = {"": "Closure;box_0,future_1",
call$0: function() {
$$.Stream_isEmpty_anon = {"": "Closure;box_0,future_1",
call$1: function(_) {
$$.Stream_isEmpty_anon0 = {"": "Closure;future_2",
call$0: function() {
$$.StreamSubscription = {"": "Object;"};
$$.EventSink = {"": "Object;"};
$$._throwDelayed_anon = {"": "Closure;error_0,stackTrace_1",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2, trace, t3;
t1 = this.stackTrace_1;
if (t1 != null)
t2 = this.error_0;
trace = $.getAttachedStackTrace(t2);
t3 = $.getInterceptor(trace);
if (trace != null && t3.$eq(trace, t1) !== true)
throw $.wrapException(t2);
$$._ForwardingStream = {"": "Stream;",
listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError: function(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
if (onData == null)
onData = $._nullDataHandler;
if (onError == null)
onError = $._nullErrorHandler;
if (onDone == null)
onDone = $._nullDoneHandler;
return $._ForwardingStreamSubscription$(this, onData, onError, onDone, true === cancelOnError);
listen$3$onDone$onError: function(onData, onDone, onError) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
_handleData$2: function(data, sink) {
_handleError$2: function(error, sink) {
_handleDone$1: function(sink) {
$$._BaseStreamSubscription = {"": "Object;",
_onData$1: function(arg0) {
_onError$1: function(arg0) {
_onDone$0: function() {
_BaseStreamSubscription$3: function(_onData, _onError, _onDone) {
if (this._onData == null)
this._onData = $._nullDataHandler;
if (this._onError == null)
this._onError = $._nullErrorHandler;
if (this._onDone == null)
this._onDone = $._nullDoneHandler;
$$._ForwardingStreamSubscription = {"": "_BaseStreamSubscription;_stream,_cancelOnError,_subscription,_onData,_onError,_onDone",
cancel$0: function() {
var t1 = this._subscription;
if (t1 != null) {
this._subscription = null;
_sendData$1: function(data) {
_sendError$1: function(error) {
if (this._cancelOnError) {
this._subscription = null;
_sendDone$0: function() {
var t1 = this._subscription;
if (t1 != null) {
this._subscription = null;
_handleData$1: function(data) {
this._stream._handleData$2(data, this);
get$_handleData: function() {
return new $.BoundClosure$1(this, "_handleData$1");
_handleError$1: function(error) {
this._stream._handleError$2(error, this);
get$_handleError: function() {
return new $.BoundClosure$1(this, "_handleError$1");
_handleDone$0: function() {
this._subscription = null;
get$_handleDone: function() {
return new $.BoundClosure$0(this, "_handleDone$0");
_ForwardingStreamSubscription$5: function(_stream, onData, onError, onDone, _cancelOnError) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.get$_handleData();
t2 = this.get$_handleError();
this._subscription = this._stream._source.listen$3$onDone$onError(t1, this.get$_handleDone(), t2);
$$._SkipStream = {"": "_ForwardingStream;_remaining,_source",
_handleData$2: function(inputEvent, sink) {
var t1 = this._remaining;
if (t1 > 0) {
this._remaining = t1 - 1;
return sink._sendData$1(inputEvent);
_SkipStream$2: function(source, count) {
if (typeof count !== "number" || Math.floor(count) !== count || count < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(count));
$$.Timer_run_anon = {"": "Closure;",
call$0: function() {
var runCallbacks, i, callback, newCallbacks, exception;
runCallbacks = $.get$Timer__runCallbacks();
$.Timer__runCallbacks = [];
for (i = 0; $.$lt$n(i, $.get$length$asx(runCallbacks)); i = $.$add$ns(i, 1)) {
callback = $.$index$asx(runCallbacks, i);
try {$0();
} catch (exception) {
newCallbacks = $.get$Timer__runCallbacks();
$.Timer__runCallbacks = [];
i = $.$add$ns(i, 1);
$.addAll$1$ax($.get$Timer__runCallbacks(), $.sublist$1$ax(runCallbacks, i));
$.addAll$1$ax($.get$Timer__runCallbacks(), newCallbacks);
throw exception;
$$.HashMap = {"": "Object;_liblib0$_length,_strings,_nums,_rest,_keys",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._liblib0$_length;
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this._liblib0$_length === 0;
get$keys: function() {
return $.HashMapKeyIterable$(this);
get$values: function(_) {
var t1 = this.get$keys();
return$1(t1, new $.HashMap_values_anon(this));
containsKey$1: function(key) {
var strings, nums, rest;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
return strings == null ? false : strings[key] != null;
} else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = this._nums;
return nums == null ? false : nums[key] != null;
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
return $.HashMap__findBucketIndex(rest[$.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff], key) >= 0;
addAll$1: function(_, other) {
$.forEach$1$ax(other, new $.HashMap_addAll_anon(this));
$index: function(_, key) {
var strings, t1, entry, nums, rest, bucket, index;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null)
t1 = null;
else {
entry = strings[key];
t1 = entry === strings ? null : entry;
return t1;
} else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null)
t1 = null;
else {
entry = nums[key];
t1 = entry === nums ? null : entry;
return t1;
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
bucket = rest[$.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff];
index = $.HashMap__findBucketIndex(bucket, key);
return index < 0 ? null : bucket[index + 1];
$indexSet: function(_, key, value) {
var strings, table, nums, rest, hash, bucket, index;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
if (table == null)
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._strings = table;
strings = table;
if (strings[key] == null) {
this._liblib0$_length = this._liblib0$_length + 1;
this._keys = null;
if (value == null)
value = strings;
strings[key] = value;
} else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
if (table == null)
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._nums = table;
nums = table;
if (nums[key] == null) {
this._liblib0$_length = this._liblib0$_length + 1;
this._keys = null;
if (value == null)
value = nums;
nums[key] = value;
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
if (table == null)
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._rest = table;
rest = table;
hash = $.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff;
bucket = rest[hash];
if (bucket == null) {
value = [key, value];
if (value == null)
value = rest;
rest[hash] = value;
this._liblib0$_length = this._liblib0$_length + 1;
this._keys = null;
} else {
index = $.HashMap__findBucketIndex(bucket, key);
if (index >= 0)
bucket[index + 1] = value;
else {
bucket.push(key, value);
this._liblib0$_length = this._liblib0$_length + 1;
this._keys = null;
remove$1: function(_, key) {
var rest, bucket, index;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__")
return this._removeHashTableEntry$2(this._strings, key);
else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key)
return this._removeHashTableEntry$2(this._nums, key);
else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
bucket = rest[$.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff];
index = $.HashMap__findBucketIndex(bucket, key);
if (index < 0)
this._liblib0$_length = this._liblib0$_length - 1;
this._keys = null;
return bucket.splice(index, 2)[1];
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var keys, $length, i, key;
keys = this._computeKeys$0();
for ($length = $.get$length$asx(keys), i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
key = keys[i];$2(key, this.$index(this, key));
if (keys !== this._keys)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
toString$0: function(_) {
var result = $.StringBuffer$("");
$.ToString__emitPair(this, result, $.List_List($));
return result.toString$0(result);
_computeKeys$0: function() {
var t1, result, strings, names, entries, index, i, nums, rest, bucket, $length, i0;
t1 = this._keys;
if (t1 != null)
return t1;
result = $.List_List(this._liblib0$_length);
strings = this._strings;
if (strings != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strings);
entries = names.length;
for (index = 0, i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
result[index] = names[i];
} else
index = 0;
nums = this._nums;
if (nums != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nums);
entries = names.length;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
result[index] = +names[i];
rest = this._rest;
if (rest != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest);
entries = names.length;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
bucket = rest[names[i]];
$length = bucket.length;
for (i0 = 0; i0 < $length; i0 += 2) {
result[index] = bucket[i0];
this._keys = result;
return result;
_removeHashTableEntry$2: function(table, key) {
var entry, value;
if (table != null && table[key] != null) {
entry = table[key];
value = entry === table ? null : entry;
delete table[key];
this._liblib0$_length = this._liblib0$_length - 1;
this._keys = null;
return value;
} else
$isMap: true
$$._HashSetBase = {"": "IterableBase;",
toString$0: function(_) {
var result = $.StringBuffer$("");
$.ToString__emitValue(this, result, $.List_List($));
return result.toString$0(result);
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$$.IterableBase = {"": "Object;",
map$1: function(_, f) {
return $.MappedIterable$(this, f);
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0() === true;)$1(t1.get$current());
join$1: function(_, separator) {
var iterator, buffer;
if (typeof separator !== "string")
return this.join$1$bailout(1, separator);
iterator = this.get$iterator(this);
if (iterator.moveNext$0() !== true)
return "";
buffer = $.StringBuffer$("");
if (separator === "")
while (iterator.moveNext$0() === true);
else {
for (; iterator.moveNext$0() === true;) {
return buffer.toString$0(buffer);
join$1$bailout: function(state0, separator) {
var iterator, buffer;
iterator = this.get$iterator(this);
if (iterator.moveNext$0() !== true)
return "";
buffer = $.StringBuffer$("");
if (separator == null || $.$eq(separator, "") === true)
while (iterator.moveNext$0() === true);
else {
for (; iterator.moveNext$0() === true;) {
return buffer.toString$0(buffer);
toList$1$growable: function(_, growable) {
return $.List_List$from(this, growable);
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$length: function(_) {
var it, count;
it = this.get$iterator(this);
for (count = 0; it.moveNext$0() === true;)
return count;
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this.get$iterator(this).moveNext$0() !== true;
skip$1: function(_, n) {
return $.SkipIterable$(this, n);
elementAt$1: function(_, index) {
var t1, remaining, t2;
if (typeof index !== "number")
return this.elementAt$1$bailout(1, index);
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index || index < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(index));
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), remaining = index; t1.moveNext$0() === true;) {
t2 = t1.get$current();
if (remaining === 0)
return t2;
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(index));
elementAt$1$bailout: function(state0, index) {
var t1, remaining, t2, t3;
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index || index < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(index));
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), remaining = index; t1.moveNext$0() === true;) {
t2 = t1.get$current();
t3 = $.getInterceptor(remaining);
if (t3.$eq(remaining, 0))
return t2;
remaining = t3.$sub(remaining, 1);
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(index));
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$$.LinkedHashMap = {"": "Object;_liblib0$_length,_strings,_nums,_rest,_first,_last,_modifications",
addAll$1: function(_, other) {
$.forEach$1$ax(other, new $.LinkedHashMap_addAll_anon(this));
$index: function(_, key) {
var strings, cell, nums, rest, bucket, index;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null)
cell = strings[key];
return cell == null ? null : cell.get$_value();
} else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null)
cell = nums[key];
return cell == null ? null : cell.get$_value();
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
bucket = rest[$.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff];
index = $.LinkedHashMap__findBucketIndex(bucket, key);
if (index < 0)
return bucket[index].get$_value();
$indexSet: function(_, key, value) {
var strings, table, nums, rest, hash, bucket, index;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._strings = table;
strings = table;
this._addHashTableEntry$3(strings, key, value);
} else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._nums = table;
nums = table;
this._addHashTableEntry$3(nums, key, value);
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._rest = table;
rest = table;
hash = $.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff;
bucket = rest[hash];
if (bucket == null)
rest[hash] = [this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value)];
else {
index = $.LinkedHashMap__findBucketIndex(bucket, key);
if (index >= 0)
bucket.push(this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value));
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var cell, modifications;
cell = this._first;
modifications = this._modifications;
for (; cell != null;) {$2(cell.get$_key(), cell.get$_value());
if (modifications !== this._modifications)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
cell = cell.get$_next();
get$keys: function() {
return $.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable$(this);
get$values: function(_) {
var t1 = this.get$keys();
return$1(t1, new $.LinkedHashMap_values_anon(this));
get$length: function(_) {
return this._liblib0$_length;
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this._liblib0$_length === 0;
toString$0: function(_) {
var result = $.StringBuffer$("");
$.ToString__emitPair(this, result, $.List_List($));
return result.toString$0(result);
_addHashTableEntry$3: function(table, key, value) {
var cell = table[key];
if (cell == null)
table[key] = this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value);
_newLinkedCell$2: function(key, value) {
var cell, last;
cell = $.LinkedHashMapCell$(key, value);
if (this._first == null) {
this._last = cell;
this._first = cell;
} else {
last = this._last;
cell._previous = last;
last._next = cell;
this._last = cell;
this._liblib0$_length = this._liblib0$_length + 1;
this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;
return cell;
$isMap: true
$$.LinkedHashSet = {"": "_HashSetBase;_liblib0$_length,_strings,_nums,_rest,_first,_last,_modifications",
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $.LinkedHashSetIterator$(this, this._modifications);
get$length: function(_) {
return this._liblib0$_length;
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this._liblib0$_length === 0;
contains$1: function(_, object) {
var strings, nums, rest;
if (object !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null)
return false;
return strings[object] != null;
} else if (false) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null)
return false;
return nums[object] != null;
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
return $.LinkedHashSet__findBucketIndex(rest[$.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(object) & 0x3ffffff], object) >= 0;
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var cell, modifications;
cell = this._first;
modifications = this._modifications;
for (; cell != null;) {$1(cell.get$_element());
if (modifications !== this._modifications)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
cell = cell.get$_next();
add$1: function(_, element) {
var strings, table, nums, rest, hash, bucket;
if (typeof element === "string" && element !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._strings = table;
strings = table;
this._addHashTableEntry$2(strings, element);
} else if (typeof element === "number" && (element & 0x3ffffff) === element) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._nums = table;
nums = table;
this._addHashTableEntry$2(nums, element);
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._rest = table;
rest = table;
hash = $.get$hashCode$(element) & 0x3ffffff;
bucket = rest[hash];
if (bucket == null)
rest[hash] = [this._newLinkedCell$1(element)];
else {
if ($.LinkedHashSet__findBucketIndex(bucket, element) >= 0)
addAll$1: function(_, objects) {
var t1;
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(objects); t1.moveNext$0() === true;)
this.add$1(this, t1.get$current());
remove$1: function(_, object) {
var rest, bucket, index;
if (object !== "__proto__")
return this._removeHashTableEntry$2(this._strings, object);
else if (false)
return this._removeHashTableEntry$2(this._nums, object);
else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
bucket = rest[$.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(object) & 0x3ffffff];
index = $.LinkedHashSet__findBucketIndex(bucket, object);
if (index < 0)
return false;
this._unlinkCell$1(bucket.splice(index, 1)[0]);
return true;
_addHashTableEntry$2: function(table, element) {
if (table[element] != null)
table[element] = this._newLinkedCell$1(element);
_removeHashTableEntry$2: function(table, element) {
var cell;
if (table == null)
return false;
cell = table[element];
if (cell == null)
return false;
delete table[element];
return true;
_newLinkedCell$1: function(element) {
var cell, last;
cell = $.LinkedHashSetCell$(element);
if (this._first == null) {
this._last = cell;
this._first = cell;
} else {
last = this._last;
cell._previous = last;
this._last = cell;
this._liblib0$_length = this._liblib0$_length + 1;
this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;
return cell;
_unlinkCell$1: function(cell) {
var previous, next;
previous = cell.get$_previous();
next = cell.get$_next();
if (previous == null)
this._first = next;
if (next == null)
this._last = previous;
this._liblib0$_length = this._liblib0$_length - 1;
this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$$.ListBase = {"": "Object;",
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $.ListIterator$(this);
elementAt$1: function(_, index) {
return this.$index(this, index);
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var $length, i;
$length = this.get$length(this);
if (typeof $length !== "number")
return this.forEach$1$bailout(1, action, $length);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {$1(this.$index(this, i));
if ($length !== this.get$length(this))
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
forEach$1$bailout: function(state0, action, $length) {
var t1, i;
for (t1 = $.getInterceptor($length), i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, $length); ++i) {$1(this.$index(this, i));
if (t1.$eq($length, this.get$length(this)) !== true)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return $.$eq(this.get$length(this), 0);
where$1: function(_, test) {
return $.WhereIterable$(this, test);
skip$1: function(_, count) {
return $.SubListIterable$(this, count, null);
toList$1$growable: function(_, growable) {
var result, i, t1;
if (growable === true) {
result = $.List_List($);
$.JSArray_methods.set$length(result, this.get$length(this));
} else
result = $.List_List(this.get$length(this));
for (i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, this.get$length(this)); ++i) {
t1 = this.$index(this, i);
if (i >= result.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
result[i] = t1;
return result;
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
add$1: function(_, element) {
var t1 = this.get$length(this);
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
return this.add$1$bailout(1, element, t1);
this.set$length(this, t1 + 1);
this.$indexSet(this, t1, element);
add$1$bailout: function(state0, element, t1) {
this.set$length(this, $.$add$ns(t1, 1));
this.$indexSet(this, t1, element);
addAll$1: function(_, iterable) {
var t1, t2, t3;
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(iterable); t1.moveNext$0() === true;) {
t2 = t1.get$current();
t3 = this.get$length(this);
this.set$length(this, $.$add$ns(t3, 1));
this.$indexSet(this, t3, t2);
clear$0: function(_) {
this.set$length(this, 0);
removeLast$0: function(_) {
var result;
if ($.$eq(this.get$length(this), 0) === true)
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("No elements"));
result = this.$index(this, $.$sub$n(this.get$length(this), 1));
this.set$length(this, $.$sub$n(this.get$length(this), 1));
return result;
sublist$2: function(_, start, end) {
var t1, $length, result, i;
if (typeof start !== "number")
return this.sublist$2$bailout(1, start, end);
if (end == null)
end = this.get$length(this);
if (start < 0 || $.JSNumber_methods.$gt(start, this.get$length(this)))
$.throwExpression($.RangeError$range(start, 0, this.get$length(this)));
t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(end);
if (t1.$lt(end, start) || t1.$gt(end, this.get$length(this)))
$.throwExpression($.RangeError$range(end, start, this.get$length(this)));
$length = t1.$sub(end, start);
if (typeof $length !== "number")
return this.sublist$2$bailout(2, start, 0, $.JSNumber_methods, $length);
result = $.List_List($);
$.JSArray_methods.set$length(result, $length);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
t1 = this.$index(this, start + i);
if (i >= result.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
result[i] = t1;
return result;
sublist$2$bailout: function(state0, start, end, t1, $length) {
switch (state0) {
case 0:
case 1:
state0 = 0;
if (end == null)
end = this.get$length(this);
t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(start);
if (t1.$lt(start, 0) || t1.$gt(start, this.get$length(this)))
$.throwExpression($.RangeError$range(start, 0, this.get$length(this)));
t2 = $.getInterceptor$n(end);
if (t2.$lt(end, start) || t2.$gt(end, this.get$length(this)))
$.throwExpression($.RangeError$range(end, start, this.get$length(this)));
$length = t2.$sub(end, start);
case 2:
var t2, result, i;
state0 = 0;
result = $.List_List($);
$.JSArray_methods.set$length(result, $length);
for (i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, $length); ++i) {
t2 = this.$index(this, t1.$add(start, i));
if (i >= result.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
result[i] = t2;
return result;
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
toString$0: function(_) {
var result = $.StringBuffer$("");
$.ToString__emitValue(this, result, $.List_List($));
return result.toString$0(result);
$isList: function() {
return true;
