blob: 0656e8cc818ac0e95e874c3f0312e10836690ef8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.forest;
// TODO(ahe): Remove this import.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as kernel show Arguments;
/// A tree factory.
abstract class Forest<Expression, Statement, Location, Arguments> {
Arguments arguments(List<Expression> positional, Location location,
{covariant List types, covariant List named});
Arguments argumentsEmpty(Location location);
List argumentsNamed(Arguments arguments);
List<Expression> argumentsPositional(Arguments arguments);
List argumentsTypeArguments(Arguments arguments);
void argumentsSetTypeArguments(Arguments arguments, covariant List types);
Expression asLiteralString(Expression value);
Expression literalBool(bool value, Location location);
Expression literalDouble(double value, Location location);
Expression literalInt(int value, Location location);
Expression literalList(covariant typeArgument, List<Expression> expressions,
bool isConst, Location location);
Expression literalMap(covariant keyType, covariant valueType,
covariant List entries, bool isConst, Location location);
Expression literalNull(Location location);
Expression literalString(String value, Location location);
Expression literalSymbol(String value, Location location);
Expression literalType(covariant type, Location location);
Object mapEntry(Expression key, Expression value, Location location);
List mapEntryList(int length);
int readOffset(covariant node);
// TODO(ahe): Remove this method when all users are moved here.
kernel.Arguments castArguments(Arguments arguments) {
dynamic a = arguments;
return a;