blob: 0e2b435cae3f9cabcd84400d2dc97ca316322a14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:svg' as svg;
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart';
Node makeNode() => new Element.tag('div');
Element makeNodeWithChildren() =>
new Element.html("<div>Foo<br/><!--baz--></div>");
void testUnsupported(String name, void f()) {
test(name, () {
expect(f, throwsUnsupportedError);
main() {
var isText = predicate((x) => x is Text, 'is a Text');
var isComment = predicate((x) => x is Comment, 'is a Comment');
var isBRElement = predicate((x) => x is BRElement, 'is a BRElement');
var isHRElement = predicate((x) => x is HRElement, 'is a HRElement');
var isNodeList = predicate((x) => x is List<Node>, 'is a List<Node>');
var isImageElement =
predicate((x) => x is ImageElement, 'is an ImageElement');
var isInputElement =
predicate((x) => x is InputElement, 'is an InputElement');
group('functional', () {
test('toString', () {
final nodes = makeNodeWithChildren();
// TODO(efortuna): Update this test when you have actual toString methods
// for the items in the node List as well.
expect(nodes.nodes.toString(), "[Foo, br, baz]");
final node = makeNode();
expect(node.nodes.toString(), '[]');
test('replaceWith', () {
final node = makeNodeWithChildren();
final subnode = node.nodes[1];
final out = subnode.replaceWith(new Text('Bar'));
expect(out, equals(subnode), reason: '#replaceWith should be chainable');
expect(node.nodes.length, 3);
expect(node.nodes[0], isText);
expect(node.nodes[0].text, 'Foo');
expect(node.nodes[1], isText);
expect(node.nodes[1].text, 'Bar');
expect(node.nodes[2], isComment);
test('append', () {
var node = makeNode();
node.append(new Element.tag('hr'));
expect(node.nodes.last, isHRElement);
test('remove', () {
final node = makeNodeWithChildren();
final subnode = node.nodes[1];
expect(node.nodes.length, 2);
expect(node.nodes[0], isText);
expect(node.nodes[1], isComment);
test('contains', () {
final Node node =
new Element.html("<div>Foo<span><div>Bar<div></span></div>");
// IE10 returns false for contains of nodes.
//expect(node.contains(node.nodes.first), isTrue);
expect(node.contains(node.nodes[1].nodes.first), isTrue);
expect(node.contains(new Text('Foo')), isFalse);
test('insertAllBefore', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
var b = new DivElement();
new HRElement(),
new ImageElement(),
new InputElement()
node.insertAllBefore(b.nodes, node.nodes[1]);
expect(node.nodes[0], isText);
expect(node.nodes[1], isHRElement);
expect(node.nodes[2], isImageElement);
expect(node.nodes[3], isInputElement);
expect(node.nodes[4], isBRElement);
expect(node.nodes[5], isComment);
var nodes = [
new HRElement(),
new ImageElement(),
new InputElement()
node.insertAllBefore(nodes, node.nodes[5]);
expect(node.nodes[0], isText);
expect(node.nodes[1], isHRElement);
expect(node.nodes[2], isImageElement);
expect(node.nodes[3], isInputElement);
expect(node.nodes[4], isBRElement);
expect(node.nodes[5], isHRElement);
expect(node.nodes[6], isImageElement);
expect(node.nodes[7], isInputElement);
expect(node.nodes[8], isComment);
group('nodes', () {
test('is a NodeList', () {
expect(makeNodeWithChildren().nodes, isNodeList);
test('indexer', () {
var node = new DivElement();
expect(() {
}, throwsRangeError);
expect(() {
}, throwsRangeError);
test('first', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
expect(node.nodes.first, isText);
node = new DivElement();
expect(() {
node = node.nodes.first;
}, throwsStateError);
test('last', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
expect(node.nodes.last, isComment);
test('forEach', () {
var nodes = [];
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
node.nodes.forEach((n) => nodes.add(n));
expect(nodes[0], isText);
expect(nodes[1], isBRElement);
expect(nodes[2], isComment);
test('where', () {
var filtered =
makeNodeWithChildren().nodes.where((n) => n is BRElement).toList();
expect(filtered.length, 1);
expect(filtered[0], isBRElement);
expect(filtered, isNodeList);
test('every', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
expect(node.nodes.every((n) => n is Node), isTrue);
expect(node.nodes.every((n) => n is Comment), isFalse);
test('any', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
expect(node.nodes.any((n) => n is Comment), isTrue);
expect(node.nodes.any((n) => n is svg.SvgElement), isFalse);
test('isEmpty', () {
expect(makeNode().nodes.isEmpty, isTrue);