$asList: function() {
return null;
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$$.ListQueue = {"": "IterableBase;_table,_head,_tail,_modificationCount",
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $._ListQueueIterator$(this);
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var modificationCount, i, t1;
modificationCount = this._modificationCount;
for (i = this._head; i !== this._tail; i = (i + 1 & this._table.length - 1) >>> 0) {
t1 = this._table;
if (i < 0 || i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);$1(t1[i]);
if (modificationCount !== this._modificationCount)
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this._head === this._tail;
get$length: function(_) {
return $.$and$n($.$sub$n(this._tail, this._head), this._table.length - 1);
elementAt$1: function(_, index) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(index);
if (t1.$lt(index, 0) || t1.$gt(index, this.get$length(this)))
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$range(index, 0, this.get$length(this)));
t1 = this._table;
t2 = this._head;
if (typeof index !== "number")
throw $.iae(index);
t3 = t1.length;
t2 = (t2 + index & t3 - 1) >>> 0;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t3)
throw $.ioore(t2);
return t1[t2];
toList$1$growable: function(_, growable) {
var list;
if (growable === true) {
list = $.List_List($);
$.JSArray_methods.set$length(list, this.get$length(this));
} else
list = $.List_List(this.get$length(this));
return list;
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
add$1: function(_, element) {
addAll$1: function(_, elements) {
var addCount, $length, t1, t2, t3, endSpace, preSpace;
if (typeof elements === "object" && elements !== null && (elements.constructor === Array || $.getInterceptor(elements).$isList())) {
addCount = $.get$length$asx(elements);
$length = this.get$length(this);
if (typeof addCount !== "number")
throw $.iae(addCount);
t1 = $length + addCount;
t2 = this._table;
t3 = t2.length;
if (t1 >= t3) {
$.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(this._table, $length, t1, elements, 0);
this._tail = $.$add$ns(this._tail, addCount);
} else {
t1 = this._tail;
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
throw $.iae(t1);
endSpace = t3 - t1;
if (addCount < endSpace) {
$.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(t2, t1, t1 + addCount, elements, 0);
this._tail = $.$add$ns(this._tail, addCount);
} else {
preSpace = addCount - endSpace;
$.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(t2, t1, t1 + endSpace, elements, 0);
$.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(this._table, 0, preSpace, elements, endSpace);
this._tail = preSpace;
this._modificationCount = this._modificationCount + 1;
} else
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0() === true;)
toString$0: function(_) {
var result = $.StringBuffer$("");
$.ToString__emitValue(this, result, $.List_List($));
return result.toString$0(result);
addLast$1: function(element) {
removeFirst$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3, result;
if (this._head === this._tail)
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("No elements"));
this._modificationCount = this._modificationCount + 1;
t1 = this._table;
t2 = this._head;
t3 = t1.length;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t3)
throw $.ioore(t2);
result = t1[t2];
this._head = (t2 + 1 & t3 - 1) >>> 0;
return result;
removeLast$0: function(_) {
var t1, t2;
if (this._head === this._tail)
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("No elements"));
this._modificationCount = this._modificationCount + 1;
this._tail = $.$and$n($.$sub$n(this._tail, 1), this._table.length - 1);
t1 = this._table;
t2 = this._tail;
if (t2 !== (t2 | 0))
throw $.iae(t2);
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(t2);
return t1[t2];
_checkModification$1: function(expectedModificationCount) {
if (typeof expectedModificationCount !== "number")
return this._checkModification$1$bailout(1, expectedModificationCount);
if (expectedModificationCount !== this._modificationCount)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
_checkModification$1$bailout: function(state0, expectedModificationCount) {
if ($.$eq(expectedModificationCount, this._modificationCount) !== true)
throw $.wrapException($.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
_add$1: function(element) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this._table;
t2 = this._tail;
if (t2 !== (t2 | 0))
throw $.iae(t2);
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(t2);
t1[t2] = element;
this._tail = $.$and$n(t2 + 1, this._table.length - 1);
if (this._head === this._tail)
this._modificationCount = this._modificationCount + 1;
_grow$0: function() {
var newTable, t1, t2, split;
newTable = $.List_List(this._table.length * 2);
t1 = this._table;
t2 = this._head;
split = t1.length - t2;
$.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, 0, split, t1, t2);
$.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, split, split + this._head, this._table, 0);
this._head = 0;
this._tail = this._table.length;
this._table = newTable;
_writeToList$1: function(target) {
var t1, t2, $length, firstPartSize;
t1 = $.JSInt_methods.$le(this._head, this._tail);
t2 = this._head;
if (t1) {
$length = $.$sub$n(this._tail, t2);
$.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, 0, $length, this._table, this._head);
return $length;
} else {
t1 = this._table;
firstPartSize = t1.length - t2;
$.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, 0, firstPartSize, t1, t2);
t2 = this._tail;
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
throw $.iae(t2);
$.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, firstPartSize, firstPartSize + t2, this._table, 0);
return $.$add$ns(this._tail, firstPartSize);
_preGrow$1: function(newElementCount) {
var newTable = $.List_List($.ListQueue__nextPowerOf2(newElementCount));
this._tail = this._writeToList$1(newTable);
this._table = newTable;
this._head = 0;
ListQueue$1: function(initialCapacity) {
if (initialCapacity == null || $.JSNull_methods.$lt(initialCapacity, 8))
initialCapacity = 8;
else if (!$.ListQueue__isPowerOf2(initialCapacity))
initialCapacity = $.ListQueue__nextPowerOf2(initialCapacity);
this._table = $.List_List(initialCapacity);
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$$._ListQueueIterator = {"": "Object;_queue,_end,_modificationCount,_liblib0$_position,_liblib0$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._liblib0$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this._queue;
t2 = this._liblib0$_position;
if (t2 === this._end) {
this._liblib0$_current = null;
return false;
t3 = t1._table;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t3.length)
throw $.ioore(t2);
this._liblib0$_current = t3[t2];
this._liblib0$_position = (this._liblib0$_position + 1 & t1._table.length - 1) >>> 0;
return true;
$$.Duration = {"": "Object;_duration<",
$add: function(_, other) {
return $.Duration$(0, 0, this._duration + other.get$_duration(), 0, 0, 0);
$sub: function(_, other) {
return $.Duration$(0, 0, this._duration - other.get$_duration(), 0, 0, 0);
$mul: function(_, factor) {
return $.Duration$(0, 0, this._duration * factor, 0, 0, 0);
$tdiv: function(_, quotient) {
if (quotient === 0)
throw $.wrapException($.IntegerDivisionByZeroException$());
return $.Duration$(0, 0, $.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(this._duration, quotient), 0, 0, 0);
$lt: function(_, other) {
return this._duration < other.get$_duration();
$gt: function(_, other) {
return this._duration > other.get$_duration();
$ge: function(_, other) {
return this._duration >= other.get$_duration();
get$inHours: function() {
return $.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(this._duration, 3600000000);
get$inMinutes: function() {
return $.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(this._duration, 60000000);
get$inSeconds: function() {
return $.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(this._duration, 1000000);
get$inMilliseconds: function() {
return $.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(this._duration, 1000);
get$inMicroseconds: function() {
return this._duration;
$eq: function(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (typeof other !== "object" || other === null || !$.getInterceptor(other).$isDuration)
return false;
return this._duration === other._duration;
get$hashCode: function(_) {
return $.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(this._duration);
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1, t2, twoDigitMinutes, twoDigitSeconds, sixDigitUs;
t1 = new $.Duration_toString_sixDigits();
t2 = new $.Duration_toString_twoDigits();
if (this.get$inMicroseconds() < 0)
return "-" + $.S($.Duration$(0, 0, -this.get$inMicroseconds(), 0, 0, 0));
twoDigitMinutes =$1($.JSNumber_methods.remainder$1(this.get$inMinutes(), 60));
twoDigitSeconds =$1($.JSNumber_methods.remainder$1(this.get$inSeconds(), 60));
sixDigitUs =$1($.JSNumber_methods.remainder$1(this.get$inMicroseconds(), 1000000));
return $.S(this.get$inHours()) + ":" + $.S(twoDigitMinutes) + ":" + $.S(twoDigitSeconds) + "." + $.S(sixDigitUs);
$isDuration: true
$$.Duration_toString_sixDigits = {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(n) {
var t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(n);
if (t1.$ge(n, 100000))
return $.S(n);
if (t1.$ge(n, 10000))
return "0" + $.S(n);
if (t1.$ge(n, 1000))
return "00" + $.S(n);
if (t1.$ge(n, 100))
return "000" + $.S(n);
if (t1.$gt(n, 10))
return "0000" + $.S(n);
return "00000" + $.S(n);
$$.Duration_toString_twoDigits = {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(n) {
if ($.$ge$n(n, 10))
return $.S(n);
return "0" + $.S(n);
$$.NullThrownError = {"": "Object;",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Throw of null.";
$$.ArgumentError = {"": "Object;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.message;
if (t1 != null)
return "Illegal argument(s): " + $.S(t1);
return "Illegal argument(s)";
$$.RangeError = {"": "ArgumentError;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "RangeError: " + $.S(this.message);
$$.NoSuchMethodError = {"": "Object;_receiver,_memberName,_arguments,_namedArguments,_existingArgumentNames",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, actualParameters, i, formalParameters;
t1 = {};
t1.sb_0 = $.StringBuffer$("");
t1.i_1 = 0;
t2 = this._arguments;
for (; $.$lt$n(t1.i_1, t2.length); t1.i_1 = $.$add$ns(t1.i_1, 1)) {
if ($.$gt$n(t1.i_1, 0))
t1.sb_0.write$1(", ");
t3 = t1.sb_0;
t4 = t1.i_1;
if (t4 !== (t4 | 0))
throw $.iae(t4);
if (t4 < 0 || t4 >= t2.length)
throw $.ioore(t4);
t2 = this._namedArguments;
t2.forEach$1(t2, new $.NoSuchMethodError_toString_anon(t1));
t2 = this._existingArgumentNames;
if (t2 == null)
return "NoSuchMethodError : method not found: '" + $.S(this._memberName) + "'\nReceiver: " + $.S($.Error_safeToString(this._receiver)) + "\nArguments: [" + $.S(t1.sb_0) + "]";
else {
t3 = t1.sb_0;
actualParameters = t3.toString$0(t3);
t1.sb_0 = $.StringBuffer$("");
for (i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, $.JSNull_methods.get$length(t2)); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
t1.sb_0.write$1(", ");
t1.sb_0.write$1($.JSNull_methods.$index(t2, i));
t1 = t1.sb_0;
formalParameters = t1.toString$0(t1);
t1 = this._memberName;
return "NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to method named '" + $.S(t1) + "'\nReceiver: " + $.S($.Error_safeToString(this._receiver)) + "\nTried calling: " + $.S(t1) + "(" + actualParameters + ")\nFound: " + $.S(t1) + "(" + formalParameters + ")";
$$.UnsupportedError = {"": "Object;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Unsupported operation: " + this.message;
$$.UnimplementedError = {"": "Object;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.message;
return t1 != null ? "UnimplementedError: " + $.S(t1) : "UnimplementedError";
$$.StateError = {"": "Object;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Bad state: " + this.message;
$$.ConcurrentModificationError = {"": "Object;modifiedObject",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.modifiedObject;
if (t1 == null)
return "Concurrent modification during iteration.";
return "Concurrent modification during iteration: " + $.S($.Error_safeToString(t1)) + ".";
$$.StackOverflowError = {"": "Object;",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Stack Overflow";
$$.RuntimeError = {"": "Object;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "RuntimeError: " + this.message;
$$._ExceptionImplementation = {"": "Object;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.message;
if (t1 == null)
return "Exception";
return "Exception: " + $.S(t1);
$isException: true
$$.FormatException = {"": "Object;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "FormatException: " + this.message;
$isException: true
$$.IntegerDivisionByZeroException = {"": "Object;",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "IntegerDivisionByZeroException";
$isException: true
$$.Expando = {"": "Object;name>",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Expando:" +;
$index: function(_, object) {
var values = $.Primitives_getProperty(object, "expando$values");
return values == null ? null : $.Primitives_getProperty(values, this._getKey$0());
$indexSet: function(_, object, value) {
var values = $.Primitives_getProperty(object, "expando$values");
if (values == null) {
values = $.Object$();
$.Primitives_setProperty(object, "expando$values", values);
$.Primitives_setProperty(values, this._getKey$0(), value);
_getKey$0: function() {
var key, t1;
key = $.Primitives_getProperty(this, "expando$key");
if (key == null) {
t1 = $.Expando__keyCount;
$.Expando__keyCount = $.$add$ns(t1, 1);
key = "expando$key$" + $.S(t1);
$.Primitives_setProperty(this, "expando$key", key);
return key;
$$.Iterator = {"": "Object;"};
$$.Object = {"": ";",
$eq: function(_, other) {
return this === other;
get$hashCode: function(_) {
return $.Primitives_objectHashCode(this);
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Instance of '" + $.S($.Primitives_objectTypeName(this)) + "'";
$$.StringBuffer = {"": "Object;_contents",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._contents.length;
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this.get$length(this) === 0;
write$1: function(obj) {
if (typeof obj !== "string")
return this.write$1$bailout(1, obj);
this._contents = this._contents + obj;
write$1$bailout: function(state0, obj) {
var str = typeof obj === "string" ? obj : $.S(obj);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
writeAll$2: function(objects, separator) {
var iterator, str;
if (typeof separator !== "string")
return this.writeAll$2$bailout(1, objects, separator);
iterator = $.get$iterator$ax(objects);
if (iterator.moveNext$0() !== true)
if ($.JSString_methods.get$isEmpty(separator))
do {
str = iterator.get$current();
str = typeof str === "string" ? str : $.S(str);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
} while (iterator.moveNext$0() === true);
else {
str = iterator.get$current();
str = typeof str === "string" ? str : $.S(str);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
for (; iterator.moveNext$0() === true;) {
this._contents = this._contents + separator;
str = iterator.get$current();
str = typeof str === "string" ? str : $.S(str);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
writeAll$2$bailout: function(state0, objects, separator) {
var iterator, str, t1;
iterator = $.get$iterator$ax(objects);
if (iterator.moveNext$0() !== true)
if ($.get$isEmpty$asx(separator) === true)
do {
str = iterator.get$current();
str = typeof str === "string" ? str : $.S(str);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
} while (iterator.moveNext$0() === true);
else {
str = iterator.get$current();
str = typeof str === "string" ? str : $.S(str);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
for (t1 = typeof separator === "string"; iterator.moveNext$0() === true;) {
str = t1 ? separator : $.S(separator);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
str = iterator.get$current();
str = typeof str === "string" ? str : $.S(str);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
toString$0: function(_) {
return this._contents;
StringBuffer$1: function($content) {
this._contents = $content;
$$._ChildrenElementList = {"": "ListBase;_liblib1$_element,_childElements",
toList$1$growable: function(_, growable) {
var t1, output, len, t2, i, t3;
t1 = this._childElements;
if (growable === true) {
output = [];
$.JSArray_methods.set$length(output, $.get$length$asx(t1));
} else
output = $.List_List($.get$length$asx(t1));
for (t1 = this._childElements, len = $.get$length$asx(t1), t2 = $.getInterceptor$asx(t1), i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
t3 = t2.$index(t1, i);
if (i >= output.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
output[i] = t3;
return output;
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(this._childElements); t1.moveNext$0();)$1(t1.get$current());
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this._liblib1$_element.firstElementChild == null;
skip$1: function(_, n) {
return $.skip$1$ax(this._childElements, n);
elementAt$1: function(_, index) {
return $.$index$asx(this._childElements, index);
get$length: function(_) {
return $.get$length$asx(this._childElements);
$index: function(_, index) {
return $.$index$asx(this._childElements, index);
$indexSet: function(_, index, value) {
this._liblib1$_element.replaceChild(value, $.$index$asx(this._childElements, index));
set$length: function(_, newLength) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$(""));
add$1: function(_, value) {
return value;
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(this.toList$0(this));
addAll$1: function(_, iterable) {
var t1, t2;
if (typeof iterable === "object" && iterable !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(iterable).$is_ChildNodeListLazy)
iterable = $.List_List$from(iterable, true);
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(iterable), t2 = this._liblib1$_element; t1.moveNext$0() === true;)
sublist$2: function(_, start, end) {
if (end == null)
end = this.get$length(this);
return $._FrozenElementList$_wrap($.Lists_getRange(this, start, end, []));
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
clear$0: function(_) {
this._liblib1$_element.textContent = "";
removeLast$0: function(_) {
var result = this.get$last(this);
if (result != null)
return result;
get$last: function(_) {
var result = this._liblib1$_element.lastElementChild;
if (result == null)
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("No elements"));
return result;
toString$0: function(_) {
var buffer = $.StringBuffer$("[");
buffer.writeAll$2(this, ", ");
return buffer.toString$0(buffer);
$asList: function() {
return function () { return [$.Element]; };
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [$.Element]; };
$$._FrozenElementList = {"": "ListBase;_nodeList",
get$length: function(_) {
return $.get$length$asx(this._nodeList);
$index: function(_, index) {
var t1 = this._nodeList;
if (typeof t1 !== "string" && (typeof t1 !== "object" || t1 === null || t1.constructor !== Array && !$.getInterceptor(t1).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))
return this.$$index$bailout(1, index, t1);
if (index !== (index | 0))
throw $.iae(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
return t1[index];
$$index$bailout: function(state0, index, t1) {
return $.$index$asx(t1, index);
$indexSet: function(_, index, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$(""));
set$length: function(_, newLength) {
$.set$length$asx(this._nodeList, newLength);
add$1: function(_, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$(""));
addAll$1: function(_, iterable) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$(""));
sublist$2: function(_, start, end) {
return $._FrozenElementList$_wrap($.sublist$2$ax(this._nodeList, start, end));
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
clear$0: function(_) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$(""));
removeLast$0: function(_) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$(""));
toString$0: function(_) {
var buffer = $.StringBuffer$("[");
buffer.writeAll$2(this, ", ");
return buffer.toString$0(buffer);
$asList: function() {
return function () { return [null]; };
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [null]; };
$$._ElementCssClassSet = {"": "CssClassSet;_liblib1$_element",
readClasses$0: function() {
var s, t1, trimmed;
s = $.LinkedHashSet$();
for (t1 = $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator($.split$1$s(this._liblib1$_element.className, " ")); t1.moveNext$0();) {
trimmed = $.trim$0$s(t1.get$current());
if (!$.JSString_methods.get$isEmpty(trimmed))
s.add$1(s, trimmed);
return s;
writeClasses$1: function(s) {
$.List_List$from(s, true);
this._liblib1$_element.className = s.join$1(s, " ");
$$.HttpRequest_getString_anon = {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(xhr) {
return $.get$responseText$x(xhr);
$$.HttpRequest_request_anon = {"": "Closure;completer_0,xhr_1",
call$1: function(e) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this.xhr_1;
if (!($.$ge$n(t1.status, 200) && $.$lt$n(t1.status, 300))) {
t2 = t1.status;
t2 = t2 === 0 || t2 === 304;
} else
t2 = true;
t3 = this.completer_0;
if (t2)
t3.complete$1(t3, t1);
$$.HttpRequest_request_anon0 = {"": "Closure;completer_2",
call$1: function(e) {
$$._ChildNodeListLazy = {"": "ListBase;_this",
get$last: function(_) {
var result = this._this.lastChild;
if (result == null)
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("No elements"));
return result;
add$1: function(_, value) {
addAll$1: function(_, iterable) {
var t1, len, i, t2;
if (typeof iterable === "object" && iterable !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(iterable).$is_ChildNodeListLazy) {
t1 = this._this;
if (iterable._this !== t1) {
len = iterable.get$length(iterable);
if (typeof len !== "number")
return this.addAll$1$bailout1(1, iterable, len, t1);
i = 0;
for (; i < len; ++i)
t1.appendChild(iterable.$index(iterable, 0));
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(iterable), t2 = this._this; t1.moveNext$0() === true;)
addAll$1$bailout1: function(state0, iterable, len, t1) {
switch (state0) {
case 0:
case 1:
var i, t2;
if (state0 === 1 || state0 === 0 && typeof iterable === "object" && iterable !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(iterable).$is_ChildNodeListLazy)
