blob: 4d895f0ebcbdbc7aee3f1ed320da14410889a006 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../dart/analysis/base.dart';
import '../task/strong/strong_test_helper.dart';
import 'element_text.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
// defineReflectiveTests(ApplyCheckElementTextReplacements);
class ApplyCheckElementTextReplacements {
test_applyReplacements() {
class TopLevelInferenceErrorsTest extends AbstractStrongTest {
bool get enableNewAnalysisDriver => true;
test_initializer_additive() async {
await _assertErrorOnlyLeft(['+', '-']);
test_initializer_assign() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t1 = a += 1;
var t2 = a = 2;
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_binary_onlyLeft() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t = (a = 1) + (a = 2);
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_bitwise() async {
await _assertErrorOnlyLeft(['&', '|', '^']);
test_initializer_boolean() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t1 = ((a = 1) == 0) || ((a = 2) == 0);
var t2 = ((a = 1) == 0) && ((a = 2) == 0);
var t3 = !((a = 1) == 0);
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_cascade() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 0;
var t = (a = 1)..isEven;
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_classField_instance_instanceCreation() async {
var content = r'''
class A<T> {}
class B {
var t1 = new A<int>();
var t2 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new A();
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_classField_static_instanceCreation() async {
var content = r'''
class A<T> {}
class B {
static var t1 = 1;
static var t2 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new A();
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_conditional() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var b = true;
var t = b ?
(a = 1) :
(a = 2);
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_dependencyCycle() async {
var content = r'''
var a = /*error:TOP_LEVEL_CYCLE*/b;
var b = /*error:TOP_LEVEL_CYCLE*/a;
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_equality() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t1 = ((a = 1) == 0) == ((a = 2) == 0);
var t2 = ((a = 1) == 0) != ((a = 2) == 0);
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_extractIndex() async {
var content = r'''
var a = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[0, 1.2];
var b0 = a[0];
var b1 = a[1];
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_functionLiteral_blockBody() async {
var content = r'''
(int p) {};
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_functionLiteral_expressionBody() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 0;
var t = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(int p) => (a = 1);
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_functionLiteral_parameters_withoutType() async {
var content = r'''
var t = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(int a, b,int c, d) => 0;
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_hasTypeAnnotation() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
int t = (a = 1);
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_identifier() async {
var content = r'''
int top_function() => 0;
var top_variable = 0;
int get top_getter => 0;
class A {
static var static_field = 0;
static int get static_getter => 0;
static int static_method() => 0;
int instance_method() => 0;
var t1 = top_function;
var t2 = top_variable;
var t3 = top_getter;
var t4 = A.static_field;
var t5 = A.static_getter;
var t6 = A.static_method;
var t7 = new A().instance_method;
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_identifier_error() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 0;
var b = (a = 1);
var c = b;
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_ifNull() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t = a ?? 2;
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_instanceCreation_withoutTypeParameters() async {
var content = r'''
class A {}
var t = new A();
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_instanceCreation_withTypeParameters() async {
var content = r'''
class A<T> {}
var t1 = new A<int>();
var t2 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new A();
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_instanceGetter() async {
var content = r'''
class A {
int f = 1;
var a = new A().f;
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_methodInvocation_function() async {
var content = r'''
int f1() => null;
T f2<T>() => null;
var t1 = f1();
var t2 = f2();
var t3 = f2<int>();
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_methodInvocation_method() async {
var content = r'''
class A {
int m1() => null;
T m2<T>() => null;
var a = new A();
var t1 = a.m1();
var t2 = a.m2();
var t3 = a.m2<int>();
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_multiplicative() async {
await _assertErrorOnlyLeft(['*', '/', '%', '~/']);