expect(makeNodeWithChildren().nodes.isEmpty, isFalse);
test('length', () {
expect(makeNode().nodes.length, 0);
expect(makeNodeWithChildren().nodes.length, 3);
test('[]', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
expect(node.nodes[0], isText);
expect(node.nodes[1], isBRElement);
expect(node.nodes[2], isComment);
test('[]=', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
node.nodes[1] = new Element.tag('hr');
expect(node.nodes[0], isText);
expect(node.nodes[1], isHRElement);
expect(node.nodes[2], isComment);
test('add', () {
var node = makeNode();
node.nodes.add(new Element.tag('hr'));
expect(node.nodes.last, isHRElement);
test('iterator', () {
var nodes = [];
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
for (var subnode in node.nodes) {
expect(nodes[0], isText);
expect(nodes[1], isBRElement);
expect(nodes[2], isComment);
test('addAll', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
new Element.tag('hr'),
new Element.tag('img'),
new Element.tag('input')
expect(node.nodes[0], isText);
expect(node.nodes[1], isBRElement);
expect(node.nodes[2], isComment);
expect(node.nodes[3], isHRElement);
expect(node.nodes[4], isImageElement);
expect(node.nodes[5], isInputElement);
var a = makeNodeWithChildren();
var b = makeNodeWithChildren();
var childrenLength = a.children.length + b.children.length;
var nodesLength = a.nodes.length + b.nodes.length;
expect(b.children.length, 0);
expect(a.children.length, childrenLength);
expect(a.children.length, 0);
expect(b.children.length, childrenLength);
expect(b.nodes.length, 0);
expect(a.nodes.length, nodesLength);
test('insert', () {
var node = new DivElement();
node.nodes.insert(0, new BRElement());
expect(node.nodes[0], isBRElement);
node.nodes.insert(0, new HRElement());
expect(node.nodes[0], isHRElement);
node.nodes.insert(1, new ImageElement());
expect(node.nodes[1], isImageElement);
node.nodes.insert(node.nodes.length, new InputElement());
expect(node.nodes.last, isInputElement);
test('clear', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
expect(node.nodes, []);
test('removeLast', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
expect(node.nodes.removeLast(), isComment);
expect(node.nodes.length, 2);
expect(node.nodes.removeLast(), isBRElement);
expect(node.nodes.length, 1);
test('getRange', () {
var items = makeNodeWithChildren().nodes.getRange(0, 1);
expect(items.length, 1);
expect(items.first, isText);
test('sublist', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
expect(node.nodes.sublist(1, 3), isNodeList);
test('insertAll', () {
var node = makeNodeWithChildren();
var b = new DivElement();
new HRElement(),
new ImageElement(),
new InputElement()
node.nodes.insertAll(1, b.nodes);
expect(node.nodes[0], isText);
expect(node.nodes[1], isHRElement);
expect(node.nodes[2], isImageElement);
expect(node.nodes[3], isInputElement);
expect(node.nodes[4], isBRElement);
expect(node.nodes[5], isComment);
var nodes = [
new HRElement(),
new ImageElement(),
new InputElement()
node.nodes.insertAll(5, nodes);
expect(node.nodes[0], isText);
expect(node.nodes[1], isHRElement);
expect(node.nodes[2], isImageElement);
expect(node.nodes[3], isInputElement);
expect(node.nodes[4], isBRElement);
expect(node.nodes[5], isHRElement);
expect(node.nodes[6], isImageElement);
expect(node.nodes[7], isInputElement);
expect(node.nodes[8], isComment);
var d = new DivElement();
var ns = d.nodes;
// `insertAll` should work when positioned at end.
ns.insertAll(ns.length, [new HRElement()]);
expect(ns.length, 1);
expect(ns[0], isHRElement);
testUnsupported('removeRange', () {
makeNodeWithChildren().nodes.removeRange(0, 1);
testUnsupported('replaceRange', () {
makeNodeWithChildren().nodes.replaceRange(0, 1, [new InputElement()]);
testUnsupported('fillRange', () {
makeNodeWithChildren().nodes.fillRange(0, 1, null);
testUnsupported('setAll', () {
makeNodeWithChildren().nodes.setAll(0, [new InputElement()]);
group('iterating', () {
test('NodeIterator', () {
var root = makeNodeWithChildren();
var nodeIterator = new NodeIterator(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT);
expect(nodeIterator.nextNode(), isComment);
expect(nodeIterator.nextNode(), isNull);
test('TreeWalker', () {
var root = makeNodeWithChildren();
var treeWalker = new TreeWalker(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT);
expect(treeWalker.nextNode(), isComment);
expect(treeWalker.nextNode(), isNull);