switch (state0) {
case 0:
t1 = this._this;
case 1:
if (state0 === 1 || state0 === 0 && iterable._this !== t1)
switch (state0) {
case 0:
len = iterable.get$length(iterable);
case 1:
state0 = 0;
i = 0;
for (; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, len); ++i)
t1.appendChild(iterable.$index(iterable, 0));
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(iterable), t2 = this._this; t1.moveNext$0() === true;)
removeLast$0: function(_) {
var result = this.get$last(this);
if (result != null)
return result;
clear$0: function(_) {
this._this.textContent = "";
$indexSet: function(_, index, value) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this._this;
t2 = t1.childNodes;
if (typeof t2 !== "string" && (typeof t2 !== "object" || t2 === null || t2.constructor !== Array && !$.getInterceptor(t2).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))
return this.$$indexSet$bailout(1, t1, value, t2, index);
if (index !== (index | 0))
throw $.iae(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= t2.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
t1.replaceChild(value, t2[index]);
$$indexSet$bailout: function(state0, t1, value, t2, index) {
t1.replaceChild(value, $.$index$asx(t2, index));
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $.get$iterator$ax(this._this.childNodes);
toList$1$growable: function(_, growable) {
return $.List_List$from(this, growable);
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return $.$eq(this.get$length(this), 0);
sublist$2: function(_, start, end) {
if (end == null)
$.$eq(end, this.get$length(this));
return $.Lists_getRange(this, start, end, []);
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
toString$0: function(_) {
var buffer = $.StringBuffer$("[");
buffer.writeAll$2(this, ", ");
return buffer.toString$0(buffer);
get$length: function(_) {
return $.get$length$asx(this._this.childNodes);
set$length: function(_, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot set length on immutable List."));
$index: function(_, index) {
var t1 = this._this.childNodes;
if (typeof t1 !== "string" && (typeof t1 !== "object" || t1 === null || t1.constructor !== Array && !$.getInterceptor(t1).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))
return this.$$index$bailout(1, index, t1);
if (index !== (index | 0))
throw $.iae(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
return t1[index];
$$index$bailout: function(state0, index, t1) {
return $.$index$asx(t1, index);
$is_ChildNodeListLazy: true,
$asList: function() {
return function () { return [$.Node]; };
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [$.Node]; };
$$._AttributeMap = {"": "Object;",
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1, t2;
for (t1 = $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(this.get$keys()); t1.moveNext$0();) {
t2 = t1.get$current();$2(t2, this.$index(this, t2));
get$keys: function() {
var attributes, keys, t1, len, i;
attributes = this._liblib1$_element.attributes;
keys = $.List_List($);
for (t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(attributes), len = t1.get$length(attributes), i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (this._matches$1(t1.$index(attributes, i)))
keys.push(t1.$index(attributes, i).localName);
return keys;
get$values: function(_) {
var attributes, values, t1, len, i;
attributes = this._liblib1$_element.attributes;
values = $.List_List($);
for (t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(attributes), len = t1.get$length(attributes), i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (this._matches$1(t1.$index(attributes, i)))
values.push($.get$value$x(t1.$index(attributes, i)));
return values;
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this.get$length(this) === 0;
$isMap: true,
$asMap: function () { return [$.String, $.String]; }
$$._ElementAttributeMap = {"": "_AttributeMap;_liblib1$_element",
$index: function(_, key) {
return this._liblib1$_element.getAttribute(key);
$indexSet: function(_, key, value) {
this._liblib1$_element.setAttribute(key, value);
get$length: function(_) {
return this.get$keys().length;
_matches$1: function(node) {
return node.namespaceURI == null;
$$.CssClassSet = {"": "Object;",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
return t1.join$1(t1, " ");
toggle$1: function(value) {
var s, result;
s = this.readClasses$0();
if (s.contains$1(s, value) === true) {
s.remove$1(s, value);
result = false;
} else {
s.add$1(s, value);
result = true;
return result;
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
return t1.get$iterator(t1);
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
t1.forEach$1(t1, f);
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
get$length: function(_) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
return t1.get$length(t1);
add$1: function(_, value) {
var t1, s;
t1 = new $.CssClassSet_add_anon(value);
s = this.readClasses$0();$1(s);
addAll$1: function(_, iterable) {
var t1, s;
t1 = new $.CssClassSet_addAll_anon(iterable);
s = this.readClasses$0();$1(s);
toList$1$growable: function(_, growable) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
return t1.toList$1$growable(t1, growable);
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
skip$1: function(_, n) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
return t1.skip$1(t1, n);
elementAt$1: function(_, index) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
return t1.elementAt$1(t1, index);
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [$.String]; };
$$.CssClassSet_add_anon = {"": "Closure;value_0",
call$1: function(s) {
return $.add$1$ax(s, this.value_0);
$$.CssClassSet_addAll_anon = {"": "Closure;iterable_0",
call$1: function(s) {
return $.addAll$1$ax(s, this.iterable_0);
$$._EventStream = {"": "Stream;_target,_eventType,_useCapture",
listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError: function(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
return $._EventStreamSubscription$(this._target, this._eventType, onData, this._useCapture);
listen$1: function(onData) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, null, null);
listen$3$onDone$onError: function(onData, onDone, onError) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
$$._EventStreamSubscription = {"": "StreamSubscription;_pauseCount,_target,_eventType,_liblib1$_onData,_useCapture",
cancel$0: function() {
if (this.get$_canceled())
var t1 = this._liblib1$_onData;
if (t1 != null)
$.$$dom_removeEventListener$3$x(this._target, this._eventType, t1, this._useCapture);
this._target = null;
this._liblib1$_onData = null;
get$_canceled: function() {
return this._target == null;
get$_paused: function() {
return this._pauseCount > 0;
_tryResume$0: function() {
if (this._liblib1$_onData != null && !this.get$_paused())
$.$$dom_addEventListener$3$x(this._target, this._eventType, this._liblib1$_onData, this._useCapture);
_EventStreamSubscription$4: function(_target, _eventType, _onData, _useCapture) {
$$.EventStreamProvider = {"": "Object;_eventType",
forTarget$2$useCapture: function(e, useCapture) {
return $._EventStream$(e, this._eventType, useCapture);
forTarget$1: function(e) {
return this.forTarget$2$useCapture(e, false);
$$.FixedSizeListIterator = {"": "Object;_array,_length,_position,_current",
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1, nextPosition;
t1 = this._position;
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
return this.moveNext$0$bailout(1, t1);
nextPosition = t1 + 1;
t1 = this._length;
if (nextPosition < t1) {
this._current = $.$index$asx(this._array, nextPosition);
this._position = nextPosition;
return true;
this._current = null;
this._position = t1;
return false;
moveNext$0$bailout: function(state0, t1) {
var nextPosition = $.$add$ns(t1, 1);
t1 = this._length;
if ($.$lt$n(nextPosition, t1)) {
this._current = $.$index$asx(this._array, nextPosition);
this._position = nextPosition;
return true;
this._current = null;
this._position = t1;
return false;
get$current: function() {
return this._current;
$$.convertDartToNative_Dictionary_anon = {"": "Closure;object_0",
call$2: function(key, value) {
this.object_0[key] = value;
$$.FilteredElementList = {"": "ListBase;_node,_childNodes",
get$_filtered: function() {
var t1 = this._childNodes;
return $.List_List$from(t1.where$1(t1, new $.FilteredElementList__filtered_anon()), true);
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
$.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(this.get$_filtered(), f);
$indexSet: function(_, index, value) {
var t1 = this.get$_filtered();
if (index !== (index | 0))
throw $.iae(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
$.replaceWith$1$x(t1[index], value);
set$length: function(_, newLength) {
var len;
if (typeof newLength !== "number")
return this.set$length$bailout(1, newLength);
len = this.get$length(this);
if (newLength >= len)
else if (newLength < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$("Invalid list length"));
this.removeRange$2(this, newLength, len);
set$length$bailout: function(state0, newLength) {
var len, t1;
len = this.get$length(this);
t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(newLength);
if (t1.$ge(newLength, len))
else if (t1.$lt(newLength, 0))
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$("Invalid list length"));
this.removeRange$2(this, newLength, len);
add$1: function(_, value) {
var t1 = this._childNodes;
t1.add$1(t1, value);
addAll$1: function(_, iterable) {
var t1, t2;
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(iterable), t2 = this._childNodes; t1.moveNext$0() === true;)
t2.add$1(t2, t1.get$current());
removeRange$2: function(_, start, end) {
$.JSArray_methods.forEach$1($.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(this.get$_filtered(), start, end), new $.FilteredElementList_removeRange_anon());
clear$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this._childNodes;
removeLast$0: function(_) {
var result = this.get$last(this);
if (result != null)
return result;
toList$1$growable: function(_, growable) {
return $.List_List$from(this, growable);
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
elementAt$1: function(_, index) {
var t1 = this.get$_filtered();
if (index !== (index | 0))
throw $.iae(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
return t1[index];
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return $.JSArray_methods.get$isEmpty(this.get$_filtered());
get$length: function(_) {
return this.get$_filtered().length;
$index: function(_, index) {
var t1 = this.get$_filtered();
if (index !== (index | 0))
throw $.iae(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
return t1[index];
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(this.get$_filtered());
sublist$2: function(_, start, end) {
return $.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(this.get$_filtered(), start, end);
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
skip$1: function(_, n) {
return this.get$IterableMixinWorkaround().skipList$2(this, n);
get$last: function(_) {
return $.JSArray_methods.get$last(this.get$_filtered());
$asList: function() {
return function () { return [$.Element]; };
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [$.Element]; };
$$.FilteredElementList__filtered_anon = {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(n) {
return typeof n === "object" && n !== null && $.getInterceptor(n).$isElement();
$$.FilteredElementList_removeRange_anon = {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(el) {
return $.remove$0$ax(el);
$$._AttributeClassSet = {"": "CssClassSet;_liblib2$_element",
readClasses$0: function() {
var t1, classname, s, trimmed;
t1 = $.get$attributes$x(this._liblib2$_element);
classname = t1.$index(t1, "class");
s = $.LinkedHashSet$();
if (classname == null)
return s;
for (t1 = $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator($.split$1$s(classname, " ")); t1.moveNext$0();) {
trimmed = $.trim$0$s(t1.get$current());
if (!$.JSString_methods.get$isEmpty(trimmed))
s.add$1(s, trimmed);
return s;
writeClasses$1: function(s) {
var t1 = $.get$attributes$x(this._liblib2$_element);
t1.$indexSet(t1, "class", s.join$1(s, " "));
$$.BarGraph = {"": "Object;_canvas,_model,_elements,scaleHeight",
addSample$1: function(segments) {
if (segments.length !== this._elements.length)
throw $.wrapException($.RuntimeError$("invalid sample size for graph"));
drawBarGraph$0: function() {
var t1, context, t2, x, i, y;
t1 = this._canvas;
$.Primitives_printString("drawBarGraph: _canvas=" + $.S(t1));
context = $.get$context2D$x(t1);
context.strokeStyle = "black";
t2 = $.getInterceptor$x(t1);
context.strokeRect(48, 1, $.$add$ns($.$sub$n($.$sub$n(t2.get$width(t1), 50), 150), 2), $.$sub$n(t2.get$height(t1), 2), 1);
x = $.$sub$n(t2.get$width(t1), 130);
if (typeof x !== "number")
return this.drawBarGraph$0$bailout(1, context, x);
context.font = "14px sans-serif";
for (t1 = this._elements, i = t1.length - 1, t2 = x + 30, y = 20; i >= 0; --i) {
if (i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
context.fillStyle = $.get$color$x(t1[i]);
context.fillRect(x, y, 20, 20);
context.fillStyle = "black";
if (i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
context.fillText($.get$name$x(t1[i]), t2, y + 15);
y += 30;
drawBarGraph$0$bailout: function(state0, context, x) {
var t1, i, t2, y;
context.font = "14px sans-serif";
for (t1 = this._elements, i = t1.length - 1, t2 = $.getInterceptor$ns(x), y = 20; i >= 0; --i) {
if (i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
context.fillStyle = $.get$color$x(t1[i]);
context.fillRect(x, y, 20, 20);
context.fillStyle = "black";
if (i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
context.fillText($.get$name$x(t1[i]), t2.$add(x, 30), y + 15);
y += 30;
drawGraph$1: function(model) {
var graphHeight, t1, height, scale;
graphHeight = model.get$maxTotal();
t1 = this._canvas;
height = t1.clientHeight;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(graphHeight);
if (t1.$ge(graphHeight, this.scaleHeight)) {
this.scaleHeight = t1.$mul(graphHeight, 1.2);
this.scaleHeight = $.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0($.$div$n(this.scaleHeight, 100)) * 100;
scale = $.$div$n(height, this.scaleHeight);
this.drawValues$2(this.scaleHeight, scale);
this.drawChart$2(this.scaleHeight, scale);
get$drawGraph: function() {
return new $.BoundClosure$1(this, "drawGraph$1");
drawChart$2: function(maxHeight, scale) {
var t1, dividerHeight, t3, context, height, scaledY, t2, scaledY0, i;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(maxHeight);
dividerHeight = t1.$tdiv(maxHeight, 5);
if (typeof dividerHeight !== "number")
return this.drawChart$2$bailout(1, maxHeight, scale, t1, dividerHeight);
t3 = this._canvas;
context = $.get$context2D$x(t3);
height = t1.toInt$0(maxHeight);
scaledY = dividerHeight * scale;
context.clearRect(0, 0, 48, maxHeight);
for (t1 = $.getInterceptor$x(t3), t2 = $.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(dividerHeight, 100) * 100, scaledY0 = scaledY, i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
height -= t2;
context.font = "14px sans-serif";
context.fillStyle = "black";
context.textAlign = "right";
context.textBaseline = "middle";
context.fillText($.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(height), 40, scaledY0);
context.moveTo(48, scaledY0);
context.strokeStyle = "grey";
context.lineWidth = 0.5;
context.lineTo($.$sub$n(t1.get$width(t3), 150), scaledY0);
scaledY0 += scaledY;
drawChart$2$bailout: function(state0, maxHeight, scale, t1, dividerHeight) {
var t3, context, height, scaledY, t2, i, t4;
t3 = this._canvas;
context = $.get$context2D$x(t3);
height = t1.toInt$0(maxHeight);
t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(dividerHeight);
scaledY = t1.$mul(dividerHeight, scale);
context.clearRect(0, 0, 48, maxHeight);
for (t2 = $.getInterceptor$x(t3), i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
t4 = $.$mul$n(t1.$tdiv(dividerHeight, 100), 100);
if (typeof t4 !== "number")
throw $.iae(t4);
height -= t4;
context.font = "14px sans-serif";
context.fillStyle = "black";
context.textAlign = "right";
context.textBaseline = "middle";
context.fillText($.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(height), 40, scaledY);
context.moveTo(48, scaledY);
context.strokeStyle = "grey";
context.lineWidth = 0.5;
context.lineTo($.$sub$n(t2.get$width(t3), 150), scaledY);
scaledY = $.$add$ns(scaledY, t1.$mul(dividerHeight, scale));
drawValues$2: function(maxHeight, scale) {
var t1, iterator, w, t2, x, s, blankHeight, y, i, h, t3;
if (typeof maxHeight !== "number")
return this.drawValues$2$bailout(1, maxHeight, scale);
t1 = this._model;
iterator = t1.get$iterator(t1);
t1 = this._canvas;
w = $.$sub$n($.$sub$n($.$sub$n($.get$width$x(t1), 50), 150), 2);
t2 = $.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(maxHeight * scale);
$.get$context2D$x(t1).clearRect(52, 2, w, t2 - 4);
for (t1 = this._elements, x = 52; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
s = iterator.get$current();
t2 = $.getInterceptor(s);
if (s != null) {
blankHeight = $.$sub$n(this.scaleHeight,$0(s));
this.drawVerticalSegment$6(x, 2, 5, blankHeight, "white", scale);
if (typeof blankHeight !== "number")
throw $.iae(blankHeight);
y = 2 + blankHeight;
i = $.$sub$n(t2.get$length(s), 1);
if (i !== (i | 0))
return this.drawValues$2$bailout(2, maxHeight, scale, t2, t1, iterator, x, y, i, s);
for (; i >= 0; --i) {
h = t2.$index(s, i);
if (i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
this.drawVerticalSegment$6(x, y, 5, h, $.get$color$x(t1[i]), scale);
t3 = t2.$index(s, i);
if (typeof t3 !== "number")
throw $.iae(t3);
y += t3;
} else
this.drawVerticalSegment$6(x, 2, 5, maxHeight, "white", scale);
x += 5;
drawValues$2$bailout: function(state0, maxHeight, scale, t2, t1, iterator, x, y, i, s) {
switch (state0) {
case 0:
case 1:
state0 = 0;
t1 = this._model;
iterator = t1.get$iterator(t1);
t1 = this._canvas;
w = $.$sub$n($.$sub$n($.$sub$n($.get$width$x(t1), 50), 150), 2);
t2 = $.ceil$0$n($.$mul$n(maxHeight, scale));
$.get$context2D$x(t1).clearRect(52, 2, w, t2 - 4);
t1 = this._elements;
x = 52;
case 2:
var w, blankHeight, h, t3;
while (true)
switch (state0) {
case 0:
if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
break L0;
s = iterator.get$current();
t2 = $.getInterceptor(s);
case 2:
if (state0 === 2 || state0 === 0 && s != null)
switch (state0) {
case 0:
blankHeight = $.$sub$n(this.scaleHeight,$0(s));
this.drawVerticalSegment$6(x, 2, 5, blankHeight, "white", scale);
if (typeof blankHeight !== "number")
throw $.iae(blankHeight);
y = 2 + blankHeight;
i = $.$sub$n(t2.get$length(s), 1);
case 2:
state0 = 0;
for (; $.$ge$n(i, 0); --i) {
h = t2.$index(s, i);
if (i !== (i | 0))
throw $.iae(i);
if (i < 0 || i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
this.drawVerticalSegment$6(x, y, 5, h, $.get$color$x(t1[i]), scale);
t3 = t2.$index(s, i);
if (typeof t3 !== "number")
throw $.iae(t3);
y += t3;
this.drawVerticalSegment$6(x, 2, 5, maxHeight, "white", scale);
x += 5;
drawVerticalSegment$6: function(x, y, w, h, color, scale) {
var t1, context, max;
if (typeof h !== "number")
return this.drawVerticalSegment$6$bailout(1, x, y, w, h, color, scale);
t1 = this._canvas;
context = $.get$context2D$x(t1);
y = $.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(y * scale);
h = $.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(h * scale);
context.lineWidth = w;
context.fillStyle = color;
context.strokeStyle = color;
if (x < 2)
x = 2;
if (y < 2)
y = 2;
t1 = $.get$height$x(t1);
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
return this.drawVerticalSegment$6$bailout(2, x, y, 0, h, 0, 0, context, t1);
max = t1 - 2;
if (y + h > max)
h = max - y;
context.moveTo(x, y);
context.lineTo(x, y + h);
drawVerticalSegment$6$bailout: function(state0, x, y, w, h, color, scale, context, t1) {
switch (state0) {
case 0:
case 1:
state0 = 0;
t1 = this._canvas;
context = $.get$context2D$x(t1);
y = $.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(y * scale);
h = $.ceil$0$n($.$mul$n(h, scale));
context.lineWidth = w;
context.fillStyle = color;
context.strokeStyle = color;
if (x < 2)
x = 2;
if (y < 2)
y = 2;
t1 = $.get$height$x(t1);
case 2:
var max;
state0 = 0;
max = $.$sub$n(t1, 2);
if ($.JSNumber_methods.$gt(y + h, max))
h = $.$sub$n(max, y);
context.moveTo(x, y);
if (typeof h !== "number")
throw $.iae(h);
context.lineTo(x, y + h);
BarGraph$2: function(_canvas, _elements) {
this._model = $.GraphModel$($.$tdiv$n($.$sub$n($.$sub$n($.get$width$x(this._canvas), 50), 150), 5));
this._model.addListener$2(this.get$drawGraph(), null);
$$.GraphModel = {"": "ObservableModel;_samples,_maxSize,_listeners",
addSample$1: function(segments) {
var t1 = this._samples;
if ($.JSInt_methods.$ge(t1.length, this._maxSize))
$.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1, $.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1));
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(this._samples);
$index: function(_, i) {
var t1 = this._samples;
if (i !== (i | 0))
throw $.iae(i);
if (i < 0 || i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
return t1[i];
get$maxTotal: function() {
var t1 = {};
t1.max_0 = 1;
$.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(this._samples, new $.GraphModel_maxTotal_anon(t1));
return t1.max_0;
$$.GraphModel_maxTotal_anon = {"": "Closure;box_0",
call$1: function(s) {
var t1, t2, t3, max;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$x(s);
t2 =$0(s);
t3 = this.box_0;
max = $.$gt$n(t2, t3.max_0) ?$0(s) : t3.max_0;
t3.max_0 = max;
return max;
$$.Element0 = {"": "Object;name>,color>"};
$$.Sample = {"": "Object;_segments",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._segments.length;
$index: function(_, i) {
var t1 = this._segments;
if (i !== (i | 0))
throw $.iae(i);
if (i < 0 || i >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
return t1[i];
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(this._segments);
total$0: function(_) {
return $.JSArray_methods.fold$2(this._segments, 0, new $.Sample_total_anon());
$$.Sample_total_anon = {"": "Closure;",
call$2: function(prev, element) {
return $.$add$ns(prev, element);
$$.IsolateList = {"": "Object;_isolateTable",
updateList$1: function(model) {
var iterator, t1, t2, t3, isolate, t4, isolateId, t5, detailsCell, basicData, details, stacktraceCell, stacktrace;
iterator = $.get$iterator$ax(model);