test_initializer_postfixIncDec() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t1 = a++;
var t2 = a--;
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_prefixIncDec() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t1 = ++a;
var t2 = --a;
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_relational() async {
await _assertErrorOnlyLeft(['>', '>=', '<', '<=']);
test_initializer_shift() async {
await _assertErrorOnlyLeft(['<<', '>>']);
test_initializer_typedList() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t = <int>[a = 1];
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_typedMap() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t = <int, int>{(a = 1) : (a = 2)};
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_untypedList() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[
a = 1,
2, 3];
await checkFile(content);
test_initializer_untypedMap() async {
var content = r'''
var a = 1;
var t = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/{
(a = 1) :
(a = 2)};
await checkFile(content);
test_override_conflictFieldType() async {
var content = r'''
abstract class A {
int aaa;
abstract class B {
String aaa;
class C implements A, B {
await checkFile(content);
test_override_conflictParameterType_method() async {
var content = r'''
abstract class A {
void mmm(int a);
abstract class B {
void mmm(String a);
class C implements A, B {
void mmm(/*error:TOP_LEVEL_INFERENCE_ERROR*/a) {}
await checkFile(content);
Future<Null> _assertErrorOnlyLeft(List<String> operators) async {
String code = 'var a = 1;\n';
for (var i = 0; i < operators.length; i++) {
String operator = operators[i];
code += 'var t$i = (a = 1) $operator (a = 2);\n';
await checkFile(code);
class TopLevelInferenceTest extends BaseAnalysisDriverTest {
void addFile(String path, String code) {
provider.newFile(_p(path), code);
test_initializer_additive() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vPlusIntInt = 1 + 2;
var vPlusIntDouble = 1 + 2.0;
var vPlusDoubleInt = 1.0 + 2;
var vPlusDoubleDouble = 1.0 + 2.0;
var vMinusIntInt = 1 - 2;
var vMinusIntDouble = 1 - 2.0;
var vMinusDoubleInt = 1.0 - 2;
var vMinusDoubleDouble = 1.0 - 2.0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
int vPlusIntInt;
double vPlusIntDouble;
double vPlusDoubleInt;
double vPlusDoubleDouble;
int vMinusIntInt;
double vMinusIntDouble;
double vMinusDoubleInt;
double vMinusDoubleDouble;
test_initializer_as() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var V = 1 as num;
checkElementText(library, r'''
num V;
test_initializer_assign() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var a = 1;
var t1 = (a = 2);
var t2 = (a += 2);
checkElementText(library, r'''
int a;
int t1;
int t2;
test_initializer_assign_indexed() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var a = [0];
var t1 = (a[0] = 2);
var t2 = (a[0] += 2);
checkElementText(library, r'''
List<int> a;
int t1;
int t2;
test_initializer_assign_prefixed() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
int f;
var a = new A();
var t1 = (a.f = 1);
var t2 = (a.f += 2);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
int f;
A a;
int t1;
int t2;
test_initializer_assign_prefixed_viaInterface() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class I {
int f;
abstract class C implements I {}
C c;
var t1 = (c.f = 1);
var t2 = (c.f += 2);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class I {
int f;
abstract class C implements I {
C c;
int t1;
int t2;
test_initializer_assign_viaInterface() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class I {
int f;
abstract class C implements I {}
C getC() => null;
var t1 = (getC().f = 1);
var t2 = (getC().f += 2);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class I {
int f;
abstract class C implements I {
int t1;
int t2;
C getC() {}
test_initializer_await() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
import 'dart:async';
int fValue() => 42;
Future<int> fFuture() async => 42;
var uValue = () async => await fValue();
var uFuture = () async => await fFuture();
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
() → Future<int> uValue;
() → Future<int> uFuture;
int fValue() {}
Future<int> fFuture() async {}
test_initializer_bitwise() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vBitXor = 1 ^ 2;
var vBitAnd = 1 & 2;
var vBitOr = 1 | 2;
var vBitShiftLeft = 1 << 2;
var vBitShiftRight = 1 >> 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
int vBitXor;
int vBitAnd;
int vBitOr;
int vBitShiftLeft;
int vBitShiftRight;
test_initializer_cascade() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
int a;
void m() {}
var vSetField = new A()..a = 1;
var vInvokeMethod = new A()..m();
var vBoth = new A()..a = 1..m();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
int a;
void m() {}
A vSetField;
A vInvokeMethod;
A vBoth;
* A simple or qualified identifier referring to a top level function, static
* variable, field, getter; or a static class variable, static getter or
* method; or an instance method; has the inferred type of the identifier.
