| library; |
| import self as self; |
| import "dart:core" as core; |
| |
| static const field dynamic #errors = const <dynamic>["pkg/front_end/testcases/expressions.dart:74:16: Error: Method not found: 'int.toString'. |
| print(int?.toString()); |
| ^^^^^^^^"]/* from null */; |
| static method foo({dynamic fisk = null}) → dynamic { |
| core::print(fisk); |
| } |
| static method caller(dynamic f) → dynamic { |
| f.call(); |
| } |
| static method main() → dynamic { |
| core::int i = 0; |
| core::print(i.{core::num::==}(1) ?{core::String} "bad" : "good"); |
| core::print("${i}"); |
| core::print("'${i}'"); |
| core::print(" '${i}' "); |
| core::print(" '${i}' '${i}'"); |
| core::print(" '${i}' '${i}'"); |
| core::print("foobar"); |
| core::print(" '${i}' '${i}' '${i}' '${i}'"); |
| try { |
| throw "fisk"; |
| } |
| on core::String catch(final core::String e, final core::StackTrace s) { |
| core::print(e); |
| if(!s.{core::Object::==}(null)) |
| core::print(s); |
| } |
| for (; false; ) { |
| } |
| core::List<core::String> list = <core::String>["Hello, World!"]; |
| core::print(list.{core::List::[]}(i)); |
| list.{core::List::[]=}(i, "Hello, Brave New World!"); |
| core::print(list.{core::List::[]}(i)); |
| i = 87; |
| core::print(i.{core::int::unary-}()); |
| core::print(i.{core::int::~}()); |
| core::print(!i.{core::num::==}(42)); |
| core::print(i = i.{core::num::-}(1)); |
| core::print(i = i.{core::num::+}(1)); |
| core::print(let final core::int #t1 = i in let final core::int #t2 = i = #t1.{core::num::-}(1) in #t1); |
| core::print(let final core::int #t3 = i in let final core::int #t4 = i = #t3.{core::num::+}(1) in #t3); |
| core::print(new core::Object::•()); |
| core::print(const core::Object::•()); |
| core::print(core::List::•<core::String>(2).{core::Object::runtimeType}); |
| self::foo(fisk: "Blorp gulp"); |
| function f() → core::Null { |
| core::print("f was called"); |
| } |
| self::caller(f); |
| self::caller(() → core::Null { |
| core::print("<anon> was called"); |
| }); |
| function g([dynamic message = null]) → core::Null { |
| core::print(message); |
| } |
| g.call("Hello, World"); |
| self::caller(([dynamic x = null]) → core::Null { |
| core::print("<anon> was called with ${x}"); |
| }); |
| function h({dynamic message = null}) → core::Null { |
| core::print(message); |
| } |
| h.call(message: "Hello, World"); |
| self::caller(({dynamic x = null}) → core::Null { |
| core::print("<anon> was called with ${x}"); |
| }); |
| core::print(core::int.{core::Object::toString}()); |
| core::print(core::int); |
| core::print(let final core::Type #t5 = core::int in let final core::String #t6 = #t5.{core::Object::toString}() in #t5); |
| try { |
| core::print(throw new core::NoSuchMethodError::withInvocation(null, new core::_InvocationMirror::_withType(#int.toString, 32, const <core::Type>[], const <dynamic>[], core::Map::unmodifiable<core::Symbol, dynamic>(const <core::Symbol, dynamic>{})))); |
| throw "Shouldn't work"; |
| } |
| on core::NoSuchMethodError catch(final core::NoSuchMethodError e) { |
| core::print("As expected: ${e}"); |
| } |
| core::print(core::int::parse("42")); |
| } |