for (t1 = this._isolateTable, t2 = $.getInterceptor$x(t1); iterator.moveNext$0() === true;) {
t3 = {};
isolate = iterator.get$current();
t4 = $.getInterceptor$x(isolate);
isolateId = "isolate-" + $.S(t4.get$port(isolate));
t3.isolateRow_0 = t1.querySelector("#" + isolateId);
t5 = t3.isolateRow_0;
if (t5 != null)
this.updateIsolateDetails$2(isolate, t5);
else {
t3.isolateRow_0 = document.createElement("tr");
$.set$$$dom_className$x(t3.isolateRow_0, "isolate_row");
$.set$id$x(t3.isolateRow_0, isolateId);
t5 = t2.get$children(t1);
t5.add$1(t5, t3.isolateRow_0);
detailsCell = document.createElement("td");
t5 = $.getInterceptor$x(detailsCell);
detailsCell.className = "isolate_details_column";
$.add$1$ax($.get$children$x(t3.isolateRow_0), detailsCell);
basicData = document.createElement("div");
basicData.textContent = $.JSString_methods.replaceAll$2($.replaceAll$2$s(t4.get$name(isolate), "$", ": "), "-", " ");
t4 = t5.get$children(detailsCell);
t4.add$1(t4, basicData);
details = document.createElement("div");
t4 = $.get$classes$x(details);
t4.addAll$1(t4, ["isolate_details", "hidden"]);
t5 = t5.get$children(detailsCell);
t5.add$1(t5, details);
stacktraceCell = document.createElement("td");
t5 = $.getInterceptor$x(stacktraceCell);
t4 = t5.get$classes(stacktraceCell);
t4.addAll$1(t4, ["isolate_stacktrace_column", "hidden"]);
$.add$1$ax($.get$children$x(t3.isolateRow_0), stacktraceCell);
stacktrace = document.createElement("div");
t4 = $.get$classes$x(stacktrace);
t4.addAll$1(t4, ["stack_trace", "hidden"]);
t5 = t5.get$children(stacktraceCell);
t5.add$1(t5, stacktrace);
$.get$onClick$x(t3.isolateRow_0).listen$1(new $.IsolateList_updateList_anon(t3, this));
this.updateIsolateDetails$2(isolate, t3.isolateRow_0);
setStacktrace$2: function(element, json) {
var t1, t2, response, title, t3, stackIterator, i, frame, $frameElement, text, noStack;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$x(element);
t2 = t1.get$children(element);
response = $.parse(json, null);
t2 = $.getInterceptor$asx(response);
t1.set$id(element, t2.$index(response, "handle"));
title = document.createElement("div");
title.className = "stack_trace_title";
title.textContent = "Stack Trace";
t3 = t1.get$children(element);
t3.add$1(t3, title);
if ($.$gt$n($.get$length$asx(t2.$index(response, "stacktrace")), 0)) {
stackIterator = $.get$iterator$ax(t2.$index(response, "stacktrace"));
for (i = 0; stackIterator.moveNext$0() === true;) {
frame = stackIterator.get$current();
$frameElement = document.createElement("div");
t2 = $.getInterceptor$asx(frame);
text = "" + i + ": " + $.S(t2.$index(frame, "url")) + ":" + $.S(t2.$index(frame, "line")) + ": " + $.S(t2.$index(frame, "function"));
$frameElement.textContent = $.$index$asx(t2.$index(frame, "code"), "optimized") === true ? text + " (optimized)" : text;
$frameElement.className = "stack_frame";
t2 = t1.get$children(element);
t2.add$1(t2, $frameElement);
} else {
noStack = document.createElement("div");
noStack.className = "empty_stack_frame";
noStack.textContent = "<no stack>";
t1 = t1.get$children(element);
t1.add$1(t1, noStack);
findOrAddChild$2: function($parent, className) {
var child, t1;
child = $parent.querySelector("." + className);
if (child == null) {
child = document.createElement("div");
child.className = className;
t1 = $.get$children$x($parent);
t1.add$1(t1, child);
return child;
updateIsolateDetails$2: function(isolate, row) {
var details, stackTrace;
details = row.querySelector(".isolate_details");
this.findOrAddChild$2(details, "new_space").textContent = "New space: " + $.S(isolate.get$newSpace().used) + "K";
this.findOrAddChild$2(details, "old_space").textContent = "Old space: " + $.S(isolate.get$oldSpace().used) + "K";
this.findOrAddChild$2(details, "stack_limit").textContent = "Stack limit: " + $.S($.JSDouble_methods.round$0($.abs$0$n(isolate.get$stackLimit()) / 1000000)) + "M";
stackTrace = this.findOrAddChild$2(row, "isolate_stacktrace_column");
$.HttpRequest_getString("/isolate/" + $.S(isolate.get$handle()) + "/stacktrace", null, null).then$1(new $.IsolateList_updateIsolateDetails_anon(this, stackTrace));
$$.IsolateList_updateList_anon = {"": "Closure;box_0,this_1",
call$1: function(e) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4;
t1 = this.box_0.isolateRow_0;
t2 = $.getInterceptor$x(t1);
t3 = t2.query$1(t1, ".isolate_details");
t4 = $.getInterceptor$x(t3);
t1 = t2.query$1(t1, ".isolate_stacktrace_column");
t2 = $.getInterceptor$x(t1);
$$.IsolateList_updateIsolateDetails_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0,stackTrace_1",
call$1: function(response) {
return this.this_0.setStacktrace$2(this.stackTrace_1, response);
$$.ObservableModel = {"": "Object;",
addListener$2: function(onUpdate, onFailure) {
this._listeners.push($.ModelListener$(onUpdate, onFailure));
removeListener$1: function(onUpdate) {
var t1, iterator;
t1 = this._listeners;
iterator = $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(t1);
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();)
if (iterator.get$current().get$_onUpdate() === onUpdate) {
$.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1, iterator.get$current());
notifySuccess$0: function() {
$.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(this._listeners, new $.ObservableModel_notifySuccess_anon(this));
notifyFailure$0: function() {
$.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(this._listeners, new $.ObservableModel_notifyFailure_anon());
$$.ObservableModel_notifySuccess_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$1: function(listener) {
return listener.changed$1(this.this_0);
$$.ObservableModel_notifyFailure_anon = {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(listener) {
return listener.failed$0();
$$.ModelListener = {"": "Object;_onUpdate<,_onFailure",
_onUpdate$1: function(arg0) {
changed$1: function(model) {
return $.Primitives_applyFunction(this._onUpdate, [model], $.Function__toMangledNames(null));
failed$0: function() {
return $.Primitives_applyFunction(this._onFailure, [], $.Function__toMangledNames(null));
$$.IsolateListModel = {"": "ObservableModel;_isolates,_listeners",
update$0: function() {
$.HttpRequest_getString("/isolates", null, null).then$2$onError(new $.IsolateListModel_update_anon(this), new $.IsolateListModel_update_anon0(this));
_onUpdate$1: function(isolateMap) {
var list, i;
this._isolates = [];
list = $.$index$asx(isolateMap, "isolates");
if (typeof list !== "string" && (typeof list !== "object" || list === null || list.constructor !== Array && !$.getInterceptor(list).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))
return this._onUpdate$1$bailout(1, list);
for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i)
_onUpdate$1$bailout: function(state0, list) {
var t1, i;
for (t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(list), i = 0; $.JSNumber_methods.$lt(i, t1.get$length(list)); ++i)
this._isolates.push($.Isolate$(t1.$index(list, i)));
get$_onUpdate: function() {
return new $.BoundClosure$1(this, "_onUpdate$1");
toString$0: function(_) {
return $.JSArray_methods.join$1(this._isolates, ", ");
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
return $.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(this._isolates, f);
isEmpty$0: function(_) {
return $.JSArray_methods.get$isEmpty(this._isolates);
get$isEmpty: function(receiver) {
return new $.BoundClosure$i0(this, "isEmpty$0", receiver);
get$iterator: function(_) {
return $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(this._isolates);
get$length: function(_) {
return this._isolates.length;
$index: function(_, index) {
var t1 = this._isolates;
if (index !== (index | 0))
throw $.iae(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= t1.length)
throw $.ioore(index);
return t1[index];
$$.IsolateListModel_update_anon = {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$1: function(response) {
return this.this_0._onUpdate$1($.parse(response, null));
$$.IsolateListModel_update_anon0 = {"": "Closure;this_1",
call$1: function(e) {
return this.this_1.notifyFailure$0();
$$.Isolate = {"": "Object;handle<,name>,port>,startTime,stackLimit<,newSpace<,oldSpace<",
toString$0: function(_) {
return $.S( + ": " + $.S($.$add$ns(this.newSpace.used, this.oldSpace.used)) + "K";
$$.Space = {"": "Object;used,capacity",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "used: " + $.S(this.used) + " capacity: " + $.S(this.capacity);
$$.main_anon = {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(timer) {
return $._isolates.update$0();
$$.onUpdateStatus_anon = {"": "Closure;box_0",
call$1: function(element) {
var t1 = this.box_0;
t1.oldSpace_0 = $.$add$ns(t1.oldSpace_0, element.get$oldSpace().used);
t1.newSpace_1 = $.$add$ns(t1.newSpace_1, element.get$newSpace().used);
// Native classes
$$._WorkerStub = {"": "Interceptor;",
get$id: function(receiver) {
set$id: function(receiver, i) { = i;
set$onmessage: function(receiver, f) {
receiver.onmessage = f;
postMessage$1: function(receiver, msg) {
terminate$0: function(receiver) {
$$._HTMLElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.AnchorElement = {"": "Element;name=,port=",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
$$.AnimationEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.AreaElement = {"": "Element;port="};
$$.ArrayBuffer = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.ArrayBufferView = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.Attr = {"": "Node;"};
$$.AudioElement = {"": "MediaElement;"};
$$.AutocompleteErrorEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.BRElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.BaseElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.BeforeLoadEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.Blob = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.BodyElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.ButtonElement = {"": "Element;name=,value="};
$$.CDataSection = {"": "Text;"};
$$.CanvasElement = {"": "Element;height=,width=",
get$context2D: function(receiver) {
return receiver.getContext("2d");
$$.CanvasGradient = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.CanvasPattern = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.CanvasRenderingContext = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.CanvasRenderingContext2D = {"": "CanvasRenderingContext;"};
$$.CharacterData = {"": "Node;length="};
$$.CloseEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.Comment = {"": "CharacterData;"};
$$.CompositionEvent = {"": "UIEvent;"};
$$.ContentElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.CssFontFaceLoadEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.CssStyleDeclaration = {"": "Interceptor;length=",
getPropertyValue$1: function(receiver, propertyName) {
var propValue = receiver.getPropertyValue(propertyName);
return propValue != null ? propValue : "";
get$color: function(receiver) {
return this.getPropertyValue$1(receiver, "color");
$$.CustomElementConstructor = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.CustomEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.DListElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.DataListElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.DetailsElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.DeviceMotionEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.DeviceOrientationEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.DialogElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.DivElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.Document = {"": "Node;",
query$1: function(receiver, selectors) {
return receiver.querySelector(selectors);
register$2: function(receiver, $name, options) {
var t1 = $ === options;
if (t1)
options = null;
if (!t1)
return receiver.webkitRegister($name, $.convertDartToNative_Dictionary(options));
return receiver.webkitRegister($name);
get$onClick: function(receiver) {
return $.EventStreamProvider_click.forTarget$1(receiver);
$$.DocumentFragment = {"": "Node;",
get$children: function(receiver) {
if (receiver._children == null)
receiver._children = $.FilteredElementList$(receiver);
return receiver._children;
query$1: function(receiver, selectors) {
return receiver.querySelector(selectors);
$$.DocumentType = {"": "Node;"};
$$.DomError = {"": "Interceptor;name="};
$$.DomException = {"": "Interceptor;",
get$name: function(receiver) {
var errorName =;
if ($.Device_isWebKit() === true && errorName === "SECURITY_ERR")
return "SecurityError";
if ($.Device_isWebKit() === true && errorName === "SYNTAX_ERR")
return "SyntaxError";
return errorName;
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
$$.Element = {"": "Node;$$dom_children:children=,id%,$$dom_className:className}",
get$attributes: function(receiver) {
return $._ElementAttributeMap$(receiver);
get$children: function(receiver) {
return $._ChildrenElementList$_wrap(receiver);
get$classes: function(receiver) {
return $._ElementCssClassSet$(receiver);
query$1: function(receiver, selectors) {
return receiver.querySelector(selectors);
get$onClick: function(receiver) {
return $.EventStreamProvider_click.forTarget$1(receiver);
$isElement: function() {
return true;
$asElement: function() {
return null;
$$.EmbedElement = {"": "Element;height=,name=,width="};
$$.EntityReference = {"": "Node;"};
$$.ErrorEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.Event = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.EventException = {"": "Interceptor;name=",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
$$.EventTarget = {"": "Interceptor;",
$$dom_addEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.addEventListener(type, $.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
$$dom_removeEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.removeEventListener(type, $.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
$$.FieldSetElement = {"": "Element;name="};
$$.File = {"": "Blob;name="};
$$.FileError = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.FileException = {"": "Interceptor;name=",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
$$.FocusEvent = {"": "UIEvent;"};
$$.FormElement = {"": "Element;length=,name="};
$$.HRElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.HashChangeEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.HeadElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.HeadingElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.HtmlCollection = {"": "Interceptor;",
get$length: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index: function(receiver, index) {
return receiver[index];
$indexSet: function(receiver, index, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$iterator: function(receiver) {
return $.FixedSizeListIterator$(receiver);
forEach$1: function(receiver, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(receiver); t1.moveNext$0();)$1(t1.get$current());
toList$1$growable: function(receiver, growable) {
return $.List_List$from(receiver, growable);
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$isEmpty: function(receiver) {
return this.get$length(receiver) === 0;
skip$1: function(receiver, n) {
return $.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null);
elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
return receiver[index];
add$1: function(receiver, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
addAll$1: function(receiver, iterable) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
set$length: function(receiver, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
removeLast$0: function(receiver) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from immutable List."));
sublist$2: function(receiver, start, end) {
if (end == null)
end = this.get$length(receiver);
return $.Lists_getRange(receiver, start, end, []);
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
toString$0: function(receiver) {
var buffer = $.StringBuffer$("[");
buffer.writeAll$2(receiver, ", ");
return buffer.toString$0(buffer);
$isList: function() {
return true;
$asList: function() {
return function () { return [$.Node]; };
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [$.Node]; };
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return true;
$asJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return null;
$$.HtmlDocument = {"": "Document;"};
$$.HtmlElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.HtmlFormControlsCollection = {"": "HtmlCollection;"};
$$.HtmlOptionsCollection = {"": "HtmlCollection;"};
$$.HttpRequest = {"": "EventTarget;responseText=",
$$dom_addEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.addEventListener(type, $.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
open$5$async$password$user: function(receiver, method, url, async, password, user) {
return, url, async, user, password);
open$3$async: function($receiver, method, url, async) {
return $, url, async);
$$dom_removeEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.removeEventListener(type, $.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
send$1: function(receiver, data) {
return receiver.send(data);
get$onError: function(receiver) {
return $.EventStreamProvider_error.forTarget$1(receiver);
get$onLoad: function(receiver) {
return $.EventStreamProvider_load.forTarget$1(receiver);
get$onProgress: function(receiver) {
return $.EventStreamProvider_progress.forTarget$1(receiver);
$$.HttpRequestException = {"": "Interceptor;name=",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
$$.HttpRequestProgressEvent = {"": "ProgressEvent;"};
$$.HttpRequestUpload = {"": "EventTarget;",
$$dom_addEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.addEventListener(type, $.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
$$dom_removeEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.removeEventListener(type, $.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
$$.IFrameElement = {"": "Element;height=,name=,width="};
$$.ImageElement = {"": "Element;height=,width="};
$$.InputElement = {"": "Element;height=,name=,value=,width=",
$isElement: function() {
return true;
$asElement: function() {
return null;
$$.KeyboardEvent = {"": "UIEvent;"};
$$.KeygenElement = {"": "Element;name="};
$$.LIElement = {"": "Element;value="};
$$.LabelElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.LegendElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.LinkElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.MapElement = {"": "Element;name="};
$$.MediaElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.MediaError = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.MediaKeyError = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.MediaKeyEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.MediaStreamEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.MediaStreamTrackEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.MenuElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.MessageEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.MetaElement = {"": "Element;name="};
$$.MeterElement = {"": "Element;value="};
$$.ModElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.MouseEvent = {"": "UIEvent;"};
$$.MutationEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.Navigator = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.NavigatorUserMediaError = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.Node = {"": "EventTarget;text:textContent}",
get$nodes: function(receiver) {
return $._ChildNodeListLazy$(receiver);
remove$0: function(receiver) {
var t1 = receiver.parentNode;
if (t1 != null)
replaceWith$1: function(receiver, otherNode) {
var $parent, exception;
try {
$parent = receiver.parentNode;
$.$$dom_replaceChild$2$x($parent, otherNode, receiver);
} catch (exception) {
return receiver;
toString$0: function(receiver) {
var t1 = receiver.localName;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = receiver.nodeValue;
if (t1 == null)
t1 = $.Object.prototype.toString$, receiver);
return t1;
$$dom_addEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.addEventListener(type, $.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
$$dom_removeEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.removeEventListener(type, $.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
$$dom_replaceChild$2: function(receiver, newChild, oldChild) {
return receiver.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild);
$$.NodeList = {"": "Interceptor;",
get$length: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index: function(receiver, index) {
return receiver[index];
$indexSet: function(receiver, index, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$iterator: function(receiver) {
return $.FixedSizeListIterator$(receiver);
forEach$1: function(receiver, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(receiver); t1.moveNext$0();)$1(t1.get$current());
toList$1$growable: function(receiver, growable) {
return $.List_List$from(receiver, growable);
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$isEmpty: function(receiver) {
return this.get$length(receiver) === 0;
skip$1: function(receiver, n) {
return $.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null);
elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
return receiver[index];
add$1: function(receiver, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
addAll$1: function(receiver, iterable) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
set$length: function(receiver, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
removeLast$0: function(receiver) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from immutable List."));
sublist$2: function(receiver, start, end) {
if (end == null)
end = this.get$length(receiver);
return $.Lists_getRange(receiver, start, end, []);
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
toString$0: function(receiver) {
var buffer = $.StringBuffer$("[");
buffer.writeAll$2(receiver, ", ");
return buffer.toString$0(buffer);
$isList: function() {
return true;
$asList: function() {
return function () { return [$.Node]; };
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [$.Node]; };
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return true;
$asJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return null;
$$.Notation = {"": "Node;"};
$$.OListElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.ObjectElement = {"": "Element;height=,name=,width="};
$$.OptGroupElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.OptionElement = {"": "Element;value="};
$$.OutputElement = {"": "Element;name=,value="};