test_initializer_classField_useInstanceGetter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
int f = 1;
class B {
A a;
class C {
B b;
class X {
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
C c = new C();
var t01 = a.f;
var t02 = b.a.f;
var t03 = c.b.a.f;
var t11 = new A().f;
var t12 = new B().a.f;
var t13 = new C().b.a.f;
var t21 = newA().f;
var t22 = newB().a.f;
var t23 = newC().b.a.f;
A newA() => new A();
B newB() => new B();
C newC() => new C();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
int f;
class B {
A a;
class C {
B b;
class X {
A a;
B b;
C c;
int t01;
int t02;
int t03;
int t11;
int t12;
int t13;
int t21;
int t22;
int t23;
A newA() {}
B newB() {}
C newC() {}
test_initializer_conditional() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var V = true ? 1 : 2.3;
checkElementText(library, r'''
num V;
test_initializer_equality() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vEq = 1 == 2;
var vNotEq = 1 != 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
bool vEq;
bool vNotEq;
test_initializer_error_methodInvocation_cycle_topLevel() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var a =;
var b =;
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic a/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
dynamic b/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
test_initializer_error_methodInvocation_cycle_topLevel_self() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var a =;
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic a/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
test_initializer_extractIndex() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var a = [0, 1.2];
var b0 = a[0];
var b1 = a[1];
checkElementText(library, r'''
List<num> a;
num b0;
num b1;
test_initializer_extractProperty() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class C {
bool b;
C f() => null;
var x = f().b;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
bool b;
bool x;
C f() {}
test_initializer_extractProperty_inOtherLibraryCycle() async {
addFile('/a.dart', r'''
import 'b.dart';
var x = new C().f;
addFile('/b.dart', r'''
class C {
var f = 0;
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
var t1 = x;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
int t1;
test_initializer_extractProperty_inStaticField() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
int f;
class B {
static var t = new A().f;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
int f;
class B {
static int t;
test_initializer_extractProperty_prefixedIdentifier() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class C {
bool b;
C c;
var x = c.b;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
bool b;
C c;
bool x;
test_initializer_extractProperty_prefixedIdentifier_viaInterface() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class I {
bool b;
abstract class C implements I {}
C c;
var x = c.b;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class I {
bool b;
abstract class C implements I {
C c;
bool x;
test_initializer_extractProperty_viaInterface() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class I {
bool b;
abstract class C implements I {}
C f() => null;
var x = f().b;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class I {
bool b;
abstract class C implements I {
bool x;
C f() {}
test_initializer_functionExpression() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
import 'dart:async';
var vFuture = new Future<int>(42);
var v_noParameters_inferredReturnType = () => 42;
var v_hasParameter_withType_inferredReturnType = (String a) => 42;
var v_hasParameter_withType_returnParameter = (String a) => a;
var v_async_returnValue = () async => 42;
var v_async_returnFuture = () async => vFuture;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> vFuture;
() → int v_noParameters_inferredReturnType;
(String) → int v_hasParameter_withType_inferredReturnType;
(String) → String v_hasParameter_withType_returnParameter;
() → Future<int> v_async_returnValue;
() → Future<int> v_async_returnFuture;
test_initializer_functionExpressionInvocation_noTypeParameters() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var v = (() => 42)();
// TODO(scheglov) add more function expression tests
checkElementText(library, r'''
int v;
test_initializer_functionInvocation_hasTypeParameters() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
T f<T>() => null;
var vHasTypeArgument = f<int>();
var vNoTypeArgument = f();
checkElementText(library, r'''
int vHasTypeArgument;
dynamic vNoTypeArgument;
T f<T>() {}
test_initializer_functionInvocation_noTypeParameters() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
String f(int p) => null;
var vOkArgumentType = f(1);
var vWrongArgumentType = f(2.0);
checkElementText(library, r'''
String vOkArgumentType;
String vWrongArgumentType;
String f(int p) {}
test_initializer_identifier() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
String topLevelFunction(int p) => null;
var topLevelVariable = 0;
int get topLevelGetter => 0;
class A {
static var staticClassVariable = 0;
static int get staticGetter => 0;
static String staticClassMethod(int p) => null;
String instanceClassMethod(int p) => null;
