Feature: No Such Method Forwarding

Author: eernst@

Status: Under discussion.

Version: 0.3 (2017-10-05)

This document is an informal specification of the support in Dart 2 for invoking noSuchMethod in situations where an attempt is made to invoke a method that does not exist.

The feature described here, no such method forwarding, is a particular approach whereby an implementation of noSuchMethod in a class C causes C to be extended with a set of compiler generated forwarding methods, such that an invocation of any method in the static interface of C will become a regular method invocation, which in turn invokes noSuchMethod.


In Dart 1.x, noSuchMethod will be invoked whenever an attempt is made to call a method that does not exist.

In other words, consider an instance method invocation of a member named m on a receiver o whose class C does not have a member named m (or it has a member named m, but it does not admit the given invocation, e.g., because the number of arguments is wrong). If C declares or inherits an implementation of the method noSuchMethod which is distinct from the one in the built-in class Object, the properties of the invocation are specified using an instance i of Invocation, and noSuchMethod is then invoked with i as the actual argument. Among other things, i specifies whether the invocation was a method call or an invocation of a getter or a setter, and it specifies which actual arguments were passed.

One difficulty with this design is that it requires developers to take both method invocations and getter invocations into account, in order to support a given method using noSuchMethod:

class Foo {
  foo(x) {}

class MockFoo implements Foo {
  // PS: Make sure that a tear-off of `_mockFoo` has the same type
  // as a tear-off of `Foo.foo`.
  _mockFoo(x) {
    // ... implement mock behavior for `foo` here.

  noSuchMethod(Invocation i) {
    if (i.memberName == #foo) {
      if (i.isMethod &&
          i.positionalArguments.length == 1 &&
          i.namedArguments.isEmpty) {
        return _mockFoo(i.positionalArguments[0]);
      } else if (i.isGetter) {
        return _mockFoo;
    return super.noSuchMethod(i);

The reason why the type of a tear-off of _mockFoo should be the same as the type of a tear-off of foo is that the former should be able to emulate the properties of the latter faithfully, including the response it gives rise to when subjected to type tests, either explicitly or implicitly.

Obviously, this is verbose, tedious, and difficult to maintain if the claimed superinterfaces (implements ...) in the mock class introduce a large number of methods with complex signatures. It is particularly inconvenient if the mock behavior is simple and largely independent of all those types.

The no such method forwarding approach eliminates much of this tedium by means of compiler-generated forwarding methods corresponding to all the unimplemented methods. The example could then be expressed as follows:

class Foo {
  foo(x) {}

class MockFoo implements Foo {
  noSuchMethod(Invocation i) {
    if (i.memberName == #foo) {
      if (i.isMethod &&
          i.positionalArguments.length == 1 &&
          i.namedArguments.isEmpty) {
        // ... implement mock behavior for `foo` here.
    return super.noSuchMethod(i);

With no such method forwarding, this causes a foo forwarding method to be generated, with the signature declared in Foo and with the necessary code to create and initialize a suitable Invocation which will be passed to noSuchMethod.


This feature does not include any grammar modifications.

Static Analysis

We say that a class C has a non-trivial noSuchMethod if C declares or inherits a non-abstract method named noSuchMethod which is distinct from the declaration in the built-in class Object.

Note that such a declaration cannot be a getter or setter, and it must accept one positional argument of type Invocation, due to the requirement that it must correctly override the declaration of noSuchMethod in Object.

We introduce the notion of methods which are ‘considered to be implemented’. These methods are exactly the ones that we will generate forwarders for, except that we keep the language slightly more abstract, such that the ability to use a different implementation technique remains open. During static analysis, “considering” these methods to be implemented allows the enclosing class to be non-abstract, with no errors.

If a non-abstract class C has a non-trivial noSuchMethod, C is considered to declare an implementation for each method, getter, and setter which is a member of C's interface, unless C declares or inherits an implementation of it.

Note that it is a compile-time error if a class C has multiple superinterfaces with a member named m, declared by declarations D1 .. Dk, and there is no declaration of m in C, and there is no declaration among D1 .. Dk which is a correct override of every declaration in D1 .. Dk. In other words, we ignore the situation where a class is considered to implement a member m, but the signature of m is ambiguous, because it is based on a set of declarations that does not contain a “most specific” element: That situation is an error, so we do not need to handle it.

It is a compile-time error if C is considered to declare an implementation of a method declaration D, and such an implementation would override an inherited non-abstract declaration.