$$.OverflowEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.PageTransitionEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.ParagraphElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.ParamElement = {"": "Element;name=,value="};
$$.PopStateEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.PositionError = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.PreElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.ProcessingInstruction = {"": "Node;"};
$$.ProgressElement = {"": "Element;value="};
$$.ProgressEvent = {"": "Event;",
total$0: function($receiver) {
$$.QuoteElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.RadioNodeList = {"": "NodeList;"};
$$.RangeException = {"": "Interceptor;name=",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
$$.RtcDataChannelEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.RtcDtmfToneChangeEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.RtcIceCandidateEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.ScriptElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.SecurityPolicyViolationEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.SelectElement = {"": "Element;length%,name=,value="};
$$.ShadowElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.ShadowRoot = {"": "DocumentFragment;"};
$$.SourceElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.SpanElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.SpeechInputEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.SpeechRecognitionError = {"": "Event;"};
$$.SpeechRecognitionEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.StorageEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.StyleElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.TableCaptionElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.TableCellElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.TableColElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.TableElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.TableRowElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.TableSectionElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.TemplateElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.Text = {"": "CharacterData;"};
$$.TextAreaElement = {"": "Element;name=,value="};
$$.TextEvent = {"": "UIEvent;"};
$$.TitleElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.TouchEvent = {"": "UIEvent;"};
$$.TrackElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.TrackEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.TransitionEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.UIEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.UListElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.Uint8Array = {"": "ArrayBufferView;",
get$length: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index: function(receiver, index) {
return receiver[index];
$indexSet: function(receiver, index, value) {
receiver[index] = value;
get$iterator: function(receiver) {
return $.FixedSizeListIterator$(receiver);
forEach$1: function(receiver, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(receiver); t1.moveNext$0();)$1(t1.get$current());
toList$1$growable: function(receiver, growable) {
return $.List_List$from(receiver, growable);
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$isEmpty: function(receiver) {
return this.get$length(receiver) === 0;
skip$1: function(receiver, n) {
return $.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null);
elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
return this.$index(receiver, index);
add$1: function(receiver, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
addAll$1: function(receiver, iterable) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
set$length: function(receiver, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
removeLast$0: function(receiver) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from immutable List."));
sublist$2: function(receiver, start, end) {
if (end == null)
end = this.get$length(receiver);
return $.Lists_getRange(receiver, start, end, []);
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
toString$0: function(receiver) {
var buffer = $.StringBuffer$("[");
buffer.writeAll$2(receiver, ", ");
return buffer.toString$0(buffer);
$isList: function() {
return true;
$asList: function() {
return function () { return [$.$int]; };
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [$.$int]; };
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return true;
$asJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return null;
$$.Uint8ClampedArray = {"": "Uint8Array;",
$index: function(receiver, index) {
return receiver[index];
$indexSet: function(receiver, index, value) {
receiver[index] = value;
get$iterator: function(receiver) {
return $.FixedSizeListIterator$(receiver);
forEach$1: function(receiver, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(receiver); t1.moveNext$0();)$1(t1.get$current());
toList$1$growable: function(receiver, growable) {
return $.List_List$from(receiver, growable);
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$isEmpty: function(receiver) {
return this.get$length(receiver) === 0;
skip$1: function(receiver, n) {
return $.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null);
elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
return receiver[index];
add$1: function(receiver, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
addAll$1: function(receiver, iterable) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
set$length: function(receiver, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
removeLast$0: function(receiver) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from immutable List."));
sublist$2: function(receiver, start, end) {
if (end == null)
end = this.get$length(receiver);
return $.Lists_getRange(receiver, start, end, []);
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
toString$0: function(receiver) {
var buffer = $.StringBuffer$("[");
buffer.writeAll$2(receiver, ", ");
return buffer.toString$0(buffer);
$isList: function() {
return true;
$asList: function() {
return function () { return [$.$int]; };
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [$.$int]; };
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return true;
$asJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return null;
$$.UnknownElement = {"": "Element;"};
$$.VideoElement = {"": "MediaElement;height=,width="};
$$.WheelEvent = {"": "MouseEvent;"};
$$.Window = {"": "EventTarget;name=,navigator=",
$$dom_addEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.addEventListener(type, $.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
$$dom_removeEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.removeEventListener(type, $.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
get$onClick: function(receiver) {
return $.EventStreamProvider_click.forTarget$1(receiver);
$$.XPathException = {"": "Interceptor;name=",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
$$._NamedNodeMap = {"": "Interceptor;",
get$length: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index: function(receiver, index) {
return receiver[index];
$indexSet: function(receiver, index, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$iterator: function(receiver) {
return $.FixedSizeListIterator$(receiver);
forEach$1: function(receiver, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(receiver); t1.moveNext$0();)$1(t1.get$current());
toList$1$growable: function(receiver, growable) {
return $.List_List$from(receiver, growable);
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$isEmpty: function(receiver) {
return this.get$length(receiver) === 0;
skip$1: function(receiver, n) {
return $.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null);
elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
return receiver[index];
add$1: function(receiver, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
addAll$1: function(receiver, iterable) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
set$length: function(receiver, value) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
removeLast$0: function(receiver) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from immutable List."));
sublist$2: function(receiver, start, end) {
if (end == null)
end = this.get$length(receiver);
return $.Lists_getRange(receiver, start, end, []);
sublist$1: function($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
toString$0: function(receiver) {
var buffer = $.StringBuffer$("[");
buffer.writeAll$2(receiver, ", ");
return buffer.toString$0(buffer);
$isList: function() {
return true;
$asList: function() {
return function () { return [$.Node]; };
$isIterable: function() {
return true;
$asIterable: function() {
return function () { return [$.Node]; };
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return true;
$asJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return null;
$$._WebKitTransitionEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.VersionChangeEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.AElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.AltGlyphElement = {"": "TextPositioningElement;"};
$$.AnimateElement = {"": "AnimationElement;"};
$$.AnimateMotionElement = {"": "AnimationElement;"};
$$.AnimateTransformElement = {"": "AnimationElement;"};
$$.AnimatedLength = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.AnimatedNumberList = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.AnimationElement = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.CircleElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.ClipPathElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.DefsElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.DescElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.EllipseElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.FEBlendElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEColorMatrixElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEComponentTransferElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FECompositeElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEConvolveMatrixElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEDiffuseLightingElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEDisplacementMapElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEDistantLightElement = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.FEFloodElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEFuncAElement = {"": "_SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement;"};
$$.FEFuncBElement = {"": "_SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement;"};
$$.FEFuncGElement = {"": "_SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement;"};
$$.FEFuncRElement = {"": "_SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement;"};
$$.FEGaussianBlurElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEImageElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEMergeElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEMergeNodeElement = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.FEMorphologyElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEOffsetElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FEPointLightElement = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.FESpecularLightingElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FESpotLightElement = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.FETileElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FETurbulenceElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.FilterElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.ForeignObjectElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.GElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.ImageElement0 = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.LineElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.LinearGradientElement = {"": "_GradientElement;"};
$$.MarkerElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.MaskElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.MetadataElement = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.PathElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.PatternElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.PolygonElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.PolylineElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.RadialGradientElement = {"": "_GradientElement;"};
$$.RectElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.ScriptElement0 = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.SetElement = {"": "AnimationElement;"};
$$.StopElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.StyleElement0 = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.StyledElement = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.SvgDocument = {"": "Document;"};
$$.SvgElement = {"": "Element;",
get$classes: function(receiver) {
if (receiver._cssClassSet == null)
receiver._cssClassSet = $._AttributeClassSet$(receiver);
return receiver._cssClassSet;
get$children: function(receiver) {
return $.FilteredElementList$(receiver);
get$$$dom_children: function(receiver) {
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot get dom_children on SVG."));
get$id: function(receiver) {
set$id: function(receiver, value) { = value;
$$.SvgException = {"": "Interceptor;name=",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
$$.SvgSvgElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.SwitchElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.SymbolElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.TSpanElement = {"": "TextPositioningElement;"};
$$.TextContentElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.TextElement = {"": "TextPositioningElement;"};
$$.TextPathElement = {"": "TextContentElement;"};
$$.TextPositioningElement = {"": "TextContentElement;"};
$$.TitleElement0 = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$.UseElement = {"": "StyledElement;height=,width="};
$$.ViewElement = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.ZoomEvent = {"": "UIEvent;"};
$$._GradientElement = {"": "StyledElement;"};
$$._SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement = {"": "SvgElement;"};
$$.AudioProcessingEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.OfflineAudioCompletionEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.ContextEvent = {"": "Event;"};
$$.SqlError = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.SqlException = {"": "Interceptor;"};
$$.Closure = {"": "Object;",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Closure";
// Bound closures
$$.BoundClosure$1 = {"": "Closure;self,target",
call$1: function(p0) {
return this.self[](p0);
$$.BoundClosure$0 = {"": "Closure;self,target",
call$0: function() {
return this.self[]();
$$.BoundClosure$i0 = {"": "Closure;self,target,receiver",
call$0: function() {
return this.self[](this.receiver);
Isolate.$finishClasses($$, $, null);
$$ = null;
$.Arrays_copy = function(src, srcStart, dst, dstStart, count) {
var i, j, t1, t2, t3;
if (typeof src !== "string" && (typeof src !== "object" || src === null || src.constructor !== Array && !$.getInterceptor(src).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))
return $.Arrays_copy$bailout(1, src, srcStart, dst, dstStart, count);
if (typeof dst !== "object" || dst === null || (dst.constructor !== Array || !!dst.immutable$list) && !$.getInterceptor(dst).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior())
return $.Arrays_copy$bailout(1, src, srcStart, dst, dstStart, count);
if (typeof dstStart !== "number")
return $.Arrays_copy$bailout(1, src, srcStart, dst, dstStart, count);
if (srcStart < dstStart)
for (i = srcStart + count - 1, j = dstStart + count - 1, t1 = src.length, t2 = dst.length; i >= srcStart; --i, --j) {
if (i !== (i | 0))
throw $.iae(i);
if (i < 0 || i >= t1)
throw $.ioore(i);
t3 = src[i];
if (j !== (j | 0))
throw $.iae(j);
if (j < 0 || j >= t2)
throw $.ioore(j);
dst[j] = t3;
for (t1 = src.length, t2 = dst.length, j = dstStart, i = srcStart; i < srcStart + count; ++i, ++j) {
if (i !== (i | 0))
throw $.iae(i);
if (i < 0 || i >= t1)
throw $.ioore(i);
t3 = src[i];
if (j !== (j | 0))
throw $.iae(j);
if (j < 0 || j >= t2)
throw $.ioore(j);
dst[j] = t3;
$.Arrays_copy$bailout = function(state0, src, srcStart, dst, dstStart, count) {
var i, j, t1;
if ($.JSNumber_methods.$lt(srcStart, dstStart))
for (i = srcStart + count - 1, j = $.$sub$n($.$add$ns(dstStart, count), 1), t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(src); i >= srcStart; --i, j = $.$sub$n(j, 1))
$.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(dst, j, t1.$index(src, i));
for (t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(src), j = dstStart, i = srcStart; i < srcStart + count; ++i, j = $.$add$ns(j, 1))
$.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(dst, j, t1.$index(src, i));
$.SubListIterable$ = function(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength) {
return new $.SubListIterable(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength);
$.ListIterator$ = function(iterable) {
return new $.ListIterator(iterable, $.get$length$asx(iterable), 0, null);
$.MappedIterable$ = function(_iterable, _f) {
return new $.MappedIterable(_iterable, _f);
$.MappedIterator$ = function(_iterator, _f) {
return new $.MappedIterator(null, _iterator, _f);
$.WhereIterable$ = function(_iterable, _f) {
return new $.WhereIterable(_iterable, _f);
$.WhereIterator$ = function(_iterator, _f) {
return new $.WhereIterator(_iterator, _f);
$.SkipIterable$ = function(_iterable, _skipCount) {
var t1 = new $.SkipIterable(_iterable, _skipCount);
t1.SkipIterable$2(_iterable, _skipCount);
return t1;
$.SkipIterator$ = function(_iterator, _skipCount) {
var t1 = new $.SkipIterator(_iterator, _skipCount);
t1.SkipIterator$2(_iterator, _skipCount);
return t1;
$.IterableMixinWorkaround__rangeCheck = function(list, start, end) {
var t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(start);
if (t1.$lt(start, 0) || t1.$gt(start, list.length))
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$range(start, 0, list.length));
t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(end);
if (t1.$lt(end, start) || t1.$gt(end, list.length))
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$range(end, start, list.length));
$.IterableMixinWorkaround_setRangeList = function(list, start, end, from, skipCount) {
var $length, otherStart, otherList;
$.IterableMixinWorkaround__rangeCheck(list, start, end);
$length = $.$sub$n(end, start);
if ($.$eq($length, 0))
if (skipCount < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(skipCount));
if (typeof from === "object" && from !== null && (from.constructor === Array || $.getInterceptor(from).$isList())) {
otherStart = skipCount;
otherList = from;
} else {
otherList = $.toList$1$growable$ax($.skip$1$ax(from, skipCount), false);
otherStart = 0;
if (typeof $length !== "number")
throw $.iae($length);
if ($.JSNumber_methods.$gt(otherStart + $length, $.get$length$asx(otherList)))
throw $.wrapException($.StateError$("Not enough elements"));
$.Arrays_copy(otherList, otherStart, list, start, $length);
$.ToString__emitValue = function(i, result, visiting) {
var t1, isList, t2, first, t3;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$ax(visiting);
t1.add$1(visiting, i);
isList = typeof i === "object" && i !== null && (i.constructor === Array || $.getInterceptor(i).$isList());
result.write$1(isList ? "[" : "{");
for (t2 = $.get$iterator$ax(i), first = true; t2.moveNext$0() === true; first = false) {
t3 = t2.get$current();
if (!first)
result.write$1(", ");
$.ToString__emitObject(t3, result, visiting);
result.write$1(isList ? "]" : "}");
$.ToString__emitObject = function(o, result, visiting) {
if (typeof o === "object" && o !== null && (o.constructor === Array || $.getInterceptor(o).$isIterable()))
if ($.ToString__containsRef(visiting, o))
result.write$1(typeof o === "object" && o !== null && (o.constructor === Array || $.getInterceptor(o).$isList()) ? "[...]" : "{...}");
$.ToString__emitValue(o, result, visiting);
else if (typeof o === "object" && o !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(o).$isMap)
if ($.ToString__containsRef(visiting, o))
$.ToString__emitPair(o, result, visiting);
$.ToString__containsRef = function(i, ref) {
var t1;
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(i); t1.moveNext$0() === true;)
if (t1.get$current() === ref)
return true;
return false;
$.ToString__emitPair = function(m, result, visiting) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = {};
t2 = $.getInterceptor$ax(visiting);
t2.add$1(visiting, m);
t1.first_0 = true;
m.forEach$1(m, new $.ToString__emitPair_anon(t1, result, visiting));
$.HashMap__findBucketIndex = function(bucket, key) {
var $length, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; i += 2)
if ($.$eq(bucket[i], key) === true)
return i;
return -1;
$.HashMapKeyIterable$ = function(_map) {
return new $.HashMapKeyIterable(_map);
$.HashMapKeyIterator$ = function(_map, _keys) {
return new $.HashMapKeyIterator(_map, _keys, 0, null);
$.LinkedHashMap__findBucketIndex = function(bucket, key) {
var $length, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if ($.$eq(bucket[i].get$_key(), key) === true)
return i;
return -1;
$.LinkedHashMapCell$ = function(_key, _value) {
return new $.LinkedHashMapCell(_key, _value, null, null);
$.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable$ = function(_map) {
return new $.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(_map);
$.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$ = function(_map, _modifications) {
var t1 = new $.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(_map, _modifications, null, null);
t1.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$2(_map, _modifications);
return t1;
$.LinkedHashSet__findBucketIndex = function(bucket, element) {
var $length, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if ($.$eq(bucket[i].get$_element(), element) === true)
return i;
return -1;
$.LinkedHashSetCell$ = function(_element) {
return new $.LinkedHashSetCell(_element, null, null);
$.LinkedHashSetIterator$ = function(_set, _modifications) {
var t1 = new $.LinkedHashSetIterator(_set, _modifications, null, null);
t1.LinkedHashSetIterator$2(_set, _modifications);
return t1;
$.Function__toMangledNames = function(namedArguments) {
var result;
if (namedArguments == null)
result = $.makeLiteralMap([]);