var r_topLevelFunction = topLevelFunction;
var r_topLevelVariable = topLevelVariable;
var r_topLevelGetter = topLevelGetter;
var r_staticClassVariable = A.staticClassVariable;
var r_staticGetter = A.staticGetter;
var r_staticClassMethod = A.staticClassMethod;
var instanceOfA = new A();
var r_instanceClassMethod = instanceOfA.instanceClassMethod;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
static int staticClassVariable;
static int get staticGetter {}
static String staticClassMethod(int p) {}
String instanceClassMethod(int p) {}
int topLevelVariable;
(int) → String r_topLevelFunction;
int r_topLevelVariable;
int r_topLevelGetter;
int r_staticClassVariable;
int r_staticGetter;
(int) → String r_staticClassMethod;
A instanceOfA;
(int) → String r_instanceClassMethod;
int get topLevelGetter {}
String topLevelFunction(int p) {}
test_initializer_identifier_error_cycle_classField() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
static var a = B.b;
class B {
static var b = A.a;
var c = A.a;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
static dynamic a/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
class B {
static dynamic b/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
dynamic c;
test_initializer_identifier_error_cycle_mix() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
static var a = b;
var b = A.a;
var c = b;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
static dynamic a/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
dynamic b/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
dynamic c;
test_initializer_identifier_error_cycle_topLevel() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var a = b;
var b = c;
var c = a;
var d = a;
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic a/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
dynamic b/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
dynamic c/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
dynamic d;
test_initializer_identifier_formalParameter() async {
// TODO(scheglov) I don't understand this yet
test_initializer_instanceCreation_hasTypeParameter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A<T> {}
var a = new A<int>();
var b = new A();
// TODO(scheglov) test for inference failure error
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A<T> {
A<int> a;
dynamic b;
test_initializer_instanceCreation_noTypeParameters() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {}
var a = new A();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
A a;
test_initializer_instanceGetterOfObject() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
dynamic f() => null;
var s = f().toString();
var h = f().hashCode;
checkElementText(library, r'''
String s;
int h;
dynamic f() {}
test_initializer_instanceGetterOfObject_prefixed() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
dynamic d;
var s = d.toString();
var h = d.hashCode;
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic d;
String s;
int h;
test_initializer_is() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var a = 1.2;
var b = a is int;
checkElementText(library, r'''
double a;
bool b;
test_initializer_literal() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vNull = null;
var vBoolFalse = false;
var vBoolTrue = true;
var vInt = 1;
var vIntLong = 0x9876543210987654321;
var vDouble = 2.3;
var vString = 'abc';
var vStringConcat = 'aaa' 'bbb';
var vStringInterpolation = 'aaa ${true} ${42} bbb';
var vSymbol = #aaa.bbb.ccc;
checkElementText(library, r'''
Null vNull;
bool vBoolFalse;
bool vBoolTrue;
int vInt;
int vIntLong;
double vDouble;
String vString;
String vStringConcat;
String vStringInterpolation;
Symbol vSymbol;
test_initializer_literal_list_typed() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vObject = <Object>[1, 2, 3];
var vNum = <num>[1, 2, 3];
var vNumEmpty = <num>[];
var vInt = <int>[1, 2, 3];
checkElementText(library, r'''
List<Object> vObject;
List<num> vNum;
List<num> vNumEmpty;
List<int> vInt;
test_initializer_literal_list_untyped() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vInt = [1, 2, 3];
var vNum = [1, 2.0];
var vObject = [1, 2.0, '333'];
checkElementText(library, r'''
List<int> vInt;
List<num> vNum;
List<Object> vObject;
test_initializer_literal_list_untyped_empty() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vNonConst = [];
var vConst = const [];
checkElementText(library, r'''
List<dynamic> vNonConst;
List<Null> vConst;
test_initializer_literal_map_typed() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vObjectObject = <Object, Object>{1: 'a'};
var vComparableObject = <Comparable<int>, Object>{1: 'a'};
var vNumString = <num, String>{1: 'a'};
var vNumStringEmpty = <num, String>{};
var vIntString = <int, String>{};
checkElementText(library, r'''
Map<Object, Object> vObjectObject;
Map<Comparable<int>, Object> vComparableObject;
Map<num, String> vNumString;
Map<num, String> vNumStringEmpty;
Map<int, String> vIntString;
test_initializer_literal_map_untyped() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vIntString = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'};
var vNumString = {1: 'a', 2.0: 'b'};
var vIntObject = {1: 'a', 2: 3.0};
