blob: 3b89a88a8f472e2ddcbac5367dbadb8ab3979cd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/* This file defines the module loader for the dart runtime.
var dart_library;
if (!dart_library) {
dart_library =
typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports || {};
(function (dart_library) {
'use strict';
/** Note that we cannot use dart_utils.throwInternalError from here. */
function throwLibraryError(message) {
throw Error(message);
const dartLibraryName = Symbol('dartLibraryName');
dart_library.dartLibraryName = dartLibraryName;
const libraryImports = Symbol('libraryImports');
dart_library.libraryImports = libraryImports;
// Module support. This is a simplified module system for Dart.
// Longer term, we can easily migrate to an existing JS module system:
// ES6, AMD, RequireJS, ....
class LibraryLoader {
constructor(name, defaultValue, imports, loader) {
this._name = name;
this._library = defaultValue ? defaultValue : {};
this._imports = imports;
this._loader = loader;
// Cyclic import detection
this._state = LibraryLoader.NOT_LOADED;
loadImports() {
let results = [];
for (let name of this._imports) {
let lib = libraries.get(name);
if (!lib) {
throwLibraryError('Library not available: ' + name);
return results;
load() {
// Check for cycles
if (this._state == LibraryLoader.LOADING) {
throwLibraryError('Circular dependence on library: '
+ this._name);
} else if (this._state >= LibraryLoader.READY) {
return this._library;
this._state = LibraryLoader.LOADING;
// Handle imports
let args = this.loadImports();
// Load the library
this._loader.apply(null, args);
this._state = LibraryLoader.READY;
this._library[dartLibraryName] = this._name;
this._library[libraryImports] = this._imports;
return this._library;
stub() {
return this._library;
LibraryLoader.NOT_LOADED = 0;
LibraryLoader.LOADING = 1;
LibraryLoader.READY = 2;
// Map from name to LibraryLoader
let libraries = new Map();
dart_library.libraries = function() { return libraries.keys(); };
dart_library.debuggerLibraries = function() {
var debuggerLibraries = [];
libraries.forEach(function (value, key, map) {
debuggerLibraries.__proto__ = null;
return debuggerLibraries;
function library(name, defaultValue, imports, loader) {
let result = libraries.get(name);
if (result) {
console.warn('Already loaded ' + name);
return result;
result = new LibraryLoader(name, defaultValue, imports, loader);
libraries.set(name, result);
return result;
dart_library.library = library;
function import_(libraryName) {
let loader = libraries.get(libraryName);
// TODO(vsm): A user might call this directly from JS (as we do in tests).
// We may want a different error type.
if (!loader) throwLibraryError('Library not found: ' + libraryName);
return loader.load();
dart_library.import = import_;
var _currentIsolate = false;
function start(moduleName, libraryName) {
if (libraryName == null) libraryName = moduleName;
let library = import_(moduleName)[libraryName];
let dart_sdk = import_('dart_sdk');
if (!_currentIsolate) {
// Create isolate and run main.
_currentIsolate = true;
dart_sdk._isolate_helper.startRootIsolate(library.main, []);
} else {
// Main isolate is already initialized - just run main.
dart_library.start = start;
let _bootstrapped = false;
function bootstrap() {
if (_bootstrapped) return;
_bootstrapped = true;
// Force import of core.
var dart_sdk = import_('dart_sdk');
// TODO(vsm): Move this to a shared location:
if (typeof NodeList !== "undefined") {
// TODO(vsm): Do we still need these?
NodeList.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; };
NamedNodeMap.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; };
DOMTokenList.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; };
HTMLCollection.prototype.get = function(i) { return this[i]; };
// Expose constructors for DOM types dart:html needs to assume are
// available on window.
if (typeof PannerNode == "undefined") {
let audioContext;
if (typeof AudioContext == "undefined" &&
(typeof webkitAudioContext != "undefined")) {
audioContext = new webkitAudioContext();
} else {
audioContext = new AudioContext();
window.StereoPannerNode =
window.PannerNode = audioContext.createPanner().constructor;
if (typeof AudioSourceNode == "undefined") {
window.AudioSourceNode = MediaElementAudioSourceNode.constructor;
if (typeof FontFaceSet == "undefined") {
window.FontFaceSet = document.fonts.__proto__.constructor;
if (typeof MemoryInfo == "undefined") {
if (typeof window.performance.memory != "undefined") {
window.MemoryInfo = window.performance.memory.constructor;
if (typeof Geolocation == "undefined") {
if (typeof Animation == "undefined") {
let d = document.createElement('div');
if (typeof d.animate != "undefined") {
window.Animation = d.animate(d).constructor;
if (typeof SourceBufferList == "undefined") {
window.SourceBufferList = new MediaSource().sourceBuffers.constructor;
// This import is only needed for chrome debugging. We should provide an
// option to compile without it.