$.JSNull_methods.forEach$1(namedArguments, new $.Function__toMangledNames_anon(result));
return result;
$.getDispatchProperty = function(object) {
return object[$.dispatchPropertyName];
$.setDispatchProperty = function(object, value) {
object[$.dispatchPropertyName] = value;
$.getNativeInterceptor = function(object) {
var record, proto, objectProto;
record = $.getDispatchProperty(object);
if (record != null) {
proto = record.p;
if (false === proto)
return record.i;
if (true === proto)
return object;
objectProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
if (proto === objectProto)
return record.i;
if (record.e === objectProto)
return proto(object, record);
record = $.lookupDispatchRecord(object);
$.setDispatchProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(object), record);
return $.getNativeInterceptor(object);
$.JsIsolateSink$fromPort = function(_port) {
return new $.JsIsolateSink(false, _port);
$._callInIsolate = function(isolate, $function) {
var result = isolate.eval$1($function);
return result;
$._currentIsolate = function() {
return $globalState.currentContext;
$.startRootIsolate = function(entry) {
var t1, rootContext;
t1 = $._Manager$();
if ($globalState.isWorker === true)
rootContext = $._IsolateContext$();
$globalState.rootContext = rootContext;
$globalState.currentContext = rootContext;
$._globalState = function() {
return $globalState;
$._globalState0 = function(val) {
$globalState = val;
$._Manager$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._Manager(0, 0, 1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
return t1;
$._IsolateContext$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._IsolateContext(null, null, null);
return t1;
$._EventLoop$ = function() {
return new $._EventLoop($.Queue_Queue(), 0);
$._IsolateEvent$ = function(isolate, fn, message) {
return new $._IsolateEvent(isolate, fn, message);
$._MainManagerStub$ = function() {
return new $._MainManagerStub();
$.IsolateNatives_computeThisScript = function() {
var currentScript, stack, matches;
currentScript = $.$currentScript;
if (currentScript != null)
return String(currentScript.src);
stack = new Error().stack;
if (stack == null)
stack = (function() {try { throw new Error() } catch(e) { return e.stack }})();
matches = stack.match(new RegExp("^ *at [^(]*\\((.*):[0-9]*:[0-9]*\\)$", "m"));
if (matches != null)
return matches[1];
matches = stack.match(new RegExp("^[^@]*@(.*):[0-9]*$", "m"));
if (matches != null)
return matches[1];
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$("Cannot extract URI from \"" + $.S(stack) + "\""));
$.IsolateNatives_computeGlobalThis = function() {
return function() { return this; }();
$.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage = function(sender, e) {
var msg, t1, entryPoint, replyTo, context, t2;
msg = $._deserializeMessage(;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(msg);
switch (t1.$index(msg, "command")) {
case "start":
$globalState.currentManagerId = t1.$index(msg, "id");
entryPoint = $[t1.$index(msg, "functionName")];
replyTo = $._deserializeMessage(t1.$index(msg, "replyTo"));
context = $._IsolateContext$();
$globalState.topEventLoop.enqueue$3(context, new $.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage_anon(entryPoint, replyTo), "worker-start");
$globalState.currentContext = context;
case "spawn-worker":
$.IsolateNatives__spawnWorker(t1.$index(msg, "functionName"), t1.$index(msg, "uri"), t1.$index(msg, "replyPort"));
case "message":
if (t1.$index(msg, "port") != null)
$.send$2$x(t1.$index(msg, "port"), t1.$index(msg, "msg"), t1.$index(msg, "replyTo"));
case "close":
$.IsolateNatives__log("Closing Worker");
t1 = $globalState.managers;
t2 = $.getInterceptor$x(sender);
t1.remove$1(t1, t2.get$id(sender));
case "log":
$.IsolateNatives__log(t1.$index(msg, "msg"));
case "print":
if ($globalState.isWorker === true) {
t1 = $globalState.mainManager;
t1.postMessage$1(t1, $._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(["command", "print", "msg", msg])));
} else
$.Primitives_printString($.toString$0(t1.$index(msg, "msg")));
case "error":
throw $.wrapException(t1.$index(msg, "msg"));
$.IsolateNatives__log = function(msg) {
var trace, t1, exception;
if ($globalState.isWorker === true) {
t1 = $globalState.mainManager;
t1.postMessage$1(t1, $._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(["command", "log", "msg", msg])));
} else
try {
} catch (exception) {
trace = $.getTraceFromException(exception);
throw $.wrapException($._ExceptionImplementation$(trace));
$.IsolateNatives__spawnWorker = function(functionName, uri, replyPort) {
var worker, t1, t2, workerId;
if (functionName == null)
functionName = "main";
if (uri == null)
uri = $.get$IsolateNatives_thisScript();
worker = new Worker(uri);
t1 = $.getInterceptor$x(worker);
t1.set$onmessage(worker, function(e) { $$2(worker, e); });
t2 = $globalState;
workerId = t2.nextManagerId;
t2.nextManagerId = workerId + 1;
t1.set$id(worker, workerId);
t2 = $globalState.managers;
t2.$indexSet(t2, workerId, worker);
t1.postMessage$1(worker, $._serializeMessage($.makeLiteralMap(["command", "start", "id", workerId, "replyTo", $._serializeMessage(replyPort), "functionName", functionName])));
$._NativeJsSendPort$ = function(_receivePort, isolateId) {
return new $._NativeJsSendPort(_receivePort, isolateId);
$._WorkerSendPort$ = function(_workerId, isolateId, _receivePortId) {
return new $._WorkerSendPort(_workerId, _receivePortId, isolateId);
$.ReceivePortImpl$ = function() {
var t1 = $.ReceivePortImpl__nextFreeId;
$.ReceivePortImpl__nextFreeId = $.$add$ns(t1, 1);
t1 = new $.ReceivePortImpl(t1, null);
return t1;
$._waitForPendingPorts = function(message, callback) {
var finder = $._PendingSendPortFinder$();
$._FutureImpl__FutureImpl$wait(finder.ports).then$1(new $._waitForPendingPorts_anon(callback));
$._PendingSendPortFinder$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._PendingSendPortFinder([], $._MessageTraverserVisitedMap$());
return t1;
$._serializeMessage = function(message) {
if ($globalState.get$needSerialization() === true)
return $._JsSerializer$().traverse$1(message);
return $._JsCopier$().traverse$1(message);
$._deserializeMessage = function(message) {
if ($globalState.get$needSerialization() === true)
return $._JsDeserializer$().deserialize$1(message);
return message;
$._JsSerializer$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._JsSerializer(0, $._MessageTraverserVisitedMap$());
return t1;
$._JsCopier$ = function() {
var t1 = new $._JsCopier($._MessageTraverserVisitedMap$());
return t1;
$._JsDeserializer$ = function() {
return new $._JsDeserializer(null);
$._JsVisitedMap$ = function() {
return new $._JsVisitedMap(null);
$._MessageTraverserVisitedMap$ = function() {
return new $._MessageTraverserVisitedMap();
$.TimerImpl$ = function(milliseconds, callback) {
var t1 = new $.TimerImpl(true, false, null);
t1.TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback);
return t1;
$.TimerImpl$periodic = function(milliseconds, callback) {
var t1 = new $.TimerImpl(false, false, null);
t1.TimerImpl$periodic$2(milliseconds, callback);
return t1;
$.hasTimer = function() {
return $.get$globalThis().setTimeout != null;
$.checkGrowable = function(list, reason) {
if (!!list.fixed$length)
throw $.wrapException($.UnsupportedError$(reason));
$.S = function(value) {
var res;
if (typeof value === "string")
return value;
if (typeof value === "number") {
if (value !== 0)
return "" + value;
} else if (true === value)
return "true";
else if (false === value)
return "false";
else if (value == null)
return "null";
res = $.toString$0(value);
if (typeof res !== "string")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(value));
return res;
$.Primitives_objectHashCode = function(object) {
var hash = object.$identityHash;
if (hash == null) {
hash = $.$add$ns($.Primitives_hashCodeSeed, 1);
$.Primitives_hashCodeSeed = hash;
object.$identityHash = hash;
return hash;
$.Primitives_printString = function(string) {
if (typeof dartPrint == "function") {
if (typeof window == "object") {
if (typeof console == "object")
if (typeof print == "function") {
throw "Unable to print message: " + String(string);
$.Primitives_objectTypeName = function(object) {
var $name, decompiled, t1;
$name = $.constructorNameFallback(object);
if ($.$eq($name, "Object") === true) {
decompiled = String(object.constructor).match(/^\s*function\s*(\S*)\s*\(/)[1];
if (typeof decompiled === "string")
$name = decompiled;
t1 = $.getInterceptor$s($name);
return t1.codeUnitAt$1($name, 0) === 36 ? t1.substring$1($name, 1) : $name;
$.Primitives_getProperty = function(object, key) {
if (object == null || typeof object === "boolean" || typeof object === "number" || typeof object === "string")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(object));
return object[key];
$.Primitives_setProperty = function(object, key, value) {
if (object == null || typeof object === "boolean" || typeof object === "number" || typeof object === "string")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(object));
object[key] = value;
$.Primitives_applyFunction = function($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
var buffer, $arguments, argumentCount, listOfNamedArguments, selectorName, jsFunction;
buffer = $.StringBuffer$("");
$arguments = [];
argumentCount = 0 + positionalArguments.length;
$.JSArray_methods.addAll$1($arguments, positionalArguments);
if (namedArguments != null && !namedArguments.get$isEmpty(namedArguments)) {
listOfNamedArguments = $.List_List$from(namedArguments.get$keys(), true);
argumentCount += namedArguments.get$length(namedArguments);
$.forEach$1$ax(listOfNamedArguments, new $.Primitives_applyFunction_anon(namedArguments, buffer, $arguments));
selectorName = "call$" + $.S(argumentCount) + $.S(buffer);
jsFunction = $function[selectorName];
if (jsFunction == null)
throw $.wrapException($.NoSuchMethodError$($function, selectorName, $arguments, $.makeLiteralMap([]), null));
return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments);
$.iae = function(argument) {
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(argument));
$.ioore = function(index) {
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(index));
$.wrapException = function(ex) {
var wrapper;
if (ex == null)
ex = $.C_NullThrownError;
wrapper = $.DartError$(ex);
if (!!Error.captureStackTrace)
Error.captureStackTrace(wrapper, $.wrapException);
wrapper.stack = new Error().stack;
return wrapper;
$.throwExpression = function(ex) {
throw $.wrapException(ex);
$.DartError$ = function(dartException) {
var t1 = new $.DartError();
return t1;
$.DartError_toStringWrapper = function() {
return $.toString$0(this);
$.unwrapException = function(ex) {
var message, type, $name, t1, ieErrorCode, ieFacilityNumber, t2;
if ("dartException" in ex)
return ex.dartException;
message = ex.message;
if (ex instanceof TypeError) {
type = ex.type;
$name = ex.arguments ? ex.arguments[0] : "";
if (message.indexOf("JSNull") === -1) {
t1 = $.getInterceptor(type);
t1 = t1.$eq(type, "property_not_function") === true || t1.$eq(type, "called_non_callable") === true || t1.$eq(type, "non_object_property_call") === true || t1.$eq(type, "non_object_property_load") === true;
} else
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return $.NoSuchMethodError$(null, $name, [], $.makeLiteralMap([]), null);
else if ($.$eq(type, "undefined_method") === true)
return $.NoSuchMethodError$("", $name, [], $.makeLiteralMap([]), null);
ieErrorCode = ex.number & 0xffff;
ieFacilityNumber = ex.number >> 16 & 0x1FFF;
t1 = typeof message === "string";
if (t1)
if (message === "null has no properties" || message === "'null' is not an object" || message === "'undefined' is not an object" || $.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(message, "is null") || $.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(message, "is undefined") || $.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(message, "is null or undefined") || $.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(message, "of undefined") || $.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(message, "of null"))
return $.NoSuchMethodError$(null, "<unknown>", [], $.makeLiteralMap([]), null);
else {
if (message.indexOf(" has no method ") === -1)
if (message.indexOf(" is not a function") === -1)
t2 = ieErrorCode === 438 && ieFacilityNumber === 10;
t2 = true;
t2 = true;
if (t2)
return $.NoSuchMethodError$("", "<unknown>", [], $.makeLiteralMap([]), null);
t1 = t1 ? message : "";
return $._ExceptionImplementation$(t1);
if (ex instanceof RangeError) {
if (typeof message === "string" && message.indexOf("call stack") !== -1)
return $.StackOverflowError$();
return $.ArgumentError$(null);
if (typeof InternalError == "function" && ex instanceof InternalError)
if (typeof message === "string" && message === "too much recursion")
return $.StackOverflowError$();
return ex;
$.getTraceFromException = function(exception) {
return $._StackTrace$(exception.stack);
$._StackTrace$ = function(_stack) {
return new $._StackTrace(_stack);
$.makeLiteralMap = function(keyValuePairs) {
var iterator, result, key;
iterator = $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(keyValuePairs);
result = $.LinkedHashMap$();
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = iterator.get$current();
result.$indexSet(result, key, iterator.get$current());
return result;
$.invokeClosure = function(closure, isolate, numberOfArguments, arg1, arg2) {
var t1 = $.getInterceptor(numberOfArguments);
if (t1.$eq(numberOfArguments, 0) === true)
return $._callInIsolate(isolate, new $.invokeClosure_anon(closure));
else if (t1.$eq(numberOfArguments, 1) === true)
return $._callInIsolate(isolate, new $.invokeClosure_anon0(closure, arg1));
else if (t1.$eq(numberOfArguments, 2) === true)
return $._callInIsolate(isolate, new $.invokeClosure_anon1(closure, arg1, arg2));
throw $.wrapException($._ExceptionImplementation$("Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure"));
$.convertDartClosureToJS = function(closure, arity) {
var $function;
if (closure == null)
$function = closure.$identity;
if (!!$function)
return $function;
$function = (function ($2, $3) { return function($0, $1) { return $3(closure, $2, arity, $0, $1) }})($._currentIsolate(), $$5);
closure.$identity = $function;
return $function;
$.throwCyclicInit = function(staticName) {
throw $.wrapException($.RuntimeError$("Cyclic initialization for static " + $.S(staticName)));
$._convertJsonToDart = function(json, reviver) {
var revive = reviver == null ? new $._convertJsonToDart_anon() : reviver;
return$2("", new $._convertJsonToDart_walk(revive).call$1(json));
$.typeNameInChrome = function(obj) {
return $.typeNameInWebKitCommon(;
$.typeNameInSafari = function(obj) {
return $.typeNameInWebKitCommon($.constructorNameFallback(obj));
$.typeNameInWebKitCommon = function(tag) {
var $name = tag;
if ($name === "Window")
return "DOMWindow";
if ($name === "CanvasPixelArray")
return "Uint8ClampedArray";
if ($name === "WebKitMutationObserver")
return "MutationObserver";
if ($name === "AudioChannelMerger")
return "ChannelMergerNode";
if ($name === "AudioChannelSplitter")
return "ChannelSplitterNode";
if ($name === "AudioGainNode")
return "GainNode";
if ($name === "AudioPannerNode")
return "PannerNode";
if ($name === "JavaScriptAudioNode")
return "ScriptProcessorNode";
if ($name === "Oscillator")
return "OscillatorNode";
if ($name === "RealtimeAnalyserNode")
return "AnalyserNode";
if ($name === "IDBVersionChangeRequest")
return "IDBOpenDBRequest";
return $name;
$.typeNameInOpera = function(obj) {
var $name = $.constructorNameFallback(obj);
if ($name === "Window")
return "DOMWindow";
if ($name === "ApplicationCache")
return "DOMApplicationCache";
return $name;
$.typeNameInFirefox = function(obj) {
var $name = $.constructorNameFallback(obj);
if ($name === "Window")
return "DOMWindow";
if ($name === "BeforeUnloadEvent")
return "Event";
if ($name === "CSS2Properties")
return "CSSStyleDeclaration";
if ($name === "DataTransfer")
return "Clipboard";
if ($name === "DragEvent")
return "MouseEvent";
if ($name === "GeoGeolocation")
return "Geolocation";
if ($name === "MouseScrollEvent")
return "WheelEvent";
if ($name === "OfflineResourceList")
return "DOMApplicationCache";
if ($name === "WorkerMessageEvent")
return "MessageEvent";
if ($name === "XMLDocument")
return "Document";
return $name;
$.typeNameInIE = function(obj) {
var $name = $.constructorNameFallback(obj);
if ($name === "Window")
return "DOMWindow";
if ($name === "Document") {
if (!!obj.xmlVersion)
return "Document";
return "HTMLDocument";
if ($name === "ApplicationCache")
return "DOMApplicationCache";
if ($name === "BeforeUnloadEvent")
return "Event";
if ($name === "CanvasPixelArray")
return "Uint8ClampedArray";
if ($name === "DataTransfer")
return "Clipboard";
if ($name === "DragEvent")
return "MouseEvent";
if ($name === "HTMLDDElement")
return "HTMLElement";
if ($name === "HTMLDTElement")
return "HTMLElement";
if ($name === "HTMLTableDataCellElement")
return "HTMLTableCellElement";
if ($name === "HTMLTableHeaderCellElement")
return "HTMLTableCellElement";
if ($name === "HTMLPhraseElement")
return "HTMLElement";
if ($name === "MSStyleCSSProperties")
return "CSSStyleDeclaration";
if ($name === "MouseWheelEvent")
return "WheelEvent";
if ($name === "Position")
return "Geoposition";
if ($name === "Object")
if (window.DataView && obj instanceof window.DataView)
return "DataView";
return $name;
$.constructorNameFallback = function(object) {
var $constructor, $name, t1, string;
if (object == null)
return "Null";
$constructor = object.constructor;
if (typeof $constructor === "function") {
$name = $;
if (typeof $name === "string")
t1 = $name !== "" && $name !== "Object" && $name !== "Function.prototype";
t1 = false;
if (t1)
return $name;
string =;
return string.substring(8, string.length - 1);
$.alternateTag = function(object, tag) {
if (!!/^HTML[A-Z].*Element$/.test(tag)) {
if ( === "[object Object]")
return "HTMLElement";
$.getFunctionForTypeNameOf = function() {
if (typeof navigator !== "object")
return $.typeNameInChrome;
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") !== -1 || userAgent.indexOf("DumpRenderTree") !== -1)
return $.typeNameInChrome;
else if (userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") !== -1)
return $.typeNameInFirefox;
else if (userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !== -1)
return $.typeNameInIE;
else if (userAgent.indexOf("Opera") !== -1)
return $.typeNameInOpera;
else if (userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit") !== -1)
return $.typeNameInSafari;
return $.constructorNameFallback;
$.toStringForNativeObject = function(obj) {
if ($._getTypeNameOf == null)
$._getTypeNameOf = $.getFunctionForTypeNameOf();
return "Instance of " + $$1(obj);
$.hashCodeForNativeObject = function(object) {
return $.Primitives_objectHashCode(object);
$.defineProperty = function(obj, property, value) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, property, {value: value, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
$.defineNativeMethods = function(tags, interceptorClass) {
$.defineNativeMethodsCommon(tags, interceptorClass, true);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf = function(tags, interceptorClass) {
$.defineNativeMethodsCommon(tags, interceptorClass, false);
$.defineNativeMethodsCommon = function(tags, interceptorClass, isLeaf) {
var methods, tagsList, i, tag;
methods = interceptorClass.prototype;
if ($.interceptorsByTag == null)
$.interceptorsByTag = {};
if ($.leafTags == null)
$.leafTags = {};
tagsList = tags.split("|");
for (i = 0; i < tagsList.length; ++i) {
tag = tagsList[i];
$.interceptorsByTag[tag] = methods;
$.leafTags[tag] = isLeaf;
$.defineNativeMethodsFinish = function() {
$.lookupDispatchRecord = function(obj) {
var hasOwnPropertyFunction, tag, map, interceptor, secondTag;
hasOwnPropertyFunction = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
if ($._getTypeNameOf == null)
$._getTypeNameOf = $.getFunctionForTypeNameOf();
tag = $$1(obj);
map = $.interceptorsByTag;
interceptor =, tag) ? map[tag] : null;
if (interceptor == null) {
secondTag = $.alternateTag(obj, tag);
if (secondTag != null) {
map = $.interceptorsByTag;
interceptor =, secondTag) ? map[secondTag] : null;
if (interceptor == null)
interceptor = {__what: "interceptor not found", __tag: tag};
if (true === $.leafTags[tag])
return {i: interceptor, p: false, e: null};
return {i: interceptor, p: Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), e: null};
$.StringMatch$ = function(start, str, pattern) {
return new $.StringMatch(start, str, pattern);
$.allMatchesInStringUnchecked = function(needle, haystack) {
var result, $length, patternLength, startIndex, position, endIndex;
result = $.List_List($);
$length = haystack.length;
patternLength = needle.length;
for (startIndex = 0; true;) {
position = $.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(haystack, needle, startIndex);
if (position === -1)
result.push($.StringMatch$(position, haystack, needle));
endIndex = position + patternLength;
if (endIndex === $length)
startIndex = position === endIndex ? startIndex + 1 : endIndex;
return result;
$.stringContainsUnchecked = function(receiver, other, startIndex) {
if (typeof other === "string")
return $.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(receiver, other, startIndex) !== -1;
else if (typeof other === "object" && other !== null && !!$.getInterceptor(other).$isJSSyntaxRegExp)
return other.hasMatch$1($.JSString_methods.substring$1(receiver, startIndex));
return $.get$iterator$ax($.allMatches$1$s(other, $.JSString_methods.substring$1(receiver, startIndex))).moveNext$0();
$.stringReplaceAllUnchecked = function(receiver, from, to) {
var result, $length, i;
if (from === "")
if (receiver === "")
return to;
else {
result = $.StringBuffer$("");
$length = receiver.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
return result.toString$0(result);
return receiver.replace(new RegExp(from.replace(new RegExp("[-[\\]{}()*+?.,\\\\^$|#\\s]", 'g'), "\\$&"), 'g'), to.replace("$", "$$$$"));
$._attachStackTrace = function(o, st) {
if (o == null || typeof o === "boolean" || typeof o === "number" || typeof o === "string")
$.$indexSet$ax($.get$_stackTraceExpando(), o, st);
$.getAttachedStackTrace = function(o) {
if (o == null || typeof o === "boolean" || typeof o === "number" || typeof o === "string")
return $.$index$asx($.get$_stackTraceExpando(), o);
$._asyncRunCallback = function() {