checkElementText(library, r'''
Map<int, String> vIntString;
Map<num, String> vNumString;
Map<int, Object> vIntObject;
test_initializer_literal_map_untyped_empty() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vNonConst = {};
var vConst = const {};
checkElementText(library, r'''
Map<dynamic, dynamic> vNonConst;
Map<Null, Null> vConst;
test_initializer_logicalBool() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var a = true;
var b = true;
var vEq = 1 == 2;
var vAnd = a && b;
var vOr = a || b;
checkElementText(library, r'''
bool a;
bool b;
bool vEq;
bool vAnd;
bool vOr;
test_initializer_methodInvocation_hasTypeParameters() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
List<T> m<T>() => null;
var vWithTypeArgument = new A().m<int>();
var vWithoutTypeArgument = new A().m();
// TODO(scheglov) test for inference failure error
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
List<T> m<T>(int p) {}
List<int> vWithTypeArgument;
dynamic vWithoutTypeArgument;
test_initializer_methodInvocation_noTypeParameters() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
String m(int p) => null;
var instanceOfA = new A();
var v1 = instanceOfA.m();
var v2 = new A().m();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
String m(int p) {}
A instanceOfA;
String v1;
String v2;
test_initializer_multiplicative() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vModuloIntInt = 1 % 2;
var vModuloIntDouble = 1 % 2.0;
var vMultiplyIntInt = 1 * 2;
var vMultiplyIntDouble = 1 * 2.0;
var vMultiplyDoubleInt = 1.0 * 2;
var vMultiplyDoubleDouble = 1.0 * 2.0;
var vDivideIntInt = 1 / 2;
var vDivideIntDouble = 1 / 2.0;
var vDivideDoubleInt = 1.0 / 2;
var vDivideDoubleDouble = 1.0 / 2.0;
var vFloorDivide = 1 ~/ 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
int vModuloIntInt;
double vModuloIntDouble;
int vMultiplyIntInt;
double vMultiplyIntDouble;
double vMultiplyDoubleInt;
double vMultiplyDoubleDouble;
double vDivideIntInt;
double vDivideIntDouble;
double vDivideDoubleInt;
double vDivideDoubleDouble;
int vFloorDivide;
test_initializer_onlyLeft() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var a = 1;
var vEq = a == ((a = 2) == 0);
var vNotEq = a != ((a = 2) == 0);
checkElementText(library, r'''
int a;
bool vEq;
bool vNotEq;
test_initializer_parenthesized() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var V = (42);
checkElementText(library, r'''
int V;
test_initializer_postfix() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vInt = 1;
var vDouble = 2.0;
var vIncInt = vInt++;
var vDecInt = vInt--;
var vIncDouble = vDouble++;
var vDecDouble = vDouble--;
checkElementText(library, r'''
int vInt;
double vDouble;
int vIncInt;
int vDecInt;
double vIncDouble;
double vDecDouble;
test_initializer_postfix_indexed() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vInt = [1];
var vDouble = [2.0];
var vIncInt = vInt[0]++;
var vDecInt = vInt[0]--;
var vIncDouble = vDouble[0]++;
var vDecDouble = vDouble[0]--;
checkElementText(library, r'''
List<int> vInt;
List<double> vDouble;
int vIncInt;
int vDecInt;
double vIncDouble;
double vDecDouble;
test_initializer_prefix_incDec() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vInt = 1;
var vDouble = 2.0;
var vIncInt = ++vInt;
var vDecInt = --vInt;
var vIncDouble = ++vDouble;
var vDecInt = --vDouble;
checkElementText(library, r'''
int vInt;
double vDouble;
int vIncInt;
int vDecInt;
double vIncDouble;
double vDecInt;
test_initializer_prefix_incDec_custom() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
B operator+(int v) => null;
class B {}
var a = new A();
var vInc = ++a;
var vDec = --a;
checkElementText(library, r'''
A a;
B vInc;
B vDec;
test_initializer_prefix_incDec_indexed() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vInt = [1];
var vDouble = [2.0];
var vIncInt = ++vInt[0];
var vDecInt = --vInt[0];
var vIncDouble = ++vDouble[0];
var vDecInt = --vDouble[0];
checkElementText(library, r'''
List<int> vInt;
List<double> vDouble;
int vIncInt;
int vDecInt;
double vIncDouble;
double vDecInt;
test_initializer_prefix_not() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vNot = !true;
checkElementText(library, r'''
bool vNot;
test_initializer_prefix_other() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vNegateInt = -1;
var vNegateDouble = -1.0;
var vComplement = ~1;
checkElementText(library, r'''
int vNegateInt;
double vNegateDouble;
int vComplement;
test_initializer_referenceToFieldOfStaticField() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class C {
static D d;
class D {
int i;
final x = C.d.i;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static D d;
class D {
int i;
final int x;
test_initializer_referenceToFieldOfStaticGetter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class C {
static D get d => null;
class D {
int i;
var x = C.d.i;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static D get d {}
class D {
int i;
int x;
test_initializer_relational() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var vLess = 1 < 2;
var vLessOrEqual = 1 <= 2;
var vGreater = 1 > 2;
var vGreaterOrEqual = 1 >= 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
bool vLess;
bool vLessOrEqual;
bool vGreater;
bool vGreaterOrEqual;