This can only happen if the given implementation satisfies some, but not all requirements. In the example below, a foo(int i) implementation is inherited and a superinterface declares foo([int i]). This is a compile-time error because it would be error prone to generate a forwarder in C which will silently override an implementation which “almost” satisfies the requirement in the superinterface.

class A {
  foo(int i) => null;

abstract class B {
  foo([int i]);

class C extends A implements B {
  noSuchMethod(Invocation i) => ...;
  // Error on `foo`: Forwarder would override `A.foo`.

This error can be eliminated by adding a disambiguating abstract method declaration to C for foo.

// class A and B are unchanged from the previous example.

class C extends A implements B {
  noSuchMethod(Invocation i) => ...;
  foo([int i]); // No ambiguity; will forward to `noSuchMethod`.

Note that it is not a compile-time error if C is considered to declare an implementation of a method declaration D, and such an implementation would override an inherited declaration with the same name that some superclass is considered to have. In other words, it is OK for a generated forwarder to override another generated forwarder.

Note that when a class C is considered to declare an implementation of a given member, it allows superinvocations in subclasses.

abstract class D { baz(); }
class E implements D {}
class F extends E { baz() { super.baz(); }} // OK

Dynamic Semantics

Consider a program P that contains a non-abstract class C which has a non-trivial noSuchMethod, and for which some methods, getters, or setters m1 .. mk are considered to be implemented, as defined in the previous section.

This means that m1 .. mk are present in the interface of C, but they do not have an implementation, except for special cases like when the implementation is a generated forwarder in a superclass of C which is not a correct override of the method in the interface of C.

The semantics of P is then such that it behaves as if C had been modified by adding declarations of m1 .. mk with the signatures declared in the interface of C, and with an implementation of each member mj. That implementation will invoke noSuchMethod on this with an Invocation as argument which specifies the bindings of the formal parameters to the actual arguments, and indicates whether mj is a method, getter, or setter.

This ensures, relying on the heap soundness and expression soundness of Dart (which ensures that every expression of type T will evaluate to an entity of type T), that all statically type safe invocations will invoke regular method implementations, user-written or generated. In other words, with statically checked calls there is no need for dynamic support for noSuchMethod at all.

The generated forwarding methods behave in the same way as user-written method declarations. For instance, dynamic type checks are performed on the actual arguments when the corresponding formal parameter is covariant. A generated forwarding method may have optional arguments with default values. Given that there is always exactly one user-written signature which is selected to be the signature of the forwarding method, these default values are uniquely determined, and they work the same way as default values do in a user-written method.

For a dynamic invocation of a member m on a receiver o that has a non-trivial noSuchMethod, the semantics is such that an attempt to invoke m with the given actual arguments (including possibly some type arguments) is made at first; if that fails (because o has no implementation of m which can be invoked with the given argument list shape, be it a regular method or a generated forwarder) noSuchMethod is invoked with an actual argument which is an Invocation describing the actual arguments and invocation.

This implies that dynamic invocations on receivers having a non-trivial noSuchMethod will simply invoke the forwarders whenever possible. Similarly, the “automatic” support for tearing off a method in the static interface of the receiver which is not implemented, but supported via noSuchMethod and a generated forwarder will still work for dynamic invocations, as well as static ones.

The only remaining situation is when a dynamic invocation invokes a method which is not present in the static interface of the receiver, or when a method with that name is present, but its signature does not allow for the given invocation (e.g., because there are too few positional arguments). In this situation, the regular instance method invocation has failed (there is no such regular method, and no such generated forwarder). Such a dynamic invocation must then dynamically determine whether the given receiver has a non-trivial noSuchMethod and invoke it, rather than just invoking the behavior of noSuchMethod in Object immediately (that is, throwing a NoSuchMethodError). In this situation, noSuchMethod must also support both method invocations and tear-offs, because there is no generated forwarder to do that.

This approach may incur a certain performance penalty, but only for these invocations (which are dynamic, and have already failed to invoke an existing method, regular or generated).

In return, this approach enforces the following simple invariant, for both statically checked and dynamic invocations: Whenever an instance method is invoked, and no such method exists, noSuchMethod will be invoked.

Note that this allows dynamic code to support types that have conflicting signatures. For instance, it would be possible to create a class having a non-trivial noSuchMethod that accepts dynamic invocations corresponding to having both a getter int get foo and a method int foo(), even though that could never be achieved for the actual interface of the class of an instance. This will allow dynamic code to be more generic than typed code could be, of course, at the expense of being forced to remain dynamically typed as long as these conflicting interfaces are used together.


  • Oct 5th 2017, version 0.3: Clarified that generated forwarders must pass an Invocation to noSuchMethod which specifies the bindings of formal arguments to actual arguments. Clarified the treatment of default values for optional arguments.

  • Sep 20th 2017, version 0.2: Many smaller adjustments, based on review feedback.

  • Sep 18th 2017, version 0.1: Created the first version of this document.