var callbacks, i, callback, remainingCallbacks, newCallbacks, exception;
for (; $.get$isEmpty$asx($.get$_asyncCallbacks()) !== true;) {
callbacks = $.get$_asyncCallbacks();
$._asyncCallbacks = [];
for (i = 0; $.$lt$n(i, $.get$length$asx(callbacks)); i = $.$add$ns(i, 1)) {
callback = $.$index$asx(callbacks, i);
$.$indexSet$ax(callbacks, i, null);
try {$0();
} catch (exception) {
i = $.$add$ns(i, 1);
remainingCallbacks = $.sublist$1$ax(callbacks, i);
newCallbacks = $.get$_asyncCallbacks();
$._asyncCallbacks = [];
$.addAll$1$ax($.get$_asyncCallbacks(), remainingCallbacks);
$.addAll$1$ax($.get$_asyncCallbacks(), newCallbacks);
throw exception;
$._callbacksAreEnqueued = false;
$._CompleterImpl$ = function() {
return new $._CompleterImpl($._FutureImpl$(), false);
$._FutureListenerWrapper$ = function(future) {
return new $._FutureListenerWrapper(future, null);
$._FutureImpl$ = function() {
return new $._FutureImpl(0, null);
$._FutureImpl$immediate = function(value) {
var t1 = new $._FutureImpl(0, null);
return t1;
$._FutureImpl__FutureImpl$wait = function(futures) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, pos;
t1 = {};
t1.completer_0 = null;
t1.values_1 = null;
t2 = new $._FutureImpl__FutureImpl$wait_handleError(t1);
t1.remaining_2 = 0;
for (t3 = $.JSArray_methods.get$iterator(futures); t3.moveNext$0();) {
t4 = t3.get$current();
pos = t1.remaining_2;
t1.remaining_2 = $.$add$ns(pos, 1);
t4.catchError$1(t2).then$1(new $._FutureImpl__FutureImpl$wait_anon(t1, pos));
if ($.$eq(t1.remaining_2, 0))
return $._FutureImpl$immediate($.List_empty);
t1.values_1 = $.List_List(t1.remaining_2);
t1.completer_0 = $._CompleterImpl$();
return t1.completer_0.future;
$._ThenFuture$ = function(_onValue) {
return new $._ThenFuture(_onValue, null, 0, null);
$._CatchErrorFuture$ = function(_onError, _test) {
return new $._CatchErrorFuture(_test, _onError, null, 0, null);
$._SubscribeFuture$ = function(onValue, _onError) {
return new $._SubscribeFuture(_onError, onValue, null, 0, null);
$._FutureWrapper$ = function(_future) {
return new $._FutureWrapper(_future);
$._throwDelayed = function(error, stackTrace) {
var t1 = new $._throwDelayed_anon(error, stackTrace);
$.add$1$ax($.get$_asyncCallbacks(), t1);
if ($._callbacksAreEnqueued !== true) {
$._callbacksAreEnqueued = true;
$._nullDataHandler = function(value) {
$._nullErrorHandler = function(error) {
$._throwDelayed(error, null);
$._nullDoneHandler = function() {
$._asyncError = function(error, stackTrace) {
if (stackTrace == null)
return error;
if ($.getAttachedStackTrace(error) != null)
return error;
$._attachStackTrace(error, stackTrace);
return error;
$._ForwardingStreamSubscription$ = function(_stream, onData, onError, onDone, _cancelOnError) {
var t1 = new $._ForwardingStreamSubscription(_stream, _cancelOnError, null, onData, onError, onDone);
t1._BaseStreamSubscription$3(onData, onError, onDone);
t1._ForwardingStreamSubscription$5(_stream, onData, onError, onDone, _cancelOnError);
return t1;
$._SkipStream$ = function(source, count) {
var t1 = new $._SkipStream(count, source);
t1._SkipStream$2(source, count);
return t1;
$.Timer_run = function(callback) {
var t1, milliseconds;
$.add$1$ax($.get$Timer__runCallbacks(), callback);
if ($.$eq($.get$length$asx($.get$Timer__runCallbacks()), 1) === true) {
t1 = new $.Timer_run_anon();
milliseconds = $.Duration_0.get$inMilliseconds();
if (milliseconds < 0)
milliseconds = 0;
$.TimerImpl$(milliseconds, t1);
$.HashMap$ = function() {
return new $.HashMap(0, null, null, null, null);
$.LinkedHashMap$ = function() {
return new $.LinkedHashMap(0, null, null, null, null, null, 0);
$.LinkedHashSet$ = function() {
return new $.LinkedHashSet(0, null, null, null, null, null, 0);
$.Queue_Queue = function() {
return $.ListQueue$(null);
$.ListQueue$ = function(initialCapacity) {
var t1 = new $.ListQueue(null, 0, 0, 0);
return t1;
$.ListQueue__isPowerOf2 = function(number) {
return $.JSNull_methods.$and(number, $.JSNull_methods.$sub(number, 1)) === 0;
$.ListQueue__nextPowerOf2 = function(number) {
var nextNumber;
number = $.$shl$n(number, 2) - 1;
for (; true; number = nextNumber) {
nextNumber = (number & number - 1) >>> 0;
if (nextNumber === 0)
return number;
$._ListQueueIterator$ = function(queue) {
return new $._ListQueueIterator(queue, queue._tail, queue._modificationCount, queue._head, null);
$.Duration$ = function(days, hours, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, seconds) {
if (typeof microseconds !== "number")
throw $.iae(microseconds);
return new $.Duration(days * 86400000000 + hours * 3600000000 + minutes * 60000000 + seconds * 1000000 + milliseconds * 1000 + microseconds);
$.Error_safeToString = function(object) {
if (typeof object === "number" && Math.floor(object) === object || typeof object === "number" || typeof object === "boolean" || null == object)
return $.toString$0(object);
if (typeof object === "string")
return "\"" + $.JSString_methods.replaceAll$2($.JSString_methods.replaceAll$2($.JSString_methods.replaceAll$2($.JSString_methods.replaceAll$2(object, "\\", "\\\\"), "\n", "\\n"), "\r", "\\r"), "\"", "\\\"") + "\"";
return "Instance of '" + $.S($.Primitives_objectTypeName(object)) + "'";
$.ArgumentError$ = function(message) {
return new $.ArgumentError(message);
$.RangeError$value = function(value) {
return new $.RangeError("value " + $.S(value));
$.RangeError$range = function(value, start, end) {
return new $.RangeError("value " + $.S(value) + " not in range " + $.S(start) + ".." + $.S(end));
$.NoSuchMethodError$ = function(_receiver, _memberName, _arguments, _namedArguments, existingArgumentNames) {
return new $.NoSuchMethodError(_receiver, _memberName, _arguments, _namedArguments, existingArgumentNames);
$.UnsupportedError$ = function(message) {
return new $.UnsupportedError(message);
$.UnimplementedError$ = function(message) {
return new $.UnimplementedError(message);
$.StateError$ = function(message) {
return new $.StateError(message);
$.ConcurrentModificationError$ = function(modifiedObject) {
return new $.ConcurrentModificationError(modifiedObject);
$.StackOverflowError$ = function() {
return new $.StackOverflowError();
$.RuntimeError$ = function(message) {
return new $.RuntimeError(message);
$._ExceptionImplementation$ = function(message) {
return new $._ExceptionImplementation(message);
$.FormatException$ = function(message) {
return new $.FormatException(message);
$.IntegerDivisionByZeroException$ = function() {
return new $.IntegerDivisionByZeroException();
$.Expando$ = function($name) {
return new $.Expando($name);
$.List_List = function($length) {
var t1, result;
t1 = $ === $length;
if (t1)
$length = null;
if (t1)
return new Array(0);
if (typeof $length !== "number" || Math.floor($length) !== $length || $length < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$("Length must be a positive integer: " + $.S($length) + "."));
result = new Array($length);
result.fixed$length = true;
return result;
$.List_List$from = function(other, growable) {
var list, t1, $length, fixedList, i;
list = $.List_List($);
for (t1 = $.get$iterator$ax(other); t1.moveNext$0() === true;)
if (growable === true)
return list;
$length = list.length;
fixedList = $.List_List($length);
for (t1 = list.length, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
if (i >= t1)
throw $.ioore(i);
fixedList[i] = list[i];
return fixedList;
$.Map_Map = function() {
return $.HashMap$();
$.Object$ = function() {
return new $.Object();
$.StringBuffer$ = function($content) {
var t1 = new $.StringBuffer("");
return t1;
$.window = function() {
return window;
$._ChildrenElementList$_wrap = function(element) {
return new $._ChildrenElementList(element, $.get$$$dom_children$x(element));
$._FrozenElementList$_wrap = function(_nodeList) {
return new $._FrozenElementList(_nodeList);
$._ElementCssClassSet$ = function(_element) {
return new $._ElementCssClassSet(_element);
$.HttpRequest_getString = function(url, onProgress, withCredentials) {
return $.HttpRequest_request(url, null, onProgress, null, null, withCredentials).then$1(new $.HttpRequest_getString_anon());
$.HttpRequest_request = function(url, method, onProgress, responseType, sendData, withCredentials) {
var completer, xhr, t1;
completer = $._CompleterImpl$();
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (method == null)
method = "GET";
t1 = $.getInterceptor$x(xhr);$3$async(xhr, method, url, true);
if (withCredentials != null)
xhr.withCredentials = withCredentials;
if (responseType != null)
xhr.responseType = responseType;
if (onProgress != null)
t1.get$onLoad(xhr).listen$1(new $.HttpRequest_request_anon(completer, xhr));
t1.get$onError(xhr).listen$1(new $.HttpRequest_request_anon0(completer));
if (sendData != null)
return completer.future;
$._ChildNodeListLazy$ = function(_this) {
return new $._ChildNodeListLazy(_this);
$._ElementAttributeMap$ = function(element) {
return new $._ElementAttributeMap(element);
$._EventStream$ = function(_target, _eventType, _useCapture) {
return new $._EventStream(_target, _eventType, _useCapture);
$._EventStreamSubscription$ = function(_target, _eventType, _onData, _useCapture) {
var t1 = new $._EventStreamSubscription(0, _target, _eventType, _onData, _useCapture);
t1._EventStreamSubscription$4(_target, _eventType, _onData, _useCapture);
return t1;
$.FixedSizeListIterator$ = function(array) {
return new $.FixedSizeListIterator(array, $.get$length$asx(array), -1, null);
$.convertDartToNative_Dictionary = function(dict) {
var object;
if (dict == null)
object = {};
dict.forEach$1(dict, new $.convertDartToNative_Dictionary_anon(object));
return object;
$.Device_userAgent = function() {
return $.get$navigator$x($.window()).userAgent;
$.Device_isOpera = function() {
if ($.Device__isOpera == null)
$.Device__isOpera = $.contains$2$asx($.Device_userAgent(), "Opera", 0);
return $.Device__isOpera;
$.Device_isWebKit = function() {
if ($.Device__isWebKit == null)
$.Device__isWebKit = $.Device_isOpera() !== true && $.contains$2$asx($.Device_userAgent(), "WebKit", 0) === true;
return $.Device__isWebKit;
$.FilteredElementList$ = function(node) {
return new $.FilteredElementList(node, $.get$nodes$x(node));
$.Lists_getRange = function(a, start, end, accumulator) {
var i;
if (typeof a !== "string" && (typeof a !== "object" || a === null || a.constructor !== Array && !$.getInterceptor(a).$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))
return $.Lists_getRange$bailout(1, a, start, end, accumulator);
if (typeof start !== "number")
return $.Lists_getRange$bailout(1, a, start, end, accumulator);
if (typeof end !== "number")
return $.Lists_getRange$bailout(1, a, start, end, accumulator);
if (start < 0)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(start));
if (end < start)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(end));
if (end > a.length)
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(end));
for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
if (i !== (i | 0))
throw $.iae(i);
if (i < 0 || i >= a.length)
throw $.ioore(i);
return accumulator;
$.Lists_getRange$bailout = function(state0, a, start, end, accumulator) {
var t1, t2, i;
if ($.$lt$n(start, 0))
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(start));
t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(end);
if (t1.$lt(end, start))
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(end));
t2 = $.getInterceptor$asx(a);
if (t1.$gt(end, t2.get$length(a)))
throw $.wrapException($.RangeError$value(end));
for (i = start; t1 = $.getInterceptor$n(i), t1.$lt(i, end); i = t1.$add(i, 1))
accumulator.push(t2.$index(a, i));
return accumulator;
$.ReceivePort_ReceivePort = function() {
return $.ReceivePortImpl$();
$._Isolate_port = function() {
if ($.lazyPort == null)
$.lazyPort = $.ReceivePort_ReceivePort();
return $.lazyPort;
$.parse = function(json, reviver) {
var parsed, e, t1, exception;
t1 = json;
if (typeof t1 !== "string")
throw $.wrapException($.ArgumentError$(json));
parsed = null;
try {
parsed = JSON.parse(json);
} catch (exception) {
t1 = $.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
throw $.wrapException($.FormatException$(String(e)));
return $._convertJsonToDart(parsed, reviver);
$._AttributeClassSet$ = function(_element) {
return new $._AttributeClassSet(_element);
$.BarGraph$ = function(_canvas, _elements) {
var t1 = new $.BarGraph(_canvas, null, _elements, 0);
t1.BarGraph$2(_canvas, _elements);
return t1;
$.GraphModel$ = function(_maxSize) {
return new $.GraphModel($.List_List($), _maxSize, []);
$.Element$ = function($name, color) {
return new $.Element0($name, color);
$.Sample$ = function(_segments) {
return new $.Sample(_segments);
$.IsolateList$ = function(_isolateTable) {
return new $.IsolateList(_isolateTable);
$.ModelListener$ = function(_onUpdate, _onFailure) {
return new $.ModelListener(_onUpdate, _onFailure);
$.IsolateListModel$ = function() {
return new $.IsolateListModel([], []);
$.Isolate$ = function(raw) {
var t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(raw);
return new $.Isolate(t1.$index(raw, "handle"), t1.$index(raw, "name"), t1.$index(raw, "port"), t1.$index(raw, "starttime"), t1.$index(raw, "stacklimit"), $.Space$(t1.$index(raw, "newspace")), $.Space$(t1.$index(raw, "oldspace")));
$.Space$ = function(raw) {
var t1 = $.getInterceptor$asx(raw);
return new $.Space(t1.$index(raw, "used"), t1.$index(raw, "capacity"));
$.main = function() {
var t1, milliseconds;
$._graph = $.BarGraph$(document.querySelector("#graph"), [$.Element$("Old Space", "#97FFFF"), $.Element$("New Space", "#00EE76")]);
$._isolateList = $.IsolateList$(document.querySelector("#isolateList"));
$._statusText = document.querySelector("#statusText");
$._isolates = $.IsolateListModel$();
$._isolates.addListener$2($.onUpdateStatus, $.onRequestFailed);
t1 = new $.main_anon();
milliseconds = $.Duration_3000000.get$inMilliseconds();
if (milliseconds < 0)
milliseconds = 0;
$._updater = $.TimerImpl$periodic(milliseconds, t1);
$.onUpdateStatus = function(model) {
var t1 = {};
t1.oldSpace_0 = 0;
t1.newSpace_1 = 0;
$.forEach$1$ax(model, new $.onUpdateStatus_anon(t1));
$._graph.addSample$1([t1.oldSpace_0, t1.newSpace_1]);
$.set$text$x($._statusText, "Running ...");
$.onRequestFailed = function() {
$.set$text$x($._statusText, "Server closed");
$$2 = $.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage;
$.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage.$name = "IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage";
$$1 = $.wrapException;
$.wrapException.$name = "wrapException";
$$0 = $.DartError_toStringWrapper;
$.DartError_toStringWrapper.$name = "DartError_toStringWrapper";
$$5 = $.invokeClosure;
$.invokeClosure.$name = "invokeClosure";
$$1 = $.typeNameInChrome;
$.typeNameInChrome.$name = "typeNameInChrome";
$$1 = $.typeNameInSafari;
$.typeNameInSafari.$name = "typeNameInSafari";
$$1 = $.typeNameInOpera;
$.typeNameInOpera.$name = "typeNameInOpera";
$$1 = $.typeNameInFirefox;
$.typeNameInFirefox.$name = "typeNameInFirefox";
$$1 = $.typeNameInIE;
$.typeNameInIE.$name = "typeNameInIE";
$$1 = $.constructorNameFallback;
$.constructorNameFallback.$name = "constructorNameFallback";
$$0 = $._asyncRunCallback;
$._asyncRunCallback.$name = "_asyncRunCallback";
$$1 = $._nullDataHandler;
$._nullDataHandler.$name = "_nullDataHandler";
$$1 = $._nullErrorHandler;
$._nullErrorHandler.$name = "_nullErrorHandler";
$$0 = $._nullDoneHandler;
$._nullDoneHandler.$name = "_nullDoneHandler";
$$1 = $.onUpdateStatus;
$.onUpdateStatus.$name = "onUpdateStatus";
$$0 = $.onRequestFailed;
$.onRequestFailed.$name = "onRequestFailed";
$.String = {builtin$cls: "String"};
$.ReceivePort = {builtin$cls: "ReceivePort"};
$.$int = {builtin$cls: "int"};
$.bool = {builtin$cls: "bool"};
$._ManagerStub = {builtin$cls: "_ManagerStub"};
$.List = {builtin$cls: "List"};
$.num = {builtin$cls: "num"};
$.Match = {builtin$cls: "Match"};
$.C_NullThrownError = new $.NullThrownError();
Isolate.makeConstantList = function(list) {
list.immutable$list = true;
list.fixed$length = true;
return list;
$.List_empty = Isolate.makeConstantList([]);
$.JSDouble_methods = $.JSDouble.prototype;
$.EventStreamProvider_click = new $.EventStreamProvider("click");
$.JSNull_methods = $.JSNull.prototype;
$.JSNumber_methods = $.JSNumber.prototype;
$.JSString_methods = $.JSString.prototype;
$.EventStreamProvider_progress = new $.EventStreamProvider("progress");
$.JSArray_methods = $.JSArray.prototype;
$.EventStreamProvider_error = new $.EventStreamProvider("error");
$.C_CloseToken = new $.CloseToken();
$.EventStreamProvider_load = new $.EventStreamProvider("load");
$.JSInt_methods = $.JSInt.prototype;
$.Duration_0 = new $.Duration(0);
$.Duration_3000000 = new $.Duration(3000000);
$.Expando__keyCount = 0;
$.dispatchPropertyName = "_zzyzx";
$.lazyPort = null;
$.ReceivePortImpl__nextFreeId = 1;
$.Primitives_hashCodeSeed = 0;
$._getTypeNameOf = null;
$.interceptorsByTag = null;
$.leafTags = null;
$._callbacksAreEnqueued = false;
$.Device__isOpera = null;
$.Device__isWebKit = null;
$._graph = null;
$._isolateList = null;
$._statusText = null;
$._isolates = null;
$._updater = null;
$.$$dom_addEventListener$3$x = function(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).$$dom_addEventListener$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
$.$$dom_removeEventListener$3$x = function(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).$$dom_removeEventListener$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
$.$$dom_replaceChild$2$x = function(receiver, a0, a1) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).$$dom_replaceChild$2(receiver, a0, a1);
$.$add$ns = function(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return receiver + a0;
return $.getInterceptor$ns(receiver).$add(receiver, a0);
$.$and$n = function(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return (receiver & a0) >>> 0;
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$and(receiver, a0);
$.$div$n = function(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return receiver / a0;
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$div(receiver, a0);
$.$eq = function(receiver, a0) {
if (receiver == null)
return a0 == null;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return a0 != null && receiver === a0;
return $.getInterceptor(receiver).$eq(receiver, a0);
$.$ge$n = function(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return receiver >= a0;
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$ge(receiver, a0);
$.$gt$n = function(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return receiver > a0;
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$gt(receiver, a0);
$.$index$asx = function(receiver, a0) {
if (receiver.constructor == Array || typeof receiver == "string")
if (a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
return receiver[a0];
return $.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).$index(receiver, a0);
$.$indexSet$ax = function(receiver, a0, a1) {
if (receiver.constructor == Array && !receiver.immutable$list && a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
return receiver[a0] = a1;
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).$indexSet(receiver, a0, a1);
$.$lt$n = function(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return receiver < a0;
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$lt(receiver, a0);
$.$mul$n = function(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return receiver * a0;
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$mul(receiver, a0);
$.$shl$n = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$shl(receiver, a0);
$.$sub$n = function(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return receiver - a0;
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$sub(receiver, a0);
$.$tdiv$n = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$tdiv(receiver, a0);
$.abs$0$n = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).abs$0(receiver);
$.add$1$ax = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).add$1(receiver, a0);
$.addAll$1$ax = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).addAll$1(receiver, a0);
$.allMatches$1$s = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$s(receiver).allMatches$1(receiver, a0);
$.ceil$0$n = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$n(receiver).ceil$0(receiver);
$.contains$2$asx = function(receiver, a0, a1) {
return $.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).contains$2(receiver, a0, a1);
$.elementAt$1$ax = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).elementAt$1(receiver, a0);
$.forEach$1$ax = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).forEach$1(receiver, a0);
$.get$$$dom_children$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$$$dom_children(receiver);
$.get$attributes$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$attributes(receiver);
$.get$children$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$children(receiver);
$.get$classes$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$classes(receiver);
$.get$color$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$color(receiver);
$.get$context2D$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$context2D(receiver);
$.get$hashCode$ = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor(receiver).get$hashCode(receiver);
$.get$height$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$height(receiver);
$.get$id$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$id(receiver);
$.get$isEmpty$asx = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$isEmpty(receiver);
$.get$iterator$ax = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$iterator(receiver);
$.get$length$asx = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$length(receiver);
$.get$name$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$name(receiver);
$.get$navigator$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$navigator(receiver);
$.get$nodes$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$nodes(receiver);
$.get$onClick$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$onClick(receiver);
$.get$responseText$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$responseText(receiver);
$.get$value$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$value(receiver);
$.get$width$x = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$width(receiver);
$.postMessage$1$x = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).postMessage$1(receiver, a0);