test_initializer_throw() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
var V = throw 42;
checkElementText(library, r'''
Null V;
test_instanceField_error_noSetterParameter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int x;
class B implements A {
set x() {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
int x;
class B implements A {
void set x() {}
test_instanceField_fieldFormal() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
var f = 0;
A([this.f = 'hello']);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
int f;
A([int this.f = 'hello']);
test_instanceField_fromField() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int x;
int y;
int z;
class B implements A {
var x;
get y => null;
set z(_) {}
abstract class A {
int x;
int y;
int z;
class B implements A {
int x;
synthetic final int y;
synthetic int z;
int get y {}
void set z(int _) {}
withSyntheticFields: true);
test_instanceField_fromField_explicitDynamic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
dynamic x;
class B implements A {
var x = 1;
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
dynamic x;
class B implements A {
dynamic x;
test_instanceField_fromField_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A<E> {
E x;
E y;
E z;
class B<T> implements A<T> {
var x;
get y => null;
set z(_) {}
abstract class A<E> {
E x;
E y;
E z;
class B<T> implements A<T> {
T x;
synthetic final T y;
synthetic T z;
T get y {}
void set z(T _) {}
withSyntheticFields: true);
test_instanceField_fromField_implicitDynamic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
var x;
class B implements A {
var x = 1;
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
dynamic x;
class B implements A {
dynamic x;
test_instanceField_fromField_narrowType() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
num x;
class B implements A {
var x = 1;
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
num x;
class B implements A {
num x;
test_instanceField_fromGetter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
int get y;
int get z;
class B implements A {
var x;
get y => null;
set z(_) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
int get y;
int get z;
class B implements A {
int x;
int get y {}
void set z(int _) {}
test_instanceField_fromGetter_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A<E> {
E get x;
E get y;
E get z;
class B<T> implements A<T> {
var x;
get y => null;
set z(_) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A<E> {
E get x;
E get y;
E get z;
class B<T> implements A<T> {
T x;
T get y {}
void set z(T _) {}
test_instanceField_fromGetter_multiple_different() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
String get x;
class C implements A, B {
get x => null;
// TODO(scheglov) test for inference failure error
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
String get x;
class C implements A, B {
dynamic get x {}
test_instanceField_fromGetter_multiple_different_dynamic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
dynamic get x;
class C implements A, B {
get x => null;
// TODO(scheglov) test for inference failure error
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
dynamic get x;
class C implements A, B {
dynamic get x {}
test_instanceField_fromGetter_multiple_different_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A<T> {
T get x;
abstract class B<T> {
T get x;
class C implements A<int>, B<String> {
get x => null;
// TODO(scheglov) test for inference failure error
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A<T> {
T get x;
abstract class B<T> {
T get x;
class C implements A<int>, B<String> {
dynamic get x {}
test_instanceField_fromGetter_multiple_same() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
int get x;
class C implements A, B {
get x => null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
int get x;
class C implements A, B {
int get x {}
test_instanceField_fromGetterSetter_different_field() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
int get y;
abstract class B {
void set x(String _);
void set y(String _);
class C implements A, B {
var x;
final y;
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
int get y;
abstract class B {
void set x(String _);
void set y(String _);
class C implements A, B {
dynamic x/*error: overrideConflictFieldType*/;
final int y;
test_instanceField_fromGetterSetter_different_getter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
void set x(String _);
class C implements A, B {
get x => null;
abstract class A {
synthetic final int x;
int get x;
abstract class B {
synthetic String x;
void set x(String _);
class C implements A, B {
synthetic final int x;
int get x {}
withSyntheticFields: true);
test_instanceField_fromGetterSetter_different_setter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
void set x(String _);
class C implements A, B {
set x(_);
// TODO(scheglov) test for inference failure error
abstract class A {
synthetic final int x;
int get x;
abstract class B {
synthetic String x;
void set x(String _);
class C implements A, B {
synthetic dynamic x;
void set x(dynamic _);
withSyntheticFields: true);
test_instanceField_fromGetterSetter_same_field() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
void set x(int _);
class C implements A, B {
var x;
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
void set x(int _);
class C implements A, B {
int x;
test_instanceField_fromGetterSetter_same_getter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
void set x(int _);
class C implements A, B {
get x => null;
abstract class A {
synthetic final int x;
int get x;
abstract class B {
synthetic int x;
void set x(int _);
class C implements A, B {
synthetic final int x;
int get x {}
withSyntheticFields: true);
test_instanceField_fromGetterSetter_same_setter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
int get x;
abstract class B {
void set x(int _);
class C implements A, B {
set x(_);
abstract class A {
synthetic final int x;
int get x;
abstract class B {
synthetic int x;
void set x(int _);
class C implements A, B {
synthetic int x;
void set x(int _);
withSyntheticFields: true);
test_instanceField_fromSetter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
void set x(int _);
void set y(int _);
void set z(int _);
class B implements A {
var x;
get y => null;
set z(_) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
void set x(int _);
void set y(int _);
void set z(int _);
class B implements A {
int x;
int get y {}
void set z(int _) {}
test_instanceField_fromSetter_multiple_different() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
void set x(int _);
abstract class B {
void set x(String _);
class C implements A, B {
get x => null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
void set x(int _);
abstract class B {
void set x(String _);
class C implements A, B {
dynamic get x {}
test_instanceField_fromSetter_multiple_same() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
void set x(int _);
abstract class B {
void set x(int _);
class C implements A, B {
get x => null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
void set x(int _);
abstract class B {
void set x(int _);
class C implements A, B {
int get x {}
test_instanceField_functionTypeAlias_doesNotUseItsTypeParameter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
typedef F<T>();
class A<T> {
F<T> get x => null;
List<F<T>> get y => null;
class B extends A<int> {
get x => null;
get y => null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T> = dynamic Function();
class A<T> {
() → dynamic get x {}
List<() → dynamic> get y {}
class B extends A<int> {
() → dynamic get x {}
List<() → dynamic> get y {}
test_instanceField_inheritsCovariant_fromSetter_field() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
num get x;
void set x(covariant num _);
class B implements A {
int x;
abstract class A {
num get x;
void set x(covariant num _);
class B implements A {
int x;
synthetic int get x {}
synthetic void set x(covariant int _x) {}
withSyntheticAccessors: true);
test_instanceField_inheritsCovariant_fromSetter_setter() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
num get x;
void set x(covariant num _);
class B implements A {
set x(int _) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
num get x;
void set x(covariant num _);
class B implements A {
void set x(covariant int _) {}
test_instanceField_initializer() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
var t1 = 1;
var t2 = 2.0;
var t3 = null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
int t1;
double t2;
dynamic t3;
test_method_error_conflict_parameterType_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A<T> {
void m(T a) {}
class B<E> {
void m(E a) {}
class C extends A<int> implements B<double> {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A<T> {
void m(T a) {}
class B<E> {
void m(E a) {}
class C extends A<int> implements B<double> {
void m(dynamic a/*error: overrideConflictParameterType*/) {}
test_method_error_conflict_parameterType_notGeneric() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
void m(int a) {}
class B {
void m(String a) {}
class C extends A implements B {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
void m(int a) {}
class B {
void m(String a) {}
class C extends A implements B {
void m(dynamic a/*error: overrideConflictParameterType*/) {}
test_method_error_conflict_returnType_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A<K, V> {
V m(K a) {}
class B<T> {
T m(int a) {}
class C extends A<int, String> implements B<double> {
m(a) {}
// TODO(scheglov) test for inference failure error
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A<K, V> {
V m(K a) {}
class B<T> {
T m(int a) {}
class C extends A<int, String> implements B<double> {
dynamic m(int a) {}
test_method_error_conflict_returnType_notGeneric() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
int m() {}
class B {
String m() {}
class C extends A implements B {
m() {}
// TODO(scheglov) test for inference failure error
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
int m() {}
class B {
String m() {}
class C extends A implements B {
dynamic m() {}
test_method_error_hasMethod_noParameter_required() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
void m(int a) {}
class B extends A {
m(a, b) {}
// It's an error to add a new required parameter, but it is not a
// top-level type inference error.