$.register$2$x = function(receiver, a0, a1) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).register$2(receiver, a0, a1);
$.remove$0$ax = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).remove$0(receiver);
$.replaceAll$2$s = function(receiver, a0, a1) {
return $.getInterceptor$s(receiver).replaceAll$2(receiver, a0, a1);
$.replaceWith$1$x = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).replaceWith$1(receiver, a0);
$.send$1$x = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).send$1(receiver, a0);
$.send$2$x = function(receiver, a0, a1) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).send$2(receiver, a0, a1);
$.set$$$dom_className$x = function(receiver, value) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$$$dom_className(receiver, value);
$.set$id$x = function(receiver, value) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$id(receiver, value);
$.set$length$asx = function(receiver, value) {
return $.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).set$length(receiver, value);
$.set$text$x = function(receiver, value) {
return $.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$text(receiver, value);
$.skip$1$ax = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).skip$1(receiver, a0);
$.split$1$s = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$s(receiver).split$1(receiver, a0);
$.sublist$1$ax = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).sublist$1(receiver, a0);
$.sublist$2$ax = function(receiver, a0, a1) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).sublist$2(receiver, a0, a1);
$.toList$0$ax = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toList$0(receiver);
$.toList$1$growable$ax = function(receiver, a0) {
return $.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toList$1$growable(receiver, a0);
$.toString$0 = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor(receiver).toString$0(receiver);
$.trim$0$s = function(receiver) {
return $.getInterceptor$s(receiver).trim$0(receiver);
$.getInterceptor = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "number") {
if (Math.floor(receiver) == receiver)
return $.JSInt.prototype;
return $.JSDouble.prototype;
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return $.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return $.JSNull.prototype;
if (typeof receiver == "function")
return $.JSFunction.prototype;
if (typeof receiver == "boolean")
return $.JSBool.prototype;
if (receiver.constructor == Array)
return $.JSArray.prototype;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof $.Object)
return receiver;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(receiver) === Object.prototype)
return $.Interceptor.prototype;
return $.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
$.getInterceptor$asx = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return $.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (receiver.constructor == Array)
return $.JSArray.prototype;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof $.Object)
return receiver;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(receiver) === Object.prototype)
return $.Interceptor.prototype;
return $.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
$.getInterceptor$ax = function(receiver) {
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (receiver.constructor == Array)
return $.JSArray.prototype;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof $.Object)
return receiver;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(receiver) === Object.prototype)
return $.Interceptor.prototype;
return $.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
$.getInterceptor$n = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "number")
return $.JSNumber.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
return receiver;
$.getInterceptor$ns = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "number")
return $.JSNumber.prototype;
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return $.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
return receiver;
$.getInterceptor$s = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return $.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
return receiver;
$.getInterceptor$x = function(receiver) {
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof $.Object)
return receiver;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(receiver) === Object.prototype)
return $.Interceptor.prototype;
return $.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
Isolate.$lazy($, "globalThis", "globalThis", "get$globalThis", function() {
return $.IsolateNatives_computeGlobalThis();
Isolate.$lazy($, "globalWindow", "globalWindow", "get$globalWindow", function() {
return $.get$globalThis().window;
Isolate.$lazy($, "globalWorker", "globalWorker", "get$globalWorker", function() {
return $.get$globalThis().Worker;
Isolate.$lazy($, "globalPostMessageDefined", "globalPostMessageDefined", "get$globalPostMessageDefined", function() {
return $.get$globalThis().postMessage !== void 0;
Isolate.$lazy($, "thisScript", "IsolateNatives_thisScript", "get$IsolateNatives_thisScript", function() {
return $.IsolateNatives_computeThisScript();
Isolate.$lazy($, "_stackTraceExpando", "_stackTraceExpando", "get$_stackTraceExpando", function() {
return $.Expando$("asynchronous error");
Isolate.$lazy($, "_asyncCallbacks", "_asyncCallbacks", "get$_asyncCallbacks", function() {
return [];
Isolate.$lazy($, "_runCallbacks", "Timer__runCallbacks", "get$Timer__runCallbacks", function() {
return [];
// Native classes
(function(table) {
for (var key in table)
$.defineProperty(Object.prototype, key, table[key]);
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return false;
$asJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() {
return null;
$isIterable: function() {
return false;
$asIterable: function() {
return null;
$isList: function() {
return false;
$asList: function() {
return null;
$isElement: function() {
return false;
$asElement: function() {
return null;
$.defineNativeMethods("Worker", $._WorkerStub);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("HTMLElement", $._HTMLElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLAnchorElement", $.AnchorElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("WebKitAnimationEvent", $.AnimationEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLAreaElement", $.AreaElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("ArrayBuffer", $.ArrayBuffer);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("ArrayBufferView", $.ArrayBufferView);
$.defineNativeMethods("Attr", $.Attr);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLAudioElement", $.AudioElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("AutocompleteErrorEvent", $.AutocompleteErrorEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLBRElement", $.BRElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLBaseElement", $.BaseElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("BeforeLoadEvent", $.BeforeLoadEvent);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("Blob", $.Blob);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLBodyElement", $.BodyElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLButtonElement", $.ButtonElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("CDATASection", $.CDataSection);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLCanvasElement", $.CanvasElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("CanvasGradient", $.CanvasGradient);
$.defineNativeMethods("CanvasPattern", $.CanvasPattern);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("CanvasRenderingContext", $.CanvasRenderingContext);
$.defineNativeMethods("CanvasRenderingContext2D", $.CanvasRenderingContext2D);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("CharacterData", $.CharacterData);
$.defineNativeMethods("CloseEvent", $.CloseEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("Comment", $.Comment);
$.defineNativeMethods("CompositionEvent", $.CompositionEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLContentElement", $.ContentElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("CSSFontFaceLoadEvent", $.CssFontFaceLoadEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("CSSStyleDeclaration", $.CssStyleDeclaration);
$.defineNativeMethods("CustomElementConstructor", $.CustomElementConstructor);
$.defineNativeMethods("CustomEvent", $.CustomEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLDListElement", $.DListElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLDataListElement", $.DataListElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLDetailsElement", $.DetailsElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("DeviceMotionEvent", $.DeviceMotionEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("DeviceOrientationEvent", $.DeviceOrientationEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLDialogElement", $.DialogElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLDivElement", $.DivElement);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("Document", $.Document);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("DocumentFragment", $.DocumentFragment);
$.defineNativeMethods("DocumentType", $.DocumentType);
$.defineNativeMethods("DOMError", $.DomError);
$.defineNativeMethods("DOMException", $.DomException);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("Element", $.Element);
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$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLHtmlElement", $.HtmlElement);
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$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLOptionsCollection", $.HtmlOptionsCollection);
$.defineNativeMethods("XMLHttpRequest", $.HttpRequest);
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$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLIFrameElement", $.IFrameElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLImageElement", $.ImageElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLInputElement", $.InputElement);
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$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLMapElement", $.MapElement);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("HTMLMediaElement", $.MediaElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("MediaError", $.MediaError);
$.defineNativeMethods("MediaKeyError", $.MediaKeyError);
$.defineNativeMethods("MediaKeyEvent", $.MediaKeyEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("MediaStreamEvent", $.MediaStreamEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("MediaStreamTrackEvent", $.MediaStreamTrackEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLMenuElement", $.MenuElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("MessageEvent", $.MessageEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLMetaElement", $.MetaElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLMeterElement", $.MeterElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLModElement", $.ModElement);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("MouseEvent", $.MouseEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("MutationEvent", $.MutationEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("Navigator", $.Navigator);
$.defineNativeMethods("NavigatorUserMediaError", $.NavigatorUserMediaError);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("Node", $.Node);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("NodeList", $.NodeList);
$.defineNativeMethods("Notation", $.Notation);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLOListElement", $.OListElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLObjectElement", $.ObjectElement);
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$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLOptionElement", $.OptionElement);
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$.defineNativeMethods("OverflowEvent", $.OverflowEvent);
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$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLParamElement", $.ParamElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("PopStateEvent", $.PopStateEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("PositionError", $.PositionError);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLPreElement", $.PreElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("ProcessingInstruction", $.ProcessingInstruction);
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$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("ProgressEvent", $.ProgressEvent);
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$.defineNativeMethods("RadioNodeList", $.RadioNodeList);
$.defineNativeMethods("RangeException", $.RangeException);
$.defineNativeMethods("RTCDataChannelEvent", $.RtcDataChannelEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent", $.RtcDtmfToneChangeEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("RTCIceCandidateEvent", $.RtcIceCandidateEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLScriptElement", $.ScriptElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("SecurityPolicyViolationEvent", $.SecurityPolicyViolationEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLSelectElement", $.SelectElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLShadowElement", $.ShadowElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("ShadowRoot", $.ShadowRoot);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLSourceElement", $.SourceElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLSpanElement", $.SpanElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("SpeechInputEvent", $.SpeechInputEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("SpeechRecognitionError", $.SpeechRecognitionError);
$.defineNativeMethods("SpeechRecognitionEvent", $.SpeechRecognitionEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("StorageEvent", $.StorageEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLStyleElement", $.StyleElement);
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$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLTableColElement", $.TableColElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLTableElement", $.TableElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLTableRowElement", $.TableRowElement);
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$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLTemplateElement", $.TemplateElement);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("Text", $.Text);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLTextAreaElement", $.TextAreaElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("TextEvent", $.TextEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLTitleElement", $.TitleElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("TouchEvent", $.TouchEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLTrackElement", $.TrackElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("TrackEvent", $.TrackEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("TransitionEvent", $.TransitionEvent);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("UIEvent", $.UIEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLUListElement", $.UListElement);
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$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLUnknownElement", $.UnknownElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("HTMLVideoElement", $.VideoElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("WheelEvent", $.WheelEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("DOMWindow", $.Window);
$.defineNativeMethods("XPathException", $.XPathException);
$.defineNativeMethods("NamedNodeMap", $._NamedNodeMap);
$.defineNativeMethods("WebKitTransitionEvent", $._WebKitTransitionEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("IDBVersionChangeEvent", $.VersionChangeEvent);
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$.defineNativeMethods("SVGException", $.SvgException);
$.defineNativeMethods("SVGSVGElement", $.SvgSvgElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("SVGSwitchElement", $.SwitchElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("SVGSymbolElement", $.SymbolElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("SVGTSpanElement", $.TSpanElement);
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$.defineNativeMethods("SVGTitleElement", $.TitleElement0);
$.defineNativeMethods("SVGUseElement", $.UseElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("SVGViewElement", $.ViewElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("SVGZoomEvent", $.ZoomEvent);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("SVGGradientElement", $._GradientElement);
$.defineNativeMethodsNonleaf("SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement", $._SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement);
$.defineNativeMethods("AudioProcessingEvent", $.AudioProcessingEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("OfflineAudioCompletionEvent", $.OfflineAudioCompletionEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("WebGLContextEvent", $.ContextEvent);
$.defineNativeMethods("SQLError", $.SqlError);
$.defineNativeMethods("SQLException", $.SqlException);
var $ = null;
Isolate = Isolate.$finishIsolateConstructor(Isolate);
var $ = new Isolate();
$$0 = $.main;
// BEGIN invoke [main].
if (typeof document !== "undefined" && document.readyState !== "complete") {
document.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
if (document.readyState == "complete") {
if (typeof dartMainRunner === "function") {
dartMainRunner(function() { $.startRootIsolate($.main); });
} else {
}, false);
} else {
if (typeof dartMainRunner === "function") {
dartMainRunner(function() { $.startRootIsolate($.main); });
} else {
// END invoke [main].
function init() {
Isolate.$isolateProperties = {};
function generateAccessor(field, prototype) {
var len = field.length;
var code = field.charCodeAt(len - 1);
code = code >= 60 && code <= 64 ? code - 59 : code >= 123 && code <= 126 ? code - 117 : code >= 37 && code <= 43 ? code - 27 : 0;
if (code) {
var getterCode = code & 3;
var setterCode = code >> 2;
var accessorName = field = field.substring(0, len - 1);
var divider = field.indexOf(":");
if (divider > 0) {
accessorName = field.substring(0, divider);
field = field.substring(divider + 1);
if (getterCode) {
var args = getterCode & 2 ? "receiver" : "";
var receiver = getterCode & 1 ? "this" : "receiver";
var body = "return " + receiver + "." + field;
prototype["get$" + accessorName] = new Function(args, body);
if (setterCode) {
var args = setterCode & 2 ? "receiver, value" : "value";
var receiver = setterCode & 1 ? "this" : "receiver";
var body = receiver + "." + field + " = value";
prototype["set$" + accessorName] = new Function(args, body);
return field;
Isolate.$isolateProperties.$generateAccessor = generateAccessor;
function defineClass(cls, fields, prototype) {
var constructor;
if (typeof fields == "function") {
constructor = fields;
} else {
var str = "function " + cls + "(";
var body = "";
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (i != 0)
str += ", ";
var field = fields[i];
field = generateAccessor(field, prototype);
str += field;
body += "this." + field + " = " + field + ";\n";
str += ") {" + body + "}\nreturn " + cls;
constructor = new Function(str)();
constructor.prototype = prototype;
constructor.builtin$cls = cls;
return constructor;
var supportsProto = false;
var tmp = defineClass("c", ["f?"], {}).prototype;
if (tmp.__proto__) {
tmp.__proto__ = {};
if (typeof tmp.get$f != "undefined")
supportsProto = true;
Isolate.$finishClasses = function(collectedClasses, isolateProperties, existingIsolateProperties) {
var pendingClasses = {};
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (var cls in collectedClasses) {
if (, cls)) {
var desc = collectedClasses[cls];
var fields = desc[""], supr;
if (typeof fields == "string") {
var s = fields.split(";");
supr = s[0];
fields = s[1] == "" ? [] : s[1].split(",");
} else {
supr = desc.super;
isolateProperties[cls] = defineClass(cls, fields, desc);
if (supr)
pendingClasses[cls] = supr;
var finishedClasses = {};
function finishClass(cls) {
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
if (, cls))
finishedClasses[cls] = true;
var superclass = pendingClasses[cls];
if (!superclass || typeof superclass != "string")
var constructor = isolateProperties[cls];
var superConstructor = isolateProperties[superclass];
if (!superConstructor)
superConstructor = existingIsolateProperties[superclass];
var prototype = constructor.prototype;
if (supportsProto) {
prototype.__proto__ = superConstructor.prototype;
prototype.constructor = constructor;
} else {
function tmp() {
tmp.prototype = superConstructor.prototype;
var newPrototype = new tmp();
constructor.prototype = newPrototype;
newPrototype.constructor = constructor;
for (var member in prototype) {
if (!member)
if (, member)) {
newPrototype[member] = prototype[member];
for (var cls in pendingClasses)
Isolate.$lazy = function(prototype, staticName, fieldName, getterName, lazyValue) {
var getter = new Function("{ return $." + fieldName + ";}");
var sentinelUndefined = {};
var sentinelInProgress = {};
prototype[fieldName] = sentinelUndefined;
prototype[getterName] = function() {
var result = $[fieldName];
try {
if (result === sentinelUndefined) {
$[fieldName] = sentinelInProgress;
try {
result = $[fieldName] = lazyValue();
} finally {
if (result === sentinelUndefined) {
if ($[fieldName] === sentinelInProgress) {
$[fieldName] = null;
} else {
if (result === sentinelInProgress)
return result;
} finally {
$[getterName] = getter;
Isolate.$finishIsolateConstructor = function(oldIsolate) {
var isolateProperties = oldIsolate.$isolateProperties;
isolateProperties.$currentScript = typeof document == "object" ? document.currentScript || document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1] : null;
var isolatePrototype = oldIsolate.prototype;
var str = "{\n";
str += "var properties = Isolate.$isolateProperties;\n";
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (var staticName in isolateProperties) {
if (, staticName)) {
str += "this." + staticName + "= properties." + staticName + ";\n";
str += "}\n";
var newIsolate = new Function(str);
newIsolate.prototype = isolatePrototype;
isolatePrototype.constructor = newIsolate;
newIsolate.$isolateProperties = isolateProperties;
newIsolate.$finishClasses = oldIsolate.$finishClasses;
return newIsolate;