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
void m(int a) {}
class B extends A {
void m(int a, dynamic b) {}
test_method_missing_hasMethod_noParameter_named() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
void m(int a) {}
class B extends A {
m(a, {b}) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
void m(int a) {}
class B extends A {
void m(int a, {dynamic b}) {}
test_method_missing_hasMethod_noParameter_optional() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
void m(int a) {}
class B extends A {
m(a, [b]) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
void m(int a) {}
class B extends A {
void m(int a, [dynamic b]) {}
test_method_missing_hasMethod_withoutTypes() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
m(a) {}
class B extends A {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
dynamic m(dynamic a) {}
class B extends A {
dynamic m(dynamic a) {}
test_method_missing_noMember() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
int foo(String a) => null;
class B extends A {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
int foo(String a) {}
class B extends A {
dynamic m(dynamic a) {}
test_method_missing_notMethod() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
int m = 42;
class B extends A {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
int m;
class B extends A {
dynamic m(dynamic a) {}
test_method_OK_sequence_extendsExtends_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A<K, V> {
V m(K a) {}
class B<T> extends A<int, T> {}
class C extends B<String> {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A<K, V> {
V m(K a) {}
class B<T> extends A<int, T> {
class C extends B<String> {
String m(int a) {}
test_method_OK_sequence_inferMiddle_extendsExtends() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B extends A {
m(a) {}
class C extends B {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B extends A {
String m(int a) {}
class C extends B {
String m(int a) {}
test_method_OK_sequence_inferMiddle_extendsImplements() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B implements A {
m(a) {}
class C extends B {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B implements A {
String m(int a) {}
class C extends B {
String m(int a) {}
test_method_OK_sequence_inferMiddle_extendsWith() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B extends Object with A {
m(a) {}
class C extends B {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B extends Object with A {
synthetic B();
String m(int a) {}
class C extends B {
String m(int a) {}
test_method_OK_single_extends_direct_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A<K, V> {
V m(K a, double b) {}
class B extends A<int, String> {
m(a, b) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A<K, V> {
V m(K a, double b) {}
class B extends A<int, String> {
String m(int a, double b) {}
test_method_OK_single_extends_direct_notGeneric() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B extends A {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B extends A {
String m(int a) {}
test_method_OK_single_extends_direct_notGeneric_named() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
String m(int a, {double b}) {}
class B extends A {
m(a, {b}) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
String m(int a, {double b}) {}
class B extends A {
String m(int a, {double b}) {}
test_method_OK_single_extends_direct_notGeneric_positional() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
String m(int a, [double b]) {}
class B extends A {
m(a, [b]) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
String m(int a, [double b]) {}
class B extends A {
String m(int a, [double b]) {}
test_method_OK_single_extends_indirect_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A<K, V> {
V m(K a) {}
class B<T> extends A<int, T> {}
class C extends B<String> {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A<K, V> {
V m(K a) {}
class B<T> extends A<int, T> {
class C extends B<String> {
String m(int a) {}
test_method_OK_single_implements_direct_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A<K, V> {
V m(K a);
class B implements A<int, String> {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A<K, V> {
V m(K a);
class B implements A<int, String> {
String m(int a) {}
test_method_OK_single_implements_direct_notGeneric() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A {
String m(int a);
class B implements A {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
String m(int a);
class B implements A {
String m(int a) {}
test_method_OK_single_implements_indirect_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
abstract class A<K, V> {
V m(K a);
abstract class B<T1, T2> extends A<T2, T1> {}
class C implements B<int, String> {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A<K, V> {
V m(K a);
abstract class B<T1, T2> extends A<T2, T1> {
class C implements B<int, String> {
int m(String a) {}
test_method_OK_single_private_linkThroughOtherLibraryOfCycle() async {
String path = _p('/other.dart');
provider.newFile(path, r'''
import 'test.dart';
class B extends A2 {}
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
import 'other.dart';
class A1 {
int _foo() => 1;
class A2 extends A1 {
_foo() => 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'other.dart';
class A1 {
int _foo() {}
class A2 extends A1 {
int _foo() {}
test_method_OK_single_withExtends_notGeneric() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B extends Object with A {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B extends Object with A {
synthetic B();
String m(int a) {}
test_method_OK_two_extendsImplements_generic() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A<K, V> {
V m(K a) {}
class B<T> {
T m(int a) {}
class C extends A<int, String> implements B<String> {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A<K, V> {
V m(K a) {}
class B<T> {
T m(int a) {}
class C extends A<int, String> implements B<String> {
String m(int a) {}
test_method_OK_two_extendsImplements_notGeneric() async {
var library = await _encodeDecodeLibrary(r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B {
String m(int a) {}
class C extends A implements B {
m(a) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
String m(int a) {}
class B {
String m(int a) {}
class C extends A implements B {
String m(int a) {}
Future<LibraryElement> _encodeDecodeLibrary(String text) async {
String path = _p('/test.dart');
provider.newFile(path, text);
UnitElementResult result = await driver.getUnitElement(path);
return result.element.library;
String _p(String path) => provider.convertPath(path);